What countries is socialism or communism working in today? Why should the more talented, smarter and harder working not be rewarded more for producing more than you?
We don't live in a fucking meritocracy right now you utter trad dipshit.
Is that you in the photo? How much they pay you for that?
They should infact.
Are wall street brokers, ceo's, kim kardashian, people who inherent daddy's company more hard working than who?
do you think Bill Gates and Zuckerberg earned their billions?
Read a book.
Read this you Jewish π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§Angloπ¬π§π¬π§π¬π§ Nigger.
you are right we don't live in a meritocracy. Affirmative action keeps that from happening.
So in a socialist or communist collective the smarter, more talented, harder working get more? All the people you listed you are either jealous of their parents for being successful or they are just harder working than you and/or smarter than you.
Sounds about right. Class traitor.
Nobody on Holla Forums is actually going to college, particularly you
They're useless cunts.
Bill Gates got to where he was at through the backs of every other computing discovery and ruined someone's life. If that's what it takes to be smarter, than fuck the "intelligent".
do you think Soros earned his fortunes for crashing pound?
Besides he simply plagiarized the windows desktop from Apple.
They are smarter and more resourceful than you.
How many times does "this isn't a meritocracy" have to be forced down your throat like your father's cock
I agree, we should reward people according to how hard-working they are. That way, we can finally accept Pakistani textile workers and South African platinum miners as our overlords.
Why should anyone be rewarded for something they were born with and had no control over? Sounds like social-darwinism to me.
Then why do third-world laborers live in squalor while worthless American socialite sit on a stash of gold?
Cue the 'work smarter not harder' copout
Nice adhominem response
Yes, but that more is not money, properties or material "wealth".
I'm alright with the parents I have
Maybe more than me, not even sure about that. Sure not harder than many others who tonight are gonna sleep in their car
I got a pretty high Autism Level, maybe they are more sneaky Idk. I listed jokers mostly so I'm pretty sure I'm smarter
Some people aren't very intelligent but work their asses off to make a simple plan or business work wonderfully. Some people are very intelligent but are lazy and do nothing and get resentful and stay poor. Use what you are born with to the fullest. Some people think they should get payed the same amount of money because they studied transgender basket weaving, though it has no real world use, as a doctor. The stupid and lazy want the government to give them gibs for the least effort possible. Face it, you are not as smart as others or as talented as others and that's why you want socialism/communism. It's out of pure jealousy. That and you are probably suffering from a cluster B personality disorder.
Suck me off cunt
What do you do for a living?
ah yeah we've never heard that one before
please consider terminating your life asap
More work than Holla Forums has done in at least 7 years.
Look at this class cuck proud of being oppressed by porky. I'm a proud NEET. I get paid to sit at home. Jelly?
None. Socialism has yet to exist.
Conservatives simultaneously want to be iconoclasts & pariahs who aren't afraid to say what needs to be said, but also hate being lonely.
I am more talented, smarter and harder working than my boss but he gets more money than me.
own a micro business and day trade.
It's amazing how those who can't compete just complain all the time. No one owes you anything. I would laugh but how pathetic you all are for wanting others to bare more so you can feel equal is sickening. I'm sorry you may be smart but lazy, not my problem. I'm sorry you are low Autism Level and think a simple job like stocking shelves should get you as much as an engineer, not my problem. I'm sorry you are all mentally ill, I will gladly check you into an insane asylum so you are no longer a threat to yourselves or society.
the Ivory Tower of micro trading lmao
leave your bullshit stories for some limpdick fash cucks
I weld gas pipes for a living, and I know for sure that I don't need any of my direct superiors for production to continue
I don't need quality control fucks, who earn the same as me, but do fuck all
only ultrasound quality control is needed, but operators should be paid for what they are, monkeys pushing buttons
I don't need psychology smartass chick who thinks I have a problem because I'm not married or in a relationship
I don't need any of them, but they need ME
my blood fucking boils every time I go to the office and see these fuckers sitting there playing video games, eating, chit chatting et cetera
So you admit your position is based on how much you compete and screw others rather then how efficient or productive to society you are or how objectivly the quality of your product is.
One day, comrade. One day.