ello leftypol
i am a teacher at a school and soon will be teaching a tech class. Was wondering if i could create a democratic classroom away from the dictatorship from a regular classroom.
any ideas would be appreciated!
Democratic classroom
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What kind of school? Primary/elementary? Highschool? Re-entry for adults completing high school? I would not recommend putting things to the vote for the first two. Primary school children are way too immature to understand it and it'll just cause drama for them as they fight in the class over who voted for what. High schoolers are far too emotionally immature to handle completely free voting too, IMO. I say keep a firm hand but also keep a dialogue with your students on what they'd like improved.
Check out Francesc Ferrer i Guardia's "Escuela Moderna" and the resultant "Modern Schools" across the world.
There's also the later development of the "anarchistic free school"
Stirner worked as a school teacher for a long time and wrote a whole book called "The False Principles Of Our Education".
voting =/= democracy =/= freedom
they will be year 7 and 8 students
this is a complicated topic. if you need to go on an imageboard to ask for "any ideas" it will be an awful failure. think about it beforehand, and by yourself.
my apologies i am new to imageboards
Stop being such an edgelord.
Secret ballot?
Have you read John Dewey's books on education? There is a compact between students and teacher and you cannot just give up learning to the students while you also cannot force students to learn. Having good strategies addressing the material needs of your students is also important, are they going to be tired or have a lot of energy? Is class at the start or end of the day? Is this a subject they are familiar with or is it new? I would actually suggest finding a mentor who can help you develop lesson plans rather than open up such questions to an anonymous imageboard.
No u
encourage creative, critical thinking
maintain equality of intelligence, but not of will
do not tell them the truth, or even lead them to truth, but encourage them to use their own faculties to seek truth
Read this: >>>/freedu/1729
This is explicitly anti revolutionary
No children are to young, and dumb to vote. They will vote for less work which will harm them in the long run.
don’t do it.
Highly recommended for students and teachers alike.
Hilarious, you'll be to busy dealing with the anti-social elements due to single parents and other 'elements' to give a fuck about any of that bar helping the odd couple of bright students.
This is probably the best book I've read because of Holla Forums
What' so good about it?
I just like the topic and it's well written.
Ask the class what about tech they want to learn about. Then learn what they want to learn.
DFSNS seems very innovative in how they're going about teaching
That's not really how politics work. A world without bosses and owners will still have leaders.
What the fuck
There is no real need for democratizing the classroom, because the teacher-student relationship is one of the few areas in which hierarchy can be justified. It is justified because the inequality (in knowledge) between them dissolves itself in the act of teaching; the imbalance of knowledge is slowly reduced through education until the student knows all that the teacher can teach them, at which point they can be considered equals and the hierarchy is dissolved.
So you shold know there's always be people trying to take down anything for the sake of it. Just an heads up.
Stop spreading lies, faggot.
is joke, user
Raid bump.
Google sudbury education model.
It's about the possibility of your intellectual emancipation and how the current education system stultifies all of us.
Wow. You're not much of an anarchist, are you?