♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

The Threader That Was Promised Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


i love sweet potatoes

can i have a taste?

Attached: _CRCjGEc9IQ2qbTn.webm (1280x720, 953.31K)

Cute tbh

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Attached: .jpg (452x994, 69.79K)

I know that websites need revenue to keep running but I still hate when they ask me to disable my ad blocker for them. Like, fuck off, I can't trust any of you shitters not to have sound, video or pop-ups.

Attached: 2dc306eb1f90bd08df5476884da344e9e0c61e06c4349d03ab9ef74308fa3dc5.jpg (900x638, 124.03K)

fucking sankaku

Whats happend?

Attached: .jpg (1950x1200, 351.12K)

chan.sankakucomplex.com , often shortened to sankakucomplex or just sankaku, a website which I get anime pictures from forces the user to disable their adblock, and I was expressing my discontent for this in response to

It's a kick in the bits, right?

indeed it is

Attached: mpv-shot0055.jpg (1920x1080, 153.92K)

They get money for advertising, money go on servers payment, ofk they would fight with adblock fags

Attached: .jpg (736x1200, 191.76K)

Well yeah, but 41 (96%) requests on a page shouldn't be ads :^)

I don't mind disabling my adblocker if the ads are tasteful and unobtrusive, conditions which are not met by sankaku

Depends of creators greed :^)

Dude, it's free site, you don't pay money to download pictures from it.You don't have rights to require anything on it

Attached: .jpg (1068x1200, 197.16K)

Hutzpa confirmed for commie trash.

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Works on my machine just fine

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Hello friends!

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9/11 was de inside hologramsd

I probably need take a sleep a bit, goodnight

Attached: .jpg (908x960, 119.61K)

No, it was bad Jenga players

Whatchu doin'?

Attached: 1520794656358.jpg (1396x2048, 228.43K)

Someone wanna trade weather? I'm getting sick of rain.

Attached: f57716a9c0adb6b9eee81c066ea1e571.jpg (708x1000, 532.72K)

theres a trans girl at my work
looks like im getting canned
only one trans kid per movie theatre and theyve reached their allotment

I'm pretty sure that isn't how that works.

idk about that but it was definitely orchestrated by the Jews


this guy made $4.55 billion from the 9/11 attacks

he usually had breakfast on the top floor of the WTC

but his wife reminded him of a doctor's appointment he had on the exact date the buildings would collapse...

COINCIDENCE?! idk. idfk.

Sure, I'm getting sick of snow.

Attached: 67639913_p0 - 喵喵耳机.jpg (2480x2480, 1.77M)

But have they their quota of "CUTIE PIES" without you? I DONT THINKS SO bweheheheheh

That's even worse!

Attached: 1b02095fea3a39cdca01a2a67321beab.jpg (1200x916, 584.3K)

Hanging with george and muz, what are you doin?

Attached: dia52.png (639x558, 26.35K)

Funny that, Hu hates rain too.
I can't get enough tbh. Wanna come live inna desert? I'll trade you.

Attached: 1520822185995.jpg (700x990, 401.37K)

What's a muz?
Waiting for my brother to leave so I can go get food.

Attached: 1520797565922.jpg (700x990, 293.81K)

back 2 work bye bye

GL! 'ave fun

My bestest friend sonnemuz >:)
What kind of food.~

Attached: dia35.png (1280x1587, 1.4M)

Tell sonnemuz that Test is dead. Baka.

Attached: 1515102257131.png (1619x1616, 1.08M)

Too late, you already agreed to it.

Attached: 67667647_p0 - 冠ちゃん.png (1000x1102, 297.94K)

Oh you'll get enough once your coat is soaked every day. And your hair is fucked too. If desert means sun, I'll take it.

Haven't signed anything. Verbal contracts doesn't count.

Attached: f488c9a14e5023134d0b43f7e46b2fd6.png (2000x1018, 1.02M)

Too bad, it was written :^)

Attached: 67554778_p0 - 水着ノコ.png (708x1024, 624.26K)

o, i c, noice noice.
No fuckin' idea yet really.

God damn, that sounds fuckin' awesome.
It's southern Arizona bro, there's no escaping the sun.

Attached: 1519909359338.png (1088x1048, 1.08M)

Like I said, haven't signed anything.

I want a steady ~20 degrees celsius and I'm happy.

Attached: 2a9c3e92c0ba5cca9360a6a00123ff77.png (2508x3541, 4.66M)

Double that and add 8 or so, and you have an average summer here.

Attached: 1520761111013.jpg (1280x720, 82.36K)

Sign deez nuts

Attached: 67671519_p0 - エリちゃん.png (1417x2000, 2.93M)

Too much!

You'd like that wouldn't you, you slut.

Attached: 1396af1e65b2e83f26d2764fb5644bea.png (1341x1896, 2.23M)

Yeah, kind

Attached: 67702382_p0 - 鹿島さん@HJフィギュアリスペクト.jpg (732x1200, 263.37K)



Attached: a6571ee9ddfb779f6293a171de9f9bb611b792b0.jpg (606x1200, 754.95K)

Not a bad enough dude?

Attached: 1520844007184.jpg (755x800, 381.9K)

fighting layer EX is the ultimate kusoge

i want blondie

Too bad

Definitely not bad enough to tolerate 40 degrees or more.

Attached: 1506504375056.png (707x260, 153.99K)

I want to suck the bone marrow out of Yan

Attached: Asakura Ryouko.gif (800x450, 697.47K)

I want a blonde girl.

Attached: 1520798730084.jpg (800x1132, 357.13K)

I thought you liked boys.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

Girly boys

So feminine penis?

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

I want a blonde girl(♂).

Attached: 1520797043759.jpg (638x902, 466.03K)

I'm gonnya cry.

Attached: 67685411_p0 - チノちゃんの.jpg (1300x862, 907.13K)

The most delicate

Attached: TheSecondChild0022.png (1231x814, 1.26M)

friendly reminder that all babies in purgatory were deleted by the pope

new game + exists but only if you buy the season pass

You want to be a blonde girl?

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)


Yeah, sure, why not.


Attached: 1517406392971.png (1280x894, 755.66K)


Attached: a2f9fd80b541ded77eddca4dc16a458a.jpg (1500x1500, 254.3K)

Blonde girls are overrated though, Spectre!

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

Ayy u rite. Black is actually where it's at.

Attached: 114.png (1006x2000, 1.82M)

Because you're bullying me.

Attached: 67678175_p0 - 【fantia宣伝】生意気うーちゃんにおしおき.jpg (1381x1915, 1.67M)

I hope you don't mean black skin.

But I think red hair is best hair.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

Oh, you're that kind of guy.

Attached: 1516236891328.jpg (534x737, 46.09K)

I like my bitches with freckles from head to toe.

Attached: download.jpg (236x214, 7.36K)


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Illegal art.

Attached: sample-fe43c20e81944607e36819fd0be1d74b.jpg (707x1000, 109.41K)

What the heck?

Attached: 67628880_p0 - 春の三日月.jpg (1155x1678, 248.36K)

Yeah, I think I've seen you post something like that before.

Attached: 1463851146083.jpg (1023x678, 174.81K)

Yea I post a lot of it. Also the second girl from the right has a but if cushion for the pushin'.

Attached: Small_fe0a3a_6182298.gif (500x281, 136.18K)

just the right kinda thicc

Attached: 1518897460552.jpg (1080x1350, 90.25K)

I think the one on the far right would look better. Can't see too well though being a profile shot.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

You cannot censor me


Attached: 3b900f3130acdbe8c7a52e9521190183.jpg (600x1100, 270.89K)

2 short

Attached: Kathy-Ferreiro-3.png (1080x1349, 1.34M)

hey Emma

Attached: 28870785_1839319972747824_4769698492312453120_n.jpg (768x960, 63.69K)

No such thing.

Attached: download.jpg (236x214, 7.36K)

Might as well just change your name from lewd to porn. Jeez.

Attached: 5d0d9385e6f2da5ac6a3674dddb00111.jpg (500x708, 75.98K)

Confirmed for short-stacks fetish?

Attached: 1500756119881.jpg (907x1280, 358.7K)

You're happy you're bullying me?


Attached: 67686946_p0 - モモチたまて.png (1131x1600, 829.47K)

That might be a little short. But only a little. I had to girl from high school I knew that was 4 foot 10. I wanted to bang her so bad.

But now she is also like a sister to me, so that's incest too. Double whammy.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

Attached: fumi306.png (427x547, 246.38K)

I could but I probably won't

Where am I bullying?

Attached: 61354813_p0.jpg (848x1200, 160.04K)


Attached: 1502418129946.png (583x855, 428.87K)

She is actually going to be coming back to town next month and wants to hang out. And she is getting out of a relationship. Perfect time for a bump bump.

Attached: captain-kirk-found-a-new-alien-species-must-fuck-it-for-science.jpg (400x400, 29.42K)

This wasn't a request. Change your name.

Attached: 633789731bba9482c5497847e9567876.png (800x565, 249.53K)

Lucky you.

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Yeah? Or else what, little boy?

Attached: 67184640_p0.png (1032x1543, 1.26M)

Guillermo Del Toro really captured lightning in a bottle with the shape of water

amazing how it can be Oscar bait because of it's themes but it's also a rallying cry for sick fish-fucking degenerates

Attached: waifuislaifu.jpg (900x800, 209.19K)

I would really be surprised if she has ever thought of me that way.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

She probably hasn't, you have no chance.

Attached: 1513101910056.png (551x816, 483.57K)

Literally everywhere!

Attached: 67690602_p1 - おしゃまなコアクマのおしゃまどころじゃない内側.jpg (1000x1399, 1.03M)

Attached: pepsi cola.webm (1024x576, 1.89M)

damn, now I have to spew a load for venti


Wow you're really a swell friend, boy howdy.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

Anytime bro, I'm here 4 u.

Attached: 1510855796142.jpg (1200x1540, 271.78K)

Don't be so sensitive!

Attached: e818d9026cd138b06decadfc86d81811.jpg (600x980, 199.32K)

Just for that I'm gonna fuck her and you so about it.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

And tell you all about it. Fuck my phone is broked.

I'll have to elevate from breaking your fingers and cutting off your tongue to giving you the reservoir dog treatment.

Attached: A gift from a gay boy.png (2560x1440, 2.22M)

Attached: Brittany ayy lmao venti 9333940.webm (800x452, 7.81M)


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That's very nice dear.

Attached: 893dee8208d581c9d98bc81c6b91f032.png (675x1200, 356K)

I kinda of miss kaceytron.

Oh I'll fucking do it, faggot!

Oh, also, I took her older sister to prom.

I'm finally awake and I had sushi and mai tais for breakfast

/adulting blog

Attached: You can't have your chunnibyou and eat it too.png (512x288, 157.44K)

You won't be saying that when you're missing an ear.

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Hey there, sunshine!

Oh I'll do fucking show you!

Yea it was pretty lame.

I've been depressed sleeping most of the day tbh

I can't just change the way I am!

Attached: 67684316_p0 - セーラー服で決め.jpg (800x1130, 694.75K)

Nothing is going to happen to my ears, though?

Attached: b06c54d0463bc3618c33f8cf6b32cc96.jpg (982x1412, 772.42K)

You better! Better be a fuckin' POV movie, swear.

I bet, though I didn't even go to graduation let alone prom.

Attached: 1520870608880.jpg (724x1024, 106.72K)

I'm going to cut it off, remember?

Attached: Shinobu 62.jpg (563x800, 409.36K)

You stop being depressed this instant, young lady!

You just want to see my super short friend taking it! No!

Yea I wish I didn't have to prom. Had to go to graduation though. Also went to military balls for jrotc, but those were fun. Got to get all decked out in dress blues and looking good. There is something about wearing a suit and tie that I enjoy.

Attached: 4b781e9ca87207e037f48873515d019e--so-cute-wild-animals.jpg (700x733, 56.3K)

Hi Mandy.

Maybe I have to change then

It? So you're just going to cut off one ear?
What kinda silly are you?

Attached: af93adf0d4fae45677c0b8a0d33020b3.jpg (723x1023, 125.8K)

What's got you feeling blue, my morning dew?

Yeah, you stink of sweat you stinker

Attached: 67633468_p0 - 島村卯月 園児服.jpg (1308x2105, 311.65K)

idk just one of those days. it's better now that I'm drunk and high lmao

big snow day tomorrow too, so I'm prolly gonna be all artistic and do a snow-serpent since it'll be my last snow basically.

Attached: we're gonna die.png (290x367, 140.45K)

Sorry Maddie. Least sushi is good.

Ffffuark, I've been found out!

Dress blues are gay though. Actually, any Class A and Bs are ghey, and I hate them.

Attached: 1519909359338.png (1088x1048, 1.08M)

What's a snow serpent?

What? But that's what happened in the movie.

Attached: Shinobu 193.jpg (708x1000, 229.03K)

It's fine. Yeah, they were perfecto. We got eggrolls, the peking raviolis and just some casual-ass spicy boston rolls and maitais.

A sea serpent sculpted from wet, heavy snow.

Infinitely superior than a snowman.

Attached: I wonder.png (332x331, 180.68K)

What? You're gay! Class C's just made you look like a dweeb. Well class B's make you look like a dweeb. But C's were lame. Give me BDUs or class As any day. I even still have my rank, ribbons and medals.

Can't be me, I showered a few hours back.

I have not watched it

Attached: 1519556857821.png (1024x576, 415.35K)

Will you take a picture for me when you make it? I'd be ok if you were part of it too...

What's in/on a Boston roll?

Fuk u. BDUs are COMF as FUCK. I regret getting rid of my desert cammies. Would have made just nice hiking and outdoors equip. ...if I still did any of that on a regular basis that is.

Attached: 1519898604648.jpg (345x401, 68.6K)

Your clothes stink though

Attached: 67632344_p0 - 猫宮ひなた.png (700x1274, 557.15K)

Uncultured swine.

Attached: Shinobu 19.png (536x600, 248.97K)

I have my forest camo BDUs from high school. Even have the fucking patches and nametapes still on them. I never wear the jacket but have worn the pants for hiking and running and shit a lot.


-squeaks at Stoat-chan!-

I'm not wearing any

That's rich coming from an aussie

Attached: 64886310_p0.png (675x983, 468.62K)

ERDL is a really cool pat. Ian from Forgotten wep. wears those for the same reason a lot.

I'm off to play MW:LL, see you Mandy!

Attached: Thinking.jpg (411x452, 118.02K)


Take care, bud.


I think it's crab or something idek we just always get them and they're not awul like sea urchin lmao

Attached: chuu.png (600x576, 238.56K)

^-^ -pets the long cat-


Hey squash.

And I expect child like happiness and excitement when you're playing in the snow!

Boston rolls are supposed to have shrimp and cucumber

Not really my thing, but eh

You aren't making sense here.

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Attached: 67691890_p0 - 神風ちゃんバニー.png (1000x1611, 1.13M)

Sonata will do that

sit boy

Good evening, Mandy.

Attached: T.jpg (235x439, 50.2K)

Yeah, it's shrimp and fish roe on cucumbers. We get the spicy mayo on it too cause we like spicy.

I'll try my bestest but I really am not a fan of snow.

Whatchu up to?

Attached: dank meme.png (295x295, 41.55K)

I'm honestly considering more sleep.

Attached: 6.png (224x279, 78.76K)

lay down

So it seems...

How's the day?

Well enjoy it while you can! It's all half naked clothes and booty shorts here already.

Just laying here drunk and drowsy. Getting really tired of work.

I have work later though.

I just woke up so I can't say.

Attached: 1371337338724.png (403x379, 58.87K)

Please tell me you've ordered that before.

I'm so sorry

Attached: oh no.jpg (236x297, 7.38K)

It's fine.
The people next door are always yelling so it's hard to sleep.

Attached: Bury the bodies.jpg (326x171, 48.26K)

lol naruto
borutos dad

Too soft and sensitive. I'll smell you later, smelly.

Attached: 62697797_p0_master1200.jpg (502x702, 249.21K)

Shame, I'm about to pass out I think.

Aww. Sleep well.

Attached: 23423623.jpg (138x140, 9.17K)

just write "get out" in red paint every day in a different place inside their house

it's a great idea
and you can't change my mind

Attached: i0UKj2P.jpg (655x640, 28.15K)

hewwo n good evenin

I'm squishy

nini uwu

Attached: 67549014_p0 - 姉弟子.jpg (1703x2208, 409.85K)

What about an aussie

Attached: Shinobu 124.jpg (827x1169, 450.63K)

-stares at long cat curiously. Doesn't understand why he didn't like being petted- :


Attached: Eyebrows175.png (589x728, 262.88K)

how's it GOIN

Attached: Doubt.jpg (144x194, 34.64K)

opening the cabinet to get some cereal or something

big red dripping "GET OUT" written in what looks like blood

Attached: kEnRP6f.jpg (570x640, 23K)

Where mah good gigs at!?

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2371.png (540x300, 66.16K)

It's going.

Attached: Eyebrows103.png (838x629, 200.63K)

Ya ever too sleepy to get in bed? Like, it would ache to lie down?

Attached: elsanna tumblr_oxma3geYfg1v9rlgwo1_1280.png (669x637, 316.12K)

I want to sleep. But the prospect of Les Mis is keeping me up.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2419.png (620x868, 1.11M)

here in orlando april 15th

yeah thats a stinky situation

le$ miz

Doob, is it the big movie or a play?

Mhm. Grodie.
Also, hi!

Attached: elsanna-kill-la-kill-frozen-crossovers-elsa-anna.jpg (1500x1590, 470.2K)

WHat giggo is that? GIMME GIMME

Play... maybe

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective0011.gif (330x194, 489.95K)

how have u been

machinegirl is playing orlando again
im excite

Attached: 2018-03-09_06-30-21.png (590x956, 656.84K)

Sounds like for a time for cuddles.

lol no?

I don't like Naruto.

Attached: Baroness.png (419x600, 216.81K)


The usual.

Attached: elsanna 49034 90430943 904309.png (1024x842, 495.69K)

Hope you're doing well, Miss Maddie.

Attached: elsanna 43 8 8 89 8 987 945 53.gif (500x708, 139.36K)

Oh! That would be really cool! I am looking at gigs because of my heartbreak at not going to 30stm.
I mean, Fever Ray and The Wonder Years are doing gigs, i could if I wanted to just be a absolute tw@ get some Tay tickets. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.

It'd be nice, go down for the day, watch a show, stay the night, train home.
Maybe I should be responsible.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2380.png (720x678, 699.68K)

Scoot, you're responsible all the time.
Why not have a night of fun if you can afford it? :3

Attached: elsanna 09409 490904 409409349035843 43 435.jpg (640x640, 76.56K)

cute pic

and that sounds like it stinks
i hope soon you can move past that situation x.x

i'm sure something will work out eventually and youll see da cool band play the cool things
and itll be nice

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-28-20.jpg (1920x1080, 985.85K)

I cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooould.... OwO

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why is Hifume best grill, or however its spelt >w<
Be cool if we had cool american rock bands here all the time.
Mayhaps I should look for stuff after august.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2377.png (720x703, 705.48K)


plan ahead and check out the cool bands

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-19-48.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

Still, for the memes man

Responsibilities suck, who needs em!


i'm feeling f r i s k y

Attached: 1520741735890.jpg (332x376, 103.46K)

Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody just follow me

Attached: party hard.gif (498x270, 5.6M)

Go to sleep.

Attached: eyebrows90.jpg (595x735, 109.43K)

Bedder watch out or they getcha!
bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, wassap now chick?

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2336.jpg (931x1224, 1.55M)

aleks is super cute

chillin here
waitin 2 stream in about 2 hours

the cutest boy

Attached: spasm.mp4 (720x404, 1.28M)

what the hell it's 10pm!!!!!!!!

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Attached: eyebrows90.jpg (595x735, 109.43K)

That sounds like hella fun! Back into the groove!
Just had an idea.
Might do a heckin' nerd.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2386.jpg (500x700, 122.29K)

I try my best!

You too, cutie.


That feel.

Attached: Daisuke onii-chan~.png (600x600, 573.15K)

FOR THE MEMESMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't you split hairs with me young man

hi welma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1520873937521.jpg (1152x806, 868.81K)

man i can't fucking wait for the new season of FLCL

Attached: DPxxZh6XkAAY1tB.jpg (750x1000, 82.16K)

I'm older than you. And stronger.

Attached: eyebrows90.jpg (595x735, 109.43K)

it can't possibly live up to the hype and will disappoint everyone no matter how awesome it is

a hell of our own making

Attached: thonk.jpg (512x512, 23.5K)


Could go either way.

Attached: Eyebrows101.png (838x630, 270.01K)

like 100%

nerd ?
heckin nerd ?

Attached: 2018-03-01_21-09-56.png (1044x1080, 923.33K)


Attached: babyserval.jpg (480x360, 32.23K)

hihi nezi^^

Attached: brb and lurk.png (425x600, 289.66K)

Amanda Palmer is doing a gig at a small venue nearby. Gonna book that off, get tickets and a hotel and just go nuts.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective0206.png (500x600, 470.42K)

how old? how strong?

PROVE IT!!!!!!!

how's life going?

Attached: 2512472 - Code_002 Code_015 Darling_in_the_Franxx.jpg (1598x1130, 1.29M)

Attached: 6ED48BAD-5480-4809-9632-A4B25B7E8A68.png (773x555, 165.82K)

what day ?


he got a mouf

Attached: 16114450_1854951178049778_7748469271423247675_n.jpg (480x467, 22.89K)

It's alright. Why?

Attached: I wanna stay inside.png (500x500, 190.34K)

Old. Strong.

You're not tricking me into another oil fight again.

Attached: Eyebrows176.png (595x717, 269.46K)

Heh, funny really, but its May the 4th. Hue, may the fourth be with you. Nice.
Bought, that will sate my need for something to watch.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective1282.jpg (500x348, 38.3K)


For eating

may the fifth

im not a big fan of spaghetti to be honest

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-32-15.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

I’d rather have chicken parmigiana

Cinco de Mayo Chicken!!!! ay ya ya!
Gimme da burrito, an no juans get hurt...

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2233.jpg (500x500, 50.99K)

not a fan of that either tbh
well actually idk

i think ive had it only once maybe

i like burritos
give me some burrito

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-34-02.png (744x929, 772.27K)

Attached: yuixtremejpg.png (557x550, 455.13K)

Do you like breaded chicken?

Because that’s mostly what it is

breaded chicken ? whats this

Burrito? Naruto's dad? Not gonna lie! That rice and bean kakaigenjutsu is some power to behold!

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective1758.jpg (511x600, 78.98K)


black or pinto beans ?

I'll parm ur chicken

Google it and hit images

just wanted to make sure you were doing ok c:


Attached: 1520780047776.png (849x1718, 1.91M)

this does not look good
no chicken parm for me

A joke.

Attached: eyebrows84.gif (310x343, 30.5K)


Depends, Pinto for de mammies, black beans for de whammys

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective0069.png (500x331, 146.1K)

im an emoji

what does that MEAN

I haven't a clue, but beebee gimme da beanz, dis nacho fight, you taco to me?

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective1903.png (500x750, 446.72K)

That was me


how goes scrubs?

Attached: 1517913701783.jpg (900x636, 84.3K)


wait who am i



It isn't your fault. It is just my brain at near 3am. Doing a heckkin' abstract. I should probably crawl into bed soon.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2152.png (500x750, 705.72K)

take me with you

Attached: cake2.jpg (453x508, 30.9K)

what is this
i cant tell on pc

yeah go rest !!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s a secret one

You have to be in the club to see it

sureously though, how goes?

Attached: 1517957004526.jpg (500x819, 126.16K)

WHat! To bed? My bed? ANTA BAKA?

GN mister

Si, pour mon madamoiselle, est non problemé.
Big snore time, night night, i'll barge in mid set as always :3

Attached: tumblr_o84akrHejc1sck497o5_500.jpg (500x354, 192.13K)

I’m free bleeding

oof owch my pride ;~:

Attached: 15977687_1285417428190698_4366100064350541267_n.jpg (192x177, 4.18K)

You're misogynistic if you believe a woman shouldn't smear her menstrual blood on literally everything.


how to join

howdy pardner


I don't bleed.

totally, smear it on my face.

Attached: 1517913951926.jpg (600x603, 191.8K)

Free bleeding at the beach so my white friends get eaten by 🦈sharks

Are you sending the picture y/n ???

Free bleeding at the beach so my black friends get eaten by 🦈sharks

Attached: 67702425_p0 - シュバフィーン!.jpg (772x1080, 331.27K)

shoot i keep forgetting
it depends
i haven't been in contact with my advisor

they seem to not want me to lower myself to the point of selling pics of myself
im conflicted

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-18-18.png (777x1080, 872.5K)

Eh. I'm a survivor. For better or worse ;3

That’s fucking racist

It's actually okay because I don't have any black friends so nobody will die.

Attached: 67671686_p0 - 加賀美しおりちゃん.png (2590x3307, 3.12M)

Are you a survivor? Are you not gonna give up? Are you gonna work harder? Are you gonna get stronger?

What are they just Mia now?

Yeah apologize you snow monkey

i love destinyys child

Attached: 1smile.jpg (960x640, 30.5K)

S-Sorry... uwu

Attached: 67595764_p0 - ルビまる.png (1220x1726, 1.72M)

That’s the most Canadian thing you’ve ever said to me

right now yes

they might be on discord

Pretty poor timing

wait why
i messaged them and i'll see what they say

I feel like I apologize way too much to be honest...

Attached: 64809617_p0 - 水着ろーちゃん.jpg (800x705, 375.88K)


are you heading to bed soon ?

It’s in your blood

You can’t help it

Attached: 1.png (640x400, 308.3K)


Attached: 2.png (640x400, 486.59K)

I’m currently laying in bed but not sleeping


Attached: 3.png (640x400, 427.28K)


Attached: 4.png (640x400, 432.57K)

Nice ghost

I’m not afraid of those

Replace my blood.

Attached: 67692294_p0 - くじらのりJK.jpg (1293x1888, 1.07M)

That ain't the Wish I know

Attached: 1520599650554.jpg (578x999, 232.28K)

Fuck off idiot

Attached: 67523534_p0 - 寝起きガヴリール氏.jpg (2507x3541, 959.26K)


What animal do you want?

god damn, no one cares about me anymore.

Attached: 1517912952926.jpg (709x740, 185.24K)


alright only once but goodness

I do

Attached: pillow.png (500x545, 262.95K)

Im about to head out to go be a wagecuck

Have fun shitposting

Attached: 1520904281115.png (608x655, 330.77K)

Why does it have to be an animal?

Have fun being a cuck.

Attached: 66911038_p0 - イチゴ.jpg (762x1100, 543.32K)

I enjoy my job and my volunteer job too.

Attached: 1439615792028.png (1100x720, 510.95K)

I don’t know

I’ve never done this before


and i want no scrubs

Attached: Beware the secret ingredient.png (429x600, 277.49K)

Some sort of spider just so you have to kill so many of those fucks to get enough blood.

Attached: 67175332_p9 - うちのこ(創作)いろいろまとめ②.jpg (1158x1637, 721.99K)

oh shit, my bad, I missed it, i was hoping for and recieved Uitentions with that comment though

I know that, and I care about you.

Attached: 1517915427499.jpg (600x760, 73.27K)


I hope it makes you hairy

oh nvm i dont talk to ui fans

picc of me

What if I'm already hairy though? uwu

Attached: 67554931_p0 - 姉弟子!.jpg (2507x3541, 4.97M)


Well I guess you are a snow monkey

me and Ui have always been cool though, we click so well.

Attached: 3013243.jpg (1474x1670, 306.59K)

whomst here was born in the 1990's

Attached: dont talk to me or my goon ever again.png (600x654, 745.83K)

I’m a 90s kid lol

I was 5

Whoa, I'm Japanese?!


Attached: 67509119_p0 - 春はもうすぐ.jpg (800x1130, 548.4K)



That’s pretty hot

Sing web music like Darwin and Rin

this isn't a 90's kid meme

I'm just busy thinking about how Generation Z is far superior to the Millenials

Attached: party hard.gif (498x270, 5.6M)

1990 reporting in.

well duh we are
im a legend


I don't know any Japanese...

Attached: 63677679_p0 - セーラー.jpg (900x1200, 506.65K)


Get dabbed on faggot

Attached: urGb4qg.jpg (1980x1074, 657.6K)

1776 reporting in.

oh shut up


you wanna fucking go, my dude?

Attached: press the button to begin dab.gif (500x281, 2.09M)

do you prefer blonde or natural hair aleks

It doesn’t matter

You just have to pretend you do and no one will no any better


Attached: could you lotion me upʔ.png (600x480, 239.58K)

blonde aleks gave us the glorious moment where he almost burnt the building to the ground for a bad fire meme

short answer blonde aleks

Attached: MV5BMGI3YjViODUtY2ZmMi00MzgxLTk3NTUtNjlkYjAyMjVmNzY3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg3NzE0MDA@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,999_AL_.jpg (1777x999, 213.6K)

Check out the gun show going on over here

💪 boom

Fire power

Why is "dabbing" even a thing?

Attached: FACE.png (247x248, 4.55K)

I can't even think of any weeb lyrics off the top of my head though :^(

Attached: 67579526_p1 - 姉弟子(かわいい) その2.jpg (1000x1346, 764.94K)

cause dabs get u wicked high bro

blonde aleks always
good answer

You suck as a Japanese

ay welms
what the fuck is up

this is a gun free zone, you can't have those here

Attached: vaping alcohol in a strip club.gif (480x270, 7.18M)

idk i'm still p smashed on mai tais lol

hyperspace doesn't necessarily help.

Attached: Chutes and ladders.png (568x600, 398.37K)

I meant the thing niggers and white dudes and the suburbs do.

I guess that still describes both.

Attached: FACE.png (247x248, 4.55K)

*in the



Aleks needs to burn more shit
shit's hilarious

when tf did you get a spaceship?

Attached: what.png (384x385, 223.2K)

I was thinking about taking the N3 test this year but the date is on a holiday for Canada :^(

Attached: 62562698_p0 - エロマンガ先生.jpg (1072x736, 328.19K)

Oh rip

Send the good loli hentai

That’s also a web thing

i wanna kiss him

Attached: o6u74mMaBN1vu070fo1_1280.png (1280x941, 893.42K)

r u sayin u dont

Like OVAs or doujin or what

Attached: 67609996_p0 - ゴスロリ服の姉弟子.jpg (877x1280, 199.29K)

The first doesn't belong with either of the latter two.

Attached: coraline.jpg (691x470, 380.17K)

You’re the Japanese person

You should know

It’s okay we are Japanese

I wouldn't refuse

Attached: squirt.mp4 (720x404, 1.36M)

Different people, different tastes

Attached: 67482241_p0 - ぬくぬくナカヨシデース♪.png (1200x1678, 2.85M)

so yes you do

I'm too fast to be caught by my gay thoughts

Doujin seems more weeb

who said anything about bein gay

if ur a gay then yeah kissin aleks would b gay

guy* not gay

I mean in that case the new issues of Comic LO and Digital Puni Pedo just came out :^)

Attached: 65830621_p0 - 如月.jpg (916x1373, 1003.29K)

no you don't understand

I turn the lights off when I masturbate so I can't see my dick
because that's gay

Attached: here's brett.gif (764x384, 8.67M)

quit bein gay about bein gay u doof

No idea what those are

Attached: Super Gay.webm (560x302, 325.43K)

They're uh, magazines.

Attached: 65434996_p0 - アマゾンちゃん.png (992x1400, 1.13M)

Do you look at these ? 👀

Heck no, I like anime girls with big BOOBIES

Attached: 67511311_p0 - 水着.png (900x1273, 1.04M)

EW that’s gross

Class A fighter, diggy.

I named it "The Implication" lmao

hey, I dropped Ui for you.

Attached: 1517907775092.png (574x838, 292.86K)

I read that as an "A-Wing" for some reason.

Yeah, I know you only like anime BOYS with cute feminine DICKS

Attached: 67610496_p1 - オリジナルまとめ!.jpg (1764x2508, 1.72M)

yeah but you dont have an issue with Ui
sowwy bubby

because once they're on the ship they can't say no

because of the implication

Attached: deepthought.gif (480x270, 4.32M)

but, what's your issue?

Attached: 1517908871920.jpg (500x775, 126.28K)

That’s a lie and whoever said that is a liar

You're the one who said it.

Attached: 65796070_p0 - ポニテろーちゃん.png (2508x3541, 5.02M)

what ISNT my issue


Haters gonn hate man.

There really isnt even a reason for him to hate me either. Probably just scum animus trash talking me.

Attached: tumblr_llegmqpCFS1qb8m44o1_1280.gif (638x668, 304.63K)

newfag doesn't even know me :^)

but, I love his youtube playlists.

yeah, and bakers gonna bake.

Attached: 378886_o.gif (320x240, 6.78M)

No way

Got that right ;3c

Attached: what a fucking hussie.png (1124x1295, 1.12M)

Yeah way!

Attached: 67383636_p0 - 裸カーディガン.png (1254x1771, 1.1M)

don't burn it

Attached: dfgdfgdf.png (887x829, 935.86K)

so they ARE in danger?

Attached: prison brawl ball.jpg (1920x1080, 122.09K)

I do have the dankest playlists on youtube

idk... depends. I've destroyed 80+ starships.

Attached: elma out of nowhere.png (630x632, 129.12K)

my favorite part about throwing out "i dont like this poster" to whoever i hardly know is how quickly they defend themselves with
"just a scummy animus user degen"


Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-17-37.jpg (1920x1080, 835.99K)

I will not, unless it is being broiled, then a little char is good.

Attached: cooking.gif (500x375, 454.67K)


yeah but how many confirmed kills do you have in gorilla warfare

Attached: goonbear.jpg (600x600, 60.61K)

but that's usually how it goes here. Someone said blah blah about you know and drama blah blah thenthis half of animus hates said person and the other half likes them. you either on their side or mine.

Attached: tenor.gif (360x262, 4.69M)

not even meeming tho :(

personally I beleive that everybody is free to hate anybody here and if they don't choose to associate with someone because of that persons associatation with someone they hate

then that is their business

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)

oh you're talking about a video game

excuse me I'm just retarded

this is actually really good, better than blasting binkov with my windows down for sure.

what if someone associated with blood-chan.

i know literally nothing about you though LOL
i just dont like you

im not on anyones side :p

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-43-44.png (478x986, 678.7K)

Don't do that^^

Attached: 20180307114447_1.jpg (1920x1080, 304.71K)

but I did nothing wrong Bard, besides, you like Ui too.

Attached: Cooking_panda_style.gif (375x225, 1022.34K)

and that was me, throwing you under the BUSSSSSSSSS!!!

I beleieve I made my stance as clear as possible

I see absoluteley no problem with choosing to cut off socializing with somebody because you dislike who they associate with

I have stopped socializing with people because they talk to blood chan myself

Attached: bardbullying.gif (500x281, 709.21K)

i'm resident loli poster and person who almost revived /L/ on 4chan.

you'll never get my stash now

Attached: 1444552537383.jpg (446x556, 53.03K)

Then we'll just have one less option to socialize with

the person who is choosing not to assoociate with you/us because of your associates

And that is their choice
they aren't obligated to socialize with you/us

Attached: cosmic.jpg (235x214, 11K)

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-17-59.png (625x921, 675.88K)

aye aye captain

Just keep your eye out

Attached: 25508093_276574512870703_2605856482952124793_n.jpg (411x325, 12.19K)

*pew pew*

What's up with you?

Attached: 20180307115631_1.jpg (1920x1080, 377.25K)

I got out of bed.

Attached: 1520841328038.jpg (1280x720, 101.23K)

I talk to blood chan, yet you still talk to me, what is this even happening now?

I guess you're right.

still gonna link you.

Attached: KianuStilllovesGriddlesBrushie.jpg (393x316, 102.71K)


stop associating with that nigger or I unfrendo :^(

jesus thats creepy

Attached: 1520743732575.png (870x1174, 76.1K)

Just kidding.

Blood chan has returned recently and is posting more often than they ever have

by people socializing with him they are enabling his return

I have for years refused to interact with people for being friends or talking to blood chan
Recently I cut ties with yan because of that

Attached: 1343691894483.jpg (799x799, 398.23K)

I like my eyes firmly inside my skull

I was having a bad day
but not anymore fam

Attached: vaping alcohol in a strip club.gif (480x270, 7.18M)

Don't stop talking to me bardo i'm not guilty by association i'm just a free spirit ;3

this is how super ends

I hope I spoiled it for you

Attached: 1520543484886.png (490x1401, 129.57K)

always a good switch to make.

same except I'm still not looking forward to this big snowstorm tomororw

ilu bard
ilu grids
ilu rager
ilu ban

God I sure hope so

ty ui ilu 2

Attached: Yui41.jpg (846x697, 88.66K)

Attached: 1519106993589.jpg (1000x1000, 90.08K)

shh, only love now.

Attached: 1436939401408.jpg (1447x1020, 444.02K)

I read the spoliers

its legit

Attached: 1520760154319.jpg (580x580, 41.6K)

well shit, loosing all my friends in one night.

somehow, I still haven't had an issue with blood, and I've never scene anything that everyone says is bad about bloodchan, hell, I even tried to give sci a chance at first, but I absolutely hated him in the end.

Attached: animekida chibi cooking gif.gif (1280x720, 794.96K)

If I talk to you right now Lili wont write my name on his ass anymore

sorry friendo

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (908x1000, 96.82K)

i've been denied benefits. feelsbadman

Attached: 1448987890548.jpg (5959x4083, 2.26M)

wait... if it's the same lili I think it is They would be chill with it tbh.

And then they fuck.

Live from stream in Mexico

you're seeing here first

Attached: Jiren an gohan clvo blanco vs el Hermono.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

oh yeah
you said something about snowmen being inferior

the elegance of a snowman is in the simplicity of the snowman, okay?

Attached: tumblr_inline_om7hqrNAWq1u0punz_500.gif (500x283, 1.13M)

That was my position on Eva/Spoilers about 4 years ago
I never had an issue with him and i never saw anything but everyone was saying bad things about him

and then he e fucked my e bf and started doing alot of shady lying drama shit
he dropped logs of mine and he spread lies about me that influenced mystanding in the Alice community which I was a part of at that time

I can sit here and rattle off probably a solid 15 to 25 line paragraph by paragraph textwall of why I PERSONALLY hate blood chan
with an extra 10 to 20 lines on top of that just going on about why he's a shitter

blood chan is the only person I cut off socializing ties with although I admit I do it to sinni because of her ties to mugen but that aside blood chan really is the only person I've come across in my time on the internet who I beleive genuinely deserves Death

Attached: Yui41.jpg (846x697, 88.66K)

but snow serpents and igloos are rad and just as easy

Attached: FACE.png (247x248, 4.55K)

spoilers has been around 4 years?

you're making me feel old.

Attached: 1442338438580.png (670x792, 663.19K)

I don't have a reply for this but I just realized that If I don't reply it's gonna look like I'm ignoring you

Attached: Yui196.jpg (1920x1080, 170.86K)

it's anything but

Attached: what.png (384x385, 223.2K)

he was around before he used the name spoilers

It's Eva
Eva was here since the Alice days

Attached: Yui140.jpg (350x383, 32.76K)


Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-12-35.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

spoiler is eva?



My bad

Attached: 1520913941054.png (431x539, 170.7K)

I mean aside from the fact it was pretty obvious and alot of people called it

he already revealed it like a year or a year and a half ago lol

Attached: pjij7.jpg (980x648, 100.09K)

I haven't been very active for a while.

I've been too busy making my life better.

Attached: 1445805050391.jpg (643x720, 87.95K)

oh, I still haven't heard back about my military medical benefits.

I'm just here to try to be friends with everyone, and social standing should have nothing to do with that, maybe blood just does the things he does because of how he's treated, and I don't see it because I treat him like a person.

Attached: FuckyeahImaGriddle.png (760x573, 190.12K)

ey I don't care if you're here or not that's your choice completely

I'm not saying you gotta post here all the time

I treated him like a person and he treated me like fucking Dirt

Attached: Yui116.png (255x285, 93.09K)

im glad I left. was totally helpful to my mental health to get the fuck outta dodge ya feel? Nothing personell agaisnt anyone here tho, life is just a lot right now. I do miss the shenanigans tho.

Attached: 1443654457519.jpg (670x720, 212.84K)

i would enjoy to leave but it's rather loneley out there

Attached: Yui41.jpg (846x697, 88.66K)

oh, well, I haven't seen him recently, but I can confirm I will try to talk to him if I do, and we'll probably get along, you have the option to block him.

Attached: funny-gif-chicken-run-cooking.gif (480x272, 1.61M)

sux 2 succ

He posts literally every day

and honestly that's your choie
I'm not going to tell you you can't talk to him
however I am going to respond with my own personal libeties


Attached: Yui140.jpg (350x383, 32.76K)

you're always welcome to chill in the loli server and talk. It's mostly a circlejerk anyway, but fresh faces for you. lot's of old Holla Forums tripfags that u probably didn't know too well

Attached: 1450765321046.jpg (485x594, 92.07K)

wait. bard knows them, what am I saying.

Nah thank you though I have enough discords to worry about already

I appreciate the offer though

Attached: Yui159.jpg (233x232, 54.35K)

you used to be there already.

night bard, hope you aren't too hurt by my choices.

Attached: KianuStilllovesGriddles.jpg (379x326, 80.35K)

nini sis

I have no experience succing
I always win

tfw only had enough beer to get a very mild buzz and it's wearing off and I dont wanna go antywhere to get more. Guess i'll just watch anime without drinkies

Attached: 1436716984793.png (1280x720, 728.49K)

I probably left so I could focus more on kyokos and sft

Attached: 1351033546157.jpg (850x1091, 149.94K)

is it bad that 40 oz of beer only gets me very slightly buzzed?

focus on eating those greens so you can grow :)

i am pretty small dess

Attached: Yui41.jpg (846x697, 88.66K)

beer and snap peas seems like an odd combo.

dont critisize her taste in food............

Attached: babyserval.jpg (480x360, 32.23K)

I like peanutbutter pickle sandwiches. I aint judging

Attached: 1438172556521.jpg (707x1000, 439.38K)

Attached: shirtless hand hearts.webm (640x316, 7.19M)

these died too soon.

Attached: 2015-11-26_23-01-12.png (1197x594, 954.51K)

Attached: Grim shows tit.webm (1024x586, 777.11K)

did grim died?

I was very drunk, kept liking my lips because they were numb.
I was on my a game that night though.

Attached: better tits.png (220x292, 125.55K)

Attached: attentionjpg.png (540x380, 214.55K)

i see he stops by every so often.

it was great

Attached: Marie shows tits in mirror.webm (1024x586, 5.51M)

seig heil new

also, tests sister.

Attached: 1448593700348.png (397x297, 126.26K)

they look too alike, it's scary.

Attached: 1445887282108.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Hey. I got to meet her.

Attached: 1.jpg (131x248, 36.33K)