We are not the dirtbag left. We are the new old-left. We are the ghosts of John brown, Durruti and Lenin, of socialism armed. We're not here to punch nazis, we're here to overthrow capitalism.
Reminder: We are not the alt left
we're actually the old new left, technically
Is this the LARPing thread?
Fuck me, you are the most based anarkiddo on this board.
Well we can't just let them keep making threads, can we?
Also, is this thread about America?
Because I really hate America.
Did you guys know that?
I mean the new old new left
the first "new" because it's been 1.5 hundred years since 1848
the "old" because we represent the left of the 19th century
the other "new" because Marxism is technically a "new socialism", as in scientific socialism because leftism used to mean the "old" utopian socialism
wtf I am not the alt left now
Or… this is just a tibetan finger painting forum where we can freely shitpost about ideas and history.
he hasn't taken the red white and blue pill
Nice try faggot
charge your phone nigger.
I always considered Holla Forums the old left, unfortunately post Charlottesville, a lot of transplants are trying to co-opt this board into an antifa-tier idpol shithole.
they have come here for lifestylism
they will get bored and leave soon enough
maybe some will stay
bidness as usual
in the meantime, postan OC
Nice try faggot
Disregard OP, you can now show your pride by getting your very own Alt-Left t-shirt!
thanks porky
Actually we are just useless kids posting on a finger painting singaporean internet thing.
We will never accomplish anything and the capitalists will just freely destroy the world way before the working class can even dream of acquiring class consciousness.
Forgot the best part. Don't let your self-expression by limited by your size #endbodyshaming #fatacceptance
But which is the real mustache?!
I'm calling it: The ideological de-radicalization of leftypol will come in the form of rosa-killers using the larping meme.
Probably, but how will they do that? With right wing death squads?
I'm not "the old left". I'm 100% urban, young (though aging), culturally from the somewhat educated middle-class. I don't know any blue-collar person (nor much people in the first place), I'm not from a small town, I may not be blue-collar my whole life. I don't care for all the "community" aspect of politics, singing the Internationale, or protesting (even though I know it can be important and blah blah blah). I care about ideas. In a somewhat different setting I'd be a fervent liberal, deaf to leftist ideas.
Most people that can potentially be radicalized are like this, if not most radicals today. You're deluding yourselves.
First as tragedy, then as farce.
If this is an identity thread about what label we choose to identify as, then you're dumber than any of the people you've pointed at.
This is about class struggle, not identities dumb fuck.
We can do both you bitch nigga.
Fuck off
reminder: communism is another word for regressing back to old autocratic governments and capitalism is globally progressive.
Hi, Holla Forums
can't wait for the split between the new new old new left and orthodox new old new left
All of this doesn't mean you're not the old left, however we define it. It just means you're not a LARPer.