Attached: 1516301778001.png (3070x2981, 1.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gay,refugee lover

Attached: .jpg (1024x1024, 107.75K)

don't bully

Ok, ok

Attached: .png (811x1148, 1.47M)

thanks bby

Attached: 1518803168001.jpg (581x900, 121.12K)

Don't call me so

Attached: .jpg (461x800, 122.75K)


afternoon fellas

Hello, not gay

Attached: .jpg (352x394, 15.91K)

good afternoon my fellow heterosexual how're you doing

Attached: mpv-shot0008.jpg (1920x1080, 197.65K)

Currently watching deadpool, posting in a dead chat, how is your mood today?

Attached: .jpg (1360x768, 70.45K)

ugh woke up and im really groggy

Attached: 116oe.jpg (1608x1600, 770.18K)

I'm currently posting in an active chat (not this one) and a dead chat (this one) as well, might play some doom later desu

Attached: mpv-shot0009.jpg (1920x1080, 162.36K)

How is your disease?

Attached: .jpg (564x798, 67.46K)

it's much better now thank you for asking

can i ask what disease or nah

Also, what is the active chat you say about, is it on board?

Attached: .jpg (1456x2023, 728.45K)

a common cold, probably, since it's gone it doesn't really matter

it's a discord desu

Attached: mpv-shot0011 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 191.59K)

Not interested

Attached: .jpg (461x800, 122.75K)

Attached: .jpg (762x586, 88.81K)

well that's a virus, not a disease! :(

fair enough I wouldn't particularly want anyone from here seeing what I say there

sorry dr. nezi I don't know all these fancy medical terms of yours


Attached: .jpg (700x769, 89.04K)

apparently being good at video games means you're a cunt lol

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That man deserves a medal

Too many people hates losing~

howdy madeleine 🤠

Attached: sharpen.png (512x512, 652.72K)

Hey, what's up?

Attached: Here's the doujin you ordered.png (434x576, 269.59K)



Attached: vlcsnap-2018-02-02-20h52m29s769.png (1312x1080, 730.29K)

-pets the strong anime girl-

Hai Scoots~

about to eat
have a shift startin soooooon

should b laid back and short


Hemlo, and good day Neziwi.

WHat up Welma?


Attached: vlcsnap-2018-02-02-21h14m06s948.png (1920x1080, 689.53K)

Good morning friends

Attached: fumi211.png (434x887, 303.7K)

It is sinno,

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-02-02-21h13m44s806.png (1920x1080, 856.39K)

howdy doody scootaloo

what's your monday lookin like?

Attached: 4bjBaMc.png (1500x2000, 2.64M)

It is Scoot! That girl's pretty cute yo.

Attached: fumi44.png (134x339, 39.93K)

Attached: 1520095289624.jpg (850x895, 164.29K)

Not so bad, well, kinda irked! But, I used that irk to hammer some iron.



Maika is a cute patootie, it is known.
How is your day?

Attached: tumblr_p273aeOvjO1rsjikzo1_400.png (300x300, 114.11K)

This reminds me I need to take more fumi caps

Attached: fumi324.png (690x571, 370.79K)

I like her hair orbies.
It's good! Kinda stressful, kinda relaxing at the same time tho I suppose.

I like having these kinds of conversations with you >:)

Attached: fumi243.png (540x470, 137.39K)

morning desu

What's for lunch?

Those are the best shifts, lucky.


I want chips n salsa so bad.

How's ur gainz?

Attached: get to the choppa, we're going to maahhhhs.png (341x363, 198.5K)

Good morning! Sorry I've been dippin a lot on our conversations, I get distracted real easily.

Attached: fumi45.png (281x325, 83.04K)

You're welcome~

Attached: 1520676492001.png (2749x2709, 3.75M)


and heh, I am trying not to bully you into suicide just yet.
Maybe... I can be more accommodating to Sinno.
Perhaps you've been promoted out of the BullyZone.
Replaced by some poor little homosexual britain.


Why stress and relaxxx?


Gainz are going well enough, getting more toned as the weeks go by, plus I am now moving up the weights. Feels good.

Gotta become one of those people who live at the gym bweh!

What is crackin' on JewTueb?

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-02-02-20h33m01s210.png (1920x1080, 645.77K)

i think maybe

yeah hopefully it goes by quick
it being slow means a lot of just standing there doing essentially nothing but
getting paid to do nothing is a heck of a lot better than staying at home doing nothing

Attached: xN0F7dl.png (532x458, 473.87K)

scootsy I just linked myself on accident it was supposed to be for you

Nothing more attractive than self ego linking


Probably. Not like a certain "best girl", who can DEFINITELY fit through.

Attached: tumblr_p30d5hFdpW1wdsjqmo1_1280.jpg (806x1080, 118.06K)

Attached: fumi145.png (391x300, 64.91K)

sprong break!! :]

stay strong young padawan!!!!!!!!!

that's ok I don't mind I do that myself also desu

Kind of stressed and annoyed that I cannot do a thing I wanted to do at the end of the month with friends because I didn't plan stuff out properly.
Basically, it is a concert that requires travelling(google Durham to Birmingham, England and you get the gist). Now I will need the day of the concert free and the day after the concert free due to travel. NOW this is where it is my fault. Instead of putting in for time off/holidays, I put down on our WORK calendar to have those days off as "rest days", (essentially we are allowed to request certain days free to the person writing the rota so we can have those days off and not incur penalties on holidays/annual leave) so I, because ive a 2 week holiday coming up in August, figured I would request the days as rest days so I didn't/made sure I wasnt running out... because it would be shitty if THE big holiday with the fam for the last decade got spoiled because of NO holidays. So put the requests in. Low and behold the person who usually writes the rota is on leave WHEN the rota ought be being written. So, our manager does the rota, and as she is doing the rota says "Yo, scoot, kinda got 3 staff of on annual leave at the same time in march, can you please help me out and do some extra cover in March?" I say yeah sure... NOT thinking about it. So the rota comes out and low and behold the days I wanted off arent off... because obviously the manager wasnt aware of the off days request. So for the past week I have been trying to get cover/swap shifts with people, begging/borrowing, but to no avail it would seem. SO. No concert for moi becasue... simply put... there is NO ONE i can trade with. EESH. But it is my fault for not putting in holidays.
SO, now I have the joy of telling friends that I cannot make the concert.
Which sucks.

enjoy this essay! BOMBACLAT!

spring break yo

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-02-02-21h09m08s076.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

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How are you doin today?

That sounds like 100% awful dude I'm sorry to hear it. Do you not have any sick days you could take either? It's only a 2 hour train so if you go to the concert and try not to get wasted you could try for like last train and just have one really blasted day of work.

but ye I've had times were I don't think about shit like that and it's like YEESH, like I'm leaving to visit george on mother's day n shit and it's BAD.

I'm sure there will be other concerts tho, right? People usually tour in a few areas before headin off to somewhere else

Attached: fumi88.png (335x466, 123.27K)

I couldnt in good conscience do that... bleh, ive told my friend and he is naturally unamused but he will get over it heh

he is going with someone else too so he isnt missing out

I've been ok I guess, nothing too special has happened today
I haven't been called gay yet which is good I suppose

Attached: mpv-shot0019 (3).jpg (1920x1080, 172.38K)

I'm glad they get to enjoy it! I'm sure you'll get to go to another, better concert >:)

Boring days are relaxing days~
Also, I wouldn't take 'em too seriously, they're kind memers but memers all the same.

Attached: fumi196.png (786x658, 299.26K)

Probably! Potentially! It just rankles because I should have had the foresight to get it booked off, considering we've wanted to see 30STM for years now grrrrrr, i'll get over.


Might, actually, see what is coming up gig wise and get myself a gig in lieu

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Darck chocco tho

umiko is tied for best girl with nene
nene/umiko is best couple

see you should watch new game
dark chocco girl is from new game
i wuv her

Well, okiedoke! I shall watch it tonight, or atleast start it! because you value it so highly... plus, they seem on fleek with those outfits :3

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-02-02-22h20m57s124.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

im currently watching too many anime pls no more

Why does she smile like that...


lemme kno what u think

Attached: newgamenenesakura.png (224x357, 83.57K)

nezi come visit me at work >:3 hehehehe

Do it dude! find another venue to rock out at >:)

Nezi is lovely

Attached: fumi147.png (315x338, 55.14K)

I will I will
in detail
with reports and diagramas

okay im excited !!!!

Attached: FRBKPtR.png (438x700, 582.14K)

which theater?

sinni lovelier

Attached: 1356882989262.gif (500x280, 1.35M)

If it makes you so excite i can but oblige :3

relaxing sure but they're still BORING
you people with your modern computers don't know how good you've got it playing all your new modern games

Attached: mpv-shot0022 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 162.76K)

amc 12
thats where ill be for the next
6-7 hrs

also loafie ill call u gay later im still sorta waking up and ill be more in the mood when im off work :p

lol loafie a gay bum bum

what a homo

you know sinni you've been here probably much longer than I have these people will respect you more than they do me
maybe you can talk some sense into these people

sinni hasn't been here as long as "these people" though



just stop resisting so hard when they call you gay

go with the flow

you don't even have to actually be gay

Attached: kEnRP6f.jpg (570x640, 23K)

loafie a fag
user approved

Everyone's gay once in a while

Talk some sense into
that's not how this works u doof

we wouldn't be able to hang out tho cause you'd be working .-.

Attached: 1351146287187.jpg (448x670, 182.68K)

fair point
you cannot talk sense into someone completely nonsensical

Attached: A45BD06B-F2DD-4DC7-BDC7-C6859C7E69EF.jpeg (1200x1698, 234.37K)

but this is bait too

Attached: deepthought.gif (480x270, 4.32M)

Holy cow is it really that far I thought what the heck that's so crazy 2 hours and 14 minutes dang nevermind then oh well okay well I guess we'll just hang out some other time or well okay I'm talking right now with my microphone on my phone so this post might be like 10 times more nonsensical the most of my other posts basically what I'm saying is that let's hang out sometime it's been a while got to visit nezzie chill you know do something cool

daily reminder everything is bait
this post is bait

Attached: tumblr_p1grofFqOA1uq0fwuo1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 131.68K)

ye I mean I'm down for driving but i wanna be able to hang out if it's gonna take a while to get there ya know

once again my apologies for making you drive so far for hotdog heaven i had no idea how far away you lived :'(

Attached: 61bab9004e7d9acc7e030b9d3ed2de9794cb758aa1463821168f11ea98fb4499.png (540x424, 242.65K)

No Hot Dog Heaven was only like an hour and 10 minutes maybe I don't know why the theater I work at is 2 hours and 14 minutes away that's crazy to me like dang maybe you live I don't know I don't know that's weird anyways yeah just let me know ahead of time and I'll be okay let's see let's go I don't know let's do something let's go down and cut a tree

This is some sort of ancient Nordic curse from a trickster God innit

Attached: C297461C-4FC2-49FB-A060-F1EF27902F42.jpeg (299x168, 15.73K)

@ Nezi

Attached: 1520880620582.gif (540x644, 530.31K)

*runs into the thread carrying a carbon opy of myslf in my teeth*

Attached: babyserval.jpg (480x360, 32.23K)

They call me loki and stuff my ass with cocks

can i help u friend

Attached: 69jiunD.jpg (640x767, 43.39K)


this is next level

you're like King Midas
everything you touch turns to bait

Attached: stFgVp9.jpg (511x539, 19.97K)

Attached: 1497170356955.png (800x1040, 960.31K)

you love unprotected anal sex

Attached: tumblr_p1flkhvcw41rafy10o1_1280.png (1280x1579, 1.7M)

*pets ur chin*

Attached: meirl2.png (325x181, 122.45K)

Don't touch me.

Attached: 1508620334964m.jpg (1024x768, 120.77K)

* wakes up and hugs scoots *

Attached: 64678432_p0.jpg (5000x5000, 1.44M)

Nah, was just told to post that, so I did

Attached: 1519749569498.jpg (850x1133, 160.69K)

Everyone knows that

Attached: Discord Icon 3.PNG (442x493, 314.55K)


some old games are really good too!
look at old animal crossing >:)

haha I've been here less than a year, dork.
or around a year even? I started threadposting in march :g


Attached: fumi94.png (255x478, 92.35K)

also hello friends I did some dishes

Attached: fumi80.png (346x565, 108.77K)


Attached: PRpWhJH.png (342x246, 133.82K)

Hey Sinni, you're usually gone by the time I get here, yeah.

Attached: 1511130341882.png (800x800, 524.28K)

have you read the new houseki chapters

i forgot my name tag at home hehe
now no one can dead name me >:3
all according to plan

well it's a cute gif


no like 2hr14min total driving time

i'm ok with the 1 hour 10min drive but i just wanna hang out ya know if I'm driving

idk about you but when i'm at work it's busy and i can't leave a certain area without getting in trouble
can't really do anything if someone visited me

Attached: DulYgDZ.gif (400x286, 1.71M)

Attached: attentionjpg.png (540x380, 214.55K)

I suffer from a serious case of not wanting to try any new games whilst being unsatisfied with the fact that old ones aren't as enjoyable as they once were
just fuck my shit up fam

Attached: mpv-shot0012.jpg (1920x1080, 159.95K)

Someone order me pizza

ohhhh i gotcha
okay yeah
got it

Are you okay? And why are you arguing with Tsuchi?

Attached: Discord Icon 4.PNG (294x429, 215.86K)

very too real feeling

Attached: 16114450_1854951178049778_7748469271423247675_n.jpg (480x467, 22.89K)

hopefully they spell yours right

my first one was steven

then stephan

then sthepen

you don't seem like you're working very hard >.>

don't get fired desu

Attached: 1349031089521.jpg (600x600, 60.03K)

UwU How are you doin today?

That sounds like you gotta find new games that interest you enough to try 'em, why not look around a bit?

Attached: fumi164.png (488x563, 481.32K)

i can order me pizza

brb ordering me pizza

Attached: 3am.jpg (300x210, 28.29K)

*knock knock*
pizza's here

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (468x600, 562.88K)

you're a cute gif

*pets the attention whore*

Attached: 1518803168001.jpg (581x900, 121.12K)

Hi bard!!! I hope you've had a good day

Attached: fumi110.png (205x258, 29.61K)


Attached: chario3.jpg (810x810, 45.8K)

I have. Now that the cat's outa the bag about Adamant, what the shit are they gonna do?
Three factions that are all against each other, yet all have the same goal.

Attached: 1497170101168.png (1580x2125, 2.19M)

i may be an attentionwhore

but at least Im a top shhelf attention whore....not one of these 5 dollar floozies you see hanging around..............

Attached: 86JWyy.jpg (562x839, 142.54K)


okay thank

Attached: homu.jpg (1030x730, 58.96K)

you know it's gonna turn into some big thing of fighting until the death of phos finally brings them together.

I don't see how phos is gonna get out of this happy

Attached: dia72.png (540x600, 71.85K)

Attached: dia51.png (1280x1171, 187.42K)

doing some errands and stuff
i'm fine

just being nezi

no i'm a male human bean

whoever was in charge of nametags really pissed me off

3 years to get a nametag that said "stephen"

probably had to ask for a new one 20 times

Attached: phteven.jpg (600x594, 82.69K)

krusty crabs pizza for you and me


Sounds relaxing!
anything exciting planned this week?

Attached: dia55.png (600x551, 55.35K)

do you guys remember the female bunny from bambi?

like when they all grow up and start falling in love, the rabbit that thumper ends up with.

I always thought she was the cutest, and youtube keeps recommending that scene to me.

It's trying to convert me into a furry

Attached: fumi257.png (640x640, 150.72K)

sorry can't keep buying people stuff anymore since no job

won't have any money left if i kept up my rate of spending

no pizza for u :(

staying at home
eating very little food
video games

that's about it, sprong braek


Attached: dubbed by google translate japanese.webm (1280x544, 2.88M)

did some chores!
also eatin nuffin,
chillin until george gets home!

spring break is nice!!! I miss going to school and the feeling of not having to go

Attached: fumi252.png (338x503, 107.28K)

The last Tor is kinda cool movie.

Attached: .jpg (461x800, 122.75K)

Phos was never meant for happiness.

Attached: 1519452417257.jpg (800x800, 150.71K)


Is anybody ever seen a black japanese girl?

Attached: .jpg (580x820, 34.17K)

:C phos is the martyr that everyone loves.
I'm glad to see that phos is incidentally giving cinnebar a purpose?

I just want my babies to be happy ;g

Attached: fumi154.png (248x310, 57.72K)

The japanese fears blacks as much as you fear the russians


Attached: .jpg (1500x1482, 272.8K)

Attached: 1475259317113.webm (600x338, 707.15K)

get a job u hippy

There was a few predictions of this a while back on /a/, that Phos would become the big bad, and Sinsha would become the hero by finally having a purpose in subduing Phos.
Doesn't help that Phos is now part Gold, and Mercury and Gold form an interesting amalgam when they come into contact with each-other.

So it's interesting to see the artist/writer actually leaning in that direction. Like it was planned from the start.

I always wanted a SpecOps: The Line style ending for Phos anyway.

Attached: 1516574977968.jpg (863x1200, 72.3K)

why would you want that type of ending for anyone?
that's the darkest shit ever

Attached: tumblr_inline_om7hqrNAWq1u0punz_500.gif (500x283, 1.13M)

Lol I have a 4 year nametag that has my name spelled with an ER at the end instead of an OR

Attached: CoffeeΓÖÑBard.jpg (159x159, 25.86K)

In case of your comparing, japs don't afraid of black people, they kill them

Attached: .jpg (1068x1200, 197.16K)

Because if you pay attention to what Phos initially wanted, and the actions she took to achieve it, it syncs up perfectly.

She's already experiencing it too, she literally has PTSD flashbacks on a regular basis of all her comrades she's gotten killed in the field.

Attached: 1519018050816.png (500x500, 309.88K)

That'd be really cool! but if Cinnabar takes down phos, what will be her purpose afterwards?

Whatever happens, I'm excited!!! As long as Dia and Bort are safe I'll be happy

Attached: fumi156.png (225x343, 60.02K)

I have looked around quite a bit but everything's either beyond my system's capabilities, a genre that does not interest me, or looks too confusing for my very unintelligent mind to grasp
except some f2p german ww2 submarine sim I downloaded yesterday but I fear it'd fall under the last category and I'm a little out of my depth

Attached: mpv-shot0027.jpg (1920x1080, 165.47K)

All phos was suppose to do is find out the truth
I don't know if any of them were ready to handle it though :(

Attached: dia73.png (520x600, 60.47K)

my laptop is constantly shitting and can still run some games, so I wouldn't worry toooo much about capabilities

tho that's out of my depth cause I have a craptop.

What genres are you interested in?

Attached: dia45.png (2850x1761, 1.8M)

It would form an amalgam that would be written as either A) Killing them both in the process or B) melding the two into one super being where Sinsha's only purpose is literally to lock away Phos for the rest of eternity.

...or they both somehow manage to combine flesh, bone, and soul and the dirty humies come back to Earth and Adamant has fleshy short lived friends again.

On the Moon~

Attached: 1517027790374.jpg (452x1011, 341.92K)

If you think about it, Phos has already combined flesh, bone and soul. She has the bones from the water people, her gem stuff, and the eye from the moon. Maybe reacting with cinnabar will be the catalyst to actually finish combining it all.

;g hopefully it all works out well, they've all been trying so hard

Attached: dia75.png (436x600, 41.45K)

well it depends
the only genres I actually play are board, fps and platformer with a few single titles in other genres, but with a few exceptions I'm willing to try more or less anything out

Attached: mpv-shot0021 (3).jpg (1920x1080, 173.09K)

when it comes out you should get rad dead redemption 2

Attached: bit.jpg (1000x1000, 442.12K)

you could look into like survival games? that's a pretty good place to start considering how many there are of them.

Attached: dia39.png (1280x1707, 276.43K)

no don't
don't play survival games

...that's actually a really interesting theory. Adamant reacted to her new eye, and Quack doc pointed out that her new eye contained "organic materials" in it. It actually tricked Adamant into thinking Phos was a living human, and it's why he gave so much away to, and reacted so welcoming and awkward to Pho's on his return from the moon...
So maybe Phos already is part human. Just need the final pieces.

It'll be fun. As soon as this whole Adamant character development arc gets out of the way.

Attached: 1516592680297.jpg (800x680, 199.11K)

phos? you mean.... PHOTS


too graphically intensive for me pal
and let's not forget how bad rockstar ports can be

I play many survival and horror games that fall under the fps or platformer genre

but isn't horror more of a theme than its own genre


Attached: bit.jpg (1000x1000, 442.12K)

i forgot
pc desu
thats probably y you are missing out on good gaming tbh

Attached: 1smile.png (513x465, 260.52K)

i mean if you're into rs6 it can be aight

Attached: 25508093_276574512870703_2605856482952124793_n.jpg (411x325, 12.19K)

we're all playing one 24/7 my guy

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Attached: tumblr_p1fllv16Yj1rafy10o1_1280.png (1266x1499, 1.62M)

as much as I'd love to fork over a couple hundred for a ps4 I don't fancy spending that much on a console that'll be obsolete in a couple of years not to mention the whole paying for online thing

I've not heard of rs6 but presuming that was a typo and you meant r6s, it's not a game I play, albeit I suppose I'm "into" the modern military setting

here we go again

think about it
do we really need to waste energy on this?
just stop while we can

Attached: MV5BMGI3YjViODUtY2ZmMi00MzgxLTk3NTUtNjlkYjAyMjVmNzY3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg3NzE0MDA@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,999_AL_.jpg (1777x999, 213.6K)

my laundry feels soo warm and fuzzy~

Attached: 62486419_p7.jpg (3362x4458, 1.63M)


God I love this story so much.

well like subnautica would be good, I know nier is still on sale if you wanted to try that

Attached: dia43.png (1080x1920, 336K)

yea charing for online was fuucking horrible

excited to move onto the next gaming generation

Also I mean resident eviil

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)

my computer cant run much more than Civ v on lowest settings

Attached: 1367712123396.jpg (1479x1900, 1.63M)

It's a great one.

lmao sucks to suck nerd

Attached: 1517271842727.png (646x279, 103.31K)

one of the genres I do dislike is JRPGs, and I'd rather anyone else reading this could refrain from scrutinising me for this
and subnautica doesn't seem like it'd be for me, I don't care for marine life or any of that
by the way since when did steam have this
do people do yoga when they play games or what

not too big on resident evil myself sorry

Attached: Untitled.png (297x91, 6.23K)

hold on bard how does resident evil abbreviate to RS what's wrong with you


Yeah Im not really into the seriesmuch either

Attached: 1368572759827.jpg (596x842, 245.41K)

My skeleton hinges ache and the water in my tap tastes like plastic

Attached: hatsune miku00171.png (583x776, 366K)

Attached: what's wrong with you.gif (446x251, 720.86K)

Attached: animus.png (633x642, 386.01K)

Nice image

Gott get up and stretch boy

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E and S are very close keys together

Attached: 1335997116547.jpg (1062x1500, 1.12M)

is it strange that I always imagine the phrase "come on what's wrong with you" being uttered by a stereotypical italian american mafia gangster
I wish I was autistic because maybe I'd have 1000 hours in euro truck simulator or something
I wouldn't be in this mess

Attached: mpv-shot0017.jpg (1920x1080, 180.09K)

I'm in bed because everything hurts but I'm trying to move my knees and ankles

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the only way to fix your knee after an injury or if you are just sore is to work it dess

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I think of that scene in ghostbusters 2 where they're drilling through the street and trying to lie to the police about what they're doing

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I don't see anything strange about it.
Then you'd be like that Danish gay boy Hu.

What's your computer specs btw?

Attached: __phosphophyllite_houseki_no_kuni_drawn_by_nigou__b5335629b6ae2c83f4a1e6214af81cb6.png (900x1600, 250.05K)

I got up and went to the pharmacy but it hurt a lot and I took some ibuprofen so now I rest

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ibuprofens are good

why are you sore? or is it just depressionpains

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I only got 298hrs in ETS2

No clue other than I didn't sleep much and I spent all morning playing Warframe in a kind of uncomfy chair but it's never made my joints hurt

Attached: hatsune miku00175.jpg (850x595, 191.17K)

That's 298 hours too many.

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You clearly don't know what a good game is

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You are like a little baby

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sabrina... more like... STINKER

nothing wrong with euro truck simulator I just used it as an example ok don't bully

Attached: thanks obama.png (533x524, 17.81K)

I genuinely enjoy the FarCry series and a dead Free2Play, so I guess I can't completely deny that.

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blow me

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I see your 2062 and raise you 2961

Attached: QoIyI3Q.png (921x475, 509.3K)

123 days played in warframe

I regret nothing

Attached: agony aleks.jpg (213x325, 7.56K)


Lol homo

Of Warframe?


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Yeah. So you gonna open that mouth of yours or what?

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What's your mr and favorite equipment

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your 3125hrs are still more than mine

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Hey sab

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and Nidus

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Just offhand thats kinda hard to beleive lol but fuck
I honestly dont even wanna know how many days that is gone.........

so How did you get into runescape in the first place anyways?

Attached: sweat.jpg (339x444, 63.17K)


ok I'm using a glorified toaster no need to rub it in you MEANIES >:(

Attached: mpv-shot0051.jpg (1920x1080, 132.39K)

It's not nice to brag, Luka.

I need a job so I can get a CPU that can generate trips

Is your dick cute

Good choices
I like Mirage, Harpak, AkZani, and Sarpa

Attached: hatsune miku00316.jpg (850x850, 185.36K)

Everyone started playing it in elementary school and spent the breaks in the EDB room, so I started doing it too, even going with friends to the library to play runescape at the computers there from time to time.
Although I never played it much back then compared to how much I play it now

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Bruh, that ain't a toaster, you on a fuckin' Easy-bake oven.

Attached: 1515359120615.jpg (528x396, 43.66K)


that sounds so nostalgiac.............

I remember the first time I saw guild wars my aunt and her husband played it on the computer and it looked super advanced compared to the games I was playing around then

the world was so massivee

they let me make a character and run aroundd in the pre game area for a while

about a year later when I asked for the game and gotit for christmas I spent a very long time in the pregame area because it was sooo comfy and exapnsive that in my noob mindset I was pretty sure it was the whole game ;~:

Attached: 86JWyy.jpg (562x839, 142.54K)

ok I'm using a glorified toaster no need to rub it in you MEANIES >:(

Depends. If you think 8" sounds cute, then yeah

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hus massive cock


Attached: mpv-shot0043.jpg (1920x1080, 122.21K)

Things was easier and more enjoyable as a kid, right?

Attached: 1515774317001.jpg (1024x768, 473.95K)

Post pics with a ribbon tied around it

Attached: hatsune miku00505.jpg (809x970, 93.88K)

I remember when the Sarpa used to generate free tentacles for hydroid with every attack

it was memes

Attached: kEnRP6f.jpg (570x640, 23K)

r8 my toaster


Attached: toaster.png (825x656, 134.42K)

lets go back
you and me ;~:

Attached: homu.jpg (1030x730, 58.96K)

I don't remember that at all but I don't really like hydroid

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I'm so hungry pls send halp

: 3

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he was only ever good for infested defense
but don't tell anyone I said that

Attached: MV5BMGI3YjViODUtY2ZmMi00MzgxLTk3NTUtNjlkYjAyMjVmNzY3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg3NzE0MDA@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,999_AL_.jpg (1777x999, 213.6K)

Oh yeah also, so I guess this bitch isn't actually a slut (I was really disappointed btw) but she's a broken mess of insecurities and self loathing.
You trying to tell us something about yourself through your avatar Loafie?

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Congrats, you can play all the games Loafie can't.

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Attached: Screenshot (22) Speccy.png (715x562, 50.08K)

yeah no, lol.
I'll tie a ribbon on it though, then you can unwrap it yourself

If only ;_;

Attached: 1515475723001.jpg (900x1200, 333.52K)

Why not just use ember or equinox

Attached: hatsune miku00084.jpg (859x936, 80.13K)

can we have a designated day of the week where we bully loafie

I used to play Neopets in the school library

sat next to someone that played Neopets too

he asked me for some Neopoints to place a bid

I gave him 50k because he said he'd pay me back
I mailed to him with a message saying "fuck you"

he took the neopoints,
and reported me.

My account was permanently banned. He didn't show an ounce of remorse. To this day, I have no idea why he did this.

He goes to Cambridge University these days to study mathematics.

oh hell yeah I have neopets too my niggah

Attached: CoffeeΓÖÑBard.jpg (159x159, 25.86K)

no I'm not trying to tell you anything
if you can find a parallel between her and myself then it is purely coincidential


why is this so relatable

Attached: bit.jpg (1000x1000, 442.12K)

he outdamages them both with the tentacles
but he can't move them around

he was gud at defense and interception and not much else

Attached: i0UKj2P.jpg (655x640, 28.15K)

Loafie sux

Can I tie your dick in a knot with my tongue like a cherry stem

Attached: hatsune miku00108.jpg (1000x750, 572.01K)

just checked.

he transferred to Caltech.

time to put "Fuck Loafie" shirts on redbubble

stop bullying me please


I'm gonna name a planet Fuck Loafie


Attached: 54995940_p3.jpg (887x1023, 433.79K)

chores yay!
eatin nothin boo!
george yay!
school > work

too bad school gives me stress :( i'd rather work cause no stress but school is more fun...

can't find a specific type of job

arthritis holds me back from lots of jobs

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I am here to protect you

Attached: Bring the Pain.jpg (700x700, 131.73K)

I mean in derelict defense I usually go necros for the extra loot but otherwise it depends on if I'm in a hurry or want to trust others to kill things for me

Attached: hatsune miku00152.jpg (1388x1000, 234.98K)

I mean computer stuff doesn't seem to bother you, just find something data entry or something.

Attached: This isn't where I parked my car.png (414x574, 292.99K)

ideally you'd run hydroid AND Nekros for maximum lootses

Attached: goonbear.jpg (600x600, 60.61K)

thanks bardo

The Bard's word is law

protect the loafie

Attached: uɐɯɹǝʞɔɐH.jpg (588x593, 54.45K)

why not linux

Now LOAFIE is my bed friend

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what a change I am witnessing

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It'll probably be too thick and hard for that, I'm afraid

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And a maim equinox, because pilfering swarm procs if they were in the tentacles when they died and desecrate can loot people chunks separately
And probably an ev trin if you wanted to tryhard

Attached: hatsune miku00066.jpg (396x875, 230.9K)

bed friends~?

george yay indeed

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Also, why the fuck does nobody play Harrow?
I'm the only Harrow player and it's very lonely being superior

Attached: help me out here.jpg (1280x720, 86.51K)

I don't believe you have a huge penis
Tie your dick around a ribbon and post pics

Attached: hatsune miku01001.jpg (644x975, 468.67K)

yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for

i kinda wanna go back to my old job though and i should be pain free soon enough

i liked my coworkers and boss/management at my location


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Harrow is great but doesn't he have to get the kills to grant energy?

Attached: hatsune miku00072.jpg (772x600, 101.08K)

umm excuse me george that is a very inappropriate image

he do

Attached: what.png (384x385, 223.2K)

if you go for headshots you get like 3x as much energy per kill though

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Can just ask someone who has seen it.
Also, I think you just want to see dick

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Where did Amy go?

Uh huh.

I already know it's true for you, that's a given.

Does he swallow too, or is that just you?

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well, it's def. me but idk ask him


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I wish they had this for WoW

Attached: SadBard2.jpg (1999x1599, 806.93K)

you can check your time played per character

I lost my account shortly after Cataclysm, but yeah, could have been fun to see

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That doesn't help when I've played and deleted probably 60 or 70 characters


Because I didn't have that many character slots per realm?

What are you, some kind of normie?

how selfish can one be?


hey i know someone with that name
they have a mugshot online :~)

weed and illegal firearm possession :~)

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ni ni.
And if you really wanna know Revy, just ask

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Real men don't need guns to solve their problems

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I didn't do end game stuff, so I leveled characters endlessly

With aoe bleed and tentacle swarm I don't think harrow would be the best choice there, also considering his healing is also based on the damage he does

I just think ribbons are cute

Attached: hatsune miku00001.jpg (500x400, 46.07K)

you experienced like
the worst parts of the game
over and over again?

Harrow is a niche frame for sure
but I've noticed a total lack of support frames in public games lately

everyone wants to deal all the damage and kill everything

Attached: deepthought.gif (480x270, 4.32M)

Oberon is one of my other favorites, his prime is great for sitting in enemy fire and soaking up energy

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Attached: Hey Baby..jpg (1280x720, 82.9K)

Correct, I still have 2 characters from when I started though

after living so many years in isolation because i'm ashamed of how i look today compared to in the past, i have developed the ability to telepathically communicate with others.

he's a smart person but makes bad decisions

dunno how that works

Attached: fucking koreans.png (515x404, 265.38K)

linux gross
linux not run my kewl exe files

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that's the same reason I love Nidus
I eat bullets and shit fury

why would you do that to yourself?

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Ask 12 year old me why I would do that

which classes were your two original characters though?

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Warrior and forgotten to time. The remaining other one is a Hunter though, no idea why I kept that one in particular though

at first people hoped i was god's messenger, even i did tbh. but the truth is, i'm the next step in the evolution

would you believe me if i told u i'm the most important human on this planet?

I just like abilities containing the phrase "guaranteed radiation proc" because it's funny to watch a heavy gunner ragdoll all her allies

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What's a bed friend?

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He seems even more delusional than that.

Attached: no.png (240x240, 114.02K)

a sleepy person! ^_^

I'm Wish the Shitposter.
The one and only ultimate life form.

Attached: 66960162_p0 - 童貞をころす霞ママン.jpg (1000x1302, 785.51K)

Wtf is wrong with me?

Attached: .jpg (1068x1200, 197.16K)

I'm Yams the sweet potato.
The one and only ultimate sentient yam.

Attached: starbucks.png (243x243, 91.83K)




I need you to support me, the pain is just too much, even i can't take so much hate.


i won't delete it again.