surrender, goy.
Surrender, goy
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I really don't get why you alt-right dipshits think that a monoracial society without fags and drugs would be a utopia. Poverty and economic exploitation would still be a thing, and the only way to address those is to eliminate capitalism altogether. Fascist society would still have production for exchange so don't give me that "fascists are anti-capitalist" bullshit.
Stay classcucked Holla Forums
Fun thing is that these faggots don't get that socialism would be a solution to everything they consider a problem in todays world.
I refuse to believe it. It's gotta be a falseflag to make them seen even dumber than they are
Right? If the lifestyle that Holla Forums thinks is natural really is natural then people would naturally gravitate towards it once the social pressures of capitalism are removed.
Exactly. Plus without the need to export everything to cheaper places and import hordes of cheap labour everycountry wold preserve its natural identity. Plus no commodification of culture. They are fucking idiots. We should countermeme them, instad of KULTURAL MARCKSISM we should create a cultural capitalism meme
Forgot to sage
Completely agreed. Holla Forums might be stupid but they aren't *stupid*
That's a good idea. We could also have a "trad-left" that opposes cultural capitalism, based around the idea that communism would allow man's true human nature to thrive. Maybe we could throw some anti-idpol stuff in there too, idk.
Why would anyone with an I.Q. above 90 import welfare leeches as laborers?
Because they are cheap labour.
This one would be funnier if it was only the left part tbh.
Mass migrations, work visas, and globalism are all caused by market forces under capitalism. Cheap labor is cheap labor, it doesn't take very much intelligence to do and porky doesn't care about your culture or your wages.
But they don't work. Let someone with an I.Q. in the triple digits help you out and teach you.
That's the government spending money, not the capitalists. That's money that comes out of your tax dollars and goes straight into porky's pockets because he can pay immigrants much less than what native workers would be willing to work for. The taxpayers are literally giving big corporations money in about a million other ways too, user. Porky is the biggest receiver of gibs out of any demographic.
Did you forget to paste the article that mentions refugees not working? Because this article isn't about that.
Care to explain then why the goverment let them in. They are consumers too btw.
Porky's money
If they were working they would't be on welfare
They are a drain. They do not produce.. Only consume. The only money they put back into the economy is the money that was handed to them.
Word to the wise.
Did you forget about porky''s tax dodging loopholes?
They are on welfare because they have recently been relocated and need to be settled. It says that in your posted.
Still waiting for the proofs.
What the fuck are you talking about? Taxes are taken out of working people's paychecks and go into policies that disproportionately benefit capitalists. Most capitalists don't even have to pay very much taxes because they keep their money in offshore accounts to avoid having to give up their money. It's the people paying to keep these capitalists in their comfortable positions while they shit on all of us. Immigration is one of the many ways that porky undermines workers both here and abroad.
How is that acceptable to you? Do you really care more about "muh gibs" than you do about the well-being of your fellow countrymen?