Do you pray sometimes?
Do you pray sometimes?
I used to, but not much anymore.
wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster
I read somewhere that praying is good for blood circulation and is an outlet for stress. Though I suppose you could get the same benefits from meditation too.
Come join us
No I won't. Also fuck off christfags.
If we are the "new old left," can we start blowing up churches and killing nuns?
or fapping
Honestly who cares is you are religious and a genuine socialist? If you are cool with people not following your religion, I don't mind religious socialists.
Some see socialism as a political cause that can realize the teachings of Jesus, and thats ok.
As good as fapping feels, and the brief clarity of mind you get is helpful. Fapping can lead to being addicted/unhealthy. Too much of a good thing. Though, I guess I am addicted to fapping by a normal person's standard.
of course not
disgusting and disgraceful
Nice Italian propaganda poster, saved.
you take that back!
Christchan is love
Christchan is life
christianity must perish
its propaganda must perish
christcucks are irrelevant
where I live they sell candles and water
how they think, what they think and what they might say is awful itself
Nice try. That's how pic related happened. It was six years ago and still I occasionally find moldy limes in when I clean the house.
Be careful what you wish for lads, I had to learn that the hard way.
Interesting fact is that most brutal persecution of chirstians, priest and nun murders, church burnings, etc. were largely made by liberal anticlerical party, not CNT-FAI, and in anarchist part many people were religious, like this woman in picture.
You must realise that for a lot of Chistians local church became heretical, fascist and because of that, pagan, and they believed that anarchist ideology is more close to true Christian otrthodoxy.
I pray to Thor.
I can't decide whether this is adorable or pathetic.
the only comrade that I know of that shares my view on metaphysical Platonic numbers