How do you convince people that it doesn't matter if Jews control the media?
Thoughts on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Fox news exists and it has more viewers than any of those and it's going to save the white race.
Because the media would still serve the same purpose no matter the ethnicity of those in control.
So you don't think there is any kind of use for media in a communist society, because it would only be used to serve the same purpose it currently is? Or do you think that it matters who is in control of the media?
It matters who funds them, it matters how transparent they are, it matters what topics they cover, it doesn't matter the size of their nose.
I never said that. The media as it currently stands is to help protect capital and the status quo. It will do this whether owned by jews, blacks, whites, asians.
If blacks ran the media, wouldn't it most likely be used to overturn the status quo and redistribute capital? Redistributions of capital would necessarily favor blacks on average, and I can't assume you mean to imply that blacks are happy with the current status quo.
If you don't admit ZOG Occupied Government exists you're just a toady for it. Leftists will never address the kikes so they will never be respected as a real anti capitalist force.
Look man, if it's not the Jews it would just be some other group. I don't understand why these conspiracy theorists think that if only non-Jews ruled everything then everything would be fine.
OK now check the actual Board of Directors for the NYT.
Yes, the frightened bourgeois is so concerned about internet denizens pointing out ethnic imbalances in their class. Surely that will tear down the foundations of capitalism.
I've looked at it. It's more than half Jewish.
But that's a fallacy. The idea that something is not worth addressing because successfully addressing it would still not yield a perfect solution. The question is whether it would yield a solution better than the current one. I haven't yet argued that it would–in order to do that, you need to acknowledge the present situation for what it is.
Yes, because these liberal outlets are paragons for the cause of Communism.
Meant to tag you in this
redistribution isn't overturning the status quo.
It depends on the individual. The ones that run the media certainly are.
gib proof
btw I actually agree with the other user you were responding to in that I don't really care what ethnicity the corporate media is just the fact it's corporate media, I'm just interested in whether the claims that it's controlled by Jews are true or not
1. If the problem is The Jews, then what material changes would result from their removal requiring their complete removal (as their inherent Jewishness inevitably creates these problems).
2. If it isn't all Jews that are the problem, instead of the problem being some essential Jewishness, then why is their Jewishness an issue to begin with?
3. If the problem is caused by some inherent facet of Jewishness, then why isn't the bad stuff rich "white" people do likewise the result of some essential character of "whiteness?"
But the long and short of it is that typically people can't be argued out of that kind of dumb bullshit, because they didn't arrive at that by any logical argumentation to begin with.
Did Obama overturn the status quo? He redistributed wealth all right, but from poor white people to rich white people. And even though all those poor black people were literally poisoned in Flint, he hardly lifted a finger to help. Maybe his half-white side just overcome his inferior Negro genes? Come to think of it, the mayor of Detroit presided over a massive redistribution of capital too–from poor and working class white and black families to wealthy executives.
Hmmm, it's almost like class motivations have more to do with the decisions people make rather than fictional notions of race and race affinity.
"Jews" don't control anything other than Synagogues.
Somebody post that Holla Forums screencap that literally says jewish capitalism = bad, aryan capitalism = good
>people typically can't be argued out of their ideology, because .
So how about you? What is your probability that your ideology is a fallacy?
If you pick a random person, there is a probability that he has a certain trait, there is a probability that he was socialised in a certain way and there is a probability how much power he gains to unfold certain behavior (eg. exploitive/corrupt). The probabilities vary for populations.
If the proportion of a certain character in a population is high enough, it will be seen as a character of that population.
(Btw, it is a jewish meme that whites are essential evil and caused all world-problems etc. Leftists are spreading that meme. So, I assume, you are against that meme.)
Just check history, when they were removed from power. Like in germany, a starving and splitted nation turned into the most successfull and most united nation. „Germany is getting too strong. We’ve got to smash her.“ - Churchill 1936
Russia 1917? Russia 1990? … Palestine? … What are other examples were jews gained/lost power over nations?
You do know that jews are the group with the strongest racial affiliation on earth? How often did you call them racist or thought of it?
(eg.: Genetic citizenship: DNA testing and the Israeli Law of Return -
Imagine USA would discuss DNA testing for immigrants. So many double standards …
All the time whenever they genocide Palestinians and expand their apartheid terrorist state?
There is literally no pro-Israel leftist except for those anti-deutsch tards in Germany.
Built on fake money and a future war economy that was millions in debt by the late 30's.
This meme needs to die seventy years ago. Nazi Germany was a retarded bureaucratic clusterfuck that didn't know what it was doing half the time. The country wasn't 'starving and split' when the Nazis took over. The worst of the economic chaos was already over. Any nation can be 'successful' if you start up a bunch of social programs and spend money like it's going out of style.
The most successful and unified nation fell after a couple decades? we have different definitions of success it seems.
Leftists don't like Israel or Zionism. Read the faq
It barely made it to one decade.
- Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question
See pic related.
Jews as an ethnic group have one of the highest rates of intermarriage in the world.
Perhaps this is the place to inform Holla Forums of a Holla Forums thread discussing Communism. Ignore the OP - it's the conversation in the newer replies I invite you folks to see:
>>>Holla Forums10534372
Here's the specific posts I want y'all to see:
>>>Holla Forums10536871
>>>Holla Forums10536947
I'll reply to them in this thread
That's just pure historical revisionism.
Doesn't even know what socialism is.
It doesn't matter as all of them are against Marxism
Completely laughable, still ignorant as to what socialism is. These posts just prove that Holla Forums doesn't know what they are even talking about
All killed in the night of the long knives and ardent anti-Marxists.
Lol, pic related. I guess that retard forgot Hitler was originally employed by the government to report on potentially harmful groups as well as groups who could potentially aid the government and infiltrated the predecessor to the NSDAP in order to prop it up into a staunchly anti-communist group.
The initial anti-capitalist rhetoric, specifically the 25 point program came from Feder who dismissed in favor of a classical liberal economist.
This comes from Rauschning's "Hitler Speaks" which has been dismissed by most historians on the Nazi era.
Nazis being retarded yet again. Imagine my shock!
Because depending on how loose your definition of "jew" is literally 90% of people descended from middle europe are jews. The religious meaning, the cultural meaning, the national meaning, and the genetic meaning are all blurry as fuck. I've seen stormfront threads of people bitching about being 30% jewish from 23andme and the responses are always "as long as you act white and mostly white its good enough". There are Holla Forums threads where they bitch about jews, oh except for Richard Stallman or any other jew they happen to like, those ones are OK. It's nothing more than a label to signal "this is a person I don't like".
that doesn't address the question of proportion. of course the irish will be overrepresented in the US, half the damn white population in the US is irish
It would have been nice to actually see some discussion between Holla Forums and Holla Forums instead of just replying to the posts (Without them even seeing that) and calling it a day.
Are you under the impression that we live in some kind of meritocracy and the media class, or the bourgeoisie writ large, is under some sort of obligation to reflect the ethnic makeup of the population proportionally?
Because I have news for you buddy, that old meme is a lie.
No, Holla Forums can fuck off back their hole.
There can't be any discussion with them when they don't even know what they are talking about fam.
That would be assuming "class cooperation" was a non-violent, voluntary development — which it obviously wasn't. The institution of corporatism required the destruction of independent workers movement as unions were banned, strikes were outlawed and labor leaders were arrested. So "communists" were not so much "converted" as they were forced to adhere to what the Nazis presented them with under threat of violence and persecution. Nazi policies regarding labor had more to do with Gleichschaltung than any sound socioeconomic policy.
It's also worthy of note that the decrease in unemployment was at least partially the result of authoritarian and discriminatory measures (forced enrollment in the Reichsarbeitsdienst, women not being counted in statistics, obviously persecution of Jews, etc) and while employment did increase, real wages fell and working hours grew longer. Wages in Nazi Germany never rose above Weimar Republic-era levels even though productivity increased beyond that point.
With a few anecdotal exceptions (the Nov 1932 joint transportation strike being the most often cited) Nazis and Communists spent most of their time "together" violently brawling in the streets. The KPD was as vocal in its opposition to Fascism than the NSDAP was in its hate for Bolshevism.
Nazis endowed "socialism" with a very special and distinct meaning and they proudly told anyone willing to listen that their "socialism" had nothing to do with Marxism, class struggle or internationalism. Those in the SA who tended to take their "socialism" a tiny bit too seriously were promptly eliminated.
As a "socialist", Mussolini wasn't so much interested in Marx as he was in Nietzsche, Sorel and Le Bon — which is probably what led him to support the bizarre theory of "class struggle between nation" and imperialist war as a mean to wage that struggle. That's why he was kicked out of the Socialist Party: For advocating Italy's intervention in WW1. He was already a Fascist when he was still in the Socialist Party along with his bellicist-syndicalist buddies who went from militant trade-unionism to class-collaborationism before you could say "wait a minute, you aren't actual communists".
White people are the true Israelites?
That pic is one of the most disturbing thing I ever saw in my life
Don't forget
Enlighten them. There are anti-Capitalist sentiments in Holla Forums that can benefit both Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
How about a shared thread? A thread visible both here and there? Maybe not now, but when we have similar activity numbers.
Could be done with a bot that just posts the new replies from the one thread in the other one and the other way round.
I like this idea.