Oh no

oh no

Attached: unknown.PNG (102x68, 1012)

Other urls found in this thread:




To be honest, I knew it was coming. But it does not detract from the amusement of the inevitable guess. Bwehheh

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective0051.gif (245x135, 529.46K)

hopefully i'm never in that situation

At least you've made some good friends at your new work place.

Attached: 748.png (500x540, 193.41K)

It was. But when the addiction took hold what you think was necessity for pain really wasn't.

Attached: 1520676492001.png (2749x2709, 3.75M)

Well I know something that stops withdrawal too.
Its prescription but is not intended for that.
If you hit that place ask me and I'll let you know.
Only had to tell one person so far and ironically its my head chef haha

Attached: 1231234432543.jpg (900x824, 149.63K)

Attached: 67259794_p0 - みかねえ.jpg (1000x1415, 632.59K)

lil c'mere

Attached: 21.jpg (1039x1511, 261.17K)

Gay wolf

Attached: .jpeg (811x509, 280.83K)

Bbooshka babooka

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective0087.png (240x240, 88.24K)


Attached: 67276560_p15.jpg (888x1314, 1021.26K)

Spam tbh

straightest wolf

Attached: 1520513233001.jpg (688x1000, 287.26K)

Thanks but I doubt I'll need that.

Attached: 1520743732575.png (870x1174, 76.1K)

Cute pic! -pat pat- ^^ happy sunday

always happy when powerful scoots is around!

Attached: 67259652_p13.png (657x1000, 410.85K)

I am the strong, to protecc the liddle and the cute.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2271.jpg (750x500, 282.41K)

Ive had codeine since.
You just need to make sure you only do so much in so long and never keep it up for more than 5 or so days

Attached: 133441125260.png (400x400, 171.67K)


Friends are stinky.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2233.jpg (500x500, 50.99K)

I don't do anything right now.

I know

I remember you telling me about how they never shut up about overwatch

That must be pretty painful

Attached: 1519759120098.jpg (656x674, 32.84K)

I should play Overwatch more, and talk non-stop to liliana about it.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective1597.jpg (789x1000, 133.25K)


Discuss how my "allahu ackbar" Reinhardt style is ultimately the worst thing you can do, but is the most fun.

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective1582.png (200x200, 52.35K)

tbh the non gamer guys arent bad
like this one girl is super sweet n genuine
and this other guy is relatively nice

but the gamer guys uuuuughh


Compromise? How about you teach me league, and make it FUN! so that I dont want to die or have a panic attack ?

Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective2314.gif (500x700, 167.57K)

People are also extremely fake at work a lot of the times

idk if you know that

Attached: 1111123.png (546x327, 87.35K)

I'm leaving

Attached: Choujigen_Game_Neptune_The_Animation_-_ep01_158.jpg (1280x720, 305.35K)

Attached: .jpg (444x612, 73.57K)

Hey how does one go about scheduling a cuddle session with Wish? Is it a prequisite to play Leeg and be a boy-molesting fruit?

Attached: 7E016C8B-9843-48DC-B4D1-C712D443AC4C.jpeg (299x168, 15.73K)

You have to be from the Netherlands tbh


I'm small and smooth

does this make me Dutch?


Attached: 0d97d7703ae12336a7eb786e2fdc6e9d.jpg (947x1200, 245.43K)

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Attached: 6e462f98601ba802d78f69f8da98e530.png (400x400, 10.56K)

Oh. Hey are you and ikt gonna get married?
I think that would be cute.

Attached: 7E746F96-6660-4B68-B414-52A1F8D9A698.jpeg (299x168, 15.73K)


im cold

Attached: __original_drawn_by_dereiope__144cefd89aa400a57ec81e640299a73c.jpg (3541x5016, 3.36M)

Oh my days this is a lot more difficult than I'd anticipated.

Attached: Bella 2.png (160x240, 5.31K)

get blanket!

That's pretty good.

Attached: tumblr_nhhz1jhojD1qzh8uoo1_540.jpg (532x800, 154.6K)


Attached: NkCyf.png (256x286, 99.25K)

need moar ;~;

Attached: 12983368_449995935125115_1050246280643530089_o.jpg (848x1200, 95.58K)

Much appreciated. I'm having trouble translating my drawing to pixel art and vice versa.

Attached: tumblr_nhdhm6695h1rp4gnlo1_1280.png (902x1012, 1001.92K)

Henlo fwendy

Attached: F28B1F57-6DD7-4B91-A7FA-F77A1AEBC961.jpeg (299x168, 15.73K)


Attached: .jpg (960x737, 139.35K)

Is that from the guy who made the green guro deer?

Attached: E2F8BA03-1B31-47EC-A2F2-EA44C66EEF15.jpeg (299x168, 15.73K)


Attached: TheSlutbuttCollective0049.jpg (500x750, 82.04K)

I don't know why you keep expecting me to know what things are.

Attached: tumblr_o3zq1egwQ51qj0qimo1_1280.png (1280x1600, 313.1K)

Because you have posted them before
God damn you

my knee is sore this morning ;~;

Attached: sleepy.jpg (505x567, 21.35K)

I just post things I think look nice. The sources aren't even secondary to that.

Attached: eye see you in the icu.jpg (1280x1749, 338.21K)


Attached: a700067476a2caefb52ff87afc086c50da79c7fe_full.jpg (184x184, 6.46K)

It's because you fat

Attached: .jpg (1300x1500, 298.76K)

Attached: baitless hooks.png (765x767, 156.97K)

Nooooooo it's because i rolled it ;~;

Attached: 1.png (568x338, 227.1K)


what do i do now?

Attached: __original_drawn_by_ilya_kuvshinov__ba8a59a8f6f9444fc25d14ea38903eac.jpg (1080x1080, 217.33K)

afta work dess

Attached: attentionjpg.png (540x380, 214.55K)

How did you rolled it?

Attached: .jpg (960x438, 69.14K)

i was attacking with a choke from the back and my oppoent was rolling around and I posted up on my right leg to keep my balance and I felt it roll in the socket ;w;

Attached: meirl2.png (325x181, 122.45K)

play games? watch shows? relax?


Just do a drawing and then use MS paint to shrink the drawing down really small so it's only a few pixels.

Attached: 12.jpg (1016x1518, 216.69K)

im enjoying the youtubes!


good choice!

Damn, you fighter

Attached: .jpg (845x845, 54.99K)

That's what I've ended up trying but it's still Hella difficult. I should've gotten into a making different style of game tbh fam.

Attached: daydreams.png (500x234, 207.39K)

nah I'm just a white belt but someday :3

what are you spending your day?

Attached: 25508093_276574512870703_2605856482952124793_n.jpg (411x325, 12.19K)

Literally nothing, full day of procrastination. Except a bit of programming.

Attached: .jpg (1068x1200, 197.16K)

the best and only way to spend a weekend really

what a greatt feeling to have to not do much
have fun programming later : 3

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)

i want new wallpapers

Attached: 18156267_636785666446140_1084772029927033361_o.png (992x1200, 939.94K)

Geddem :3


Attached: chrome_2018-03-03_22-09-57.png (644x507, 123.17K)

Not when a weekend continues per 10 days

Attached: .jpeg (795x1200, 311.53K)

ohohoh all the more reason to do nothing but sleep my friend

Attached: 1smile.jpg (960x640, 30.5K)

Attached: bm20xrtazslz.jpg (1920x1080, 298.06K)

found a cute pic for loco to squee over

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (400x335, 210.13K)

that looks pretty nifty!

I hate long sleep, i don't like sleep more than 7 hours

Attached: .jpg (352x394, 15.91K)

I'd kiss it better.

tbh same but if I really like it I'll find out more about it.

Attached: Anzu Futaba 416.jpg (700x700, 112.68K)

What the fuck is that abomination on his face

Attached: 1520703817519.png (364x842, 296.56K)

I believe that's called a "nose."

He looks like a white Donald Glover

Attached: 21.jpg (1039x1511, 261.17K)

i like futuristic ones!

Attached: another_winter_by_grivetart-d5lh37p.jpg (1920x1028, 1.8M)

i think its handsome

Attached: 1smile.jpg (960x640, 30.5K)

dem future robotics and ships

Sleeping iss my favorite thing to do in life

why don t you enjoy sleep? just hard to get to sleep?

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)

do u have nice wallpapers?

Attached: dome_city_by_ishutani-d6mba9i.jpg (1600x612, 645.86K)

I haven't changed my wallpaper in fucking years

Attached: wallpaper-113285edit.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

Another boring day.
How is everyone?

I slept all day because I got fuck all to do.

Attached: __banette_hex_maniac_and_mismagius_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_diives__sample-87cd1097d71fad3c7e4da95da1b17274.webm (600x960, 595.59K)


Attached: yoyoyoyo.jpg (1000x562, 307.62K)

morning scans desui

Attached: 15826205_956230427854772_8623045454727303899_n.jpg (196x225, 8.69K)

Attached: Nig Woll Paper.jpg (3840x2160, 6.16M)

It's night over here.

How be you, Bard?

Attached: __chandelure_gastly_and_hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_besthetz__sample-db10fd916f765306b6994f0f3216801f.jpg (850x1133, 255.82K)

sleepy and my knee iis sore

I gott go to work but Imma pretend that I didnt know we had to move our clocks ahead an hour

Attached: 16298693_1342932225771464_3049207600482077863_n.jpg (225x225, 10.89K)

why is that one small?

Attached: welcome_to_2010_by_jamajurabaev.jpg (1920x1123, 859.24K)

Oh shit, it's daylight savings time already?

I wish I had work to do, then my days won't be so boring. I'm thinking of redownloading Gremlins Inc.

Loco can I ask you something about your (big?) sister?

Attached: starbucks.png (243x243, 91.83K)

I prefer scenery wall papers because

Attached: Jaepan.jpg (4288x2848, 3.05M)

isnt loco's sister dead?

yes last night it came

now we have to put the clock ahead ;~:

go apply for a job dess :3

Attached: 1smile.png (513x465, 260.52K)

a random tokyo street?!

Attached: frghrgjhj_by_zedig-d692el0.jpg (1920x1000, 1.51M)


Can't. Not allowed to work.
My benefits pay for my support.
I'd have to earn lots of money if I want to keep said support.

I'm hoping to get out of supported living before xmas so I can work at my favourite job, Smyths Toystore; but they only hire seasonally. ;-;

Ioco's big sister sounds pretty fucking hot

Attached: tumblr_o3w2xfpO631sjc5sqo1_500.png (500x300, 190.88K)

do u like this scenery?

Attached: bleeding_into_trees_by_matchack-d63ox4h.jpg (1800x1005, 572.87K)

Sleeping it's waste of time

Attached: .jpeg (2500x1405, 260.31K)

I remember you were working there last year :3

Attached: 25508093_276574512870703_2605856482952124793_n.jpg (411x325, 12.19K)

It is abstract, fantasy, but yes seems neato

fukken spoopy

It is my favourite job, plus you could listen to your ipod there since you work nightshift.

I used to listen to a lot of Sleepy Cabin when I was working. ;w;

Attached: __hex_maniac_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_reiesu_reis__sample-4d9c28dba8c237573868f450ba19cd43.jpg (850x850, 112.86K)

i like scifi fantasy!

spoopy abndondonded ship leaking something and making teh tress white!

Attached: abandoned_base_by_rafaelkowalski-d7j1xpz.jpg (4890x2083, 3.23M)

I also have this for my log-in

Attached: 1354056593439.jpg (2000x968, 773.57K)

I wish they would let me listen too music at my work.......it helps out alot

Attached: oof.jpg (953x960, 107.83K)

:3 nice!!!


What music do you like?

Wanna share each others favourite songs?

this is my favorite
what bot you?

This is my favourite, I love the music video to it too.

Oooooh, I like this!
This is cool.

real urban wallpapers best wallpapers

floating buildings aren't futuristic. they're scifi.


I'm glad

I have some nostalgia attatched to it

Gypsy threat, if you remember him, he shoed it to me when I was still very new to the threads

It copletely revolutionized how I thoguth about music and I've listened to it nearly every single day since then, going on a little more than 4 years now

wy is your song your favorite?

Attached: oof.jpg (953x960, 107.83K)

Goro you sappy get


Stuck in the Sound deals with feelings of lonliness, I just got lucky finding this music video because I'm really into watching animation.

I love LCD Soundsystem too, my 2nd fave song is Dance Yourself Clean.

You know what I miss?
I miss playing CIv V with you. Remember when I just aggro everybody and try and fight people really early in the game?

futuristic wallpapers with floating buildings aren't accurately trying to depict the development of human cities.

what they're more likely to do is build higher and higher interconnected crosswalks between buildings.

civ V was fun

I like to roleplay in it
smetime we should organize animus civ

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)


Attached: 650f03370e65858c05e2f5535d25c79a875740ba_s2_n2.png (2800x1558, 3.37M)

I pick Aztecs, and would like to found the religion 'Monkey Beating'.

If you wanna talk about roleplaying in Animus, we totes could make a thread where we play dungeons and dragons, using MS Paint and the dice system.



idk DnD is alot of work and kinda lame

not really much into that

Attached: 16708332_256175878165716_4586376388485929887_n.jpg (960x960, 106.49K)

current wallpaper

Attached: 1519136519525.jpg (6000x3694, 5.84M)

I guess I'm a big nerd.

I always wondered what sort of stats posters would have, I bet you'd have high charisma, being a bard and all.

Typical, fro you, fucking faggot

Attached: image_1.jpg (311x301, 14.99K)


I need more of these images.

Attached: image.jpg (273x300, 8.39K)

yup :|

futuristic! & scifi!


Attached: PROJECT2017_wp-1_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 744.82K)

ooh. why choose that?

Japan is almost like that. they thought ahead.

goodnight lads

Attached: mpv-shot0021.jpg (1920x1080, 186.38K)

i wanna see japan!

Attached: flight_by_cloudminedesign-d5pobbg.jpg (9729x5000, 1.65M)

it's p sugoi.

Hello Loafie, you going to bed already?

i want anime stuff from japan!

Attached: 0ab6e34b307b3bbf95ec3bb11aca34b4.jpg (1920x1080, 536.1K)

a lot of anime stuff is japan stuff, straight up copied from reality

all of Durarara!! take place in real actual locations you can walk to

what else?

also who r u? ._.

Attached: 1341237187205.jpg (1920x1200, 319.5K)

like, so many anime. so many stores. or products. every time a character takes a train, that entire train station, from the escalators to the placement of the signs and their symbols, are staight from real train stations.

maid cafes aren't an anime thing. they're a Japan thing that get depicted in anime. convenience stores, houses, canals, signs, uniforms, holidays, attitudes. if its set in Japan, it'll usually take things directly from thigns you'd see in Japan.


That's because nip studios are cheap shitshows where layouts are just traced photos.

Attached: 12.jpg (1016x1518, 216.69K)

Said the half baked fucktard


0.0 -"oooooh"s and sprinkles you in risotto-

-is tasty risotto-


new wallpaper ♥_♥

Attached: Zero.Two.(Darling.in.the.FranXX).full.2260379.jpg (1920x1080, 1.71M)




i wanna go to maid cafe

Attached: 7c760a423ecc0c3d9a676521262edd1432112b8d[2].jpg (2150x3035, 3.23M)



YOU'RE cute

Attached: tumblr_p52bjrv6eH1wsajfio1_1280.jpg (1280x712, 107.06K)


Attached: 1355021034587843.png (480x640, 271.59K)

How is the looka

lonely and bored

Attached: 116oe.jpg (1608x1600, 770.18K)

give me huggu


Attached: 120175.png (512x512, 353.04K)

Attached: Seinfeld - George Has to Poop During Sex.webm (480x270, 7.1M)

Attached: 67276560_p9.jpg (879x946, 559.49K)

Attached: MadMax.webm (1280x536, 3.39M)



vroom vroom

it's too bad none of you play video games with me

i slept 2 hours i think total

Attached: ge7kzwmb44l01.jpg (749x720, 32.77K)

i sleep 10hours

Way to go.

Attached: a700067476a2caefb52ff87afc086c50da79c7fe_full.jpg (184x184, 6.46K)

you must be feeling great!

hi tracer~

Attached: 1520741735890.jpg (332x376, 103.46K)


Attached: a700067476a2caefb52ff87afc086c50da79c7fe_full.jpg (184x184, 6.46K)

just hungry
and bored

Attached: d74d56477502c969356a72c82d6625c90bd163df[1].jpg (916x1432, 104.89K)

how are you doing?

no food? :(

Attached: 4bjBaMc.png (1500x2000, 2.64M)

Doing okay.

Attached: 56366d8cd54c109d6ccae53666bb40fc.png (400x400, 14.4K)


Attached: 1520780047776.png (849x1718, 1.91M)

We don't play the same kind of games :(

No, okay.

Attached: 0e8ee6d34cd6f435e54f7ad5ba6023ab.png (400x400, 11.13K)

Is bedtime, na na

Attached: tumblr_p52bjrv6eH1wsajfio1_1280.jpg (1280x712, 107.06K)

is awake time, oha

Attached: 59652189_p0 - 水着霞.png (900x1769, 1.49M)

okay is good enough ^^

goodnight friend!

Attached: sjJCTTW.png (600x900, 617.56K)

Attached: 29007381_2090096497937535_7828759347973849088_n.mp4 (400x400, 291.48K)

i only have starches like noodles and rice
no protiens meats ;~;

Attached: 67276560_p38.jpg (600x859, 365.71K)

we are sooo different...

Attached: DWVolIQUMAAT_9G.jpg (1134x2008, 353.21K)


I guess.

Attached: 4884366694c54b09c8821c22b3b449a0.png (400x400, 15.69K)

Most people are

You bought a $2000 computer but can't afford basic foods?

Attached: FACE.png (247x248, 4.55K)

That's like buying a car but you can't even afford to eat caviar or something.
What a retard.

I bet there are people fucking retarded enough to buy houses too, but they can't afford to shovel platinum in their mouths.
How silly is that? What reckless spending. It's worthy of judging them for being so shallow and stupid to buy one thing and compare it to daily intake of another completely different thing because it costs less.
Ironclad logic right there am I right fellas?

Shut the fuck up Tsuchi, you boring pathetic retard.
You absolute garbage fire of a human being.
Do us all a favor and stop pretending you're smart. You laugh at toilet humor and the fact that some senior citizens have to wear diapers.
You're basically a mongoloid.

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)


Attached: 594c1b92c33e783a54af5d1a73a0a1fdd717475c.png (888x1110, 452.71K)

Guys, I just bought a jet, but I can't afford the 8 hookers that drown me in champagne and tits.

What do

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

You bought a Jet but you can't afford the 8 hookers that drown you in champagne and tits?

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)

Yeah, at most I can get 6.

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

Man, it sounds like you shouldn't have gotten yourself into that predicament.
I'm going to judge you for buying the jet and imply that you're shallow and stupid.

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)

Or, he could've just not blown thousands of dollars and been able to eat. You don't buy luxury items when it means you must go without a literal requirement to live.

Attached: FACE.png (247x248, 4.55K)

Curses, my poor self esteem has been injured by this person who has no impact on my life in any meaningful way.

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

Haha got'eem I sure do look smart now

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)

in the 7 hours i was gone thread has barely even budged

nice :3

Attached: IMG_20180224_033348.jpg (736x914, 85.53K)

Spend that ten bucks in one place?

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

Can't argue with that, it's clear Luka has literally starved to death and is no longer alive.

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)

i didnt sell my bum pics if thats what youre asking :p

Attached: dwm_2018-03-09_07-29-09.png (1920x1044, 1.3M)

What a shocking and unforeseen outcome

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)

Ah, gave it away for free.

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

i dunno mousey made that $12 sound preeeeetty good

nope ! mousey has no bum pics of me

Color me shocked.

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

it was tempting to do it real quick for the easiest $12 of my life

oh well

Attached: 2018-03-01_21-09-56.png (1044x1080, 923.33K)


You mean 10.

Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

hey, is this thread lit?

Attached: 1519166553234.png (1024x1512, 1.14M)


Attached: 3fe39573ae58f1f6c24dc77f50a7e407680c619b.png (478x388, 164.26K)

Attached: caf24fd71489de599367521766b3e9e050befee3.jpg (4378x2480, 1.3M)

the act of giving pictures of my bum away for $12 was temptING
it was not tempted

is english your first language ?

started out as $10 but i increased it to $12 for insurance reasons and he agreed to that

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-36-34.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

ITS LIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: firefox_2018-03-01_21-12-28.png (492x682, 293.78K)


Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

Hey Luka. Watsup?

I'm making satirical posts.
Have an mp4 to make up for it.

Attached: HOLY FISHPASTE.mp4 (400x400, 331.95K)

hey there, nice gun girl.

but is it, THE MOST LIT???

Attached: 2ae17cb5cfb7a687dbb7770b122fbb0ff109a2b00c6614c296e37595b459f0dc.png (970x1123, 798.75K)

maybe the worst mp4 ever


what are u stupid

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-27-25.png (386x748, 430.01K)

Oh sorry
How about this one?

Attached: hows that gay.mp4 (400x224, 519.96K)

uh... umm... >///<

pew pew

Attached: 1519185826826.jpg (848x1199, 171.33K)

Attached: P5 intro remix.mp4 (640x480, 10.11M)

even worse

yeah, some say so.


Attached: 1517350073106.jpg (778x1000, 287.04K)

y she being shot?

Attached: 09091b61f35eb09b26d5ece9555c5f427c667dc9.jpg (800x1129, 92.62K)

How about this one?

Attached: i want to fuck you in the ass right now.mp4 (398x224, 291.92K)

i think ur half stupid :3

worse but in a different way

What about this?

Attached: jojorewind.mp4 (400x224, 840.45K)

because life is an action movie, and gun fights are common.

if you say so, tell me your reasoning.

Attached: 1517878819944.jpg (702x786, 88.83K)


Attached: 1467103026a09fc0a6089724cb241e40dbe7fe55.jpg (1000x556, 667.2K)

Ye boi

actually ive got no clue

Good morning.

Attached: .18221565_10207420982723007_2741122902057655339_n.png (480x467, 331.61K)

dunhams helped me to realize that, last week, white nationalists showed up with guns to protest us selling "assault weapons". saddly, I was not there. and a crazy guy with a hammer and cut up hands keeps trying to buy a gun.

she pretty cute.
not much of her with guns though.

so, you can't prove anything.

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correct !

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-25-01.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

I had some strange dreams.

You're doing the opposite of character development.

Attached: 【告知】C83新刊表紙絵.jpg (700x979, 443.83K)


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You're supposed to be concerned.

Attached: 누에.jpg (1600x2000, 976.39K)

wait what
what do you mean ?

character development ?

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-28-55.jpg (1920x1080, 825.61K)

Strange does not mean bad.

Attached: a700067476a2caefb52ff87afc086c50da79c7fe_full.jpg (184x184, 6.46K)

nuthin :3c

bad strange.

Attached: Misaka 1883.png (662x863, 245.45K)


Attached: 6e462f98601ba802d78f69f8da98e530.png (400x400, 10.56K)

you cant say that right after saying something confusing !!!!!

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_06-16-38.png (1920x1080, 1.75M)

You're the worst..

Too b ad

Attached: Shinobu 2138.jpg (800x1132, 205.67K)

so where do we go from here ?

Attached: firefox_2018-03-09_07-01-11.png (862x790, 741.88K)


Attached: rk1.png (104x186, 18.46K)

Wherever the wind blows.

tv shows

Attached: Shinobu 8.png (846x1100, 697.69K)

What of them.

Attached: 6e462f98601ba802d78f69f8da98e530.png (400x400, 10.56K)

where is the wind blowing ?

Attached: 2018-03-09_06-30-21.png (590x956, 656.84K)

I'm watching them now because you of noncaringness.


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lets go north ! :3

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Hi bard

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a young bard is so OP.

Attached: 1519172743942.jpg (3357x3863, 691.61K)

What's up with you tonight guys?

Attached: 15826205_956230427854772_8623045454727303899_n.jpg (196x225, 8.69K)

not much, actually going to bed soon, gotta be up at 6am.

Not much
Shit on Tsuchi earlier

Attached: o man i sure am witty and sarcastic haha.png (247x248, 4.68K)

:stop music:

Attached: anatomically correct diagram of the vagina.jpg (800x534, 71.23K)

you have to post it in all threads on all boards.

That's a shame why you gotta be up so soon?

that sounds less fun than watching paint dry

Attached: oof.jpg (953x960, 107.83K)

I work from 7 to noon.

Attached: 1519182916781.jpg (1920x1080, 290.1K)

That is a ballin shift

Attached: cake.jpg (529x713, 30.67K)

then class 5:30pm to 9:30.
so I can nap in between, anywho, I'm off now, enjoy the rest of your night bard.

Attached: 1363463458242.jpg (1920x1080, 114.69K)

that sounds less ballin

nini grids

Attached: bardbullying.gif (500x281, 709.21K)

It's an unamusing task
But someone needs to do it

Attached: every tsuchi gilgamesh image ever posted m'lady.png (1000x848, 1.39M)

You are the people's champion

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Howdy space cowbois

Attached: Daisuke onii-chan~.png (600x600, 573.15K)

I am, aren't I?

Heya Welms

Attached: grimnipple.png (540x776, 284.77K)


;~; crazy people with guns...

Attached: __original_drawn_by_dereiope__144cefd89aa400a57ec81e640299a73c.jpg (3541x5016, 3.36M)

How's your night?

Attached: i want that shirt.jpg (890x960, 78.48K)

It's okay. It was my Friday so I went to the bar and got some pizza and I've been farming in NMS since we got back^^


Attached: elma out of nowhere.png (630x632, 129.12K)

Yan, look at what I made.

Attached: JPEG_20180311_092820.jpg (3264x1836, 1.21M)


It's so fucking tasty too.
I made like 15 of them.

Attached: sgdfg.png (602x333, 398.6K)

howd u make it?

Put chocolate shell syrup in a cupcake paper and froze it. Mixed cream cheese fruit dip and cheese cake mix together and let it chill in the freezer. Added fruit and a chocolate wafer.

Attached: tumblr_p5aglr8guE1s9c6nao1_540.jpg (540x540, 24.15K)

I made some mongolian pork. It was pretty tasty but I made too much rice to go with it so now I'm wondering if I should save it or throw it out. Leaning towards the latter.

Attached: 17156198_759265360898396_7943000168567843616_n.jpg (489x540, 36.85K)

Bouts to bust some punk ass cheeks out
nibba I'm a savage
I'm talkin Tight Butts

Attached: BLANKET.PNG (453x362, 244.19K)

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Attached: no.png (620x350, 84.34K)

Leftovers are rad tho. That's the whole point of home cooked stuff.

Food 4 dayzzz

Attached: can I be pet now.png (600x439, 251.54K)

It's just rice tho and I'm getting kind of sick of it.

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Attached: ClipboardImage.png (520x960, 716.93K)

Attached: per.png (299x639, 234.1K)

lol then stop doing rice

Wow! sounds fun~

become a chef ^_^

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Attached: 1515157298213.png (722x490, 547.34K)

fuckin eggrolls.
crab rangoons
lo mein

like literally chinese food sides?

Attached: lol runescape.png (560x494, 277.34K)

roll up sushi

wait, that's rice tho lmao

fruit roll up

kinda want to make like a triple berry fruit roll up now

Fruit roll up

Attached: jgbbduzqahog.jpg (500x583, 81.05K)

Those are a lot of effort for side dishes.

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Attached: 10nk0.jpg (2892x2894, 1.32M)

wtf is lomein

Attached: akarin.gif (300x367, 114.04K)

oh.. that depends on how much you enjoy cooking and how good you want it to be I guess. When I cook dinner at home I do at least 3 dishes for like 6 people, then like something for the little kiddos so I guess it's a little different.

Attached: teaparty.png (452x490, 250.71K)

anybody @here ever been to prison

Attached: babyserval.jpg (480x360, 32.23K)

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Fried noodles I think

Attached: hatsune miku00063.png (708x1000, 686.31K)

no but I know a lot of felons.

Toh yeah it's sticky isnt it?

Attached: Tomoko Kuroki (528).jpg (1494x1080, 582.07K)

I've been involuntarily committed

Attached: hatsune miku00181.jpg (850x1062, 170.44K)

How many?

Attached: Tomoko Kuroki (5).jpg (864x1056, 269.81K)

what for?

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Attached: 250px-Sugar_Anime_Infobox.png (250x345, 148.62K)

oh that just looks like every Chow Mein i've ever seen

idk like 10+. I work(ed) with a bunch.

Attached: tupac best vocaloid.png (408x394, 279.75K)

maye Im thinking of yakisoba

Attached: Tomoko Kuroki (436).jpg (762x972, 292.16K)

one of my friends is a felon but he's a good guy

Idk if he had to do too much jail time though

Attached: 000012.png (262x382, 72.34K)

Planning to commit suicide with intent

Attached: hatsune miku00346.jpg (800x729, 94.75K)

thread is too fast

never have i ever

Attached: U6ekoH2.png (708x1000, 593.65K)

Yeah, they're all cool peeps in my book.

Attached: HIHI!.png (510x288, 263.29K)


Attached: hatsune miku00023.png (500x687, 263.2K)

That was like the second image off google

its extremely common

probably second only to rice

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 85.2K)

you can get charged for attempting suicide?
that's idiotic

Attached: 000048.png (176x275, 48.81K)

I'll have to try some
You can probaby just get it at a chinese buffet if it's like that huh?

Attached: 000037.png (170x229, 40.24K)

I was locked in a hospital for a week or two, not prison
It's a different kind of illegal

Attached: hatsune miku00168.jpg (761x1000, 261.06K)



they both look chinese to me


how did they keep you in the hospital against your will?

Attached: 000084.png (197x306, 64.03K)


they had cap't crunch so it wasnt bad

If you're deemed a danger to yourself or other's they cannot let you leave even if you'd otherwise be able to sign yourself out of whatever program.


they both are

Attached: 6a1f228b730755a4cd9fe911a69dc6e5--kobayashi-san-maids.jpg (556x556, 37.24K)

That sounds pretty abusable

is there like a standardized test or something or can they just be like

'nope this ones a danger''

I mean I understand like the ones who come in after suicide attempts and the crazies but like there seems room for an ambigous gray area here

Attached: 000478.png (139x174, 25.53K)

They're allowed to do that if I'm deemed a danger to myself or others
and all the doors were electronically locked

We had pretty good cooks actually
It was all mushy and unseasoned but we had salt, pepper, condiments, and coca cola

Attached: hatsune miku00182.jpg (850x850, 188.83K)

Probably. There's probably more to it than that, that's an extremely basic idea of how it works.

* uses the flipper on my perogies in my frying pan *

Attached: acfb930ce22a8ab23505745ccd2ef754a0eccaa1.png (1100x1200, 1.07M)

If you admit to planning to hurt yourself or others they get the go ahead to commit you, if not they keep you in observation for a few days to determine

Attached: hatsune miku00111.jpg (850x531, 94.61K)

Fuck that must have sucked

My brother had to go to rehab for quite a while and I'd imagine it would have been a similiar environment

how long wrre you in for again?

Attached: 000036.png (234x359, 73.68K)

I've never really liked those tbh

Attached: 29dffa5eee953e2f0c0dc3e471b9077b--kobayashi-san-kamui.jpg (736x552, 115.68K)

That's all you need XD

Did you get to see your friend today?


why not?

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Attached: yo.png (577x576, 79.81K)

oh god these go in your ears dont they

Attached: Tomoko Kuroki (1560).jpg (1920x1080, 460.24K)

I just didn't like the way they tasted

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Attached: YAY.png (424x476, 261.03K)

mine taste better

Attached: __choukai_and_yamato_familymart_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yukichi_sukiyaki39__sample-610635645c5cbf8e1f1fd3ddce41f15d.jpg (850x955, 151.95K)

proofs ?

Attached: 1515795290717.png (400x400, 177.79K)

i like eating it
i cook them until they are gold
they have yummy cheese and bacon inside
and i'm seasoning mine with spice

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what's your opinion on getting your bellybutton touched

Attached: 000037.png (170x229, 40.24K)

It's a turn on cause I like how it feels on my piercing bar under the skin lmao

Attached: he so made.png (470x502, 271.29K)

just thinking of that makes my tummy crawl

arent you sensitive to it?
that sounds so irritating ;~;

Attached: Tomoko Kuroki (20).jpg (1305x1080, 310.37K)

Nah, that's only when somebody's playing with it purposely really. I don't get that sort of sensation during the day to day.

Nips are a different story depending on what I'm wearing :p

Attached: Blood tributes now only 4.99~.png (380x372, 196K)

doesn't sound very Asian

Attached: -9.jpg (1280x720, 161.84K)

i wasn't making an asian dish :O

Attached: 61253207_p0.jpg (695x900, 439.67K)

my nibs are pretty sensitive and I'm not even on hormones

That must be kind of a distraction desu

Attached: 000523.png (233x335, 75.72K)

oh ok

Attached: Capture_-_Copy.JPG (773x696, 102.32K)

i tried some VR like 50 mins ago
but it crashed ;~; lag

so i went home

Attached: 61117834_p0.png (750x1060, 863.03K)

haha nah, it really doesn't happen as often as I think I'm making it seem.

Attached: He capitalized just for me~.png (324x287, 143.65K)

Well you can't hear anything when you're in it anyways.

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Attached: talkin about pussy.gif (480x270, 3.54M)



There's these legit amber plugs with occasional fossil inclusions, but the price jumps up 80 dollars from the base size to mine :(

Attached: 000037.png (170x229, 40.24K)

i fixed that

Attached: 10hkt.png (1000x1611, 1.11M)

Attached: this thread again.png (540x530, 264.8K)

What was the problem ?

Attached: me and that one autist.jpg (1200x900, 560.47K)

tfw my old ks/b/ friends made a group chat on fb and now we are rememebring ks/b/ together

Attached: supersad.jpg (400x400, 21.01K)

in oculus program thingy i had to enable some audio device headset passthru setting
and leave an external monitor turned on.

Attached: 60581100_p0.png (800x1157, 766.1K)

do they still have tulpas?

Now you can finally talk.

Attached: c65.png (500x627, 320.84K)

i can listen*

Attached: __original_drawn_by_adcd__9a4cd976b3392171719c3e3d451a7e5f.png (1000x1333, 1.54M)

my boy

Attached: passing notes.jpg (451x432, 46.92K)

Attached: gurl.png (479x276, 37.31K)

You can fight

Attached: 5a46f3a262b72.png (637x470, 404.31K)

honestly what the fuck is this supposed to mean

Attached: fuck this cat.jpg (600x581, 68.53K)


Attached: anna-nikonova-aka-newmilky-yojx-j-eqlq.jpg (802x1080, 129.38K)

I'm just confused ;~;

Attached: everythingwaswrong.jpg (480x480, 37.97K)

Attached: 29dffa5eee953e2f0c0dc3e471b9077b--kobayashi-san-kamui.jpg (736x552, 115.68K)

well that makes two of us

did you type a lotta stuff yet?

Attached: 52371066_p0.jpg (1181x1668, 656.85K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (335x158, 103.85K)

I turned it in


Attached: e8f118ae66541403a3be037f796f08ad--cosplay-maid-kobayashi-san-chi-no-maid-dragon-kanna.jpg (500x471, 47.15K)

yay! gj
*pat pat*

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Attached: nHeJwL6.jpg (400x400, 33.21K)

what's sooo special about kanna?

Attached: 64678432_p24.jpg (1200x1500, 289.87K)

[ascended brain] goggles

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (559x960, 582.81K)

Shes the mascot of a gang i'm in.

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.u1 (2).jpg (693x800, 163.37K)

that's all?

Attached: 54995940_p2.jpg (1389x1547, 640.25K)
