Leftist boards outside 8ch

Anyone got links to leftist boards that aren't from 8ch? In any language.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you want to spam them?

420chan pol is a better leftypol than leftypol


ProSoc's discord.


Most of the good posters with left politics spend times on discord servers and twitter. Both of which are huge datamining/spying operations. Actually, that goes for oldfags in general. The best of them abandoned ship years ago.

bunkerchan.xyz/ - English
^ Holla Forums backup

bienvenidoainternet.org/ - Spanish
^ Far leftist hangout

leia.2ch.net/poverty/ - Japanese
^ 2ch's leftist hangout; ~85,000 posts every day

fate.2ch.net/poverlution/ - Japanese
^ Bringing a revolution to Japan

jbbs.shitaraba.net/news/6016/ - Japanese
^ News board for left-wingers

jbbs.shitaraba.net/news/6069/ - Japanese
^ Board for otaku that hate right-wingers

why are the japanese board names in english

/r/socialism Wait never mind it isn’t leftist.

nevermind my post was stupid

Here's some more.

getchan.net/pol/ - English
^ GETchan's politics board

img.7clams.org/cccp/ - English
^ A communist board with the worst CSS I have ever seen. Only go here if you want your eyes burned out by bright red and yellow.

2ch.hk/ussr/ - Russian
^ Leftist politics + Soviet nostalgia

Not directly related question, but I'm a center-right porky enabler and since Holla Forums went completely off the rails about 2 years ago, I've had to juggle between /his/, Holla Forums and various IRCs and Discords. Does anyone know about any center/center-right sites/boards with a semblance of chan culture?

Either stop being a cuck or just go to reddit.

you belong in the sargon of akkad comment section and nowhere else

you belong in the sargon of akkad comment section and nowhere else

I'd rather kms tbh

You're kinda fucked. Centrism and apolitical discussions are long dead.

yeah honestly chan culture embraces the political extremes. You're not gonna find anything center-right or left.

God damn it, where's that pic of the antifas saying "anime doesn't belong to the alt-right, it belongs to everyone" now that I finally need it?

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日本会議 危井よしこ  独立研究所 アホ山繁晴
  戦争ブッ始めて      安倍さん叩きは
 国土を守るんです!   中国工作なんです!
Found this in /poverlution/


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Goddamnit now I want to learn Japanese

Holy fuck, the spanish one sucks on mobile.

LF on SA used to be good

Thank you. Definitely looks appealing.

It's a sad fact

Well it´s not a board, but telegram has some active leftist chats. The problem is that their admins are unironically >70% trannies who kick anyone criticizing liberal idpol/itics. They take any criticism in this direction as a personal attack against them.

Some faggots and me are working on an alternative community right now. Very akin to lefty/pol guidelines. So basically a place where saying "retarded" wont get you banned for ableism, or saying "faggot" and getting kicked for "homophobism".

t.me/newleftboyevsky (this is the entry to various such idpol chats as mentioned before)

t.me/NazBolNow (this is another NazBol channel they dont include in their lefty sphere)



wtf im a weeb now

check this

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I only browse here and r/LeftWithoutEdge

I don't particularly like either

Spend less time shitposting and more time studying


I just came a little

I checked the site and it looks cool but do they not have a catalog?

holy fuk

You missed one


Not worth mentioning tbh fam




*irc channels

Have you tried /lit/ (both 4ch and 8ch)?
Not center but kinda diverse.

Our Jap comrades are cool as fuck.

Are you my comrade-in-posts? Fellow exile of a subforum that is no more?

Well I'l be damned.

You know how voat.co is the aut-right to reddit.com's liberalism? Well I just found a left version, raddit.me

Just like capitalism creates alienation and corruption and bad conditions for all, so too does reddits fundamental design create the cancerous communities it is known for. You cannot change the superstructure without changing the base.

I have that controller.

Well yeah you're right, Reddit-style discussion is flawed by design. Still, glad to at least have some more leftist presence.

Incidentally, is there such a thing as the study of internet conversation formats? I feel like there's this small but important niche of what Wikipedo says is called "computer-mediated communication". Threaded versus continuous, the effect of thread tags or user avatars etc etc.

god i've been wanting to do a thread on this for a while but i dont know where to start

any discords?

this invitation has expired

bumping this question

I reckon it's the kind of thing that might kickstart a new, better form of digital debate, not just for us but for the internet at large. But I have no idea as to how to start organizing such a project.

this is probably the only hope we have.
chan culture reached its pinnacle and imageboards are now either dying or being corrupted beyond the redeeming point

we need to find the next step
we must
not only for us but for all that is behind us, for all that might happen in the future. to save shitpost, we must overcome it

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This is ridiculously good.



Man, I miss textboards.

WTF this is actually true. is this proof that we need more stoners?