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If you ask them for anything.
what's up?
or give creative names like Q, like suppressors named trash panda.
Trash panda?
A raccoon ^~^
yeah, I'm not too tired, but I should sleep because daylight savings, and I have to be into work at 9am tomorrow.
I'm so confused as in to why one would call a suppressor a raccoon.
In their natural habitat.
Do you guys have raccoons where you live?
Niggers, yeah.
Oh, Q is a company?
I thought Q was like that guy from the 007 movies with all the gadgets.
Not as far as I know, the closest thing we have is like badgers, and those are awfully rare too.
that was the inspiration for the name.
I don't need to depend on anyone but myself
Oh, well then.
I thought you were making a reference to the movies and that Q called suppressors raccoons.
But also the dumpster diving ones.
But wouldn't it be awfully nice to have someone there for you?
Work's going to suck ass for a bit.
Badgers are cool too. I've watched documentaries on both raccoons and honey badgers actually. I didn't realize they live in like all of north america so I suppose it was a bad q but I'm glad someone internationally answered^^
I'm gonna stop nerding out on local wildlife now lmao
They're pretty cute tbh. Not as cute as otters tho so prolly not worth a folder.
Also wow.
Mmhm, I've only ever really seen them dead on the road or underneath or around dumpsters lmao.
Don't have those where you are?
That right is reserved for those who deserve it
In so many bad words yes. We have more white trash junkies than them though. *shruggu*
I can't recall when was the last time I watched a nature documentary about anything that wasn't in the satirical sense.
It's okay, I'll be happy to talk about anything, even if it's nerding about local wildlife.
Sometimes it is easier to lower your standards than to wait for something spectacular.
Oh, hm. Practically the same.
oh, no, it's the real name of it, and the company, it's a decent quality too.
yep, everything is an hour earlier until next daylight savings.
some are cute, but the ones that hiss and charge are not.
My standards are high for my own protection, and for theirs
I watch docs more often than actual movies tbh. Learning about stuff you like is always pretty rad lol
What's new with you?
I just love their little hands.
Heard Florida's going to try and make it so there won't be a savings time for us. I'll look forward to it.
Ah, had never heard of them before.
Are you sure that is how they would feel about it?
I watch those too, but nature hasn't been a subject in a long time.
Kind of watched 3 vice documentaries in the span of few last hours whilst drinking scotch.
My job contract is about to end soon, but they'll re-new it, also university entry exams are closing in, so I'm kind of anxious.
Them, coyotes, and hogs is one of the few animals here you can "hunt" with impunity really.
I think those shorts are cutting off circulation to her legs
So much spare time, and virtually nothinh to do
There was a brief video I saw about coywolves and the reporter kept pronouncing it "coy-wolves" like think of how coyote is pronounced wouldn't it be more like "cey-wolves"?
Sometimes people don't know me enough to appreciate why I do it, but they don't need to
Give yourself a tattoo
A friend of mine tattooed a trash can on her wrist like that
Because she's trash
they are pretty cool, can be uncanny for some people though.
I thought it was supposed to be all of the U.S. just waiting for it to really happen.
they sell a gun called the honey badger
Imma tattoo some eyebrows so i never have to paint them on agaon!
Sometimes I wish I knew you better.
What is it a variant of?
Just Florida. Would need to be the whole US to make sense.
Until you reach the point when you don't
Such point doesn't exist for me.
Raccoon hands are cute
I want to get a tattoo but I can't think of anything I want permanently inked on my body
I also want more piercings but I've been asleep lately
lol ya
Mmmhm. Well there's plenty to watch on just about anything haha Vice ones are always a fun watch, that sounds like a good idea actually.
Awwe shit, just get your study in now so it's not last minute and relax^^ you'll do fine
There used to be this "reality" show about these hunters and their dogs in different areas where they're a nuisance species, and it was actually really badass. Some of those get so big and their dogs were trained up to like elite status.
tattoo your tripcode for the lulz
People think that, but I'll let you believe that
how are you feeling tonight?
Tattoos arent permanent no more, and the quantity of regtetable tattoos out there has really slashed the prices on laser removal, ot's a competetive market
Just watched some dumb ones about private militaries and all the big bucks going behind warfare scene.
Kind of felt like going all lord of war there as nick cage, hah.
I'll read a bunch more once it's certain that they've invited me to the entry exams as there's elimination process too..
I'm not sure if I like this negative nancy thing.
Yeah, might do that. I always mean to do thread relayed graff shit but i never do
If you spent less time being mopey and insufferable maybe people would want to like you
I'm alright
Best friend is home but he drove from Connecticut so I'll see him tomorrow
Yeah but it's hard to think of things that are meaningful enough to me to spend the money on a tattoo
I've thought about that one.
ooh that's good. Yeah, let him rest up for a night.
Tell me about your piercings?
it's kindof an AR.
oh, I remember a few years ago, it was discussed.
yes, you should get yours swapped out.
rats are the plague
The kit of needles and bottöe of nontoxic ink cost me like 80sek
Like ten bucks, less even maybe
But I've always been negative
The people who like me like me regardless, and this is who and how I am
Well, it sure looks like an AR.
But what if I want to see you smile?
No, the plague comes from fleas, silly.
Rats are kawaii. Lab rats! Disease free baka
tripcode lmao
I gotta get started on the other stuff but I'm still on the fence cause I know I won't wanna stop.
I've gotten good at forcing a smile
You mean tripcode as in what uou put in #namefield
Oh, stay safe out there!
Not like that.
It's pretty fucking nerdy but this place is 5evr
Then I'm not sure I can help you
You can, you just need to believe!
Well right now I just have my earlobes pierced but I really want helix piercings
Could be fun, but I'm used to my long spider fingers so it would be difficult to get used to
I can't draw
Well aren't you just a prickly pear
I'm a skeptic
Only if the prickles are on the inside
with a supershort buffertube, and custom cuts for stock rails that go along the sides, but Q makes all their own stuff in house and tries to make things as light as possible, they built a precision rifle from scratch as opposed to gust building a new chassis for a remington 700. they are doing great things.
wild rodents are all awful, clean pets, and lab animals are okay though.
oh, I figured you'd have salad fingers.
sry sry I'm stoney balogney lol
Are those on yt or do I go to their site?
Lord of war is a great movie. That's one of the few I don't mind rewatching ;p
Was there like a pretest or is it lottery?
Oh, nice^^ That's fair enough, Helix ones are nice like with the simple ring. I maybe want a couple for that double look. Industrials are cool if you're not looking for a symmetrical look too.
Like a dry chestnut husk ?
Yes. Even now when i am treated like an e-terrorist and only allowed tp use computets located in the dining area where staff and other people can monitor the monitor and wifi is unheard of, i find a way.
Not sure I've ever seen a chestnut husk, so I can't answer yes or no
So am I, but it doesn't mean that I don't believe in such silly things!
Oh, that reminds me that I saw some Jesse James armory stuff earlier and they make some pretty nice engraved guns.
Oh, it's all on Yootoobs.
It's pretty much all a dumb lottery, then they inform you if you got in later on.
Neither can i
I generally don't
Ohh, I thought you were like "I would never play with a super cute friendly pet rat" for a second there lol
You're fuckin awesome.
Well that's interesting.
ty ty I'mma watch these til I pass out.
kasper is our unofficial mascot
No just spider fingers
I was thinking like a double helix on one side and industrial on the other, as well as more lobe piercings
OK so a chestnut is a spikey son of a bitch nut that will go through thick gloves like a hypodermic needle but when the husks fall off and dry out sometimes they go inside out so all the needles face inward
Remember when you used to give casper the cold meanness posts? Those were great times, i had unlimited unsupervised access to the world wide chrome
But what if I wanted you to?
No problemo, the next one would be this about selling weapons and stuff in gun expos to generals and guerrilla countries.
Kind of like modern-age Lord of War stuffs.
Fuck you, you don't even know me
Sounds accurate then
Not sure I could
I'm off to bed now.
his engraving is on point.
his suppressor was garbage though.
no, I've had pet rats before, and degue's but the degues were assholes and ate eachother.
oh, so somewhat normal.
Not even like "we should make kadsper"
No straight up is
I don't even know who you are, so you must have been someehat forgetable before the shameful namechange.
You don't call the shots, never have and never will
What if I really-really-really wanted you to?
Didn't see that, but his engraved 1911 for the president was pretty nice.
Sleep well Gridds.
It's Tak
Slightly long but not grotesque
Good for classical guitar, I can't play piano but I've been told I have good hands for it
Lol, he is still here post-manaka?
The Lord has chosen me as the bringer of His word and the giver of His laws! Disobedience to me is disobedience to Him! Do it now, or your punishment shall be a thousand deaths, each more horrible than the last.
He's on the search for nirvana, not just like Kurt Cobain, but like nirvana enlightenment.
Shiggiadoo 2 electric shagadoo
The only thing I pride myself on is my realistic outlook on everything, including things I believe
Woop woop. that's what I'm talkin' aboot^^
You were super fun in tc. and cute
awwe shit. nah, this is the one:
buuuut that will prolly be the last one tho cause work in the morning and daylight savings kills an hour :(
the heck is a degue??
ooh nini grids.
You need to think outside the box.
The box is familiar and comfortable, I prefer to stay inside the box
Oh boy, I've seen that one.
General Buttnaked is a legit dude.
No, get rid of it.
Nini threaders. rip one hour of sleep amirite
lmao I'm looking forward to that
nini SD
Sweet dreams Elmers.
Hmm... no matter how I try to say it it sounds wrong.
I think I know what show you're talking about. They had like big ol' buff pitties that would take on hogs.
Coons are cute I almost petted one once. I got to pet a coydog once.
The box is familiar, I live for the familiar
Nice picture
Should get out of it for a new perspective.
It's just more boxes from my experience.
Ya'll die in here?
Just a bit
Rest in peace...
can confirm
I am dead
Second time tonight you've reminded me of a Rob Zombie song.
This was my favourite one as a teenager though.
sorry I didn't mean to drag-ula into this
I usually get better eventually
Oh man, totally forgot this was a thing too.
The card game?
No, the poster.
Though I do play the card game as well.
Mine was Super-Charger Heaven, because it played on the radio a lot lol.
Nah, Rager.
Been a while.
yeah sorry I haven't been using discord. Maybe I can get it on my phone.
How have you been old dog?
Not bad. Just working a lot.
I rolled my knee when I was sparring tonight and so then I went and sat out the rest of the night
I think it's okay but it's a bit sore
Hopefully i didnt mess it up
Here lies Bard, he never rolled again.
I can walk and the pain isnt too bad just very sore so I'm pretty sure It is okay but i willl be for sure when I wake up tomorrow ;~~:
even if I mess up my leg I will keep rolling after I rehabilitate it ;w;
So longa s you didn't dislocate it bard. Ice and elevation.
My tumby hurts
I envy your bros tonight, truly.
That is fucking awesome
Don't worry, it's anime is total shit
Did you actually fall out of bed, or are you trying to describe that moment when you roll over too far and jolt awake because you're about to fall out of the bed?
You missed some quality shit nigga, fix your life.
No, he had one of those moments where you feel like you just dropped several feet for no reason at all, even though you're lying perfectly fine in bed
o-or maybe not
I will I will
brekkie and best girl
how ur anus after russian dick in that ass
Ouch, hopefully your bed isn't too tall.
Is that a common dream?
someone buy me Warhammer: Vermintide 2
heard it has a foot shot in it
+ - a half of meter
You can experience it without dreaming, and it sucks
About how many burgers is that?
Oh? Isn't that just called vertigo?
At least my country better than your anime
+ - 1.6
oh god i know that feeling
Rough dude, sleep on the floor from now on.
Already have it saved.
You've seen everything so no one can ever please you.
Well now that's just fake news.
Na, it's ok
You looked at Hus butthole
nothing will ever satisfy you again
Is it though?
You could show me yours.
i took a walk ;~:
lets continute the conversation because i'm back now and dont know how to jump into the conversation
i feel terrible
You can have this meme instead
outside or inside
I am going to make Mam's day breakfast.
What ? You don't like it ?
we set our clocks an hour ahead today
I'm less than thrilled, for certain.
i feel sick
kinda nauseous
put a dam p washcloth on your forehead and seleep
Is this supposed to be right to left, or left to right, I'm really never sure anymore.
I'm pretty sure it left to right.
Cry more then.
Good morning ikt chan I hope you're in for a fun day today
hi bard chan
buy me a car
Steb on the gas :D D D
just bought this car for my buddy ikt
nini bard
nana uis
gimme an 90's awd/rwd shitbox with 250whp!
henlo slep guud
fuck the car... let me carry you everywhere
or u slep gud
Ever since I was a little boy I always thought that the world was going to end in my lifetime So I tried to seize every opportunity as it came to me Because I believed it might stop the sky from falling down one more day
But the older I got the more I realized that I cannot save the world I’m not a superhero, I’m not perfect, I’m just me, a human being
yea that was the intention
When I was a child I thought I'd be rich or dead by now
Also I was raised to expect that I would go to unc Chapel Hill because both my parents did and that school would be easy for me because I was smarter than my classmates
Jokes on me, I'm still alive, I'm poor, and school was harder for me because my classmates were idiots
Also Chapel Hill has done more to kill me than I ever have so I left
laff at u
now we're talking
when i was a child i thought id be #1 car race driver right now
Mammy's day breakfast complete
What is Chapel Hill
a bit better now but still not too great
not such a great afternoon but I hope all yours have been and will be better
What a disease you get?
I don't know but it's nothing too serious, probably just a common cold
Probably HIV
unlikely considering I have never made sexual contact of any form with anyone
...../´¯/..../´¯\...GAY..../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../
yall heard that new song ?
it go
"loaf e gay" LOL
Loafie sure does have a hairy ass
He should really do something about that.
he too busy bein gay to shave
Should probably shave ass if he want that fugg
bard, im afraid
funny you say that
maybe it's unshaven because I do not want "that fugg"
Bold name dreams are over
maybe he's gay bc he loves kissin boys HAHA
Imagine, liking... k-kissing boys =w=
...../´¯/..../´¯\...GAY..../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../
I'm not gay and you people who claim otherwise are completely devoid of any logic or reason and should not be taken seriously
Why would a straight man show other men his ass ?
I was just doing what I was told
nothing wrong with that
Just find a girl to stop it
We have a lot of really low tier posters right now.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed lately.
I don't know any girls
im not actually gay i just like to PRETEND to be gay ! :o
me too >:3
And so? You hear about Tinder/Bado?
I'm not gay I just spread my ass for me and suck dick when told too.
I heard low tier poster and came as soon as I could
Post list
I've heard of tinder but not the other one
I don't want a gf, but even if I got one it wouldn't change anything
you simply cannot reason with these people
im not gay i just L O V E to kiss boys
boy lips omg
gets my tummy butterflies
but lemme tell you im not GAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not gay, i was told to let them cum in me bareback... but im not gay. so HAH goddem
Ehh, as you wish
I made one but its really outdated
Where did it all come from?
i should update my list with loafie next to soto hehehehe
jk he's not that bad
probably like above soto
You should update it
post it
Thats more work than I feel like doing
I feel like i'm coming here less and less anyways
list baby
If i'm not on the list it doesn't exist.
wait whoops i legit forgot to put you on it EVEN THOUGH YOURE RIGHT HERE
ill fix it hang on
okay fixd
It's just your name is so high up it clips off at the top.
Put me and Test in brackets together
Never understood why I was avatared as that loli
i had one once too i think but it was just an excel sheet
no fancy graphics
what the FUCK where am I
thats sweet tracer
i dunno not on the list i guess
I would put a bottle of alcohol on my list and put you inside it.
I bet I wasn't on it.
i need to put you on the list
i just updated one i made months ago
before i even met u !!
At last, my dream death.
I dated like 30% of gold tier
extremely disappointed rn
i think it only had like 10 people on it
Good morning.
Lists need more me at the top of them.
My old list needs a "#1 pee girl" tier update
Then you'd just be confused.
Rate my tiny desert.
I knew it was what you wanted.
I knew I was left out again
its because I change my name so much
If i'm not S tier on your list i'm going to be upset.
Well, sure, if somebody who doesn't know me had me in top tier. That would be confusing.
lacks sand. If you are on about a DESSERT then it is good
yeah youre right
you would look on a list
you transcend lists
well i am strictly anti-lewd so by your existence alone you are against me
mornyan buddy
yes i a greeeeeeeee
Among other things.
Oh no! It was suppose to be a tropical beach.
I fucked up.
The implication is that I have no self esteem, huh?
or maybe I just had no idea who you were at the time i made the list
it was practically all A's since I had no problem with posters at that point
We already went over that this is silly
give me a LEWD category
That's the joke.
i forget things some time sowwy
no lewd category
baba ba baba
the Saffron Memes Live on.
I might re do my list later if I am feeling particulalry lulzy.
I have self esteem. A healthy amount nowadays.
Hi Tracer-senpai.
Have you guessed yet?
If 'S' stands for shit tier, then you're one happy boy.
Hey lilis
Butt now you have problems.
I'll move you into low tier then.
goggles post list
wow exclusion is so rude
That's okay Squash, I'm on exactly 0 lists
You're a good boy though uwu
do it !!
if u want :o
names are tuff
my new job is tuff
sowwy lewds
I have a few posters that I like better than others sure.
I didn't think you'd be the type to care about lists.
You too, you're too lewd to be on lists.
I get it, detectives don't make 'guesses' you guys make sure you know your shit.
How're things, Teebs?
Everyone one wants to be in the top tier.. but only so many can make it... :3 bweheheh
Lists tear this community appart.
...../´¯/..../´¯\............../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../
Teebs actually just hates having fun.
Like who ?
gee I wonder
List of people not on lists: Me, You.
i didn't sleep.
Why the fuck not.
just didn't
it happened and now im here
this is my life now
Yeah well there's a new thread you prancing lala no sleep homo
Ahahaha I'm right next to Bard