Anarchism is Jewish ideology

Anarchism is Jewish ideology.

I regret that I'm not a Jew and I can't trigger the fascists by referring to the traditions of my former comrades, glory and honour for their memory

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No one cares about religion here.

Remove the post or get banned.

Yeaaaaa… About that…

Jews are on average the most intelligent people on earth.
"Jewish" things are really just intelligent people things. Perpetual criticism of everything, complexification, abstract speculations, neurosis, social anxiety, self-deprecation, etc.

Being a Jew is not only a religion but whole ethnicity, language, traditions and identity. You can't just erase it, especially when we talk about pre 2nd World War Central Europe.

He also once wrote open letter to Russian Tsar which was fucking loyalist and monarchist as shit. Bakunin never had constant set of views and became an anarchist only at the end of his revolutionary career. Also he stopped to be a antisemite, and especially he didn't hate ordinary working class Jews from al over Central and Eastern Europe.

Everything is a Jewish ideology.
This yid made conservatism.

do you have any source to back up your claims faggot
Most part of old anarchists in Eastern Europe was Jewish. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman were Jewish.

But what about the Hibernians

Whilst imprisoned by said Czar. I speculate there may have been some degree of coercion involved.

Proudhon wasn't Jewish
Kropotkin wasn't Jewish
Bakunin wasn't Jewish
Stirner wasn't Jewish
Thoreau wasn't Jewish
Louise Michel wasn't Jewish
OP is a faggot

That feel when Jews were most progressive and revolutionary nation in old Europe. Holocaust was the worst tragedy in history of worker's movement and socialism that could ever happen. Our best, most brave comrades were exterminated in Nazi German camps.

It's more 50% white 50% Jewish.

Make your falseflagging less obvious.



What kind of retardation is this?

They weren't antisemitic with exclusion of Proudhon who was actually proto-fascist scum.


Walter Benjamin agrees.

Because you idiots are the only ones this interested in da jooz. No one here gives a fuck about Jews, so it's the most obvious sign of Holla Forums to suddenly start talking about them out of nowhere. Hopefully this helps you develop better shitposts and bait in the future.

You might want to rethink that.

I know they're obsessed by Jews, rightists usually have tendency to this, but I thought we can also discuss positive impact of Jewish people on international socialist movement and not only separate from Jewish heritage because antisemitic battue. And remember our comrades and celevrate their history.

Zionists were in little or almost no part descendants of Bundists and other socialist movement in Europe, actually desctruction of worker's movement were greatest opportunity to development of right-wing zionism.

Also anarchists are not Bolsheviks, anarchists (very often Jews) were enemies and critics of Bolshevism.

Anarchism is the only non-jewish political ideology. Non of the important contribitors have been jewish. It's based on traditional european values.

not to mention Proudhon and Bakunin were antisemitic as fuck

Your face when they have almost no idea about history of European class struggle and real tragedy of our Jewish comrades.

Proughon yes, but Bakunin had antisemitic tendencies only in closed period in life.



The Free Voice of Labor - The Jewish Anarchists


Duuude the holocaust is just idpol distraction we need to focus on real economic issues like corrupt video game reviews.

You're fucking paranoid. Some day you'll silence everyone whou want to talk about anything Jewish because you'll think he's a Nazi in disguise.

[email protected]
By that logic everything in europe is jewish, making the original claim redundant.

No one here is paranoid. As already stated to you no one here cares about mentioning jews. It also becomes extremely suspect when you mention them over and over in an obvious Holla Forums false flag kind of way. Now return to your safe space and bugger off.

Fuck I'm not from Holla Forums, I'm just ordinary Central European anarchist from syndicalist worker union who became interested about why anarchist movement after World War II fell so much.

Oh no Holla Forums won't like us when they figure out how much Jews contributed to the history of the labour movement!

What's fuking wrong in respecting Jewish heritage, Jews are just ordinary ethnic group as any other in this world. If I would wrote thread about Kurdish socialism would you call me a islamist?


Esperanto is better.

Esperanto is a meme, yiddish actually has dank revolutionary music. Jewish Labour Bund did nothing wrong: the Germano-Russian capitalists deserved it.

Yeah I can only really think of Emma Goldman and Murray Bookchin.

There is a lot more Jewish authors of dank revolutionary songs than only in Yiddish.

Bookchin wasn't an Anarchist, Goldman was born in the 20th century and contributed little to no theory. She was just standing on the shoulders of great, white, socialists.

More anarchist than most part of modern anarchists, still.

Read "ABC of Anarchist Communism".

Voline was immensely important in the development of modern anarchism with his idea of synthesis federations (as developed with Sebastian Faure) and he was Jewish.