For those of you who are market socialists/mutualists, why are you that instead of being in favour of planning?
Question for market socialists/mutualists
Because they have bought into the ideological counterrevolution which followed the collapse of the tankie block and can no longer envision a world without capitalism even as they convince themselves they're radicals.
this tbh
market socialists are fukuyamaists
Because a revolution isnt going to happen. Transitioning to market socialism using electoral and direct action methods is the only way its going to happen in first world countries.
yes, transitioning step by step (empirically) is the safest and smartest way to proceed
Coops with a welfare state is impossible within the current capitalist system and would just reproduce capitalism if implemented. Your market cuckery in the name of practicality is absolutly retarded.
Anybody got that Marx quote where he praises co-ops and says that if they organize properly they will be real communism?
You have to attack from all angles, including within the system.
I agree, however we are talking about implementing a systen that perpetuates capital, not attacks it.
Showing people what unalienated labor is like is an attack on capitalism. One of the major obstacles is people's beliefs that the employer/employee relationship is: (1) necessary, (2) voluntary, (3) the best system there is. Co-ops shake that up (on the micro scale) while economic conditions show people how poorly capitalism fares at the macro scale.
In a post-revolution scenario co-ops are obsolete, but leading up to it, co-ops and syndicates are useful for organizing and improving the lives of at least some of the working class. We should want as much of the economy to work like this as possible as capitalism approaches its demise, because the more of the working class that's familiar with different relations of production, the easier the transition will be (lowering the chances of counterrevolution or otherwise degeneration back to capitalism). And when you add in the potential for co-ops, syndicates, and unions to stockpile supplies and to train people in weapons, they become the seeds from which a successful (and overpowering) revolution can grow. With the increased militarization of the police, and rhetoric around terrorism that would turn a great deal of the population off revolutionaries, we would benefit from as much organization pre-revolution as possible.
While I consider Market Socialism to be form of Socialism I don’t support it as an end result because Markets will lead to social alienation. However co-ops are good to implement during capitalism to decrease the power of Porky.
Some level of markets and exploitation is necessary to maintain a semblance of the quality of life the west currently enjoys.
Markets have practical benefits that too often go unacknowledged here.
AnComs are basically AnPrims in denial.
What like
Has Holla Forums really sunk this low?
Take your histrionics back to reddit.
One of the posts he linked was referring to a Marx quote.
Markets handle the logistics of distribution. Obviously they don't do a stellar job at this, but they do take care of this problem, instead of leaving it completely addressed. If the MoP are seized and production for use is attempted started, goods won't start magically heading towards socially optimal destinations.
necessary evil. perhaps we currently have too much specialization, but some level of specialization is desirable.
Question to the politiburos of nearly all historical state socialist countries:
why did you find it necessary to liberalize somewhat?
For me, and I think for a lot of other market socialists, a coop market system isn't necessarily the end goal for society. Rather, it's really the only way Western society will transition into actual socialism. Think about it, the west, especially the US, are more class cucked than ever. You have Reagan and decades of Red Scare propaganda to thank for that. Hell, hating communists is about as American as apple pie now. It's ingrained in our society. Think about the average American, the average working class person. You really think they're gonna denounce everything they've been manipulated into believing about socialism because some college kid told them Stalin wasn't all that bad? You think Americans will actually take up arms against the government because some punk gave them a newspaper? Grow the fuck up. Corporate media, coupled with militarized police and a near-omnipotent surveillance state, will do everything in their power to prevent this, just as the have since the beginning of the Cold War. To the average worker, communism is nothing more than an abstract totalitarian form of government, which died out towards the end of the 20th century. Co-ops, however, are real and tangible to the average American. They can see the benefits in their own communities, unlike full communism and anarchism. Plus, market socialism is relatively unknown to most people and hasn't faced decades of Red Scare propaganda, making it much more appealing. The average person is afraid of change, especially if that change is related to something they've been conditioned to hate. If Co-ops become the norm, however, it is not inconceivable that Americans would then become more accepting of a gradually more socialized economy. It may not be the sudden, violent proletarian uprising this board fetishizes so much, but the 21st century has rendered such tactics largely irrelevant, especially in Western society.
Because it's the only form of Socialism that isn't utopian garbage.