/leftyk/ thread. The fascists have guns, you should too…
If you haven't seen it, skip to 19:10, then go out and buy a gun.
/leftyk/ thread. The fascists have guns, you should too…
If you haven't seen it, skip to 19:10, then go out and buy a gun.
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Daily reminder to ignore improvised weapon infographics. Most, if not all, are designed by people with little to no grasp on what they are actually building and will not work at best, and some designs are outright malicious and intended to harm the user.
This. Guns are plentiful enough that you should not need to improvise one anyway.
I've seen a good few that are actually pretty good. Most of them just underestimate how difficult it can be to do it.
That said, you definitely should learn something about how weapons work in general, and then learn more about what specific kind of weapon you intend to make before ever attempting one.
And always make sure your first tests doing them are from behind a shield and done with a long string.
Marx says attempts to disarm the populace must be frustrated, by force if necessary. I'll bet there's a black market.
Thank dog I live in murica where I can own however many guns I please. My lack of social safey net and foreskin is totally worth the ability to hide my insecurity under a pile of Glocks.
Except everyone here is fucking terrified of guns because "muh criminals" and I don't want to go to fucking jail
Fuck, I say "fucking" a lot
I'm in one the few places in Britain were you can get a gun without doing fuck all for the licence but it's in the middle of nowhere so getting gun wouldn't mean anything.
What are you talking about? Holla Forums is one of these places who heavily advocate for gun ownership
He is contextually talking about his local country, not leftypol.
Oh, my bad then.
Is the "leftypol are liberals" episode again
This is some next level retardation.
Only if you want Mummy May to send some policemen round or you have the resources of a sizeable criminal organisation.
I've heard a lot about how much of a clusterfuck different constabularys can be with the vague gov guidelines can you redpill me about it. It's surprisingly hard to google these differences.
As a reminder:
Shotguns tend to be cheap, are effective combat weapons, and are broadly very widely accepted (for some reason). Furthermore, they're adaptable to being converted to launchers of various types a bit better than rifles.
Hunting. The spread makes them very effective for hunting. Depending on where you are though you may have issues with capacity. Some places only allow shotguns that fit X shells. Some places may only allow the double-barrel breech-loaders vs. pumps that can carry half a dozen or so shells.
I know that's why, but honestly shotguns are pretty fucking terrifying combat weapons.
Even a single shot break action is still an effective platform to use for launching molotovs with only minor modification to either the molly or the shotgun (cup adapter or grenade on a stick).
Post rare Ians.
Their limited range and penetration makes them less than ideal as combat weapons outside of specific scenarios (for example indoor fighting). It's definitely good to keep one handy and no collection is complete without one, but they are no substitute for a good rifle.
Get slugs
I guarantee you that they're going to be more accurate than you are. A shotgun with 00 buck with no choke reaches out to 100m pretty well, a good choke on one will give you a good spread out at 200. Almost any infantry firefight is going to happen at
Comrades from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts. Report in.
There are video games that model them pretty well. ARMA for example, as a military simulator, has extremely well modelled weapon mechanics.
Shotguns are overpowered bullshit in ARMA.
So user you finally go the Norinco m14 I see.
I've been hunting for years m8, and have done a bit of research into how firefights often play out. Shotguns aren't CoD tier confetti guns but they won't be useful much past 100m if that. There is a reason why every military in the world uses rifles as their primary weapons and only uses shotguns in specific scenarios.
Innacurate as fuck compared to a rifle.
I did, it's got a wonky op rod guide though, it's off centre and a little loose. I'm going to unpin it, take it off, centre it, and glue it into place with some industrial adhesive. That should make it run more smoothly.
That sounds like a plan
There's no point in having multiple weapons, honestly. You know that Bruce Lee quote about fearing the man who does one thousand punches a day or something? I look at it like that. Settle on a weapon. Practise with it. Master it.
A gun collection is just "manly" consumerism, and it's pretty sad. I have a one hundred year old Lee Enfield and practise with it. I wouldn't really want another weapon (besides the pistol that was passed down to me from my grandfather) except for a better pistol than aforementioned.
Was thinking about buying a mosint, not for larping purposes but because they're dirt cheap. Is this a good idea or is there better value for my money? I am very poore.
For my american comrades, if things truly get out of control, put a bullet in a liberal for me
I want liberals to stop being such pussies and arm themselves
Also I would post my mosin but I'm lazy
UK gun laws are kinda vague, on a firearms certificate you have to list each firearm you want to purchase and provide a justification for doing so (firearms are all rifles, semi autos are totally banned, and any shotgun with a capacity above 3 shots) so for example 'I want this mosin-nagant because I need it to take part in target shooting as a sport' may or may not be an acceptable reason to the local constabulary but usually is. Licenses also take ages to get and cost a lot of money, if they are cheaper and quicker I might consider getting one. Not the person you replied to but fellow britfag
If you're talking a Mosin, personally with the prices near me reaching from 250-300 I'd just save up for an SKS or AR. Not sure what you can get however.
There's a lotta cheap bolt rifles with rebates as well right now, hell if you want a cheap milsurp there's 1916 Mausers in 7mm too.
It's mostly a hobby for me. SKSs are dirt cheap in leafland so that was the first thing I bought. My M14 is what I plan on practicing with, anything I buy after this is just for fun.
Can I have an SKS?
Adam Lanza managed to ruin what was already shitty
Gonna drop 4k on a crate of SKS for my comrades as soon as I get my license.
IRL comrades or Holla Forums comrades?
I'll put my name in the hat for that raffle
Can't go wrong with a mosin m8, cheap but reliable. Or what said is good too, really any bolt-action is worth it if you can't get a decent semi. A decent bolt is better than a subpar semi rifle.
Come yo Maine comrade
Come to Maine comrade
I would recommend people get modernish weapons like an ak or ar instead of weapons like mosins or sks. Mosin and sks are kind of over priced now and lack capacity compared to ARs which are really cheap now and AKs that are going up in price.
Literally going to a gun show in about an hour, I was looking to pick up a 509 but now I want to see if I can buy whatever necessary parts I can get there to build an Ar15. I have to choose one or the other and I'm kinda torn on the issue.
Cheers m8
509 as in the pistol? Because if so prioritize the rifle over the pistol unless you already have an equivalent.
A well-rounded collection actually is useful for most shooters:
Well an SKS as a battle rifle is just as useful as a semi auto AK
You're gonna need more than 6 bullets, famalam
As a fallback it's fine
If you're doing CC yeah you're gonna need more shits but if you're open carrying with a rifle a revolver side arm works
What does this serve you? Why is a semi-automatic rifle suddenly less good at ranged combat?
Range day 'n chill when btw
Where can I learn to do this my good man
It's time comrades.
What're you looking to do? How to make adapters for shotguns?
Why not just make your own gun ?
Guns are ban in my country
but power tools & gun power are not
Feinstein likes to break gun safety rules. I sincerely hope she pulls a trigger on a loaded gun pointed at herself demonstrating the evils of guns while saying "it's not loaded"
Unlikely, even infamously nofun countries like the UK & Australia haven't actually banned them, just made it somewhat tedious to jump through all the hoops necessary. Where are you?
Could be useful in a squad scenario. But yeah, unless you are dirt poor and always will be you should save up for something good.
7.62X54 is powerful, but expensive.
If you want a cheap gun to practice with you might as well get a 22lr
mp15s were recently $400 on special. the price will probably come down further if you are patient and watch for specials. And in the time it takes to wait you could probably do research and learn how to assemble one yourself, even if you just buy a completed upper, or find a lefty miltia near you and borrow their tools.
mausers are better suited to combat because of the non locking bolt, but ammo is rarer.
Its pretty expensive in aus to get and maintain license, and why go to all that bother just for a bolt action? Youd be better off learning maneuvers by playing paintball.
mausers are better suited to combat because of the non locking bolt, but ammo is rarer.
Sorry i meant swiss k31
Fuck it, the germans or french will liberate us when the time comes.
Sounds like the uk to me. Looked into it a bit myself but I'm too lazy and poor. Also feels like all gun clubs would be tory shithouses. Maybe one day I'll put the effort in though.
I heard somewhere there is no good ak in us for less than 1000$. Is that true or just some russian guy praising for the stalinium-made AK ?
Please tell me wich brand is good for like 500-700$.
Same about AR, some people say 500$ ARs worth nothing, is that true ? If not what are the good deals ?
mp15 ?
It depends on what you want it for. If you buy a cheap AK or AR, and dont fire it often and clean it every 10 mags worth they can last a long time and be good.
If you want to put them to heavy use. Ie. a lot of training over a long period, or have them last during an actual civil war then know the cheap ones are not MILSPEC and not fit for that purpose.
No AR under $1000 is going to be milspec. You can get milspec AKs sub $1K if you get lucky such as a MAK90. If you know what to look for quality wise you can get lucky with an n-pap. Dont rule out the FAL either.
Either way you should be doing a lot of research if you are going to invest that much in a gun as your first. Youtube is a good place to at least learn, even if not taking their recommendations as gospel.
What makes them less reliable ? loose tolerances, cheap alloy steel or both ?
Well, if we are poor, maybe decent weapons are good enough, we can still scavenge the fashies for their delicious gear.
More like a designated marksmen rifle than an assault rifle, amarite ?
Realistically though if a civil war breaks out aren't you going to need a few magazines tops? You'll either be dead or have access to more gear by the time you're done with them.
I'm fairly certain the sks differences makes it better then a semi auto ak under longer ranges. The bolt is more well designed.
No, it's a battle rifle
That sounds retarded. Get a life you little terrorist.
t. Holla Forumsintelpro
Maybe we are both right
Molotovs are terrorist weapons. They serve more to cause unrest than to harm anyone. I draw the line at guns. Self defense is the only legitimate use for them.
Actually they are anti-vehicule weapons, wich is why it's retarded to use it on cops
Worse, Netherlands.
There are far better anti-vehicle weapons to use that are far more subtle and won't make you look as much like a terrorist as molotovs.
But they are super easy to make.
Shut up you fucking retard.
It gets the job done, and you can modify it easily. Accept the ergos for what it is and Learn to use it the way it was designed and it'll do great. If you use it by pretending its an AR you'll have a bad time.
Both, but also the gas systems corrode faster.
You can make a spike strip pretty easily. Cops hate it. Like, HATE it.
Why are anarchists so lazy?
That's why I like to buy rifles that accept stripper clips.
Nigger you can't use a nail spike strip on an armoured vehicle.
If you are being attacked with armored vehicles, you are doing something wrong in the first place. Your use of the word, "nigger" suggests to me that you are indeed doing something wrong in your life.
Are you fucking serious, mate?
Yes. If you cannot do something without the national guard being called on you, your country is either already fucked, or you are a bad organizer.
And the fact that you are a bad organizer might have something to do with the fucked status of your country.
Also, molotovs aren't going to do anything to anything that is armored.
You're a faggot.
Also molotovs were literally designed to combat tanks you fucknugget.
Ah, I thought you were retarded but then it became apparent you're just a normal American.
Lol good luck with that, I guess. Stop using slurs. Heal your life.
Shut up you colossal niggerfaggot.
Get out of your fucking bubble, fam. Porky's enforcers will always act disproportionally if they see you as a threat to the system. If you have no way to beat them you're fucked before you even begin
Molotov cocktails are not one of the things that are going to do that for you. They are more likely to get you shot dead in the street.
So what are you gonna do when they bring tanks?
shut up you niggerkikegookfaggot
Also shaped charges for punching through light armor aren't THAT hard to make.
I will not be with you. I'll be with the nonviolent folks because I don't suffer from infantilism and I don't experience violent outbursts.
How do you even get them on the armour though? Do you just bring plenty to spare and keep throwing them?
The USSR made hand grenades that were stabilized by a length of ribbon, Nazis used fins on a similar grenade.
Or you make a launcher. We're back to launching shit from shotguns again.
Thanks for confirming you are worthless and have no dedication to ending the status quo. Go back to reddit.
And what's stopping them from rolling over you "nonviolent folks" once they start thinking you're a threat? I'm not a fan of using violence but you have to be prepared to use it if it becomes necessary
First you say that molotovs are lazy and now this? You aren't very consistent.
Guns are fine. Cops don't usually start doing that though unless you're in a shitty country that is already fucked and needs a violent revolution. So most of the time in western countries, you don't need to use guns on cops.
Nonviolence takes more dedication and discipline than violence, children. We conquer human nature for a higher purpose.
But firebombs aren't? Are you fucking thick
And it's useless unless backed with the threat of violence. Stop eating from the liberal trashcan. Your enemy beating you doesn't mean you win
I'm sure that the government and all the bourgeoisie and their militaries and armies that are plenty willing to bomb people in their own homes to turn a profit are just going to hand over things in awe of your ghandi-like non-violence.
your assertion that cops are going to play nice when you demand that they hand over the government is just retarded.
Integrated silenced weaponry - do they required an MIC to produce?
I have a dream - a dream of rechambering sacks of shit black market and homemade weaponry (UK) into using subsonic .22 and other subsonic rounds available, and replacing the barrels and the part that whacks the primer and makes the gun go shooty shooty bang bang, to creating a truly silenced weapon, but where is the documentation for such a feat? Is there enough kick to a subsonic round to chamber another subsonic round? Why is there so little documentation on this? The patron saint of arming Brits, Saint Luty, would have the answers, but unfortunately he was taken away from usmartyred.
If you're talking about illegal weapons to start with, you can probably drill careful holes into the side of the barrel and make a mesh-filled suppressor around it. There should be enough recoil on it in a straight blowback gun to cycle it if you use a light slide/bolt and good spring.
Anyone got some good tips on bomb making?
Molotovs don't do for demolition.
No! I want to run amok with an AS VAL/Vintorez Luty when the world collapses in on itself. Fuck your gay ass brillo pad silencers (unless they silence everything but the sound of the bolt chambering another round in which case that is perfectly acceptable). I demand one of the burgers tells me how the integrated silencer operates and why it can't be achieved in a garden shed. From what I can see from a cursory glance, the only difference is integrating the ghetto silencer with the actual barrel from the get go. Also I hear brillo silencers only last like six shots, why is this?
Also what is the best way to detonate a bomb. Mobile phone detonators seem robust, until you realise they have a tendency to start picking up interference, and run out of battery.
You sound like you want to play a video game not take part in anything in real life.
Grow up a little first.
Fuck you you brillo merchant faggot. You won't even tell us how you make these elusive shotgun cups. How about you cup my balls, if you know what I mean.
Really though nigger you best tell me and stop being a faggot withholding information because I'm not burger-tier autistic about being serious about firearms while never actually using them for anything other than shooting myself or my family in a murder-suicide killing.
A cup adapter isn't a seriously complicated thing to make, it's just something you need to lathe out.
Fundamentally, all you need to do is make some kind of thin walled steel cup. Could be from something like a small fire extinguisher.
Your adapter will need to be more carefully made. You need a block of metal that can attach securely to the cup, that holds tight to the muzzle. It's not that hard to make as much as it's something that needs to be done right.
Easiest way to do it, I suppose, would be to get a threaded barrel for extensions, then a piece of plumbing that allows you to screw in a larger diameter pipe, like the one on the left.
every non violent successful non violent movement has always had a violent movement to be contrasted against which helped it seem even more essential that it be appeased.
leftyk bump
I want to buy an AR or a carbine of some sort without breaking the bank, any suggestions?
AR in gommie caliber
AR in the neato nato caliber
AR in the .300 black out (good look finding affordable ammo) caliber.
The AR I got. Mine came with a red dot sight as a promotion for free. Now they couple it for 19.99.
You may have to disregard my opinions though. I am one of those nazis.
And you came to Holla Forums to talk about guns?
definitely a good starter gun, and they'll even make it california legal for you.
I come to leftypol to shitpost. At least until I trigger the mods too much.
During the whole youtube flagging fiasco I was encouraging people to flag every alt kike video they could find and not to get salty because some gommie got his channel dunked on since that shit would just make for future salty screen caps for Holla Forums to flaunt. My argument being that Youtube is a shitty platform anyway ran by kikes or in your view porky (pick your spook) so the sooner people saw how shitty their flagging system is and left the site the better things would be in my opinion. Left or right, fuck youtube.
I must have been too edgy since I was banned shortly after that. Maybe it has something to do with Leftypol mods being literal thin skinned fur fags. Far be it from me to denigrate degenerates as I'm no model example of the modern man but at least I don't dress up in fursuits and go to standard fuck parties.
I'm down in Texas so I can get the most ridiculous fun you can imagine. Hell, I can walk down main street with a sword strapped to my hip like it's the fucking 1500's.