are you happy leftypol?
Are you happy leftypol?
not an argument
did you really need to do this?
I'm sad tbh
If I ever decided to sell out, how much money do you think I could make pandering to right-wing paranoia as a "former socialist"?
Why not pretend to sell out and make a few soros buck like i do?
Not much if you're a guy, best you could hope for is you-tube e-celeb but realisticly you'd get some guest slots and wouldn't make much. Now if you're a girl who is average or above you can rake in betabux but living it down after the current reactionary fashion dies down will be difficult.
If you're a guy and you're academic enough you could manage the leftist-turned-conservative pundit role and pontificate about the destructiveness of leftist ideology and how evil and authoritarian it is while claiming tranny bathrooms are communism.
Do this. The right will suck it up no matter how out there and insane it sounds as long as you don't attack their golden geese. Suck up all the cash you can, then turn around, fart in their faces and tell them what fucking retards they were before disappearing.
Just as long as you make a video at the end explaining how they were all a bunch of ignorant gullible retards, and tell them to read Marx
as long as capitalism exists, i can never be happy
I gotta hand it to Yuri, he created legions of useful idiots for the right by convincing them useful idiots only exist in the left. It was genius, really. Subverting people by telling them someone is subverting them.
I was until I saw Yuri Bezmenov's retarded face.
do you ever get tired of posting the same garbage over and over again?
that's not what zizek wants at all
No because I don't have any tinder matches and I keep telling myself I don't care but really it makes me feel worthless.
So what was yuri's deal?
Was the claims he was spreading part of some secret plot by the KGB to influence political disourse? Was he a spy and doing the interview was just incidental? Was he crank? Or was it all true?
He spoke about normalisation, and Adam curtis spoke about this same concept, so it had to be based in some way in fact?
The fact he died mysteriously 2 years after the USSR collapsed seems really suspicious. But what was he trying to achieve?
The world is ruled by capitalists, so no.
Non-American here.
What happened?
Who is this antifa girl?
I don't think that happiness is a worthwhile goal.