Capitalism is ruining the worl-
Capitalism is ruining the worl-
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How fucking retarded are these graph people?
commies btfo!
people who live as subsistence farmers who don't work for a wage are considered to be poor because they technically don't earn money so those people are forced off their farm land and herded into factories where they're paid $1.25 a day and thus count as being "rescued from poverty" even though their actual quality of life has severely decreased and now they're no longer self-sufficient.
capitalism doesn't work.
Then they'd quit and go home
I was under the impression that the migration of rural people to urban centers in places like China was voluntary.
leave out china and see where you're at lol
Whats funny is the same people who hail this as progress cry about how collectivization was unfair.
China is a different beast, but in the third world what tends to happen is bougies roll in, demand paperwork for proof of ownership (from people who have never learned to read) then kick them off and buy the land from the government for a pittance.
You know nothing about history, do you? Peasants were herded off their lands at the start of the Industrial Revolution by means of enclosure, being shot if they resisted. This same process, part of the broader process of primitive accumulation, occurred across Europe. Far from being a voluntary extension of markets, capitalism's birth was a bloody, brutal affair of state power which belies its true nature which has continued to this day.
You do know that the most drastic sudden raises in standards of living happened under Socialist regimes, and by that logic we're the best alternative, right? And if I'm not mistaken Russia after the Soviet Collapse had the biggest fall in the standards of living of the developed world (excluding wars and so on)
Ancap or greenie?
Capitalists: Poverty is all relative, a poor person today has more than a king did in the Middle Ages!
Also Capitalists: Look at this photo-graph.
kinda, but not really. they were told to get the hell out, but also, look the nice cities you can live in now!
except when they got to the cities, overpopulation became rampant almost immediately and now, if they're not living in a hole the size of a linen closet, they're just being kicked out to literally nowhere. pic related.
inb4 some autist says "comfy"
proletarianisation is good actually and self sufficiency is a booj meme
We made it guys!
After 300 years, countless wars over resources, several famines, after all the misery of colonialism, after repressing every labour movement in the entire globe, making a dozen or so genocides, after financing a murderous row of right-wing dictators to deal with socialists in Latin America, the Middle-East, Africa and Asia, after privatizing every social service and doing away with all public enterprise, after all the corruption, after all the people who died because they couldn't afford a readily available treatment, after all the disasters and diseases caused by a complete disregard of worker's health and safety, after stealing people's entire lives by making them work between 8 to 18 hours a day, and after spending a few trillions of dollars every year to finance a series of dumb wars and repressive regimes so we can keep people doing menial tasks in the military and not face massive unemployment in the core of capitalism, the glorious results, the reward to all this blood and sweat are finally here: 1.25 dollars a day! Enjoy!
So you're telling me someone who makes less than 500/year is not living in poverty?
A) Market distribution caused that not the property law parameters that capitalism depends on
B) That graphs criteria fro absolute poverty is as bullshit as it gets. It literally claims people subsisting off of mere hundreds of dollars a year aren't living in absolute poverty.
C) Even if the graph was legitimate it wouldn't contradict Marxism or most other leftist theory at all. Marx said this is what would result from capitalism and was in fact necessary to lay the groundwork for socialism.
These are literally the first words of Capital.
For those tl:dr, the World Bank basically used statistical manipulation to make it look like poverty declined when the opposite is true. Here's the full study debunking the World Bank's lies if anyone's interested:
Why is the Czech flag dissolving?
Srsly why are there even people this economicly illiterate, to interpret the Graph in this way. The money used for the Manhatten project for example, (about one billion back then, whould be 26. Billion today. ) This is why the rate of people that dont live in "absolute powerty" which the graph defines as, less than 1,25 a day, rises, because inflation does, most people get paid more, while the money they recieve is worth less. It could even be that they are beeing paid less, compared to back then, since inflation rose exponentially.
What's Holla Forums's opinion on bitcoin?
Capitalism is becoming more stable and organized. Doesn't mean it's getting better. It's still capitalism; workers are still being exploiting by porkies getting super rich from their labor
Marx says otherwise!
What I mean by "organized" is that it's getting better at providing welfare through means of protection and support from the state
pictured: people not living in absolute poverty
what a fucking paradise this is
Fewer people are literally shitting themselves to death than they were a a few centuries ago? Truly we reached the end of history.
Can't you just upload the PDF?
When the poverty rate keeps increasing so you lower the definition of poverty but the poverty rate keeps increasing so you lower the definition of poverty but the poverty rate is still increasing so you lower the definition of poverty.
I'd genuinely like to see this graph but dividing the two sections by mean income.
Also if this is PPP adjusted, does that mean it's saying a person living in Africa having the equivalent purchasing power to a man living in America with $1.25? I expect that means a man living in Africa only needs a few cents to have equivalent purchasing power.
Also, UN defines absolute poverty not as any specific monetary value, but the minimum necessary to have basic needs met. Tell me one place in the world where it you can get food, water, shelter, and healthcare for that $1.25 a day? it costs £100 a month in Hong Kong to live in a literal cage, so where the hell does $1.25 PPP adjusted buy food, water, shelter, healthcare, education, and information? hell, why would you even represent something like this in terms of population? If someone isn't getting their basic needs met, they die, and don't get included in the statistics. the 100 million people who die every 5 years due to malnutrition certainly aren't on that chart.
Does this graph account for inflation?
That's not capitalism's fault.
Indians really just don't want to use the loo, they'd rather stick with traditions. If anything, it's capitalism behind the push to get Indians to to stop using the streets and beaches. Capitalists are even paying Indians to use the toilet:
As for Africa, with a few exceptions, sub-Saharan African nations continually fail to maintain the infrastructure built for them without outside influence, whether that be Chinese, Jewish, Arab or European. Even Che and Mao knew it was because they were subhumans.
somebody take this man out of here.
so is this supposed to look like a melting czech flag or
cuz czechoslovakia fell :'(
it's retarded
That's just a monentary dip. It will skyrocket in the coming decades.
psssst, the point is that the dip doesn't exist, it's there because of numbers manipulation in the calculation of poverty