Scarlett and Emma and Tilda — and almost Ed. Ed Skrein had been on deck to be the next actor to play a “whitewashed” Asian character, but on Monday, less than a week after he joined the Hellboy reboot as Major Ben Daimio, a half-Japanese character in the comics, Skrein chose to leave the project. Skrein had watched as his casting drew a wave of online protest, he explained in a statement, and he understood why accepting the role would take an opportunity away from an Asian actor. “It is clear that representing this character in a culturally accurate way holds significance for people, and that to neglect this responsibility would continue a worrying tendency to obscure ethnic minority stories and voices in the Arts,” Skrein tweeted. “It is our responsibility to make moral decisions in difficult times and to give voice to inclusivity.”
The decision caught Hollywood by surprise and drew praise from Skrein’s colleagues. “My gut reaction when I read [his statement] was, ‘Wow, that’s a brave move,’ because I’m sure that was a role he really wanted and fought for,” says casting director Lucinda Syson, who cast Skrein in 2015’s The Transporter Refueled and most recently worked on films like Wonder Woman. “Now, I think everyone’s had a wake-up call… This discussion is an incredibly healthy one, and I think it’s long overdue.” “He’s going to be remembered for authentic representation on screen,” says casting director Russell Boast (Hulu’s Chance), who heads the Casting Society of America’s diversity committee. “I think [his decision] will resonate with many actors who have never thought about standing up and saying they don’t want to be a part of this whitewashing game that’s being played.”
That game has gone on for some time. Whitewashing has been a Hollywood habit for decades, but it’s sparked more waves of online protests over the past two years as the Asian-American community rallied to push for more inclusive casting. The most egregious examples of recent whitewashing: Emma Stone playing a character of Hawaiian and Chinese descent in 2015’s Aloha, Tilda Swinton playing a character traditionally portrayed as Asian in the comic books in 2016’s Doctor Strange, and Scarlett Johansson playing the lead in this year’s Ghost in the Shell, an adaptation of a Japanese anime classic rooted in Eastern culture. (To make matters worse, the film’s plot twist explained Johansson’s casting by revealing that she had been a Japanese woman who had been placed inside a white woman’s body, literally erasing her identity.)
Yet, up until Skrein, not a single actor has backed away from such a role, and filmmakers have stood by their choices, arguing most often that Hollywood lacks Asian movie stars to carry their films. So what does Skrein’s decision mean for the industry?
Thought this whole situation was interesting, and didn't see a thread on it here yet. what say you, Holla Forums? Gotta admire this move tbh, I don't think anyone has done this before, correct?
Lincoln Adams
As an half asian that is underrappresented in mainstreak media this seem idpol trash
Alexander Wright
we need to put a corrective tax on virtue signaling
Ryan Ramirez
so it really doesn't bother you that Hollywood largely seems to not give a damn about the largest ethnicity on the planet? how can that not annoy and anger you, to know you're just discounted and invalidated like that?
Jackson Ortiz
I care precisely enough about this to make this post, but not enough to bump the thread
Wyatt Gonzalez
Hollywood is very atuned to people's tastes and preferences. They are soulless, but not stupid.
They very much shit about East Asians, to extent that they can get them to the box office. Plenty of Hollywood movies are now being written with Chinese audiences in mind, particularly big budget blockbusters. Chinese audiences seem not to care much about their ethnicity being represented in the main cast, than part of their movie taking place in china.
If movies grossed more with Asian representation, you could bet there would be Asian representation.
Joshua Sullivan
Seeing how asians are usually rappresented in most hollywood movies I prefer it like this. I mean, if I made a joke like the one in link about blacks i'd be lynched in you country but about asians is always ok for some reason. So no if hollywood gived a shit about asians it wouldn't in a good way
Brody Nelson
your ethnicity dont mean a fucking thing when at the end of the day youre all fucking ants
Jace Myers
Do you frequent /r/AsianMasculinity or do you just watch red pill shit like this for fun?
Christian Walker
All Hollywood does is push corporate garbage, who cares what colour the actors are.
Adrian Scott
hollywood doesn't give a shit about anything except making more money. If they start making more movies with asian characters it'll only be because they want a new demographic to buy their tickets. On a related note I completely forgot that the character in question was Half-Japanese, reading the comics it doesn't have much to do with his personality.
Angel Foster
It's common in theater that the actors aren't necessarily "true" in the modern day racial sense to the original conception of the character (it's ubiquitous in stagings of Shakespeare's plays). It just triggers liberal identitarians when it's a white actor portraying a non-white character.
Most of these liberal outcries have been over comic book movies, though, which are, as a rule, trash. So who cares.
David Anderson
Nope actually I was asking my self few years ago why blacks are preferred over asians then I found that clip. Plus I'm hapa so. I don't frequent reddit tho
Isaiah Adams
Nicholas Collins
Cooper Walker
cut this shit out. it's just liberalism. we don't need to confuse americans any more.
Oliver Young
I don't hold it against him. But I also care very little about this.
Actors act. There are totally tasteless miscastings (I don't know if this was one - I don't read Hellboy), but that goes beyond the "whitewashing" thing. Check out 'Murrika's Death Note adaption for a real clusterfuck. Ultimately, a black actor playing a white guy or a white actor playing a black guy (no, I'm not talking blackface) is not only not inherently bad; it's basically just their fucking job.
Lucas Morgan
While I hate idpol and Agree with you asians are a fucking joke in most movies. That's not fun, especially even when coons can make fun of you. Like I posted here if I was ever to make a joke like that about blacks I'd be lynched
Lucas Evans
That wouldn't be a bad thing.
Thomas Nelson
So far he's a better poster then Hoochie
Anthony Nguyen
so far this melanoma is better than a terminal brain tumour
Daniel Garcia
Whelp, ya'll stuck up for Hoochie going on prolly for what two years now? You reap what you sow. And people still stand up for her cause she made her brand of cancer the new normal.
Kevin Myers
Hoochie is despised and hasn't been here for two years you cock guzzling faggot.
Anthony Sullivan
tbh i think the only positive thing I've had to say about the hooch is that she was more authentic than that lolbert blue collar bootstrapper rp'er that was hanging around a few days ago. have people actually said she was good?
Nathan King
I really and truly don't see what's wrong with Hoochie.
She's legit as far as I'm concerned.
James Mitchell
I think you are confusing hoochie with someone else. Hoochie is here all the time.
Isaac Richardson
Yes, people have especially after the incels got wind of the picture that she said was her ass. Then they all wanted to be her little baby tampon boy for some reason. Thirst is powerful stuff plus people forget how shitty her posts were.
By far an even worse shitposter then Milo, Jim Profit and Satan-Nazi. At least they could be entertaining at times.
Austin James
What in the fuck does hollywood movies drama have anything to do with economics or freedom? What the fuck? Why is this on Holla Forums instead of a celebrity gossip board?
Noah Evans
Hoochie showed up in 2016 at the earliest you shitcunt.
Zachary Thompson
And she is still here you drooling monkey.
Parker Cooper
And? Stalinfag should be lynched for blowing 300 on mcgregor in addition to his other retardation.
Brody Smith
kys. Go be a shitty bedwetting gossip columnist somewhere else
Brody Flores
Do you wanna know the only people who gives a fuck about race/ethnicity? Racists
Parker Jones
She's an obnoxious shitposting tripfag, and not even a funny one. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out user.
Nathan Phillips
Is this bait?
Joseph Evans
>>>/reddit/ >>>/out/ >>>/sjw/
Liam Price
Logan Torres
Controversy over "race-lifts" and other demographic changes in fiction is fucking retarded and usually happens around movies that are already bad anyway. See: If by now you're not cynical enough to suspect it's marketing trying to compensate for a shitty movie and/or low studio confidence, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Ayden Peterson
Lincoln Walker
Is this to prevent another Hapa massacre?
Anthony Price
it is just liberalism, but what americans call liberalism is left liberalism, as opposed to what they call conservatism which is right liberalism this is for the benefit of the american not for their confusion, to call left liberalism just liberalism is to indulge them in their misuse of terminology sage because this thread is irrelevant trash and filled with bait
Brayden Howard
go suck a tailpipe
that's just the flavour the pic came in, but you are right, and I have since updated it in autistic fashion
mostly making a thousand argumentative posts in a row in stead of condensing
Carter Lee
Alexander Wilson
that's what I hate about the current trend of 'diversity' in consumer media. It feels like a way of forcing you to take shitty products seriously. once upon a time, comic book movies were looked down upon cheap entertainments fit only for children. Now, they are universal standard bearers of social progress. grown adults are supposed to gain self esteem via identification with superheroes. And worst of all, the movies themselves are only getting worse and more formulaic. seems awfully patronising, doesn't it?
Bentley Evans
Fuck you, go back to Reddit you broke dick dumbass, they white washed that role because their white audience is so autistic they can't enjoy a story if anything but white main characters is presented. You don't live in a bubble, they white washed Ghost in the Shell for fucks sake.
Jeremiah Ortiz
It's not a conspiracy, PoCs have more disposable income then before, so porky is catering to their prejudices just like porky did for fucking decades with straight white males. You guys cry about diversity on this board the same way pol cries about anuddah shoah I.e. White girls having sex with black men.
Camden Diaz
I'm not even white. I just feel this is one of the methods hollywood uses in order to justify itself, even as they take less risks and focus on core competencies like escapist superhero blockbusters. The 'reactionary backlash' is an integral, planned part of the product's marketing strategy. I'd rather not have my identity bound to shitty consumer products.
Sebastian Jones
Meh, fair enough, sorry for swearing at you comrade.
Austin Collins
Get out.
Zachary Richardson
Christ, who gives a shit? The only people I ever see bitching about this one way or another is white people. There's probably just as many dumbshit "woke" liberals being offended at this on behalf of Asian people everywhere as there are Holla Forumstards crying about the backlash. Asian people, from what I've seen, didn't really give much a fuck one way or the other, which is good.
Leo Gray
it was a shitty movie anyways. if the oscars weren't 'too white' no one would have any reason to watch them or care about them. Racial manufacturoversies are the last refuge of a dying culture industry.
Jose Butler
I cared , I was a fan of the original. It was blatant white washing. You're up in arms over a white guy willfully leaving a part but when fans of an adaptation complain about changing the race of a main character in a story with strong Japanese nationalist themes, all of a sudden it doesn't matter. You're just getting triggered by Hollywood not catering to white idpol at every turn and blaming ESS JAY DOUBLE JEWS instead of the oligopoly studio system.
Brandon Perez
I'm actually happy about this. I think literally anyone would have played Motoko better than Scarlett Johansson and I have always hated that kind of whitewashing in the past. Not even asian or give a shit about idpol. I don't want mediocre white people playing asian roles when there are far better asian actors they could grab.
Adrian White
The false dichotomy strikes again.
Gabriel Gomez
Nathan Rodriguez
Wew, Holla Forums doesn't realize they're defending markets and capitalistic hollywood media.
And fuck the westernization of asian films; They ruin it because their the only reason for whitewashing is for profits.
White people are the ones who are creating the controversy. Just like stupid football fans they thought of Hollywood as a civic institution since it ceaselessly catered to their prejudices, superiority complex and white supremacy. Now that minorities and fans of subcultures like comic books have enough disposable income to be a viable market, they're crying because what they thought they owned is turning against them.
Ethan Collins
I don't give a shit about the guy in the OP or the shitty GitS adaptation, I don't know how much more clear I can make that. I don't care if the guy was white, black, or asian. Stop projecting this bullshit onto me. I'm saying this is nothing more than a pointless distraction, and anyone getting overly bothered either way about it desperately needs to rethink their priorities. There's more important things to worry about than what race some rich hollywood prick playing a character is.
Nicholas Green
Andrew Foster
I don't know what point you are making, but I'm sure it's wrong. Also, GitS was a manga to begin with.
Jeremiah Smith
Easton Howard
Chase Howard
All anime is westernised female faces. Not Asian, they only give old woman those features.
Ayden Torres
There's tons of Asians that have westernized features though.
Parker Green
You sure checked my privelige.
Carter Hernandez
Ian Carter
Why Asian? If it isn't a Jap then it doesn't matter. No Japanese person wants a Korean plying that role over Scarlett Johansan. Asian is a ridiculous American idpol class.
Jaxon Mitchell
Yeah, you're a retarded faggot. The large eyes and "western features" are because anime/manga art was across the board influenced by Astroboy which was in turn inspired by Donald Duck. You're making a Holla Forums-tier uninformed argument with this.
Brody Richardson
We'll there are even more Japanese women with Anglo features since so many of them get surgery.
Ethan Morales
Point is there are ton of Japanese actresses that could have played Mokoto. Johansen looks nothing like Mokoto, shes short af, that scene where she jumped through the glass looked ridiculous.
Jonathan Gray
On a more serious note, all this whitewashing accusations are asinine. The main character was a above all else a cyborg. Nothing in it's / her character was characteristic of of Japanese culture until proven otherwise. That's what's most frustrating about these accusations - it's literally whining and bitching about a paint scheme. If they made a film adaptation of Things Fall Apart and turned Okonkwo into a cumskin, okay, there the complaints would be justified. Being an Igbo was pretty damn vital to the story. But barring that, people should just calm the fuck down.
Joshua King
You are the mong saying an 'Asian' should play a Japaese role to satisfy an American idpol crusade you imbecile. If it isn't a Jap it doesn't matter. They are not just to be Asianwashed are they?
Jordan Ward
I think you either need to reread my posts or look up what that word actually means, because that's not what I'm doing here.
Dylan Perez
It was a cyborg built by a Japanese corporation with extremely strong ethno national beliefs, if Nazi German built a cyborg they wouldn't make it a black woman.
Parker Anderson
What the fuck are you trying to say? You made a bullshit claim about anime and I called you out on it. Is pink/green/purple hair now western? How about small indistinct noses?
All I said was that I would rather any asian woman play the role instead of Scarlett Johansson because she is a god awful actress. I don't know why you're so pissed that a lot of people in the thread see the casting decision as being racist and disingenuous to the source material, which it is. What's wrong with people pointing that out?
Also, don't bullshit about how none of this matter and distracts from the class struggle because you're right now engaging in idpol culture war bullshit on a fucking chinese cartoon imageboard.
Andrew Richardson
I'm not gonna lie, I'm not that deep in the lore. Was that a big plot point, or just like a typical lefty manga artist putting stuff in the background kinda thing? That said, the Nazi's might well build an honorary aryan cyborg.
Hunter White
Oh fuck off Donald Duck my arse. Western features are obsessed about in Japan, believe it's Donald Duck if you want to be an embarrassment to yourself.
Michael Brooks
Are you actually this retarded? It's not a fucking race issue. They HATE each other, the wrong is done to the Japanese NOT generic asian Suey Parkism.
Liam Sullivan
Dude anytime anglos are depicted in anime they are shown as huge ugly boors.
Benjamin Gray
Stop making shit up. It can go either way in anime. Some depictions are demeaning and others are pretty normal.
Zachary Powell
No they fucking aren't. They are the exact same lel, watch any high school anime which always have a qt European. They have blonde hair usually is the only signifier. Patty from Lucky Star, the girls from Kiniro Mosaic, Sakasouro no Pet English girl. Endless list.They portray 'abroad' like in K-on as big nosed fucks and different style, that is not for main characters though.
Jeremiah Wood
Why does everyone use the word whitewashing this way. It never meant this until teenage girls on tumblr started using it like that.
Ayden Ortiz
It's propaganda obviously
Jonathan Kelly
Bentley Sanders
You don't know anything about thew history of animation in Japan and you're talking this kind of bullshit? Can you even draw?
Tell me, how is rainbow hair western? Or tiny indistinct noses? How about pale, not pink, skin? Does Motoko looks white in the manga films, or tv series? Large eyes came from Donald Duck as was stated by the literal creator of Astroboy and all anime and manga took that as their major influence. Literally large eyes are the only argument you have and it is blown out of the water by basic knowledge about the history of the medium in Japan. Seriously fuck off.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I do think whitewashing is racist. Whether whitewashing in the media is a big deal is dubious for a leftist.
Andrew Bennett
She's hafu(and best girl) so she doesn't count.
Justin Morales
I'm just saying it's more complicated then your making it to be. Yes Japanese love western features, but to say anime characters are always intended to look like white people is such a stretch. Donald Duck and Astro boy are why they have big eyes. Although certainty that's not the only reason. Also there are tons of popular anime that feature Asians with Asian features.
Matthew Perez
Holy shit you utter dweeb. I don't give a fuck about drawing. If you think that the post war westernization of Japan and beauty image of Western woman isn't the main drive behind modern anime, your are dim. They are OBSESSED with Western features.
Xavier Jackson
If you think anime is in any way representative of the overall Japanese culture , you know nothing about Japanese culture. Anime is a subculture that shunned by the larger culture.
Josiah Phillips
and it was shit
Wyatt Bell
Japanese enthno nationalism was a strong theme, and since it's a cyberpunk story those kind of politics are important, it's not a soap oopera that could be set anywhere.
John Jones
You're just making that up. Of course they have adopted western fashions and some do find western features attractive, but that doesn't mean it is the drive behind Japanese art style and I gave you concrete reasons why that isn't true. You've not made any argument of exactly how these asian characters are supposed to look white.
Nah, you're just self-centered a faggot.
Carson Morgan
Thankfully for me we are talking about Anime, and I never said it was representative. This subculture devoted to one way of portraying girls, they even portray men with Japanese features in the same fucking anime. More yellow and slantier eyes.
Josiah Davis
It was interesting, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I like the anime adaptations a lot more.
Isaiah Diaz
For such a gay weeb you don't seem bothered by your minimization of the Japanese role for some Asian generic bullshit. Sort yourself out.
Asher Ross
You referenced Japanese westernized standard of beauty, so yes you were saying anime you claim Anglo features, are an extension of that larger cultural standard.
Jaxson Walker
What are you saying? Minimization of the Japanese role for what Asian generic bullshit? Are you just mad and incapable of coherent arguments?
Ethan Martin
big eyes are cheaper to animate That's the main reason anime characters have big eyes, it's the reason why many cartoon characters have big eyes. It's easier to emote if your character has big eyes and humans are drawn to eyes and things that are shiny, which is also why anime eyes look like pools of water.
John Perez
You are the one who wanted an Asian to play the role, something Japanese people would find as ridiculous and less appealing as a fucking Mega Star. Because they are about as similar to being Japanese for all they care. Japan ends at Japan. There is no 'Asian' for them, only retarded yanks like yourself ranting like Suey Park over something Japanese don't care about.
Easton Perry
My wanting an asian to play the role was mostly because Scarlett Johansson is a terrible actress and literally any asian actress they could have gotten for a similar price would have been better. I didn't have any real expectations for the adaptation and even a change in actress wouldn't have salvaged it. My concern in this thread is your blatant retardation when it comes to anime and manga.
Gabriel Murphy
The movie bombed, and it had plenty of fans in Japan so you can't say they were okay with it. GitS wasn't a cookie cutter action film that could be treated with such carelessness. The race of Mokoto was important so mangling it shows how little they understood the appeal. They were trying do to it what they did to transformers but transformers started out as being for kids. The movies scenes are dead on recreations of the ones in the anime so their set designer knew what they were doing, I'll give it that.
Brody Reyes
yea, Bato peeking at Makoto lesbian orgy was.. interesting..
Owen Carter
It bombed because no normalfags, or me have ever heard of it before.
Grayson Hall
It also bombed because GitS fans didn't carry water for it.
Cameron Stewart
This. I even told my dad not to see it.
Cooper Baker
4 people in the west didn't turn up
Aiden Moore
I think you're underestimating how big the western fan base for GitS is. It was big enough that an insignificantly tiny fraction of them kept that shitty fps First Assault going for years.
William Torres
Logan Campbell
Johansson is a white woman cyborg with a Japanese woman's brains!!
Julian Bennett
Yep. Also even if all the GitS fans had watched it, it would still have bombed because the internet make it seems like animu and weeabism is huge but the true is that it's just a very loud tiny niche thing.
Parker Ramirez
Aiden Sullivan
It was probably their shitty attempt at playing up the themes around identity, but I think it would have been better if they had instead done what other GitS material did and raised questions about Motoko's original gender/sex.
Nathaniel Miller
It's an admission of guilt that mokotos race was important to. the story. Nigga you don't care about GitS, you just care about white Idpol, go protest the Ghostbusters movie or something.
Hudson Williams
So the white people did it, over guilt and ruined it. And that's a good reason for idpol why? Do you protest every Shakesperian play with black people?
Lucas Baker
I had no idea the GiTS movie bombed, thank you, I just assumed it made a shitload of money like all other normie trash. Maybe there is a limit to what the market will tolerate after all.
Sebastian Morgan
I'm not the guy you were arguing with about Donald Duck or whatever, I'm just calling you out on your bullshit claim that anytime a westerner is depicted in anime it's in an ugly or demeaning way. There's tons of examples where that isn't the case.
Dominic Smith
Hollywood porkies did it FOR WHITE people. No I don't protest Shakespeare plays done by black people because I don't give a fuck about that hacks plays. Plenty of GitS fans are white and they all agree the whitewashing was bull shit. Stay in your lane pol cuck
Landon Foster
Actually laughing at your weeb nonsense.
Matthew Barnes
*Philistine detected*
Adam Barnes
Adam Scott
the white people in the PR departments of Hollywood studios you mean.
Benjamin Stewart
Nah I mean white people, like I said they're acting like sports fans when a good player leaves because they think of this private property as civic institutions.
Alexander Thomas
Are you actually saying this weeb shit is on par with Shakespeare? Am I meant to take this seriously and not just laugh? It's fucking substance?
Charles Harris
I certainly hope he isn't saying that, but reducing GitS to "weeb shit" is completely fucked.
Caleb Green
Everything Shakespeare did has been better elsewhere. I'm saying he's a hack and I don't care about his work. Which is why I wouldn't protest his plays if they were all black actors
Cameron Flores
Yeah I'm saying that, I don't fucking care, cyberpunk speaks to me more than any Shakespeare play, Romeo.and Juliet was boring as fuck
Jason Nguyen
Hudson Richardson
You first triggered cuck. The plays are boring shit and inspire bull shit like game of thrones. The propulsive narrative Hollywood style I'd writing is better.
Angel Turner
There are 15 better plays than that you pleb, that is the level we are talking about.
Josiah Hughes
oh fuck off weeb Hamlet is why I think humanity deserves a chance to live and create
Jacob King
You're wrong. Shakespeare is definitely not a hack. He's certainly not an original writer as his plays were based on older plays, but holy fuck dude. If you don't see how important his mastery of language and influence on English as a whole is then you really need to reevaluate.
That's fine if you prefer cyberpunk over Shakespeare. I actually enjoy cyberpunk more as well, but please don't shit on Shakespeare. Really bad take.
Daniel Cook
Dude, just stop posting. You're making every GitS fan in the thread look bad and they don't deserve that. GitS is great, but using it to talk shit about Shakespeare is about the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Justin Campbell
I really don't, sorry. It's just my opinion but I think Shakespeare isn't all that important to literature today, although historically he is. I read a handful of his plays and just didn't see the significance, they were hard to read too so I don't think they influence language today.
Ethan Gonzalez
Hamlet suuuuuuuccckkkkssss…'s all bourgeois backstabbing, boring! I thought "Children of the Sun" was more dramatic and that's about a lost pair of shoes.
Eli Edwards
Please put on a trip so I can disregard every single opinion you have. Thx.
Cooper Russell
I'm saying your so triggered by white idpol being undermined you'll go out of your way to insert yourself into the Mokoto/Scarlet controversy even though you know or care jack shot about GitS
Tyler Gutierrez
It's hilarious to see leftypol who swears up and down to be anti idpol have virulent opinions on practically every idpol controversy.
Charles Gomez
We're not a hivemind. Furthermore, the red flaggot is a liberal Democratic Cops of America organizer who just stumbled upon this place and will be leaving shortly, hopefully with the door hitting them.
Kevin Perez
Go be an idpol liberal elsewhere.
Henry Diaz
Saging because not politics
I don't care about "minority representation" or "whitewashing" or "blackwashing". What I do care about, however, is anything that indicates the studios behind a movie or TV show aren't putting any effort into their work, doubly so if it's (marketed as, at least) something adapted from or influenced by a prior and strongly lauded work.
Though far from the only such sign, lazy casting and needless rewrites of characters are certainly one of them. Whether that means blacks as whites, whites as blacks, women as men, or men as women, I am equally annoyed by all such violations.
This is not to say, however, that a properly justified change, one made for artistic rather than commercial or political reasons, can't work, when accompanied by other necessary changes to produce something new and cohesive, but with the essence of the original intact.
A good example, off the top of my head, is a film like Edge of Tomorrow (from All You Need is Kill), which swapped the whole cast and location from Japan to Britain, with an Operation Overlord theme added.
Another example is something that merely takes pieces from one or more older works, and cobbles together a quasi-original new work, such as The Matrix (based on manga such as GitS and BLAME!) or Pacific Rim (based on Toei kaiju movies).
Of course, merely doing either of these isn't enough to escape other problems. An awful example of "localizing" something reasonably well, while still rewriting the plot enough to completely destroy the essence of the original, is the new Netflix Death Note movie. Similarly, an example of making something indirectly inspired by anime, Hong Kong wire-fu, and the like, but reducing it to a mere layer of incoherent vacuous pandering atop a generic Walking Dead-type action-soap, is Into the Badlands.
With all this in mind, even if it's for the wrong reasons, this walkback on Hellboy is welcome, even if it is possibly for the wrong reasons.
I was just about to mention this. Back then, not only were blacks played by whites, but women were forbidden from acting, so all female characters were played by boys or castratoes.
Later, things shifted a bit in the opposite direction, when by the time of (most infamously) Peter Pan, children were forbidden from the stage, so all children, male and female, were played by adult women.
This sort of thing survives in anime, where many anime have most or all children voiced by women, and animals on even the most serious anime are also "voiced" by humans making onomatopoeia. I find it very irritating.
Levi Morris
Casting of white people into roles originality held by other races isn't arbitrary though. Capitalism has made entertainment escapist and the white audience has to identify with the character to enjoy the story. White people, through white flight, red lining, soft racism etc, don't associate with anyone but white people, a study I saw said 90 percent of white people dont have have non white personal friends. Hollywood white washes stories because it literally causes cognitive dissonance when white peoples have to follow stories with non white charcarters, it's akin to watching a movie in a foreign language. This is symptomatic of the larger material divide among proles along racial lines. White people were perfectly comfortable (save for few exceptions) with this for generations, and started viewing Hollywood as a civic institution that servered them. They're mad that Hollywood porkies are chasing profits and catering to the growing PoC market and more and more crafting movies that stroke their prejudices making white peoples feeling betrayed and blaming PoC instead of the oligopoly studio system.
Asher Fisher
TL;DR White people are butt mad because they're on the other side of the idpol equation, i.e. being marginalized by idpol instead of being glorified by it.
Oliver Campbell
There is no POC market, that's ridiculous. There is only individual market for races and white liberals who hate that white people are more marketable to English speaking nations. Not to say they can't or don't enjoy ethnic actors because they do.
Benjamin Turner
And Bollywood and China will marginalize themselves when? Never.
Camden Taylor
Oops, forgot to sage, durr.
Why the huge wave of success among American audiences for imported kung-fu movies and kaiju films in the 1970s then? Why the anime sensation during the late-90s and early 2000s? Why the K-Pop idol craze today?
Sorry, but your hapa insecurity-driven bullshit is unsupportable. If you want movies with Asians in them, there's an entire thriving industry overseas, and Americans consuming their output.
Zachary Davis
I know Japans anime has already changed significantly to cater to western tastes, so probably both Bollywood and china will too, maybe not to US tastes but to the emerging African middle class.
Camden White
When it becomes profitable.
Joshua Morgan
All tiny markets relative to huge Hollywood movie market. Can't speak to k pop but I've never heard k pop in clubs or in the radio so I don't think it's a sign big as you think.
Landon Phillips
My Hapa ass isn't up in arms every time Hollywood capitulates to minorities over idpol issues. It's white guys homie.
Thomas Moore
More 'diversity' has been forced on Hollywood, it's laughable to say it's due to profits. It was due to Liberal social attitudes of the elites there.
Eli Jones
ITT: butthurt hapas and red libs
Landon Johnson
Ever thought that liberals might refuse to go watch a movie if it isn't "diverse" enough and therefore hurting the profits?
Aiden Carter
Joseph Lee
Jack Collins
Aaron Phillips
Retards perpetuate idpol and they come in all colors and shapes.
Andrew Diaz
Why wouldn't anyone be butt hurt about that?
Zachary Anderson
Because when minorities complained about idpol issues in the past they were laughed at primary by white people.
John Barnes
The idpol that effects material conditions is done by the dominate identity group, I.e white people.
Blake Thompson
They are white and Jewish. We all know that's who runs the Idpol on the left.
Jonathan Murphy
So you're chasing a revenge fantasy
Ryder Williams
Me? Nah? Just don't have any sympathy for hypocrites. I don't watch that much Hollywood movies, and I'm used to not being represented in them, blessing in disguise really, since this pivot to minorities didn't shock me.
Landon Cruz
Big enough markets to account for a substantial percentage of revenue even compared to domestic take. Stateside, big enough for numerous Asian stars (Jackie Chan, Jet Li, etc.) to headline Hollywood movies, American TV networks to have their own anime produced by Japanese studios, and K-Pop to chart in the Billboard 50.
Hollywood is a titan, and Americans are more isolated from other cultures than most nationalities, but we are far from an impervious blob of uniform insularity.
Jayden Williams
Blake Flores
Not to mention Jackie made dozens of movies that never made it stateside in retail. Are you talking about Gangman style? Cause that's the only k pop hit ove ever heard of Really like what recently? Also outsourcing animation isn't the same as having it produced. Sorry white burgers are spooked af with regards to idpol and reeeeeee at even the slightest undermining their fmwhite idpol, look at the ghostbusters controversy, and that was a simple gender swap with only one inabashedly black character that was practically as Mami black face. Hollywood will continue to capitulate to minorities with ipdol issues and white peoples will continue to cry about it, pretend all you want that white people arent insulated completely from other cultures and ethnicities because some of them like king fu movies.
Connor Smith
She's a cyborg who has dozens of different bodies in SAC.
Liam Butler
If you want to watch a movie with Asian people in it, watch a fucking Korean or Japanese film, those countries have film industries and a lot of their movies are better than Hollywood shit. Fuck!
The planet is literally being raped and you fucking cunts are sad that there aren't enough people that look like you in Capitalist entertainment. There's no way I can describe how angry I am right now.
Parker Young
Jesus christ I shouldn't have posted in this thread. Why people here are still debating? As an Hapa i'm saying that I'm not offended. Why you motherfuckers fight battle that you are not involved in?
Daniel Adams
Kill yourself, really, fucking kill yourself.
Austin Jenkins
Because leddit had to stop by and drag the tread to 160+ posts.
Owen Thompson
I couldn't care less about these issues, just pointing out white washing is really a thing, and Hollywood is going to start appealing to the prejudices of minorities the same way they used to to white people, stay mad and get ready to start getting fucked over by the superstructure
Wyatt White
Bruce Lee, Chow Yun-fat, Grace Park, Michele Yeoh, Toshiro Mifune, Ken Watanabe. Hardly unique. That said, one factor that may have curtailed dips into Hollywood might not be Hollywood itself, but the increasing size of China's own domestic film market, ironically causing Asian talent to stay closer to home in recent years. It certainly charted the highest the longest, but others have also charted high: I'm not talking about stuff like Animatrix, but original anime commissioned by foreign money. Most famously Cartoon Network's anime such as Space Dandy, Netflix has funded the first few (including BLAME!) of a ton more in the pipeline, and more American companies have done others, like Spike TV's co-production on Afro-Samurai. Here's a recent overview of the subject:
That wasn't "capitulation", that was a virtue-signaling publicity stunt by white male hipsteratti, just like pretty much every other instance of such antics.
Ethan Nelson
litterally who Nah it's white burgers adversion to non white leads, All modern Asians movie stars in western films under go eye surgery for this very reason, Asian stars without Anglo round eyes cannot get roles, not even Jackie chan could, look at pictures of him as a middle schooler. The single point I'm willing to concede to you to, but Netflix is commissioning tons of new films, and "BLAME!" is one of many. Except it wasn't, it only became that after white people angry that their prejudices weren't being catered to in a franchise they felt a collective ownership of. Ghostbusters was a 30 year old IP that was in development hell the entire time, and desperately needed a fresh take to stay relevant. The story from the jump was written to include a diversity of people and perspectives because ghostbusters was a FRANCHISE. Cherry pick all the facts you want, movies and by in large American culture is defined by Hollywood and it was Anglo centric for decades until now because white burgers spent generations running away from intergrating with black people. Now neoliberalism has given minorities enough disposable income to start generating their own ugly bigoted causally racist media. Buckle up because porky has only just begun.
Leo Hill
I bet you are not even asian, just some white liberal sjw weeaboo getting butt hurt. Real asians don't give a fuck about whitewashing.
Dylan Ward
Justin Stewart
It doesn't matter if I'm Asian or not, Hollywood will continue to capitulate to minorities on idpol and ultimately chip away at the Anglo centric culture that was being produced until now. And that's what really eats at you, but remember idpol divides the proles, so it shouldn't matter which idpol porky panders to to you but it does cause your triggered
Cooper Lopez
Isaac Parker
Ryder Phillips
Fucking kill yourself american scum who fight over Idpol but has a "Supports our troops" sticker on the car. I bet I'm the only asian in this thread
Christopher Jenkins
It was a vanity project by Paul Feig to signal to his beta hipster peers what a tolerant feminist ally he was. And piss all over decades of efforts to get another installment in a famous series that actually succeeded outside Hollywood in 2009, with the original cast and screenwriters. Seriously, play it, it's not just the 3rd movie we didn't deserve but got anyway, it's good vidya.
Even during the depths of anti-black racism, no possibly EVEN MORESO then, white Americans have always voraciously consumed black popculture. The fact that Asian popculture is so influential in the US in spite of the tiny size of the Asian-American minority, also indicates that if Africa ever gets its shit together, the combined effect with the US's large African-American minority on the media industry would be enormous.
See, a legitimate complaint would be that it's a reboot of a highly successful intended-trilogy whose last (2nd) installment ended on a cliffhanger.
No it wasn't, that something the butt hurt alt right made up, it was because the contract regarding ghostbusters IP allowed Murray and others tremendous creative input, something's the studios didn't want. When the contract expired and the studio was free to make the film as they saw fit they pulled in Feig Proofs:
Joshua Hall
The most famous musicians and artists doing black culturally inspired work have been WHITE! From Elvis to Eminem, stealing someone's culture making millions while simultaneously supporting soft apartheid policies isn't intergrating with them lol
Nathaniel Howard
It's not "black culturally inspired work", it's american culture. You're supposed to be all the same nation isn't it? Isn't there any black person doing country or bluegrass? You americans are all racist as fuck especially amongst yourselves.
Asher Sanchez
Its black culture because it was formed almost whole cloth from black culture and society. Even artists themselves recognize it as such for the most part. Rock and roll, jazz and rap are all black culture. It saw it's American culture is to imply that that these forms of art aren't heavily inspired by whites to keep black people from sharing the freedoms the the rest of white American society did.
Easton Ramirez
*To say it's American culture is to imply that that these forms of art aren't heavily inspired by whites to keep black people from sharing the freedoms the the rest of white American society did.
Zachary Scott
Capitalism certainly took it out of the original team's hands, but it was pure hipster white male guiltmongering that added the SJW spin to the project that entered production.
Alexander Stewart
Fuck no it's not American culture, there isn't no American culture, it's just watered down bastardized asspects from other cultures stitched together. Nationalism is a spook anyway.
James Cook
Wrong again, it was an old ass irrelevant IP that NEEDED a fresh take. All the sperging out white guys did over it of course of seized on by Feig and the studios marketing team, they'd be fired for incompetence not to.
Ryan Roberts
you can put your shitposting flag back on we all know it's you
Joseph Thomas
Logan Russell
There are other bombing remakes without the SJW problem, like The Lone Ranger and The Mummy, there are even some where the SJW angle was largely irrelevant either way to the film's performance, like Fury Road. Ghostbusters was quite simply virtue-signaling overreach by an autist auteur.
Blake Flores
It's fucking ghostbusters you triggered twat, not the gospel.
David Clark
There is a planned sequel for ghostbusters, so it didn't bomb, it did exactly what the studio wanted it to do, appeal to the prejudices of an underserved demographic (tween girls), it just didn't have crossover success with other demographics like the original did, something most likely to be fixed by Feig because he even admits he didn't take the lore seriously. Aykroyd is a savant when it comes to bullshit like ghosts and demons, he runs MUFON a UFO non profit dedicated to proving aliens have visited earth. Aykroyd is like the Tolkien of urban legends and ghost lore. Which is a big reason why the original was such a success. Feig didn't appreciate that, so the threat didn't ring as true. The other 2 movies you mentioned will never get revisited.
Noah Flores
prove that or fuck off.
Justin Thompson
Been doing that throughout the thread.
Jack Bell
This thread is too american for me to understand it.
Jace Gray
Nope. is my first Ghostbusters-related post in this thread.
It's like movie studios don't only make their money on tickets sales, almost as though a film can still be wildly profitable through licensing and spinoffs, it's almost as though Star Wars was more valuable as a license then a film. You really need to get your info from some place other than mundane Matt on how businesses work.
Hudson Long
This film is, by all accounts, a disaster in terms of tie-ins. Toy sales are a joke, the game flopped, DVD/BD/broadcast/streaming is weak. About the only financial "success" vaguely associated with it is an uptick in home video sales for the old movies.