When is Pence going to become America's Himmler, sending queers, Jews, and "Wakandans" to the gas chambers?

When is Pence going to become America's Himmler, sending queers, Jews, and "Wakandans" to the gas chambers?

Other urls found in this thread:


black panther is made by white people

house sitting for whom?

Don't hate me, but I've actually never had a rootbeer float

Not much. Prolly just chilling in the threads.

tbh I hope they gas the mentally disabled first so Tsuchi dies before me

Jews aren't "white".

There is no real person that would actually think Nezi is better than me

No, it was pretty good actually. I got a new job

That's exciting. Congrats!


For my dad.

I'm appalled and slightly turned off. But we need to cram one down your throat when you get here!

Romanian Jewish

Cram something down someone's throat...

something something~

Slavs aren't white.
They're subhuman.

Thanks. I got a nice 12% pay raise and 30% hours reduction. On a per hour basis I will be making like 60% more

Nice, nice. I'm 22% impressed ;p

I'd be happy to cram something else as well...



It was neat feeling super appreciated too. I had only been on the job market for 3 weeks and had a shit ton of offers. I am better than I thought!


Let's see if we like each other in person first silly.

I'm glad you received some affirmation today then^^

Every day I receive affirmation is a good day.

Only bad thing is that most times I have to upset people to get that affirmation. I got banned from another community today for that very reason :(

It's ok, I don't even like me in person

You should maybe work on that. I'm trying to avoid negative people, so..


Good evening

Same shit.

She's trying to avoid negative people


how was your sparring from the other night?


evening lads


Bard am I a negative person?

It's ok. Openly I'm a narcissist. Only on here or when I trust you do I let you know I hate life.

No, you're positive. HIV+.


Then do something about it dumbdumb^^

You are doing this wrong

Give me a hug.

narcissism as overcompensation? is that like a thing?

I've been saving this hot poz load 4 u Tsuchi~


oof owch my bones
only ended up going with my lil brother cause my friends didnt wanna roll that night but he got in alot of sneaky shit and even some nice judo throws from the ground

He Tapped me out with a straight armbar from Kesa Gatame and I tapped him with a modified Kimura Shoulder Lock
Fancy names but they are both high percentage submissions

He nearly put me in a twister and when I began to escape that he switched over to a vaporizer Leglock and rying to escape that he put me in a very deep electric chair and he pulled them all off in chain

The twister is basically going up behind someone on there back, locking the leg on the opposite side of you and twisting their head and leg in opposite directions and causing the muscles to tighten on the torso

The vaporizer leglock is a locked heel and locked knee hold where both of them are being torqued and

The eleectric chair is basically what I'd call a 'banana split'
where my brother on the bottom has half guard, both legs locked around one of mine and swims up with his arms to put my other leg on his shoulder, applying the torque to the groin
I mean I could go on all day about small little moments that lasted less than 3 seconds that were impressive that made it a good roll, but I guess what I'm trying to get at is
All of these are higher level submissions that are pretty difficult to pull of so I'm very proud of him
He's been putting up more of a challenge every day andhe's been whomping on all the frinds in his circle getting them into the jitsu fighting too

You have much fun today alms?

i couldnt tell cause u said ignore accidentally


I legitimately cannot understand what this is even trying to say.

Evening raggy~

I've tried many things over a decade. I've more or less given up on caring. I just live life and find whatever happiness I can.

No, you.




well shit
it's the man himself


yes ;~ :

Yeah there are different types. He is the most common type where it is all bluster to hide some true pain they feel.

Then you have people like me who literally just desire as much attention and praise as possible because they know they are some of the best this world has to offer.

The past couple of months my group of fighting friends have taken to calling me ' The Man'' and secretely I think that's really cool

whats up ith you cutie

Curse my (relative) normalcy and incomprehension of ebonics.


Mandy is the relatable and relatively mentally sound Character and yours is the mentally disrupted

There are so many vocab words I have no idea in there x_x

lol Sounds like a real fun time though. You do this like once a week for recuperation time or what?

Eh, just work today. It was pretty lowkey with the snowsqualls intermittently slowing the rushes down. 2 more nights then my days offffff

just asking. idk how that works being on the other side of the self-esteem spectrum lmao

workin on it^^ How have you been, Tak-kun? I didn't get a chance to say hi last time you were on here.

hmm. well it sounds like you're doing it right. Why all the hatred tho? idk I'm just trying to understand..

hmm. interdasting.

thanks for the insight.

tfw you find a bag of your favorite chips that you rage drunk bought last night

I do not doubt that they are probably more mentally sound then I am. I have pretty much spiraled further down the path than I would like to admit at this point. I was supposed to get less violent and stuff as I got older. It has actually gotten worse

What kind?

Sweet n spicy doritos.

purple bag chaaaaaps~

And don't you forget it.

Wow, learn more about bug chasing, queer.

I'm not a good person. I'm fine, and I'm nice more or less. But ultimately I bring pain or I disappear. Sort of a self hate thing. But I can't really change. There was one chick that was sort of changing that, but she ended up fucking some other guy and yadda yadda.


So it's all a defense mechanism. It's scary when somebody starts breaking your walls down, for sure, but it's the only way forward. Been there done that. Sorry about that chick tho, that's never a cool situation to be involved in.

Whites don't get venereal diseases because we aren't vermin.

You sound like some slavic commie plinko shitskin.

Yea, maybe. I don't know. I don't really think there is anybody who knows me very well. Everybody just knows a figment of what they think I am. And they are usually fairly wrong. Anyway, this is getting sad and mopy. I don't like that so I'm gonna probably go now before things get worse

I'm sorry, Mandy. I didn't mean to make you sad. I was trying to be understanding and encouraging. Please have a better night, mmkay

talking to women is really hard

teach me how to into social interaction

Be nice and be cool.

when in doubt, ask questions. I feel like the majority of humans love talking about themselves.

tl;dr I have no idea. I just be nice^^

Screech, shit in your hand, and fling it at them.

Christ this place is so fucking cringey. I poked my head in for 2 minutes and I can't believe how absolutely sad this all is.

I've got 3 people I'd consider friends rn
and when I say 'my friend' in anecdotces I share on here I usually actually am referring to just one of em caues he's like my best but he's ony becomelike my best friend pretty recently ccause up until about a few months bcack I wwould have considered one of the 3 to be my best friend.

The other is a younger Brother of my old best friend from a looong time ago, not in the circle o friends anymore, who quit hagning out with me after he got a wife and now has a kid too. dont hold anything against him of course jus kidna lame
This is my fighting buddy
I met him when he was like 11 and I was 15 lol
4 years younger but he's got 3 to 4 inches on me and 30 to 40 pounds wink wink nudge

I first started hanging out with him when he was bout 14 or 15 anad around that time my father had taught me the absolute basics of jiujitsu
He was a white belt in jiujitu at that time and had been involved in midwest MMA stuff
It was enough to get me interested so then me and my brother who is close to my age would spar very occaionaly maye once every few weeks but enoough to put the techniques I'D LEARned into practice

quite a bit of backstory here but I'm getting to there

Around this time I started to hang out with my fighting friend, and we'd talk about fighting alot cause he was interested in it as well, he got into jiujitsu from watching ufc stuff and him and his brother rolled a bit in the past too, so when him and I decided to fight, he actually whomped me. we went like 7 to 10 f matches in a row that lasted like less than 3 miutes a piece cause he had far superior jitsu to me

but that was fun and inspiring so him and I decided to round up oour combined friends group and we would roll once a week on satudays

This was like exactly one year ago around this same time, right when it was warming up, and we went once to twice a week til the cold came in september

Then me and my brother started practicing a lil more often in his room we just moved his bed and stuff out and we rolled in there so the cold wasnt a probl. Didnt have too much space buut whatever

Around tthe time new years hit him and I discovered Judo and started incorperating judo techniques into our sparring and it was very inspirational the boost in talent we got

Plus, we were nearing a learning curve, etting nearly a year into doing the same moves over and over, we have alot of sweeps and stuff much more fluent and can pull them off with less energy

so when January first came him and I decided we were gonna practice daily and since then we've been going 5 days a week for anywhere between 1 to 2 hours and
on saturrdays we get the crew together and fight for anywhere from a few hours to all day

Recently my sleep schedule shifted so instead of having to go when I get off work and am all tired now me and my brother go after I wake up and tbh while it's nicer to fight duing the day
going after i jus wake up leaves my joints and everything feling vey stiff and sore and I lose alot of flexibility based moves and sweeps

probably didnt need this masive paragraph for that and you're not obligated to read of course but this is the biggest thing in my life right now

It's taken over even music as my passion and as long as I have another body I will roll with them to better both of us
I would reccomend it to almost everybody without a history of injury and who's able to keep a level head after getting hit

Poz me daddy

you're probably right
I had the same thought tbh

I heard people love it when you punch them in the back of the head


So how's that novel comin' Bard?

mental state isn't a competition

but one shouldn't be proud of not being of sound mind
You should pursue fixing tthat

holy fuck i don't think i ever seen you write so much!

Well shit, passion seems to be the right word for it, bardo. just be careful out there haha. I'd prolly just start crying if I got hit which is why I'd never get into martial arts haha

It's really not as hard as you probably think it is.


guise wait.

user doesn't approve

I've decided Tsuchi is better than you Bardo, he's the only one I'm willing to give it to.

now that is definitely true

I'd be doing so well in life if I wasn't such a coward

give me the fucking AIDS and nobody gets hurt tsuchi

He's not a nigger.

But I don't even like Mexicans.

Fuckin' degenerates, the lot of em.

There's a Shia LeBeouf video specifically for these kinds of things~

I'm working on it
progress is being made

Welcome back Tracer-san

that's always good news~


Pence should start his 2024 campaign now, thus both calling 2020 for President Trump and also beating his record for earliest campaign at the same time. That would be very impressive.

Guess what

I would be willing to place a large sum of oney that trump will not be elected to a second term

His approval ratings are absoluteley abyssmal



hopefully my confidence gets bigger along with my muscles



I need cuddles.

This is the only active thread on this board though

I meant on all the boards


is it really...........?

What the hell has become of this site


Ask Moogie

agonizing slow death

I need you tested for worms first


God I wish that were me

I don't have those kinds of feelings for him.

I am clean I swear.

don't be saying things like that my dear sweet angel

just the tip


No. I just want cuddles.

wtf lol how did we get into my bed

You have to play along.

Someone cuddle this man, STAT!

I'm going to bed.


I suppose I could manage that

uh oh
I'm not ready

I'm going down to cow town the
cow's a friend to me

Hey hey, let's see how the NK talks go first eh.
P.S. the only ones saying his approval rating is bad is msm anyways fyi...the same ones that said Clinton had 98% chance of winning 2016 lel.

no wait

I don't know what this means but it sounds disgusting.

He lives beneath the ocean and that's where I will be beneath the waves the waves and that's where I will be

I'm gonna see the cow beneath the sea

71%. his approval rating is bad and america should be ashamed of themselves


oh god I'm not that edgy.......
no I don't think that's my aaesthetic


You have to guess


I kinda like XXXTentacion

Well truthfully it varies:
Huffpo said 98%
Cnn Said 91%
And you should be ashamed of those dubs.

what do you think of Desiigner?

havn't been able to find a more updated map but allegedly it's only dropped further
these are a bit higher than I would have thought them

I don't

h-heh yeah I've not got very good taste in modern rap......

According to who? Vox? Top fucking lel.

These are the Official Gallup Approval ratings

ended up meeting someone at the bar and winning 480 bucks, not bad :)

also drunk

Ah yes Gallup, who was too cowardly to do polls for the 2016 election after calling Mitt Romney in 2012.
Okay I'm done, sorry for shitting up your thread Holla Forums

polls mean jack shit anyway, what a pussy.

The variance across every fucking poll is only six points, at best he sits at 44%
Please stop taking the shit bait from Tor Browser Murdurr


I couldn't care about political drama less if I tried

If you like Trump I couldn't care less

But to blatantly deny the fact that he is one of the least popular presidents of all time is idiotic


Trump has been terrible for comedy.

Its like when you talked about music a year ago

Even trolling has gotten shittier because of him

Eeehhh... I wouldn't really say that

I won't forget

But will you forgive?


Alright fuck you guys, I'm not sorry. So there.

You misspelled "Most Popular"

Tranquilo, mi corazon

Oh fuck there's a Trump user here

Ummm... I just said that because I like taco bowls. I am not a Mexican nothing to see here move along


I'm certain anybody who is literate and has an iq of at least 100 or more would disagree with that

probably because of the wealth of evidence against your belief




I support Trump.


Please fucking dont

IQ Tests might measure something if you were a French Kindergartener


Were you with us when we were playing League on the Mexican server?


100iq implies standard average intlligence for your age

If your iq is sub 100 then you are below average

It has nothing to do with iq

I was calling him below average intellect

My copy of Kirby should be here tomorrow.

I support lumbar support. Poor posture is a plague.

I wasn't, but god damn do I wish I was. Why no invite?


Nobody thought of you.

Par for the course then

I don't remember that episode.

btw dars i got your invite and I wish I could've came but
ahhh you know how busy I am

Did lil pump actually fuck miranda cosgrove ?

The night was that much sadder without you.

By supporting the notion of measuring one's intelligence by a single, standardized test? There is a wide range of cognitive ability out there.
The only thing an IQ test actually tells you is how good you are at taking IQ tests.


Darwin post cute lolis at me.

100 IQ Denotes Standard intelligence for your age

When I brought that up I wasn't referencing the IQ test

I was using IQ as a referential tool to imply that the user was of below average intelligence



nvm tbh
wanna go have lewd sex

My IQ is 9000000 and I can transform into a Madoka Magical Girl.


Fucking baited. Who's sub 100 iq now?



Half of that image is not a loli.

Thats pretty disappointing.

i'm yet to beleive it's not the person spending their friday night praising Trump for being the most popular president of all time on an anime imageboard

As you can see, I went with a much better idea.


Hell, even the French one isn't even a loli.

You would have been better off posting this one.


Cease this gruesome impurity.



Was yours impure too?

no, post them at me, Darwin.

Notably. I ignore how that infected my drive. In fact, this is not even my computer.


I believe you.



Post them at me, Darwin.

And not the guy arguing with him? hahaha

Something's not right here

An encouraging sign that you know me better than to be amassing lurid material.

Saving it for Sakura-Con.

Have you lost weight yet?

wanna have a loli jerk session at sakura-con? or maybe I can talk to the loli girl coming with us that is 23 but looks 12 ??


Why does new age culture ruin everything??


You'd be doing it to appease me.




Your offer is hard to resist.

I will see what horrors lie unused in the miscellaneous folder.

Does it count as losing weight if I have not checked it in a very long time?

Early 2000's Shakira is my shit right now for some reason

Whatchu been up to? It's been a while.


Yes. As we know, if you ignore problems, they will invariably go away.

last one to cum has to lick it all offf

Such meanness.


It's been a couple days I guess.
What have you been up to?

Little, old me is safe, for I do not cum.



I'm fairly sure I didn't talk to you a couple of days ago

Working, living as usual. Yourself?



Incidentally that method has proved to be effective in managing academic related deadlines and perpetual unease.
It is likely that it has been pure luck thus far but the outcome is more important than the likelihood.




that would make you last one.

enjoy the tasty treat

itadakimasu :^)

p-pleas dont look at me like that, big sis.

The habit will surely not lead to future impediments.



Am I the last one if it never happens?

How indecent.

stop this


Eeelllllll Kabong!!

It cannot lead to future impediments if you never attempt to make realiable future plans that could be potentially be impeded.





God I wish that was me.

How is Mom taking that?

This is more not even entering the race.

Are you not that short?


if you were in the race at all and you dropped out because you couldn't finish you would be the first to fail.

You know how tall I am.

We both are aware that I have absolutely no idea what I want to do but at least I am very successful at what it is I am currently doing.
God bless higher burger education.

Watching shit on youtube as I prep my home for a dinner party I'm going to be holding for Church Members.


This is getting to be so much pressure.

Asian fun-sized.

Do you think you will remain there for the graduate degrees?

Sounds nice, what are you making?

eat it


Which other deviants' seeds will be in the cocktail?

Liver with fava beans and a nice chianti


I am the one who bonks

Sounds lovely! I'm sure you'll take the time to lecter your guests about the joys of our heavenly father then?

Our cuddling sessions have been visualized with that trait in place.

I'm 5'11"

Cuddles pls

Probably. So far the plan has been to do that but now I have found interest in other related topics which have thrown everything out of order in terms of predictability.
My choice of degree/study is virtually impossible to backfire, but I have not put much thought on what I plan to do with it anyways.

I would rather everything be neatly pre-planned for me but the technology is not there yet unfortunately.

eating the rest of my parkinglot pizza.
chicken parm pizza is better with ranch.


Fuck I love being 6'0"

Does this mean I have to change my fantasies hereafter?

I believe it is called determinism.


No. They're my cuddles and I want them now!

I don't remember you being tall

I would like to purchase one determinism please. If you could be so kind as to point me to the nearest vendor.

What about you? Do you still play that dreadful game?

As I tell all God Fearing Christians: if one does what God does enough times then one will become what God does.
Isn't that the ultimate goal?

Well I don't remember you being a woman
So I guess we're both wrong

Why the fucc are you fantasizing about me?

Wow jeez


Yeah I recognize what you're going for but I don't know enough about the series to respond in a way that keeps this going

It was purchased for you before your conception.

No games for now. To summarize, I exist and deal with lassitude and routine. Maybe one day I will howl at other bad players again, if Avery or Zac get back into it.

The sweet things you say to me cause it.

My regret was instant, and my apology is probably not going to be accepted.

it was 1v1

Stop. It's too early for Spanish and it's easier to speak than to read either way

This is obviously fake news.

tfw not worth playing with

It's not hard to read tho with context clues

And it's a fun language

I suspect there will be cheating.

It just happens.


I'd rather just chat normally without depending on context. Again. Too early

Oh okay.
I was mostly just quoting the movies. I didn't even know a series was a thing.

I do other things on request too though.

I will keep it in mind. I have not opened the game in a year, anyway.

Sounds tiring.
Is that situation temporary or permanent?

Let's play osu!......... together.

But you don't need context clues if you speak it! Or at least understand it to an extent

If it has more than one movie, it's probably a series

I have not decided. Staying busy just seems less boring.

K well have a good night



Staying busy is definitely less boring.
My attempt at staying busy has been learning another language.
It is worked kind of so far.

You did not choose the obvious weeb language, did you?

I actually chose the language of the baguette.

There is a television series that I found out about when trying to remember the old quotes. It reviewed well but fell into limbo back in 2015.

Alouette, gentille alouette...

Please no hate.

I am only hated.

Well, I was thinking of Animaniacs this time so I would not have nightmares again, but thanks for reminding me.

Wakamote was a terrible nazi genocide

I wouldn't really know anything about the tv series

I don't hate you tho


The best part so far is that the literal translation of "chopsticks" in french is "the chinese baguettes".

I absolutely hate that the french language tries so hard to merge sentences together so it makes listening difficult if you do not know what to look for.

Who hates you?

Here you go.

[Me as I enter the thread]

I like you Darwin.

Ui pls stop shitting up perfectly good moments here.


Im here for the rump

That is the booze talking.

I have always been partial to nightclub being "boîte de nuit" and literally translating as "night box."

Something I liked about it is that it seemed more fluid, faster to speak.

I think ding dong still does, and Ian certainly does.


Nah, I'm stupid enough to like you even when completely sober.


[sweating audibly]


They are lying to you Darawin

Don't listen









How do you even do that?

Bard pls

Oh! How did the reveal go?

Well Darwin, she's like 8 so I think it's just lip gloss.

Yeah. Its fluidity is really appealing. It makes it more difficult if you do not already have a good grasp of the language though because native speakers just speak fast in comparison.

It is mainly with the "focus" in the words.
Like how the last syllable in the word is always silent, but if it is followed by a specific type of letter/sound, then you pronounce the last syllable of the last word as if it was the first syllable of the next word.

It is just different. It is not even that bad though once you see if often enough.

Also I sound like a choking victim when I pronounce the r.


good morning Holla Forums