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Bamboozled again!




I know it's not worth as much as it was but if you need to talk with someone about anything, even if it isn't that, I'll always be more than happy to talk.

I need to reinstall my system, fuck

I hope hutzpa makes it, I'm rooting for you.

Just one of the closed beta veterans that ran out of motivation as all close friends stopped playing it daily.

I'm OK. I know how to deal with this shit by now.

Thanks, though. Love ya.

bardo :)

Still, I find it helps to know there's someone who will never get sick of you. ♥

When did I get so fucking gay?

In 2017-2018 game literally become unplayable. You made right decision to stop playing

Tnx kozache

I've been reverse seeding my homosexual urges onto you the past 3 years

you might not have realized it but I infected you with a small p mosquito sized drone that bit your inner thigh

-hides behind you-

-has 712 moons in Mario Odyssey! and squeaks excitedly-

Hippety Hoppity

I hate Mario Odyssey

Ooohhhhh, that's what that mark was.

I didn't realise it was possible to hold an opinion that was objectively false and yet here we are.

I noticed when they added the assignments from which you could get that soviet bias machine, and then they added a lowered T8 version of it as a premium.

No need to be afraid, you're safe now.


On a side note: Loco who's that qtboi you're posting at me. The one with the giant hands.


Dude, they added Type 5 Heavy, it's killed the game

are we ttalking about elite dangerous desu



That isn't too much of a trouble to kill, just need some T10 TDs that know what they're doing, albeit those are usually rare and just folk playing FVs for their HESH ammunition.

hello nezi what grocery did you get

It's 12lvl tank, every shoot it's 500-600 dmg into 10lvl heavy tank, i don't even say about 8-9 lvls, they can't do anything to him

My computer probably gonna turn off in 3-4 mins, nice

Did somebody say... “shaved chalots”?


I don't think so but maybe?


I always you can make smile.

No, but someone say "This anime is a fucking trash"



that was me


They upped tiers to tier 12?
It's problem is still that accuracy and long-range contacts.
Same as E-100 really, unless you have a 5-skilled crew and just drive-by shoot everything.

what are those owo


GOOD. Goyim.


Scootaloo, will you tell me the story of the fall of Britain to the muslims?

Actually to 20, when they added stun to artfags

Soon, but not before Judaism/zionism comes to the rescue and drives back the unwashed horde.
And we will have built jerusalem on Englands green and pleasant land

At least they don't penetrate and one-shot you as often anymore, no?
I recall not being a big fan of getting 1-shot in all my super heavy vehicles, of after which I ended up getting paranoid and wall-hugging every match.

-looks relieved and hurries back into the kitchen to get the sugar tray for you-

-tugs on your shirt. Got good news about kitty! It was his medicine making him ill! The effects of the medicine on some cats mimic the symptoms of the disease. He's off the pills now and will be on the dermal skin cream soon. Is feeling much better, already, though!-


Gonna duck out for a bit. Will probably pop back in before bed. Ta-ta for now~


Oh, you shouldn't have.
Kind of dropped sugar and using artificial sweeteners instead.

Later slut~

byebye amy

That is great news!!! Yay for kittu :D

What a pussy. Real mens don't eat anything sweat


I've been washing my socks wrong all these years

-looks sad and wonders why you hate tea?-


-has already eaten a full meal for the first time in a week!-



I like the beauty and the beast one.

-pat pat sonata is a good, kitty will be putrs and healthu-


Although it is one's decision to drive paper tanks, or baguettes in general.

Tea would taste odd without.

I don't!
I just don't use sugar nowadays.

I should do things.





Is something wrong?

You will get used to it, i don't drink sweet tea more than year

i had another good one like that but i can't find it

sign that says

you don't
matter give up

it's a store!

You drink a whole year of sweet tea?
The only casual stuff that I drink besides vitamin water might just actually be ice tea.

and what did you buy from there

Sufjan Stevens?

Love suf

Did i say something wrong in previous post? Deamn.

Maybe, I don't know what you meant to say.

food! I got all kinds of stuff

some healthy some not

He gets me very wet.

I'm so sorry

what a coincidence me too
crackers are healthy right

that I do not drink sweet tea for over a year

So you dropped drinking tea totally?
Or perhaps compensate with coffee?

No, i just don't add sugar or any other sweetness to tea

not really no

unsweet tea is good, natural sweetness from lemon juice helps too

More loke


I assume it's some Ukrainian babushka-made tea?


Don't click

How're you doing on this lovely christian day, my dudes?

No, regular black tea


R t and J
we the new P B and J

Ew bard dont touch me

You should kill yourself after posting THAT in here

Whomst is name dropping me

What a letdown, I recall seeing some Ukrainian made tea once.

How's your day, hun?

Stop posting that blonde girl tho.

I don't know what tea you mean by saying "Ukrainian made"

Special for you :*


She makes me mad.

She's a lesbian.


Any sort of.
I just assumed there'd be some known strands of tea.

Damn Naruto literally became God.

How the fuck can anyone stop him now?




I heard that guy came back to life in Boruto... I hope he becomes a great villain



Byakugan is my favorite ocular kekkegankai

Vastly superior to any uchia wannabe

A lot of people are Sharigan fans.
The Sahrigan allows the user to see every single move a ninja can make. If an enemy throws a punch, but hides a high kick behind said punch the Sharigan can see it.
It can see through all Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu.
Why do you stop it?

Why? Or how?


Avoid visual contact such as the mist ninja... or if you can disrupt chakra much like neji bopp those chakra points and prevent chakra use.

Or if you're a whole bunch faster than a Sharingan user they're fucked as well.

That too.


Same person just different IPs?

Uchiha's bodies are blessed with strength and speed, that's why Sasuke can keep up with Naruto in batol

Uhhh... I think so, yeah.

Different people. And it's entirely possible to outspeed a Uchiha. See Rock Lee and Gai Maito for examples.

friends i just want you to know that i love and care about every single one of you and I hope you are all going to do well in life and be happy. if there is anything i can do to assist you in some way please let me know and i will see what i can do

Give me money.

Bloodchan, why would you take orders from the Chodecockgay Scootaloo-sama

What can they do? Guy barely survived his encounter with Itachi-sama

you write too much..

Don't let Bard see you talking to Blood-chan.

I think it's okay.
We aren't friends or anything. Not really.

Wouldn't Bard still autism though?

It's not like he's wrong about them.

Pft you idiot

I am superior!!! As Hyuga Scootalooo, i am the master.

naruto is for gay babies

Uchiha dragon is here to object.

Is that why you're such a mega narutard Ioco

actually, I know a place where you go and do things for money in exchange

they just hand it to you for free in a check! you just have to do a few things for them from 9-5, monday through friday

it's super easy!

don't worry it was a one-off I'm not turning into kanra

I am not a gay baby. You can't fuck a gay baby. You can fuck me though.

I don't think its worth losing Bard as a friend over someone like BC anyway

my IQ is 69
haha get it?

Kanra is so nice. I don't think you can be as nice as him.


I'm extremely gay for most male naruto characters.

I'd let all of team taka pound me

Except karin, shes gay

it's probably because my slam is not grand

Exactly. One holds inherently more value over the other. It's not even a contest really.

Thank you, Lord.

Every night i pray for loco’s disembowlment

Every day I pray for locos attention
and scootaloos validation
and nezis happiness

I'm working on it
If I can lure him over for 'degrading sex' I'll fucking get him.
Better yet I'll hand him over to some muzzies



A pony?


Every day I pray for a qt gril to love me.

[pops in KaiserChiefs CD]

Everyday I pray it's bro with the disney channel flow

Buy dat


Gonna buy jake paul merch for the irony

When i still loved SU, i always thought i would be a lapis tbh.

I've a friend who would compare me to Lapis

really I'm more of a Peridot because I'm short and autistic and I kick and scream a lot

Trapis, period and assper

I bet Ioco unironically uses a Good Boy Points system.

Gay Boy Points

*Pearl points

Hey Ioco I'll give you 10 GBP to suck my daddy dick and cry while you look up at me.

It isn't my choice what system Mommy uses.

can i get some GBP?

Sorry my records indicate you're not eligible for GBP.
I can, however, offer you Pretty Princess Points.

Wow suckin schlanger for pennies you fucking slut

the goodest boys deserve ALL the good boy points

Thomas Edison was the first patent troll! Ahahahaha!

Loafie is gay

I'll post me and loafie's secret porn shoot for GBP.


not this shit again




You can be like Kanra if you made me your pet~

I'm glad you can hold on to a dear friend and get rid of toxic people who only want to hurt you. I hope you're happy with him :)

People don't make me happy.


Good night.
Have fun

Reminder - Loafie is a homovan and theybhave below minimal testosterone levels.

I have no friends and if i did at any point in my life i probably killed them

ok! how do i earn those?

I don't know.
They just don't.

Send Nudes.

I am not a "homovan", whatever that word means
and how can my testosterone levels be below minimal exactly? Would this not mean my body would cease to function?

goodnight scoots

I hope Pharma-sama gets off in 3 years on good behavior

why kill the people closest to you?

Did Blood-chan ever make you happy desu?


I dunno.

I dont know why i make most choices.

I know you made them happy though...

Keep your friends close.
I like to surround myself with genuinely good people so that I can blend with them


green bean poutine


I have none

If I ever did, it was always at my expense.
And I regret it.

Oh no Nezi.
You know how this works.
I'll see you in Discord DMs

make some! ^^
it's super easy

I really like this avatar, I feel as if I don't have to RP when I post with her.

I hate you.

delet this

hey blood-chan you want to have a friendly chat

Hey Wish


-makes picture-girl a wrist guard-

It's hard to, especially if youre kindof a rude person.

I cant picture myself being nice to anyone, really.


Do you really?

I'm not very good at holding my end of conversations...

I'ma post a webm at you after this post and i want you to read the filename

My brother in law is very rude but that's only because if his PTSD
He's still a butthole though..


Did you miss me?
I missed you.


I wish my cat would do that.

So cute.


-got good news at the vet! Kitty is doing a lot better now. Was scary, but is okay!-

what happened to it?

Ikr? Cats are smart!

That's wonderful news!
I really hope your cat stays healthy for a long time to come. Is kitty eating more?

that's fair enough I'm not too great either
let's start with how your day was
How was your day?

-has hyperthyroidism and had to be on medicine. Kitties sometimes react to the medicine in a similar way they would to end-stage hyperthyroidism, and Sonata's kitty did. Thought he was going to die, but just needed a hange of medication!-

-is eating better, but still seems tired. Will for a few days. He won't last for very many years. 13 already and hyperthyroidism is always lethal, but he can have at least a few more good years before the disease overtakes the medication-

Uh yeah, sure.

Uhmm my day has been really busy and my body and mind hasn't been up to the challenge. I'm waiting for it to recover...
How are you doing ?

Fed your cat raw garlic... or something...
Something has to cure it... right?

Poor boy! I recently lost a kitty so i know how hard it can be, especially when it's a disease, or something that could of gone differently.

You should take pics of him, so you'll be able to remember him.

brb killing self

Can I watch?

Don't do that


Don't listen to her, Yan.


-shakes head nu...not likely. Surgery is risky on older cats and thyroids aren't easy organs to work on because they are v-shaped in the neck and don't have a standard form. Cats tend to die during anesthesia too. Only other option is radio iodine therapy which is very expensive and hard to get because kitties have to have specific things to get it. -

;_; -has lost 3 kitties in the last 4 years. Is getting used to it- >.

my day's been good desu
ultimately it wasn't too different to the rest of them so I guess it's just average

You want to kill yourself, another day of living is excruciating for you. You know I'm right, you'll only be at peace once it's done.

I'm only looking out for you, Yan

disease or old age?

I have had 8 cats in total; only five died of natural causes.

the last ones where killed and the eighth was killed by a human.

Damn that really sucks...
I know house pets are like family. When my dog had an infection in her ear I rubbed some vaseline on it and the infection died the next day. Fuck vets, too expensive

You're lucky! You should embrace your peaceful days!

Yan tie a rope around your neck and relax. Let the rope do all the work. You'll fall asleep and everything will be alright

-stroke, liver cancer, diabetes- :<

-rubs vaseline on you ear-

Ohey, the new Strangers movie came out.

Wish wanna go see it in theater with me and make fun of it?

Bye-bye Loafie

yes I will desu
I might not sound enthusiastic but I'm glad I'm leading a high-stress life or anything
my life isn't optimal but I'll always find something to complain about so I'll just be content with what I've got

*I'm not leading

and bye blood-chan

-snugs you and fills you backpack with pears before you go.-

Back after cleaning my ears lol

Yeah sure

I’ll order some yms merch

so sleepy

Hi Cutie

so, this kind of behaviour is still the bread and butter of the threads?

who are you talking to?

what's a yms

hello ui-senpai how are you

what's a ky ms

kut your manners, son

Good morning.

He’s a Canadian that makes fun of movies

Happy Saturday

My manners are terrible

Is he a furry?

good, just got home... Thought I had a rave to run tonight but I guess it was tomorrow so I might go buy some liqour and get hammed.

Good mornyan :3

I don’t think so.

Who are you again?

Hey Ui, thankyou.

I'm really not sure how to answer that
I'm me?

It's not the only terrible thing about you :^)

I don't have headphones here so I didn't watch any videos but I just saw two furry things on the screen.

Duke of Autism the guy who posts on the waifu threads on Holla Forums and posts the shitty albino from iM@S CG

But she isn't albino?

that's nice desu
I've just been eating snacks and playing vidya, standard Friday night

I thought that was Griffin.

I’m pretty sure that was just Cool Cat, a movie he made fun of.

Remind me?

That doesn't help.



Aishiteru anata no koto~~~

God I love amagami ss

you should give me folder

Still a better description than yours :^)

the brushoff etc

Oh, it was in his header too.

Of what?


I just woke up.

Furry youtubers are objectively awful.
Like Mumkey Jones.

tfw ur real boyfriend wakes up and you don't need to use other people as crutches anymore
beat it bitches


Oh Kyle your paws are so big and soft and your tummy is so warm and fuzzy

What I'm terrible at. It disappears between all the things I'm good at

I could really go for a tummy rub actually.

His large paws compensate for other things.


Can't joke about my tiny dick when most people have already seen it and know it's pretty alright.

I was talking about your brain not your dick ;^)

Literally who?

Well, your memory for one :^)

Yes I agree amagami is very good
I'll post the folder once I finish it
I've got things I've collected off sankaku, pixiv and boorus as well as anything I deemed worthy but I've only done S1 for that, and I don't know if my autism is strong enough to do it for the other arcs considering tsukasa has about 2 minutes screentime maximum in those



so yeah be here this time next week and I should have it all .rarred up for you

It is okay there is always next time.

I really had no idea how to help you with that

Lame comeback

What about it?

Jeez Wish don't you know anybody?


Good one :^)

I really don't, no.

But who else would I say I am?

I'm off to bed. Enjoy the rest of your friday.

Some sort of elevator pitch would be better than "me I guess"

Okay babe, text me uwu

Je m'appelle Kyle et suis trop homosexuel pour mon propre bien.
Qui est VOUS?

Maybe I'll just go to the movie by myself then and kill myself alone afterwards.



Ok, okay :(

They begged me to take them back in a discord call for like 40 minutes

I doubt I'll go though, Nymf and me are watching more Higurashi. It's pretty bad.

Good, you're kind of a cunt for doing that tbh lol

Did you take them back?

Actually the call started at 5 and ended at 6:30

i'm okay with being a cunt.


Guys, I am moving to a new state. What should I do before I move?


Find a restaurant your current state has but the new one doesn't, get your fill of it before you leave.

What a bad person.

Yeah I noticed.

Yeah I know
One of the episodes was missing the japanese soundtrack so we actually watched the fucking english dub. Much heavy drink was required.

Maybe they will give up this time.

I thought it was helpful

I bet you fucked him after too

Never give up

No? That's kinda rude.

I wasn't tryna be rude

That sounds annoying.

Having local foods is a good idea.

What posters live in Florida?

Y-You're annoying uwu

Literally just Nezi

Well, I rather think it was, even if that wasn't your intention.

happy friday^^

Nezi and Tracer, if you count Tracer.

I forgot what I said uwu means

also lili

Oh, okay

We actually joke about that a lot though it's pretty gay.

tfw can't chill on white sandy beaches with Tracer and Nezwizi at your side.

Bummer dude.

Sounds gay tbh

It is.
Hey wanna have gay sex

No thanks, I'll pass.

Go to the beach with SteveAn and BRIAN.


What're you listening to, user?

Why are xanz the tranny drug ?

Go to the beach with me

I thought pizza was.

oof ow owie
The rejection stings

Happy weekend day stuffs and things.



Did I do something bad??


Why the fuck would I ever want to meet that loser, Todd.

Noo! *tacklehugs*

The tranny drug is Zyklon-B.

So the absolute worst poster. Ugh

More like Frigay

I played overwatch some with tracer and Lexi so maybe that counts

Who is that agian?

Don't want to hang with me?

Because it's an irl girl IRL.

Well no, I said Nezi, not you.

I thought that was a jewish thing

Was it that bad?



goodnight lads

*Let's hands drop to your butt*
How are you, Maddie? Nights going well?

Hitler put queers in the gas chamber, too.

*winky face*

I'm okay. It was a long shift today and I got to stay for all of it. Home til 3pm tomorrow so I'm staying up late^^

What's new with you bb?

oh no

Same kind of thing. Long day. 12 hour day for me. But now I'm home and drinking some bad malt liquor and house sitting and what not.

Oh and root beer floats. Those things are good.

What are your plans for the night?


There is no real person that would actually think Nezi is better than me

No, it was pretty good actually. I got a new job

Sweet dreams waifie