I'm a straight white american man that makes 6 figures

I'm a straight white american man that makes 6 figures.

I am your ultimate enemy. I am the epitome of everything that this board hates.

And here I am. What are you going to do to me, Holla Forums?

No you're not


le "leftists are liberals" boodeyman

petty bourgeois at best, yawn

you should still kill yourself though

Do you own the means of production? Seeing as you're not making 7+ figures, I'm guessing not unless you're petite bourgeois. You're probably another prole like the rest of us, just with a higher wage than most.
No one cares. Everything Holla Forums told you about us is a lie to keep you in line.

Engels was a straight white Anglo that made more money than you do, adjusted for inflation

u arent in the bourgeoisie dumbass

Depends what you do to make six figures. Are you bourgeois? Even if you're bourgeois you can always redeem yourself user :^)


you don't make 6 figures, quit lying
hell, if you're american, you're probably lying about being white too
and we literally give 0 fucks about your race, sex or nationality


Just the american part is enough for me. You're all flour from the same package, the cancer of the planet. Whites, blacks, browns, women, men, children, old folks. If it's american, it must be purged.


OP you're triggering me with your power please leave my safe space!

spot the non-white non-americans lmao

lurk a bit, redditor

Awww don't worry sweeties your big daddy mod will come save you soon :)

Mad at what exactly?

Glad you are doing well for yourself, user. Now think very hard if you want to live in a society where other people are educated and healthy or in a society where other people are ignorant, sick and deprived. Perhaps it would be good to invest in the people, no? Spend a little more in taxes to get a better, more livable society, more qualified workforce and a more robust economy. Think about that.
Can't just jump straight into Hoxha
sage because while bait is delicious its not healthy

/r/ing that picture of leftypol taking bait , the patrick star one


Why are we supposed to hate you?

lmao, Holla Forums's moderation is 10 times stricter, you'd know if you weren't a redditor
we allow dissidents if they're not humongous autists like you

I've had this one sitting around for too long.

Shitty thread, I should've saged.

also, what's wrong with hoxha?

fuck off, mongrel.

seriously though if you wanna troll with this kinda shit go to /r/socialism

you know you've made it in life when you come to an obscure juche shitposters bbs to post pepes

this, only europeans are white

you do realize you can see every single deleted thread on Holla Forums through archives, right? they're never deleted because of your political beliefs

Why when it's working so well here?

t. abdullah shakmar

t. part mexican, irish, german, anglo, polish mongrel

are you being delusional on purpose? are Holla Forumsniggers this retarded? you get banned for pointing out trump loves jews

Ive had several threads get deleted because they didn't like what I was posting despite it being within the rules.

in this context the problem with Hoxha is that his ideas are prob a tad foreign to a liberal who you are trying to convince to reconsider their positions, unlike succdemism
succdemism is just the starting point

You're embarrassing yourself, dumb shitskin

Post proof or fuck off, dumb liars.


Why does it seem to be that ignorant Holla Forumsacks come in waves, and when they do they always post the most low-tier shitposts I've ever seen?

Come again? Did you expect me to screenshot every post I've made on Holla Forums?
Nonetheless I'll get to looking.

just fuck off, illiterate bootlicker

Clearly you didn't read the FAQ on the first page, we don't give a shit and we're not liberals.

Now check these dubs

nice digits


We're some SJW hivemind boogeyman to them. That's why their bait is so embarrassingly off-point.

nice digits friend