Anyone who doesn't want to stop women sexual exploitation is counter-revolutionary.
Sex-slavery and prostitution abolishment
what about the male junkies in NYC subway bathrooms? are they still free reign?
Anyone who doesn't want to stop every kind of exploitation is counter-revolutionary. As long as there's capitalism sex work will be a thing, so the short term focus should be on protecting sex workers.
what if i want to ban sex entirely?
you're such a nerd
You could eliminate the coercive aspect of prostitution with a UBI.
Honestly making unprotected sex illegal wouldn't be such a bad idea. Alternatively just sterilize everyone.
you can worry about this after you are in power
idpol often ends up being extremely destructive and divisive
a fucking rose
Sex is fine. Ban reproduction though.
but I want to have biological children
tempting option provided that clones are exempt from being considered reproduction.
i'm cloning historical parliamentarians and nobody can stop me.
do it in a lab
sex has too many negative externalities.
hahahaha nerd
could you go and be a faggot elsewhere? Perhaps on reddit?
fuck off
fuck off
please don't say that word.
the primary purpose of the You Know What (prevention of) Act 2064 was to terminate forever the unspeakably dull habit of having 50% of all conversations revolve around, well, you know what.
fuck off sci-fifag
There is ultimately nothing wrong with prostitution on a moral level save for the fact that it's a predatory practice in same way as marketing via use of sex is.
Slavery on the other hand, whether or not there be sex involved, is always abhorrent and the only moral response to such practice can ever be violence, the use of force.
I don't think it's exclusive to women, but yes.
Nazbols get the bullet too
Ban cloning too
You cant sell sex if there is no money. Why focus on this irrelevant idpol?
What was controversial about what I said?
lol yeah just abolish the world's oldest profession without abolishing the underlying material conditions that necessitate it. Closet Conservatives like you zero in on prostitution over other forms of wage labor because you think it's particularly disgusting and degrading, and the only reasons you can supply when pressed are reactionary spooks or contrived radical feminist drivel.
Hell, here in the US sex work is already banned, does that mean that it doesn't happen? Does human trafficking magically not happen in the States? No, but it does mean that Sex workers can be locked up just for trying to make money.Should sex workers be able to advocate for better pay, less hours, and better working conditions? Or should they stay with the pimps in the alley ways and the holding cells of county jails?
Procreation dooms the child to a life of suffering (especially under capitalism)
Read schopenhauer
Criminalize men involved, the pimps and johns, and decriminalize the prostitutes.
Wow so difficult! It is already happening in Sweden to great results. All legalizing prostitution does is increase trafficking.
No it dosen’t. People in life go though pain so what. Procreation isn’t unethical.
Pain and Pleasure are subjective and can’t be measured. It’s impossible to know weather there is more pleasure or pain in the world.
yes it does, whether by physical pain or denial of pleasure and desires unfulfilled creates pain.
It really is, you're forcing someone else to take pain upon themselves, it is a slavery of existence.
because every moment not spent in pleasure is painful it is objective there must be more pain than pleasure in life.
I disagree I don’t view living as slavery.
Again you can be in a moment where you don’t experience pleasure or pain. Also you use a very loose deffiniton of pain. There are things you probably consider pain which I don’t mind.
You some kinda christ-cuck or something?
The problem with this is it's fucking vague and can mean anything from literal slavery to any instance of PIV sex.
You know what I like the most about this video, the revolutionary spiel was great honestly.
Really rousing, but what really changed the womens minds was the making it real and personal. Abstract 'liberation and revolution' don't really bring forth the same types of motivations as 'your life is on the line'
Utter pleb that you are.
abolish weebs.
a finger is all i have to say to this
Pain=/=Slavery What is pain to one man is pleasure to another.
Yes. Women hold up the other half of the sky.
Autism-user, I think that we could with relative certainty assume that an ancom posting a webm about a revolutionairy movement with free women, and who is talking about "counter-revolutionairy" which implies that revolution has happened, that this poster in fact DOES advocate for the abolishment of the material conditions that produce this type of wage labour, in the form of a socialist revolution.
So what? Ban porn, ban modelling, ban hentai, ban video games with sex…? There are all kinds of ways in which people are exploited through their sexuality in today's societies, and through history/tradition, but anarchists aren't known for desiring nanny states.
prostitution is fine if it's not coercive.
Under capitalism it is always coercive
Without capitalism the sale of services is anti-communistic and illegal.
Fake ass ancom.
under capitalism all wage labor is coercive. Why single out prostitutes?
Not really, exploitation begins from work. It's not consumer who exploit the worker but employer.
Then it's called slutness not prositution.
PIV sex is counter-revolutionary and therefore all perpetrators should be immediately publicly castrated.
It's perfectly coherent. If you put women into jail for selling sex then they will continue to need to sell sex in the future. Remove demand, don't increase supply.
stupid crypto ancap
*blows weed smoke in your face*