Other urls found in this thread:



Töten macht dich frei.

You're more like an edible tbh

I want to nibble you for a bit then when I'm really feeling it I will eat you up

Everything alright?

Tager ikke ret lang tid at få lvl. 40 dog.
Dunno, måske. Ret mange her spiller Runescape, så det kan være begge dele

but I'm talking about how I'm not helpful, not the fact that there are a lack of people who ask me for help

thank you I appreciate it


In my case it's the fear of being profoundly bored for the rest of my life.

Who knows, I haven't studied psychology in a while and the only abnormal psych classes I actually attended I wasn't signed up for, I was just hanging out with a friend in my free period


Today's threads are strange

well you gotta work on being more helpful then

I was gonna eat but now Im probs just gonna jack off and sleep

hugs and kisses Revy
Have a good day bby

Will any of us ever actually be worth much?

Where we draw the line is arbitrary. It isn't so long ago that homosexuality was seen as an inhuman aberration.

How is fucking an animal any more taking advantage of it than raising them in droves only to slaughter them and eat them when they have no chance?



They live happy lives, and they feed people.

They die humanely (unless it's a terrible, low quality farm, but you can usually tell by meat quality)

And other animals eat them, too.

I'm pretty tired myself, I tried to reverse my sleeping schedule in one day and it didn't work so now I'm all fucked up

Homosexuals are able to function in a society

Eating animals isn't sexual and sex is icky because god said so

Morality is a bad meme

We're all just 1 out of 7,000,000,000 virtually identical animals with millions of ancestors each in an ecosystem of uncountable numbers of animals on 1 out of nearly limitless numbers of worlds in a potentially infinite Multiverse.

In a four-dimensional model the earth is a compound spiral

As are sociopaths if they can refrain from killing people. I imagine most murderers could be conditioned to stop if they were treated as patients instead of as monsters.

Happy lives indeed.

If fucking me makes it happy then that's still the same.

Then how did I end up so cool?

Who would've thought we'd have a legitimate debate over fucking vs. killing an animal on the morality spectrum.

What a thread it is today

Personally I'd rather fuck some guy as opposed to being systematically raised and then slaughtered to be jammed into a big mac.

The, ultimately meaningless, differences between one person and the next are down to the biological version of PRNG.


The real debate is whether it's better to fuck or kill psychopaths


it makes you happy at the expense of another.
btw, that's a bad farm, you retarded vegan.


I, for one, accept Squash's lust for dog cock

Follow ur dreams, gurl

Idk what that is exactly but sounds pretty cool and good

Even if all your IVs are a 2 you can achieve more than an average person with decent EV training.

obviously it's best to eat them.

You're a strange.

Yes. Because the animal totally isn't happy.
Eating bacon makes me happy at the cost of some pigs life.

You would!

Don't worry
I rolled 1s on most of my social stats yet I still manage to have at least one cultist

Meget underlige tråde i dag, ja :3

ok I'll work on it
I'm not expecting any improvements so you shouldn't either my friend


My fursona is my biggest fan.


I believe in you!!!


It doesnt want you as a partner, it wants another dog, but you take advantage of this.

Other animals eat animals. it's nature's way.

Out of money and small apartment too? Where do you live, Aarhus or København or something like it?


So animals don't want to fuck me, but are cool with being slaughtered for food?

Other animals also fuck other animals.
Dog on cat, donkey on dog.

How the fuck do you think we get mules and Ligers?

How are you doin today Hu?

Well, as the earth spins it also revolves around the sun, which revolves around the galactic core so with the included time-dimension a model of the earth would be a three-stage spiral on the galactic scale

Some crazy girl I cuddled with a few times is my biggest fan

Cuddle my penis with your vagina.

you are dumb as shit


they arent as smart as us, so theyll fuck anything without knowing, and mules and ligers are HUMAN ASSISTED

nothing wants to die, but that's how it goes.

dogs eat meat. all dog food contains meat.

By that logic it would only be acceptable for you to have sex with chimpanzees and bonobos

Honestly, whoever had the nihilistic viewpoint is probably the most correct here.

We are tiny and nothing we do matters so if Squash wants to anally rape dogs, then have at it.

me too pal

pEEGirl and loafie are the same person just using a VPN

Am alright. Finally weekend :3
Feeling well too?

Ceras er fra Århus.....

jk im not that gay

This Dragon dude is giving me hemorrhoids

yeah same

And me getting fucked is also human assisted.

You're telling me that it's not ok to let an animal fuck me when it doesn't get hurt, but we can kill animals for OUR consumption without their consent.

Nothing wants to die, but everything wants to fuck.

Chimps aren't hot though.

I want to get raped.

I'll rim you gently to ease the pain if you'd like~

på SU eller andet?


I thought you were into dicks in your ass?

I don't think the creation of the mule was intended, I think someone kept their donkeys and horses in the same pen too long
Ligers I think came from zoos, because lions and tigers don't have much ecological overlap

Sorry, they're as comparable to humans as donkeys are to horses and lions to tigers

Gomen that I don't confine myself to your delicate sensibilities, baka-chan.

how about neither
dont eat dogs and dont make them do things to u
how about you get a brain nimrod

I still can't see how people get from "we are meaningless blips in an endless sea of noise" to "and that's why I'm gonna be the Übermensch".

Ye! Getting to hang with george and stuff before I gotta do adult things qq


Why do you people give a shit anyway? Is he raping your dog?

No? Shut up.

he's raping my food!

Nimrod wasn't an idiot so much as a bad king

I'll fuck my dog and I'll eat it to.

why do u guys care about someone else being a bad person !!!! HONESTLY !!!! let him be a bad person to animals !!!! WHO CARES

Hu confirmed for Korean?

I hate that I instantly recognised that as the Kingdom Hearts model

hush nimrod

We need meat, we cant just eat vegetables.

beastiality is rape, eating isnt.

Dogs arent hot either, theyre ugly fucking giant rats that looked alot worse before humans domesticated them.

Even herbivores eat meat, though rarely, they will occasionally make a kill and gobble up a small animal.

pic related, is me

T-thank you all for your acceptance.

That game had so much rape face going on.

I'll come back later when you've all decided to be less retarded


I think so?

You can climb my Babel tower baby

whats subjective about not treating animals with respect

thats a trap

I feel like you've made a terrible mistake.

Feeling extra edgy today

If you don't stop, I might go fuck the nearest dog

It's all a matter of opinion no matter how much you cry online



this is a great thread

do it

And yet vegans still live and walk among us.
What mysterious people they are. Defying nature like that.

And how can you not want to go balls deep on something like this?
If it didn't want me to fuck it then it should have worn more.

The fact that you think any force in the universe besides your primitive meat hunk of a brain gives half a shit.
It's called moral relativism.

I'm out.


I should get a job at Petco.
It's like Hooters but they bring the ass to me.


Bye Drunky :(

Hey guys I'm new


I could trap if I wanted to

Same. Although sharing an apartment with someone in order to split the bills. Easy to get by in Aalborg.

Also dogs aren't somehow "worth" more than the animals we eat

Everything is worthless but you value dogs more because they're cute to you

Hewwo! You came at the strangest time!

Bitch has CAKE.

I'm no dogfucker but I honestly loved this anime

Is it bf or gf????

not wolves.

i forget what theyre called, but all modern canines came from a hideous pseudo-rodent that went extinct because most of them couldnt eat due to a lack of lips protecting their teeth from the air.

I value dogs because they are useful to me.

What kind of adult things?

with big boobies and such?


you sure showed him green bean

Heard you were being little cuck babies

How much new you are?

You will love even a dog

Domestic dogs are directly descended from wolves though


This thread is bumpin

Hidan's better

If you guys look back at the last thread he was the one that took interest in my animal buggery.
I didn't even have to bring it up.

I hope you aren't expecting these dipshits to understand this concept.

bruh u aint even seen me when i flip my switch

one day this thread finna blow up from my getting

Nah. Used to share it with a friend whom I went to another school with, but he dropped out of uni, so I'm now sharing it with my brother.

Nope, but hips are there

OMG phonecalls!
Fucking hate phonecalls

Yes, but wolves came from medium-sized ugly

I bet you were the hug boxxxing cuck i was told about

He looks like a 10 year old's OC on DA.


what are you a meat eater

i like that ill be your hype man

I know qqq

am I a hug boxxing cuck?? I thought I was a thot

I'd rather a Gardevoir (male) but Pokemon are fake

nice to meet you my friend

this a one (entity) show hombre
u just gotta sit back relax and enjoy the meltdown when it happens

They're being dumdums.

You know what?
This has me inspired.
I'm going to fuck my dog twice as hard today.

hey are u new i havent seen u around whats ur name

maybe someday youll outshine bard

I value some animals over others, just like I do with people.
Come at me

Good luck!

Again I don't see how you can apply force when you're on the receiving end.

Funny cus most 10yr old ocs are furries.

But what if you wanted to kiss your bf or gf and your brother is home.........

the picture u linked before is inaccurate

Don't forget to give him plenty of water

I'll point you to the phrase "grind your dick into dust."

Likewise to Naruto fans.

I'm going to fuck it.
Not treat it to a wine and dine.

Ikke noget problem uden en kæreste~

Yep, cause Momiji is flat as a bord




thats like saying im into dudes
a total lie

my name's loafie as you can see


ive been hiding my power level
i just need to start antagonizing more people and then eventually peak and combust into 100000000


Fight me

Sure thing, lol

I really don't think you've thought this viewpoint through.

nah ur gay

"this isnt even my final form"

transgender joke

Dudes are great, man

Girls smell funny and nag all the time

S-stop it.
The abuse is going to make me get a boner.

How are you doing today, Scoot?

ur gay

He'll fuck you better if he's well hydrated

you might think I am, but that's not my name

d-do girls smell different?

I don't have a sense of smell so I can't tell.

Man. I'd fuck someone's beloved pet to death to fuck a dog right about now.

I usually only fuck them if they are dead.



🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘LADYBOY GANG🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘


Fok! My one weakness!!!!

i won't let people do whatever they want just because our lives are meaningless, if that's what youre asking.

i'm not a dumb rat that gives up moral to reason.


nah u r


ur toast maT3

I'm good!
Hanging with Yorg
Gotta do phone calls later.


is dragon one of those jack donovan loving 'androphiles'.

how big do you want your tits

Mm, yeah.

They have a distinct less-sweet smell.

especially around the nethers.

He's right you guys.
By the power of words on the internet I have decided to not molest those poor...innocent...sexy....dogs.........


i dont get what the funny part is
this is straight facts

what would a crazy psychopathic masochistic cultist know

Heh, jokes on you, i have beanz!

Sounds chill.
Phone calls are misery. But soon. For you. Itll be work. So doubling down.


I am not a homosexual

yeah, ofc it is!

b at the largest i think
i dont want knockerz
just nice lil bobz


No, i'm a pedophile, actually.

a gay one at that. And im really biased toward 2d.

machinery scares me.

That isn't what I mean, honey. Abuse can still exist even if morality does not. What I mean is that if a dog willingly fucks a person, whether or not it is aware the person is not a dog, there is no abuse taking place. Is it abuse if you don't stop your dog humping your leg, too?

it can be gross without being cruel, you know. And it is definitely gross.

I use a lot of raspberry or lemon scented things, so I assume I smell more sweet?

That's kinda strange :O

I know!!!!
If I get this job i'll buy you a new bike or something

I think I remember you talkin about a bike at some point


nah u gay lol


please stop spreading lies about me
after all I went through watching your twitch stream for an hour or so this is how you repay me? >:(



ah aerodynamic...

youll fit in fine

yeee dude!!
1k$ a week will be good >:)

bruh my stream gay lol u gay lol hahahaha


I certainly know that girls are the most horrible creatures to walk the earth.
they're always on the receiving end, never giving anything. How rude.

Big money sinni-va

not a bad film

should i go for bigger
what do u want for urself

I mean I didn't need this ammo but it's helpful for sure.

Is he Sci?


Get ready to bump your chest into things for a few months

This made me sad...


Look. Baabaa. Movie night when?

The true mommy gf.

:( girls aren't that bad.

Go forth and kill, tbh

George do you think girls are bad?

b will probably go well for you. i want big beautiful mommy titties

I dont care if it aint abuse.

Human belongs with human.

gotta wait till my paychecks comin in and then ima be buyin them L I T (🤘) fairy pillz namsayin

How does moogs not die from creaming his pants constantly

Talking shit like i wouldn't find out

And the blacks belong at the back of the bus.

nooooo clue



I heard you were badmouthing dogs. How very Blood-chan of you.


Bap pit it down on the list

girls are awful they naturally hate each other

he's creaming his pants right now, pretty sure the first thing I buy will be his casket.

I wasn't badmouthing anyone

Dogs are worthless, but so is literally everything else

So is being worthless really a bad thing?

thanks bro really means a lot talking ti another bro who really gets me u no 😎 bruh id kiss u on the lips if i wasnt so gosh dang straightlol

cynic you said you were out
go away

He was out, he's back now

I say a lot of things
Blow me, degenerate

little boys are cute, you know.

Everytime i see one it makes me feel warm and hot inside. you cant deny that you like em' too.

He was hot but also annoying.

Hi drunky!!

Yikes. Poor boy. Get him some soy

Too many emojis and fake sarcasm will make me hate you
Oh also it's super painful

Kind of want Green Been to pee in my mouth.

I don't care if it isn't abuse; men belong with women and poofters belong in the ground.

Hi Sinni. Are you going to be a haven for sanity?

I don't think dogs are worthless. To me at least. I found them useful for one thing

so traps are gay after all

-blows ur brains out-

"You have been found guilty of child molestation."
"I'd like an insanity plea, your honor. Because I'm just CRAZY for them little boys."

You fuck dogs too?

I mean like, on an objective level

Of course people can subjectively place value in things

I value you

Scoot why is it that every meme you make makes me laugh

I try to be! The thread is crazy today lol

alright who am i replyin to

hey yeahco know im tired and just kinda typing whatever sowwy 3:
im not excited for boob hurt

its cuz he a comedy legend

That's some powerful head. You sure you're not a professional?

Why women? theyre so annoying.
they constantly want stuff from you.

oh hey cynic why are u gay haha

I am good at my trade. Thank ya.

cynic is literally gay
what a homo lol

I fucking opened it on my prep period thinking "I have nothing to do. I'm going to talk shit with some faggots for a while," and this is what I stumble in to.

As if we haven't had this exact thread fifty fucking times.

Mhm with my knife

How do you value me?
-opens up a bag labled "EGO" and wants you to fill it-

Some are faggots

Good luck

That's only a fraction of the whole truth

Can you tell me where this joke originated? I wanna know if it's worth stealing.

I've got a lot of practice.


You can't say you wouldnt want to spend a night or two with pic related

That face just begs you for some dicking

I don't think it's had me in it before?

alright so loafy : gay
Cybic : homo haha
Uhhhh revy boobs
moogs is like a movie man or something

scootsy comedy gid
sinni (women) sadly
🙌Me: legend

Back when I was a die caster at a Kawasaki plant one of the Mexicans got arrested for fucking a 14 year old and one of my coworkers told me the joke.

It's so disgusting.

the dog fucking debate has gone on for years

its true

bad list

Beautiful. I'll be having that one.

No but we've had enough arguments about whether it's morally correct for Squash to rape dogs.

The answer is who gives a fuck.

Hi Amy how's your day going?

You should know my history by now, newfaf

Lift that tail for daddy.

Use it well.

revy ur gay u dont have the right to critique

Be careful when you go down stairs!
They can hurt when they bonce

tho idk how it'd work in your situation

the true meme master

What is a poofter

In some ways I'm glad that it's sped up, but it's all so strange. How is prep going?

I know right :(


thats not the answer u doof
r u even payin attention
probably cant think with all the guys ur kissin

Just realized there were a lot of posts directed at me in this thread that I didn't reply to

I usually try to reply to everything but I'm baked/multitasking/the thread is fast

Sorry guys ilu

I feel a lot of affection for you


*so cute

I want my own sasuke.

Children are loud and mostly stupid
Although I suppose some of the people I've spent the night with turned out to be stupid, they at least tended to be quiet

I was taking a break from doing art for my game and now I've been dragged into a morality debate.

Ha! As if I would.

A homosexual. I think exclusively a male homosexual but I can't be certain.

Killing someone who can't even answer to you it's unfair and boring

I have nothing to do. Last computer lab day before the weekend then next week is back to the classroom, so I'm kind of just mentally checking out for the next...

3 or so hours.

I'm filtering you. You offer nothing of substance.

Does daddy need to spank you?

Liliana knows im a god. Meme god. Game god. Handsomest god.

The truest! Memes are life!

Probably the wrong choice, huh? I saw you mention gamemaker yesterday. H-games or legit projects?


Pee girl is dead.
Drunky has killed them.

hey sinni idk ur like okay
i dont really like u but I mean youre not retarded so u get a pass 🤘🙌🙌🙌🙌🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 rockstar gang

bro i donr die

Lili is just unchained

Tremble before his power as he calls u "haha gay xD"

Dogs can't consent.
But that's why it's hot.

exactly why i like 2d more.


yall are gay im literally kissing a girl right now haha

Honestly I'm starting to doubt that Lili really knows how to go on a venomous rampage

Aussie terms are strange

Sounds kinda nice! thanks for chillin in the thread with us, you're always a treat uwu

Memes make freedom

bro erio ubcant msigender me
dont freakin do that beo
Ffff !!!!! 🤘In a rocksta and a wkman

I can be a mouthful too, if you let me.

I feel the same way, I don't even want to kill you anymore

Arbeit macht dich Frei.

If you don't know the difference between gays and faggots get out of my car

A poofter is a homofaggot

An effeminate male homosexual

Lay a hand on me and I'll be giving that hand back in a paper bag.

Uhhh... I've been trying to make a turn-based RPG for the last 7 years. I don't even know how a h-game would function.

True. It's also a Britbong phrase, though.

Erio im trying to zleep but this theeD 2 mich fun
im passing out ive been up 2 long ask scootsy

That's where I keep all my dog shit though.

Age diff is better

Dogs carry tons of disease in their sexual fluids and look ugly

kids are cute and will let you do anything as long as you dont hurt

Hey you don't post my husbando

Can you make liliana stop calling me gay, its really making me self conscious

kids are cute and will let you do anything as long as you dont hurt

what the hell's going on today

I'm going to guess after 7 years you don't need a coder?
I spent like four years of my college career making turn based Rpgs in everything from RPGmaker to homebrewed engines.

Can I see your artwork? That's the one thing I could never strive in. I can sketch, but fuck pixel art.

Oh, I didn't actually mean to misgender you

I just mess up sometimes cause I knew you as a guy at first

I'm glad ♥


I can't believe Yan hates this great anime

kids are cute and will let you do anything as long as you dont hurt

Same but like IDK if it's the autism or the abuse

Gas pedos and furries

Most of this thread has a poofy personality then, huh?


Are you flirting with me again

It's arbeit macht frei you dork get your german together

like george :O

Non-american terms are strange! Though it's kinda interesting to say.

call them a thot until they void the thread >:)

I still want to wrestle and play fight with you though

What hurts is how bad I want to nut in a dog.

im shootin erio
Ur def now mate u did the wkrst hing u did ever
f this ! ur toast 🤘

alao who said something abouuuuut
shoot what was it
i csnt remember
Loafies gay

wow let's purge degenerates
I hate them now


This is ever so slowly becoming the follow up documentary to the boy with the henna tattoo.

gonna be on 20/20 boys

If you would call forward and fairly creepy advances flirting

The Neo Thotzi.

tfw your dick is too small to hurt a child

Right! Recycle my sinni material!

oh sinni
ur too nice to literally everyone and it comes off as shallow
maybe thats just me
but i thought id let u know 🙌

Switch to toddlers


I hear kids love baby carrots though.


u gotta go full size carrot
Baby comarrots stink

that's about what george does.

it worked well the first time >:)

it's more like a cheerio tbh

I want kurama chakra!naruto to doggystyle me while genin!nardo takes my length


Leagues better than me

What's the completion rate?

Sounds fun :3

I'm gonna attack you with kisses

U seem drunk

a pic of george's dick

No wonder he and I get along.
So a gangrape scenario isn't off the table for you?

im posting st mach speed right now im on cloud 12

I'm going to try and stream Ernest and Cilistine later if I am home if you want to join.

I'm a girl and I have a better dick than that

i dont drink and u know this u doofus nimrod idiot

On this particular iteration I would say about 2%. I'm bad at estimates though and I keep restarting the project (hence the 7 years) so it could be anything.


don't bully people for their penis sizes

Good, good

He told you he wanted to fill your mouth, and then you started dating?

Jesus fuck at this rate you'll be releasing in the 24th century

Can I halp?

Because urs is tiny
Void yourself

sound like llaf e is gay

my dick is marginally better than that



Atyyy scootsy hi 5 same page

I can attest to this claim

yeah so what if it is
beautiful at all sizes

I do, I was just saying you seem drunk

NImrod is one of my favorite bible characters

I think I'll name my next male Tamagotchi after him

loafie gay

Loaf e gay

I wish i was kurama

My current one is named Nero, btw

low fee gay

loafie straight

Anyone want to give me some cash so I can get Bayonetta on Switch?
I'll send dick and ass pics.

loaf love kissin biys and then doin stuf


take it back

In my defence this particular attempt is about 4 months old and is a substantially smaller undertaking compared to previous efforts. I'm currently not in a position to require help besides critique but I honestly appreciate the offer.


Stop this :g

I got job stuff to do but if I'm free later!


Yep :G

Kyle what happened to all your tax $

Make me.


loafie thibks about men 2/7 he loves a good sourhern man know his way around abrracotr 🤘


I invested it in gold bullion.


Id give you Bayonetta to NOT do that
if I had any fucking money left after buying a goddamned crib

are you serious

cynic afroad of seein but cuz he know he gay lol

40 nails to build a crib.
A single screw to fill it.


Gold bullion doesn't even make good soup stock.

Hinata-sama will beat the fuck out of you.

i must warn you, i bite...

Lili said the haha meme.

3 in a row.

Toddlers r too young for me.

I perfer 8-12

Buy me a switch please



I kno right

Well I'm here if you need it. Don't know how much help I can be. The coding in gamemaker is pretty much done for you.

You know you'd cum fucking buckets if we ran a train on Sinni.

You're the worst.

What she ehashaha meme

you've lost it mate

I said NOT to bully me >:(

Damn... During these times, most guys would be pulled to court if they said that to a girl, or at the very least, get fired

Sinni didnt even reply to me in oroviding quality criticsism of chaarecfer this morning snd she didnt even say th

Too late
Im bullying you
To death



she could join. The more ther merrier

I do everything in GML because Drag n Drop confuses me.

please do not

Actually, I think Lili is drunk

Bite as hard as you can

I'll bite back ^^

Knock knock heos there
Loafie who
loafies obviously insecure about a lot of thinfs and is extremely transparent about it for some reason but they seem like a nice person so why cant they stop being so gay

She only wants Naruto for herself though

Die you faggatron

Do me next.

Do you have no programming experience?
It's pretty easy if you start from the ground up.

Opposiste of drunk
In enlightened

Kyles a real dig

Hinata no1



I cannot stop being gay as that'd require me to be gay to begin with

Loafie gay

Squash fucked a dog once

How many layers of irony are you on right now?

You can't hurt me, I wear glasses, remember?


I hate irony u know this

what about sasuke, then? he's never around sakura, so she wouldnt know.

I bet loafie wishes he was a girl
what a homi lol


So in light of all of this unhinged retardism I have a question?

Is Modest Mouse genuinely good, or for boring white people? I need to know how much I like this band

Ironic, he was gay but fucked his own ass - when asked about loafie


Oh, no, I'm pretty good at programming actually. I use GM because it's what I started with as a kid and I can't be arsed learning a new engine. Using GML (the scripting language in GM) I can achieve any effect I could possible want so it's a mostly simple and comfy process.

The DnD feature is weird because it isn't scripting.

Says the misandrist monster

Why do u care sbout whatcothers think cybic
Didnt tou just get done saying who cares

before I was mostly messing
but cynic actually is retarded








I'm not a misandrist I'm a misanthrope

The DnD feature is the best because RPG Purism.
So what's up with the circus? What's the game setting?

This tbh
Makes me wonder what happened to gnomes