Opinion: if you want to build forced labour camps, you're not communist.
Opinion: if you want to build forced labour camps, you're not communist
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(or anarchist, too)
so criminals should do what, then? frolick in the meadows?
existence of prison is reason to have criminals, without prisons and property only the worst of socio/pschopaths would still commit a crimes
Except the rest of the world outside our communist society still exists, and they're a constant source of counterrevolution and hooliganism. Gotta do something with them.
Then how do we have a communist society?
So if some group of socialists got into power in the US tomorrow and immediately abolished all prisons, almost all criminal activity would cease?
nod an ardomeent :DDD
Is this the power of black-flag posters?
Even in the distant FALC future people are still going to commit emotionally charged crimes. They're not going to stop getting so mad they want to kill someone just because they control the means of production.
Opinion: discarded
so what should we do with them?
kind of a waste, don't you think?
The Revolution is interchangeable with the Rapture in the minds of most people here. Somehow all conflict and problems will end simply by advancing the mode of production.
That's why we need armetd people's militias. If you try to kill someone you give them right to kill you. Simple law. Prison is not needed.
People are not a resource, it's capitalist thinking.
I see, so instead of having prisons we're just going to have the death penalty as the only punishment for every crime and sentence it without trial.
How is this better than prison?
that's bourgeois economist thinking
Most of criminals commited crime against property. So after abolition of property they couldn't commit a crime against it anymore.
Labor-power is a resource under capitalism, but it shouldn't be. We want to abolish capital not strengthen it.
Are you saying we won't need labour-power after the revolution?
Why not?
Self-managed labour is not form of a power.
Yes it is? This is like the most fundamental premise of socialism. Labour is power. The bourgeoisie are only empowered by their control of our labour and to retake control of it for ourselves is to empower the proletariat.
It's a waste. If you just kill anyone who commits a crime you'll just end up with extreme criminals who aren't afraid to die.
how will you deal with destruction? what if they bomb down a whole tower like in 9/11?
it's a complete waste to simply end the lives of people after they've caused destruction.
we'll just kill all the bad/mean people.
t. anarchist
In this way, of course, but self-managed labour is not power over you but power that you have. That's the difference. And as prisoner of forced labour camp, there's no way that you're in position power. xD
Call me not-a-communist, but I don't want to live in a society where "justice" is dispensed at the muzzle of a rifle by roving "militia" deathsquads
I think anarchists (but not all anarchists, and not only anarchists) are especially prone to having a quasi-religious conception of The Revolution, after which humans will no longer have to deal and struggle with depression, boredom, anger, hunger, illness, greed, dissatisfaction, and all the things which are part of the human experience.
This is why I think a revolution lead by people who are unwilling to compromise, who think the average person will be completely different (more altruistic, less violent, less inclined to commit crimes) soon after the revolution, has the potential to become an insane death cult.
am i the only one who ends up thinking that a post-struggle world would be so utterly pointless that there'd be no reason not to die
Are you suggesting that US, country with biggest slave labour camp system in the world (bigger than stalinist gulag, funfact), was safe from this kind of attack because of prisons?
All world outside US is decreasing number of prisoners and sees only decrease in number of criminals. Only US-captitalist culture is focused in imprisoning masses of people with no effects in social safety.
been clearly stated that there is no intention from fear of competition to allow
ordinary crim inals to be treated like beasts, and especially that there is no desire
to deprive them of productive labour, their sole corrective. This was surely the
least one might have expected from socialists.
Marx in the Critique of the Gotha Program
Of course, it doesn't have to be shit like the gulag.
if you are against defeating reactionaries and putting them into work to lift the working class of this burden and have it repaid by the exploiters in the transitionary period you are a faggot that should be worked to death purposefully
Precisely, and prisoners of forced labour camps aren't in control of their own labour-power. The state is. So we're back to a hierarchical management of labour-power like we have now, which you already agreed is a form of power and a resource like 1 post ago.
I'm not saying they're in a position of power, the point I'm making is that labour-power exists independently of whoever controls it. No matter if the worker controls his own power or if a boss does that labour is empowering to someone.
What's the black flag?
If you want to criminals just to sit in jail doing nothing and leeching from workers youre a capitalist.
So it's fascist state capitalism.
Only workers became inprisoned as "criminals". "Criminals" almost never came from ruling class, you wonder why?
Call it what you like. It's still infinitely better for everyone involved than utopian death-squads being the judge, jury and executioner.
I've said it before, I've said it again, anarchists are moralists of the highest order.
that applies for capitalist societies, little anticommunist propaganda shill
A red flag
If you have capital, even if state controlled, it's still captialism. If you have a property it's still a capitalism.
good things that the citizens would own the means of production of the prisoners.
you sound like a boomer conservative. personal property is still a thing in socialism lol. read some literature because the memes that get posted here are going over your head.
I know lol, I mean property (private or state) of means of production, which's pretty obvious from context.
Is it okay if I call it voluntary labour camp?
No… Capitalism requires a relationship between commodities or property and capital, 'private property' usually is what implies that relationship.
all labour camps are voluntary, if you don't want you can also work in other camp
But in state-controlled capital economy you have the same level of alienation of labor and your work differs nothing from work for capitalist in capitalist society.
Why not?
And what do you do about them?
Medicinal progress demands sacrifices.
Well I agree with you tbh. But I don't act like that's any better than labour camps.
Dr. Mengele approves of this post.
This goes without saying.
But Holla Forums is full of edgy wannabe socialists, so it's no surprise that this obvious idea is being met with hostility.
where do you put undesireables?
ask them nicely not to go full GTA:communist utopia on your ass?
A re-education camp
Run by me
I fuck all the students
Jesus christ slow down Frankenstein
only mental midget degenerates need "undesirables" in their society
the Chad society is able to deal with everyone
where have i seen this before
batman should have just nuked gotham when bane gave him the chance tbh
Of course I don't want to, user. I need to. If left by themselves, reactionaries will never engage in honest work.