This is a thread. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

This is a thread. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Other urls found in this thread:

peaks n valleys


something business or computer related

law is interesting though

oh ok
it was probably a painkiller on top of their meds that lasts for a few hours, 8 max

that sucks

dang rules

What is it like to have pee pee secks
Asking for a friend

What do you mean?


ye it didn't seem fun, but anyone who can work through that is a tough cookie!!

like you :)

Don't do it
I was a Law major for the first two years of my college career
stay the fuck away from that cesspool of degenerate vile scumbags. I won't claim every lawyer is a horrible ethically devoid cumstain, but It's a thing.



Like lewd stuff where you pee

I like roasted marshmallows more tbh, the best part of the smore.

hello I'm crowd funding for someone to bring me roasted marshmallows

Google it.

Oh. I thought you meant peepee and I'm like c'mon Yan you know better.

I don't like smores unless they're the smores poptarts

truly the worst opinion.

No. Peeps are still worst.

get rekt

nezi stronk ! :D

not me, my morals are stronk and nobody can sway me!

I am frightened to do so

No I mean like fetishistic urine

not even... benjamin franklin?

idk i only ever peed on somebody like 3 times

But not afraid to ask here.

...That seems like enough to describe what its like.

You know where Google can lead you?
Deviant Art, Furry Communities, and Fan Fiction Writing sites.


So you already know where your question will lead you.

It's getting pissed on or pissing on somebody. It's not like there's some overwhelming magical force that makes you have an intense orgasm. You're pissing on someone, or vise versa. Is it for humiliation reasons? Do you like the idea of bodily fluids? Are you just into people peeing? If you get off on it, then it acts as an aphrodesiac, if you don't, congratulations, you're playing with urine.

Yeah but you'll have to constantly associate with this subhuman trashcans. Don't do it.


holy shit man, focus

Fuck I love TWKYK

I have a vague idea but would rather not have those fears confirmed.
Like a christian who's too afraid to admit there is no God.

This view seems overly simplistic and not at all enlightening.

There were so many good ones.

So in great fear of having your assumptions confirmed, you ask here.

Welcome to personal experiences buddy.
Can't exactly beam into your head the thoughts and feelings that go into Watersports.

Do you have a fetish for pee?

Such prolific work ahead of it's time easily joins the ranks of shows like Wondershowzen.
Also before I looked right at that image I thought her big poofy sleeves were big tiddies.

If you wanted to know something, and you knew people who knew, would you ask them or do something socially retarded and autistic?


Sounds like curiosity is gonna get the kitty peed on this time around.

Wondershowzen is fucking fantastic.

And yeah, that happened a lot hence the filename

Wow thats great. I smiled.
Good job.

does someone youre sleeping with have a fetish for pee?

So instead of finding out the information yourself privately, you ask publicly because it's the less retarded and autistic option?

I hope not but as far as I know, no.

Only within this limited context.

Not sure if serious or bustin me.

i wish people wouldnt ruin good ol fashion peein with their weird s*xual endeavors :(

Then why the latent curiosity? Do you just want to know why someone would want to participate in piss fetishism?

I'm 100% serious.
Thank you for the smile.

You're welcome.

For someone not privy to the intricacies of this certain topic, you seem to have a vast knowledge around its classifications and interpretations.

I have my reasons.

I think Kyle was into dogs first before fags


Most of these filenames have been copy pasted from threads over the years.

I'm calling your bullshit.

Then why fucking ask here?!


Just buy rubber sheets first.


I got this folder from Neko so most of the filenames are his
Which is why they're cringey and gaaaay


To cyber Wish of course.

Hiiiiii Kyle~

Oh, in that case,
Just type * before and after you describe what you're doing
fukkn baka

*pees in drunky's lap*

I was gay before I was into dogs by the way.

Tell us the story of how you got into dogs

I choose E


Who was ur first?



YHWH is literally so conceited he calls himself God and forces people to worship him, and if they don't he murders them and tortures them for all eternity in a burning fire pit.
He makes some old Jew bring plagues upon humanity and one of the greatest civilizations of early history and lead a bunch of whiney fucks through a desert for 40 years to a promised land of milk and honey, then makes him enforce his laws over them (4 of which are about how to worship YHWH, and none of them say rape is bad), AND THEN DOESN'T LET MOSES INTO THE PROMISED LAND

Hillary is well-written and greedy, and the come-uppins she gets in the end is fantastic, but she's nowhere near YHWH

tbh if you voted for Hillary you're a normie and probably think Naruto is good

What the fuck is wrong with you

I voted for Griffith cause he got his tendons snipped and his tongue cut out and all that on purpose as part of his fucking plan and if that's not villainy then idk what is.

and that's not even mentioning the mass betrayal of the whole squad who got him there

fuuuck i need to watch that shit

citation needed

maybe I was watching it wrong

I'd stream the movies with you and anyone else who wants to if you like.

Kind of want a cute dog to fuck.

I'm interested. don't waste a stream for just me though. you need at least a doz people


If there's 2-3 I'm okay with it.

It was part of the God Hand and the Idea of Evil's plan. He's just part of a larger scheme, he didn't get tortured on purpose, he just snapped and fucked the princess to prove to himself that he's cool when Guts left because he's a bratty, narcissistic dickhead.


Well I mean didn't it allude that he took it in the poooper from that other king he was working under at the time too? Maybe it was just some sort of latent I"M THE BIG MAN NOW feels lmao

Damn. Well I don't like him as a character anymore. I thought it was all his masterminding at play :(

Kinda need a Beherit now tho tbh


You can't blame Griffith for what he did.
It was wrong and you can hate him for it
But anyone else would have done the same thing in his position.

Good eveniing

He had no idea what the Behelit was, nor that he was chosen in some way.

He's certainly a charismatic, intelligent character, but he's far from omniscient.

Hey Bard.

Blame him for what?

I want one.

We'll watch it and see.

how long are they again?

I know this is just a meme.

But maybe I can see a utilitarian argument for sacrificing the Band of the Hawk for greater power to forge a perfect kingdom on Earth.

But the rape was unnecessary and really highlighted that there's no utilitarian bent to Griffith or any of his actions, it's simply all self-aggrandizement.


Rape is bad, mmkay.

What if it's the other person's fetish.

Then is it really rape?

I've asked myself this and I'm not sure how that works.

something something affirmative consent

This is why we have safety words.

I said Griffith, not Femto. These are essentially different characters.
Griffith will never realize his lifelong dream and will live a nightmarish crippled deformed existence being pitied by his allies without this offer. The Band of the Hawk were always willing to sacrifice their lives for Griffith's cause in his eyes, as can be evidenced by them fighting for him.
As Femto, Griffith has no humanity.

Legally, yeah.

The whole play goes with them wanting it, saying 'no' the whole time, and then being content afterward.

I've thought about this for a while

what if they are turned on by being forcibly sex'd

but at a time when they aren't aroused?

That's def rape



Was Femto the transformed version? Cause yeah, the whole point was sacrifice everything- he has no humanity.

Hence safety words that way "No!" is under a replacement effect.

But yes, I see the legal standpoint.

Wouldn't that make all rape cases hear-say though?

Does E-rape count ?

Let's find out~

Main reason women win most cases. Gotta get your consensual contracts signed now.

Is he really that different? He still protects the weak, still is mostly interested in people thinking he should be at the top, and is still willing to make sacrifices.

I don't see any fundamental change in his character, other than a hatred for Guts that burns so deep he was willing to torture one of his oldest friends to hurt him. But even that he claims he's done away with, putting him as basically the same guy with more demon powers and slightly prettier.

Was that ever a bad idea. Like let's be honest.

You shouldn't be sticking your dick in anything you feel you might need a contract for

holy autism batman

Isn't that what a marriage license is?

Silly logic batman

I need a fucking cigarette.
I love y'all but damn

You can rape your wife and no one will care.

According to Elms a husband cant rape his wife

Pack it up boys, we're going home.

A legally binding contract that prevents you from getting arrested if a woman's emotions falter?

Don't stick your dick in crazy, yeah.

He wasn't "Femto" when he agreed to kill his friends.


do they have that form at town hall?

Who do you think would fare better in prison, Loco or Elma?

Probably not, but I'm sure you can find one online.

If the dog didn't want it then it should have worn more than a collar.

That depends how bad Spanish prisons are.

I'd do very badly there which is why I avoid going there.

great, now if I even tried to file a noise complaint it would just get thrown out

I mean or they'd love my hole. Either way a good reason to avoid there.

Elma post butt

It's been posted before and I don't wanna post my junk again

you're a tranny, you'd be put in solitary confinement in a men's prison for your entire sentence out of protection

Again. Which is why I avoid going to jail.


Does it sound like I was asking?

This is why it's better to be a fag.
I don't get confined and I get to find the biggest fuck in the jail and be his bitch.

ya but no dogs

Yes, Daddy.

I'll find one that's into pup play.



Elma are you a school?

Cause I want to shoot kids inside of you


no I mean

they have a turn on whicch includes forced sex

but at the time of the forced sex they are not turned on or aroused

Yeah, that's rape.



I laughed WAY too hard at this.

Well idk. "Neat" wasn't really what I was expecting, but then I don't know what I was expecting.

it appears we are in agreement

I didn't expect you to post your ass
Granted I think I should have knowing your power fetish.
You have a wonderful butt, Elms.

Thanks bb.

I'm assuming that's you?
I've never seen you post photos before.
You're a lot more passable than most trans girls I know.

That's me, yeah.

thanks I think hah. All these are kinda old now so I don't mind posting them.


What happened to your incurable shyness?

the intro song is good

What do you mean?

pepperidge bard remembers shy elmas

I mean maybe I was shy once. You're all my homies at this point though so idk

What age did you start taking hrt ?

Or do you even ?

I started at age 25.

Yeah, as Bard said, you used to shy away whenever I would jokingly ask for pictures.

what age are you now

What are you now ?


It always starts as a joke.


hey send me nudes


just kidding around


Oooh. I like how I look more than I used to. It's kinda still new and weird to me but I kinda have fun with selfies now lol Just not lately cause I haven't been going out much :(

I'm 27. This is my 27th month of hrt though, if you're doing it that way.

You never ask to see my ass.


I'm glad to see the rise in self-confidence

Squash, send me photos of you fucking your dog.


I think most people would fail at that age

I'm pretty good at same fagging

now youre really askin for it


Someone had to have confidence in me lmao

Probably. Oh well

Sec. I have a few on my other drive.

yeah gratz
progress and all

And with that, I take my leave. Have fun with that trainwreck, thread.

No but seriously, Ima smoke, work out and shower. Will probably be back later.


Kyle do you still want cookies


I wanna play icky cookie with Squash

everyone in thread post your butt

You first.

do the tail one nezi ^~^


im not a MONGROL noty

i'd settle for tummy if you don't wanna be a lewdy pants

I can't wait to see some hairy ass cracks

do I look like some kind of HOMO attention WHORE to you? HMMM?!



everyone knows you want to post your ass and get attention


youre gonna have to come to my stream and get a lucky yawning stretch tummy shot >:3

Why would you want to see a fat gay old faggot's ass


post grim's ketchup nips

i come by sometimes

i'm just busy lately

the Just Dance stream was fun ^^

bullies!!!!!!!!!!! ;w;



Would you lick his nipple clean ?

OH MY LANTA lost it

Nah. i wouldn't want a hairball

im messing mostly about coming to the stream
i know u visit sometimes u doof

no tum or bum posting !!!!!
atleast not from me


yeah yeah I'm aware you're anti-lewd

no expectations

it's annoying when people are pushy and try to make you do stuff you're not comfortable with

like when people babyrage about me not drinking

reeeeeeeeeeee what do u mean dont wanna drink !!!!!! COME ON !!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

This is how you blankpost an image btw






what's wrong with that

alcohol is poison and ruins the lives of good men

corruption beverage

The future we always wanted

Hi Nezi.

why are you linking gay porn ?

im not im linking a good song

Only a poison if used incorrectly. Night homo

Here is a great song about fucking cat girls with aids

sup ui

what's going on in your life

goodnight friend

I watched all 3 episodes of that hentai with my bestfriend

How do that all shoot cum in the air during the fire works scene ?

2 of the 3 dicks are inside someone

That hentai sucks


why are you asking me i havent seen it you doof

Just found out yesterday that I'll be working at sakura-con. Ticket and hotel paid for :) hbu

good image im gonna save it


i am become sexy

you should come to sakura-con and i'll slide you a badge for free ;) u just have to be my pet.

think again,,,,,, chump



ye lemme just spend $600 to get into a con for free

nothing's ever near me :(

is it not worth 600 dollars to be my pet for 3 days?

Is it gay to watch hentai about little boys fucking each other with a friend ?

best i can do is tree fiddy

a G O O D dog would come back to his master free of charge.

if you know whats good for you you'll calm down little missy......

i have no clue you should ask someone who is an expert on that subject

I'm trying to

im not an expert on this why would you ask me

let me think about it

I posted the wrong image

except you've never been my master


i should finish yuru yuri
cute outfit on that first image
i wanna be sakurako

God, but I wish that were me.

who else in this thread tdo you think would be a good person to ask

Anyone else find "master" kinda cringy ?

yes mastewr :3


brat is best girl.

and if u haven't read this doujin... hnnngggg

I couldn't think of anyone else.

Please don't do this to me.

i havent even started s3 no way ive watched/read anything else


u doof
ask uhhhhhh

maybe ask nezi ?
idk ui are they gay

master is just another form of power/control, like dom/sub

if you don't like the idea of one person dominating another in a relationship

spoiler: u might be gay

but it's a hentai doujin


Ui sent me a video of himself jacking off while cross dressing

I think hes gay

or a virgin

ui are you gay ?



idk if i'll be OBSERVING IT THEN

so then maybe ask ui about your question !!

pansexual if anything


pan gang

ask nezi what


Did you misspell pee gang ?

pan and pee gang*

"Never go thirsty again"

i drink water pretty often
all the time actually

Actually it should be

"stay hydrated"


there u go
much better

could u imagine havin widdle hands to hold smol widdle cup with two hands to sipp

Pan an pee gang

Stay hydrated


Yeah but it says "Stay Hydrated" in yellow

i dont like the color of yellow

how about like a mint green ?

Good afternoon


hey lili



I got a 91 on my test ^-^

the girl behind me got a 50% lul


Triple broly doesn't fucking work in my country anymore

i feel bleh


maybe you should use a toilet ?
sometimes even if u dont have to go its nice to just

Had to download it off of some weird website

you guys are welcome

you're some of the only people to see this in years

ty for this babe

Better ones like that existed but they all got removed over the years.

Who does this, even.

Why is your first thought that someone needs to take a shit when they feel "bleh"?

go take a poop

Don't need to.

rest in peace ;~;

me i do it a lot
helps me to focus

bc sometimes i feel bleh and then its bc my insides arent great and then thats hampering my mood and then ya know

yeah sure

Everyone poops.

I can't find some of my favorites from when I was younger anymore.

thats always sad when you cant find old favorites
sowwy bubb

You just sit there and stare at?

Kim Jong Un and girls don't poop or fart. Get it right.

That's just bizarre. No one just goes and sits on the toilet to "feel better" unless they have like IBS or some bullshit.

no i just sit on the toilet and listen to music

i do sorry

Stop using my avatar!


I don't think I could be patient enough to sit there.

I don't think thats true though

Hi goggles

These are known facts.

Hey Ui, how are you, sunshine?

try it out

I don't want to walk to the bathroom to sit on the toilet and wait.

He also might give up his nukes and start playing nice with the south

Gay piss gang

Stay wet

He doesn't want his people to know that he poops and farts.

Working with japs making special fruit drinks that are sold only in japan for gifts and at onsens, and found out yesterday that i'll be working at sakura-con.

how is you uwuu

Why does he need a toilet then ?

An ui, that's sorta rare.

what will you do instead ?


tell me how this trash has 32,000 upvotes


bless you

ive been okay. just doing stuffs

Because he secretly does it.

lay in bed.

What are you doing lately?


say it again but this time to me

You just said he doesn't though.

I trusted you

Finally I'm able to relax
It's been a bit hectic the past few days and I've been sore to boot

Normally I'd add in a half assed question to make it seem less a blog post and a more social friendly entry but fuck that noise


-snuggle sis-

for how long ?

I'm like this close to railing coke to stay awake.
I have like no energy anymore.


Get me a sakuracon pass

what kind of stuff things?

pro tip: stop pushing yourself so hard or you'll die at 30

I want to cuddle someone with soft thighs

Maybe that's the plan.

they call me Thor God of Thunder
and it's not because I'm a God~

i've never worked a con, idk how easy it will be to sneak you a badge.

I print them as people come in.

Honestly never even been to a con. I Just had someone tell me they wanted me to work the shit because im reliable and trustworthy so I am and my hotel and shit is paid for too.

You'll have to pry my diligence and negligence for my well being from my cold dead sore hands.

Oh yeah, sorry about that.

I don't know. I can't think of what I want to do rn.

Small little things here and there.


Who was the guy who would yell about that movie here?
Was ban on site.

sounds nice. I wish my life was made up of small things. Everything in my life seems to be major at this point whether it be good or bad. (mostly good)

Where is it this year?

meeee! =w=

not good :(

bad squishy

you worry me

Gimme them cuddles

This will be the first year in five years that I haven't worked Animazement and I can't afford to go otherwise but they reduced the number of video rooms and my group didn't get one

I am feeling like I'm lacking energy right now, though.

Also you lied in never have I ever

I don't know but the drink is good for energy

a I worked with used to drink them

I think you're only supposed to drink half of it

Don't be a Jeb Bush.

Some days I just can't stay awake.

come chill with me and luka in my stream >:3


I was just informed that i'll get to go to the vip area and get signatures. IDK who will even be there to sign shit... maybe I should look?

take a little nap and continue to do little things but try to keep them good. :3c

you should take a warm bath : 3

Where is kumoricon then maybe I was thinking of that.

kumoricon already happened. The ball was held by my production company. That was in portland.

Lucky, I never got anything exclusive I just got in for free

You come here too
More cuddles

Perks of being vip basically anywhere I go in big cities.

I didn't even ask to work. they came to me.

I'm not very important but people tell me I'm a person...

*picks you up *

Yeah i'm also a person

I like you though. If that counts for anything.

have some original content fam

Yeah that's what I was thinking of.

Redline sort of sucks. It's only 240mg caffeine per the whole bottle.

I might try some drinks.

sakura-con is a much bigger event.

I'm gonna also meet up my idol "Animeweeblord420"

Where are we going?

It helps a little

I thought you meant the movie for a second and I almost got upset


Better than coke

Thats what I normally do when i'm dead

works for me

probably not healthy though

I know they're discontinuing it but is there any New 3DS stateside that you can even still get that's not the XL?

only dreams now................

No idea. I have a 2DS and really don't pay attention to it.
Let alone what Nintendo is doing with other handhelds.

There was a Super Mario 3D world edition that was normal sized
That's the one I have

struggle snuggle?

yaaaaaaaay \^-^/

Dreams of skiing up to a bar for shots and Afghan wedding feasts?

What do you mean?

Pfft. no.

I think something like that and what Bard suggested would be nice.

That would also feel really good.

if I had a gf I would flip her

You didn't move on things that I knew you had done.

Like what?

Yeah, but I can't find any online at all that's a non-XL New 3DS that's not with ridiculous markup. And still an actually non-used system.

you would get mad if I said it in the thread

You would have a high turnover rate if you did that -smug-

Assuming it's something you'd care enough about to bring it back up, probably. In any case- I think I played that game honestly so I don't think you should have stuff like that in your head.


Sucks for you then, doesn't it?
Mine has an annoying mario-styled cover plate but it's all black so I forget about it


i mean theres other chatters too :p

Wanna share a hotel?

This idea is bad.

Oh Hello dars : 3

Worried he'd find your cameras?

Want to go to the degenerate cons with us?

He IS the camera.

I do... really bad : (

............maybe someday........................

I guess I should say good eveening ot you too huh kiss : 3

You will be missing out on doing lines off Ray's ass while the Digimon ending theme fills the room.

oh god I've never done coke before

I prefer them hidden. More exciting that way.

all my friends friends are posting on fb about graduation coming up soon

it's making me a little sad
endings are the saddest

theres a new thread up there btw

Like my disgusting uncut penis? ;;

No more school is great.

I mean yeah true

but what if the friends I've got left decide to go to college or something........

Also all these kids in band are talking about their last concerts and its giving me the ending feels

Did you hear that Spongebob ended recently?

Like I've been tripping recently about the fact thaat nearly every game I've ever enjoyed that I consider a staple of its genre and at one point in time the pinnacle of gaming is like nearly 10 years old

You should be happy for them; they are taking their steps toward a degree that may or may not be worthless.

It was about time it ended, no? SpongeBob was always irritating.

I mean I guess
but I can't afford to lose any moore friends

I've only got 3 left

and also i agree spongebob should have ended a long time

it's just

sad you know?


lil slow tonight isnt it

I think everyone left to the new thread, by the way.

oh figures the stupid nigger made a link

I wish moogs would fucking kill himself already the stupid fucking depressed dogfucker

can i have the fucking link

Here ya go

Or I am not sure if that is still hidden and I have to link the actual URL.

i want to also know becausesomeonei like also likes it, how do i like it?


