Is the Anti-Anglo thing legitimate or just a massive meme?

Is the Anti-Anglo thing legitimate or just a massive meme?

It's just a meme.


also the blacks
and the Asians
and the North pole people
and crab people
why don't we just nuke everyone?

Anti-x gang shit is memes

Anglos should be shot

Good rule of thumb on leftypol: If you need to ask if it's a meme, it probably is


🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Tenenbaum🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 ayyy anglmao

i'm not against an anglocide if it came to that tbh

It isn't specific to anglos. Workers everywhere are either too busy considering themselves "middle" class to become part of the proletariat. Or they are too consumed with identity politics (liberal or reactionary). I do think that the anglo ruling class is worse than other ruling classes. Which is obviously a side effect of British rulers considering themselves the rulers of the world and act like the British empire still exists, which makes them insufferable. The American rulers are too busy micromanaging all their puppet states and Imperial assets like a puppet master to have any kind of resemblance of regular people.

anglos are the most porky group of people to exist

ofc its just a meme dumbass

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Yeah the Hibernian shadow syndicate is behind everything. Blaming the Anglo's or the Jews is just a smokescreen created by them.

It's a plot to use commercial television to turn everyone into a couch potato in retribution for the potato famine. Those conniving O'Reallys would then never have to go hungry ever again.

Don't believe the Anglo's lies.


You cannot oppose the will of Kuk, egyptian demon of memes of reproduction

Well, I am 5/8ths Irish, so…

Kill all anglos to be honest.