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Everyone below this post gets to screw George

Who thinks I should post ass?

sucks for them im past my prime

Everyone in this thread can fight me for george.


guess I have to be okay with only somewhat knowing.

leaving soon to drive someone to the airport using my hanzo skills

au revoir.

I'm not going to fight very hard.

Remember, he was mine first.

Don't tempt me.
I'm in a shit mood and low on pride.

Both lol

This whole 'on a whim' part vs my savings account.

I'm gonna be held up for a while I think.

How about doing you both? :3




well he's mine now >:)))

Can we just fight, not for him?

as if anyone in this thread would tolerate an actual female.

I see through your gay agenda!

nah I don't have *that* much energy

Then try me, prove your point~



That's only because I vanished. Trust me, I could have made George my pet at a few points, but I care about him too much to degrade him like that. until he asks me to

Well, realistically if you're willing to use the public transport here for the first few months, your only true expenses would be First and Last months Rent (call it $2500 to be safe), the cost of food, (Average $10/day = $300/mo) and your daily buss pass ($3.25 for the all day, $1.50 for the there->back lines, let's just assume you're going to and from work, that's 1.50x20 = $30/mo)
To move out here and start from nothing would cut you just shy of $3k

That's not counting moving costs and whatnot, but even on minimum wage, 3K is like 8 to 12 weeks depending on where you live. You're not that far out.

I have a wife lol

That's not accounting for my current bills at hand though, which is the current problem. That, and the weather killing my hours.

all the more reason you can't have george >:)

gonna beat you up uvu.

also how are you doin today? I enjoy talking to you.



I'm teasing anyway~
Shouldn't share with anybody

This is true, but you make okay money don't you? Probably well above the minimum wage line.

You know you haven't even explored the option yet, although I don't know which of us would ever entertain it, because god knows I can't. I'm turning my last spare bedroom into a nursery.

Spectre or Mandy or fish or a multitude of others live out here. It doesn't seem like you've even explored the idea of crashing with one of us for a month or two while you get on your feet. It's worked for Squash.

Thought you were gone? Just needed to see who said goodbye, huh? You bask in that attention?

Swallow nails, Kanra.

Lots of love.

And I have done it with less than 800 to my name at any given time.

I'm fine I guess. Currently sitting in the computer lab while my students do prelim research for their Causal Analysis essays due in three weeks.

For the next... It's Wednesday, so two days, six of my eight and a half hours at work are sitting in a computer lab on my phone until someone has a question.

Could be worse. I'm just bored.

gotta enjoy the relaxation while it lasts! even if it is boring!

You seem like you would be a good teacher

Top part of:

I barely make a good person

while I don't understand your beef with Kanra, you treat George pretty well and I know he appreciates it.

also our conversations are always really fun and engaging! so who cares about thread stuff, you're cool enough to be a good teacher >:) and you're a good person too

hu you here my friend
I reinstalled killing floor 1 and I can't get more than probably 8fps with lowest resolution and graphics and on 16bit
what the hell's going on
also some of my more complex doom wads have been giving me performance issues but I'd like to think that's because of a poor sourceport/engine and not my pc

Might be why. If you run it in 16bit, you might not even get any GPU acceleration, causing your CPU to do all the work

no. decided against it. too meh of a mood to make a long drive like that.

thanks for telling me to get hit by a bus. not sure what vibe you were going for.


you're an educator?

Hi Kanra!

I have no beef with Kanra, he's just an easy punching bag because he takes it so seriously. When Kanra first appeared, he was this purposely pretentious overly-committed-to-role-playing grognard, So I started bullying him. Playfully at first, but over time it just became too easy to send him reeling and now it's nostalgic fun.

I can put my outwardly vile personality away for long enough to pass as a respectable human being for work. I teach because I know what it's like to have a string of teachers that don't care about their jobs or their students, and what the fuck else am I going to do with a B.A. in English? Get published.

In my dreams.

I don't want it to have to come to that.

32 bit isn't any better, I should have clarified that desu
I am prone to crashes in 32bit but I always thought less bits = less grafix to deal with

*prone to crashes in 16bit

What do you mean? That sounds like a nonstop degenerate party. Why isn't this your first option?! Life's too short to have an innate sense of personal responsibility. Do things, reap the rewards, suffer the consequences and grow!

Screenshot of the video settings?


In some ways I feel bad for him cause he always has such a rough time here, but I can't really change the thread.

I think if you really worked at it you could! Being published is great nowadays with amazon and the like.

congrats on the kid again bty

You can crash with me! though I don't have a place of my own qq

excuse me as I reverify my cache

but why?

He was pretty much the overlord of Autism for a decent run during the Senran Kagura era. The threads haven't been bad to him, just people like me.

I too like to have my works never read

Although I appreciate the congrats, I'm still not mentally prepared for it. I'm a giant child. I dont have enough personal responsibility to choose Yard work > weed and video games more frequently than I care to admit. This kids going to grow up with an enlarged 7 year old for a dad.

At least it's mom will be authoritative and responsible...

I thought I was on 10 desu I don't know what the hell's going on


hi sinini

these days, it's just me. there's no mask.

I actually have no idea who you are.

it's just a little mad to tell someone you hope they get into a vehicular accident.

and you fluctuate between describing your life, your marriage, and child rearing, and telling someone to get hit by a bus. and you say you're at work?

get the fuck out of here with your suggestion of an alternative operation system
I'm not going through that again

I'm sure by the time the kid pops out you'll be better prepared! and once kids reach a certain age they can do yard work for you >:)

you should name it after me.

also self publishing works! you just gotta shill your book until people buy it.

How are you doin?

Hi Loafie bty!
How are you doin?

Old game then. Perhaps you've set it to use Windows 8 compatibility mode.
NT 6.2 = Win8
NT 6.3 = Win8.1
NT 10 = Win10

Try changing OpenGL to DirectX if that's possible, see if it helps

very meh. decided against driving.

a lack of proper sleep doesn't help.

bad moods beget negative thoughts beget bad moods. so I should find a smart way to disrupt that cycle before I get too into it.

wow mad

Sounds like a good idea, prevent bad vibes n stuff :).

I hope you have a good day and stuff, get some good zzs later~

I'd rather not be that sort of burden to anyone anymore.

Yeah, that's why I don't want to.

I am mad.
Yeah, I was talking to people I like about myself because I'm a narcissistic monster, and then you showed up :)
Yup. The American taxpayer is paying me for this too. Doesn't that fill you with a twisted sense of injustice?

My wife and I already had names picked out before we were even dating. We've been best friends for fucking ever. I find out the gender in 4 weeks, so I can tell you it's name then.
And I don't have the time or energy to personally promote my works. I'll hold out for an acceptance letter from a publishing house.

wow drunky fucks up the numbers thing

news at 11

I'm doing alright and as you can probably infer I'm trying to play killing floor but can't
also I cleaned my desk yesterday and having space to move my mouse is a luxury I forgot I had

I don't remember doing that, if the box is unchecked in pic related that should mean it's not there I think
also the options for killing floor are opengl, direct 3D, and direct 3D 9.0

only a tad
I don't want to go through it again forgive me will you

forgot the pic uwu

Ugh. People and their sense of responsibility.

Good for you, Maddie. So what's your window looking like? Or are you so discouraged by the financial part that you've just put it off "until the time is right."

I love you

That's sweet! I hope everything goes well!
and same, except I'm not a writer nor have the degree for it.

I try and come up with names for george and I's kids we wont have but he doesn't like any of them :(

The freedom of desk space is always worth it!! enjoy it while you can :)

and good luck with killing floor, i haven't played it but I know friends have trouble running it sometimes.

George is going to appreciate unconventional names. Try something with a tie to Mythology, or maybe Old European. Stray from the biblical ones unless they're super uncommon biblical ones.


he doesn't like names like Kermit or Commodore, ones like Robinette or




Pick direct 3D, then direct 3D 9.0 and see which of the two performs best

but nah I like really unique names and he doesn't like them :(.

I want our names to have cool names so when they grow up into cool people their names can be like record labels and stuff

Sinni is kinda cute when she's retarded

Does George even want kids?

as if I'm not always retarded uwu

I think we're both set on not having them, or at least not thinking about having them until we're both actual adults.

I got a birth control implant in my arm like yesterday so if he does want them he's gonna wait 5 years bare minimum

ty for the good vibes.

everyone is the center of their own unvierse to some degree.

just can't imagine the constellation of neurons that had to fire in order to end up with you. what sort of thinking someone would have to reinforce over and over, to get a personality like yours.

the fact you're just describing shit in your vicinity and sounding a bit dull while doing it, suggests you're just trying to not be bored. you could be reading a book right now.


how about you my friend
I'll be making a trip down to the supermarket later this week and if they don't have any crackers again I'm going to be PISSED

evening yan

I've done that before
opengl is best which is why I was using it, but the difference is marginal

just chilling atm, ate a sammy but now I'm all thirsty!

what kind of crackers? How can a place be out of crackers?

any time uwu

idk whenever it happens I guess. It's not like I'm giving up, I effing hate it here.

Like I get paid too much at my work so I'm always the first one to get cancelled. Like today, it's not even snowing yet and I got cancelled. :( How am I supposed to save for a move if I keep getting 120 dollar shifts wiped out for no reason?

You're a lot more reasonable a thinker than I am.

The fact that you believe you're so innately aware of other people's defining characteristics is what makes me want so badly to tell you to go play in traffic. If you can read, which by some miracle it seems you're able, I explicitly stated I'm fucking bored, so thanks for that one Eagle-eye.
As for my personality, what I choose to display here isn't a dead-on for my entire being. Do you genuinely believe that you can discern someone's personal entirety from some fifteen odd disconnected forum posts?

It's that kind of pretentious behavior that makes me instinctively want to insult you over and over again. Like I said, I have no personal beef with you. You're easy to incite, hence this conversation.

Ah. In many cases, DirectX performs better on Windows


I just don't want to push out a kid and then not be able to love it to death, I suppose.

what if it dislikes me? what if I fail??

Wanna make sure I can give it the care it deserves and stuff, and until then!! birth control!!

up your butt

carr's crackers
I don't know if there's a global cracker shortage or something but last time I went they had some jacob's and tuc neither of which I like
had to settle for carr's melts which I hadn't had before and I'd rather have just saved that money in retrospect

is there some way of detecting an average fps then
because I haven't played KF in a very long time and maybe my PC's deterioration has changed things since then

Each to their own

Dunno. Would enable Steam's overlay and enable the fps counter and just observe that

Yeah, no, that's a tough spot to be in. I've had bosses that would do the same thing. "Oh you've been here longest and get paid the most so were cutting you first."
From a manager's perspective it's the best option to save on Labor costs, but the employee gets fucked hard in the execution.

Have you considered camming?


sounds awful!

I hope you finally get the crackers you deserve!!

Hun er godt slutty.



Thou who wouldst pass mine knee
Must answer me these questions three!

What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is your favorite color?

I Am Hector, The Well Endowed

My Quest is to get between the legs of the fair Sabrina

My favorite color is you

My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot

To Seek the Holy Grail


sorry sorry!
I'm sure you'll do great!

For dig.
Perfekt waifu

DUDE that's exactly the situation it sucks.

And I guess.. I wouldn't rule it out, but idk how that works and stuff.

I'm going to end up ruining this fucking kid.

Sinni, do you want a kid?

I never said I knew you.

didn't see that.

but isn't it interesting to know that the very way you're posting, in all its multi-sentence detail, gives the very impression of a man that's dull and bored?

at least for these or so fifteen odd disconnected forum posts. but if I really cared to check, or figure it out, do you think I'd find evidence that you're actually far more than these fifteen posts make you out to be?

I'm a really selfish person? While I'd love to have something to love and cherish and be able to help grow and stuff, you have to give up a lot in order to have a kid, and I don't know if I wanna sacrifice myself in order to raise it.

Perhaps if I'm older? I'm not sure. When they're younger and they shit and piss and scream, I get really scared lol.

Pretty simple. Sign up the 8 biggest cam websites, get a webcam, set up goal-points for donations where you're willing to do stuff, and have at it. You could even shitpost the whole time. An ex girlfriend of mine and I couples cammed for a six month span and made a few thousand doing it. An old neighbor of mine was a camgirl who was making enough to pay hers and her mom's units rent, food and some just for dildoing herself on camera.

The markets there. You should do some research and exploit the hell out of it.


im home boys


Right, right. Off you go.

I can't yo

If I can't deal with haters here, I don't think I could deal with them when I'm like naked in front of them for instance. I just don't think I'm attractive enough for that sort of thing lol

lowest - 14
avg. - 19
highest - 23
lowest - 19
avg. - 51
highest - 61

direct 3D 9.0
Beyond a single drop to 48fps, I held an average of 60fps, with no fluctuations over 2/3. Also the screen stretched itself so that was a bonus

yeah me too I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms

God its like talking to a fucking wall. I know, let's play a game. It's called Swallow all the Anti-freeze in the garage. You first.

just for clarification the 2/3 means two or three, not two thirds

3D 9.0 it is then~

what would kill you faster
drain cleaner or anti freeze?

Welcome home!!!

Just eat lower quality crackers until you can get by!

Har 9gb waifus på min stationær.

I only did the first wave and on easy mode
what if struggles to keep up with more than 10 zeds on screen and explosions etc.

do you think I've got a mental disorder of some kind my friend
I had an entire packet of storebrand water biscuits (what carr's are) but it didn't cut it for me

Probably drain cleaner if I were to guess.

I think you just really like crackers?


Alt det porn!

in that case I don't know. Still looks like you'll get the best performance with 9.0


no I don't think so
only carr's, and they're not even that good

thanks for your time I don't know why I didn't think of that myself

Maddie... have you seen some of the women who camwhore for a living?

There are two points I would like to make

1) these people don't know you, don't know where you live, the odds of you running into someone who HAS seen you are almost negligible.. dealing with haters irl is tough because they're part of your life whether you want them to be or not in some capacity. Dealing with some trolls on the internet? Come on. You do this as a hobby. You've got this.


2) seriously, go on any camsite right now, filter online only, scroll to the bottom and tell me what you see. It's probably not very pretty.. It's probably absolutely atrocious, but those wildebeests are making money and I guarantee you're leagues hotter than a fair amount of them.


on Windows, no one cares about OpenGL performance

fucking CIA NIGGERS!


Have you made a program in Holy C yet?


George you're scaring me

terry davis is a top geezer

its cool muh dude


oh god


idk. Your points make sense and everything just not really the scene I'm into.

Nope. People make me cry here sometimes.
I don't know any lol

what happened to just calling them spooks?

Well I'm out of ideas
Get a second job waiting tables? Idk.

Noo. I wasn't really looking for ideas anyway. Just showing how unsure of myself I am.

And waiting tables? That's why I picked the kitchen in the first place lmao

wuss popping b

you could be reading a book. right now. inside your classroom. instead of posting and regurgitating life events. some flaw keeps you from choosing that.

just as I have some flaw that compells me to understand you a little. given what you've said about your life in this thread alone, my initial assessment of you being a dull person, seems to be checking out.

what'd be cool is if I could use that limited information to infer other things about you. or use more information (namely what you choose to talk about and how) til it reaches a point that I actually have a rather solid, unbiased understanding of you.

but what would I do with that understanding? poke you in ways I'd know would get to you? that's about all I could do. and there are other things I should be doing. but thanks for the replies.

not sure if holier than thou or stooping to our level

cause it's both for some reason?

kanra dropping bombs


Maddie, if anyone makes you cry ever again, let me know so I can kill 'em to death. ♥

nuu don't kill anyone pls :(

It's my own fault for being so weak.

just how many murderers are there on Holla Forums


Can I just rough 'em up a little? :3
You're wonderful and tougher than you think.

We talkin' convicted? Alleged? Suspected?

speak of the devil

Probably only me.


Roughing is 2:00 in the penalty box.

i murder millions of potential people every time i jizz on your mom



yes it does

let's say people who have admitted to committing, or have stated a wish to commit murder

yeah well I fucked ur mum how about that

good mornign hu Ihope y ou're having a ncie day


here are some people I would like to murder here


Stern talking-to? :3

No comment!

Yes, but only if it has aggressive finger pointing and fist shaking.

Deal! ♥

Life's been good without FaceBook, not gonna lie.

whats it that you didnt like about fb?

The people.


that's just what a murderer would say!

cant say im surprised

Whaddya mean?

I mean there's a host of other reasons too, but for me, mainly it was the people that ultimately led me to deactivation.


I just kinda assumed that the answer was gona be cause of the people

that's usually why most people I've met irl close theres down too

I mean obviously theres lots of others issues but that seems to be a common core mathmematics

Am. I'm doing alright.
Hope you slept well

have a fantastic rest of your day

yo somebody buy me final fantasy xv

i don't even see people on facebook anymore, it's just shitty videos

Thanks buddy I hope you did too :3

actually didnt sleep very well last night but I woke up earlier than usual so I have time to wake up before I get to roll wif my brother

the past few days I fucked up my sleeep schedule so I've been going in the morning but it kinda sucks cause I lose alot of mobility and flexibility

I was gonna ask if you had any plans for the day but it's probably almost night time for you dess isnt it

We don't speak of common core mathematics. Kthx,4.html
tbh, not sure you'd be able to run it

Hi Bard.

Drunky, you're still here? You left me for dead up there. Don't do that to me in the desert, k?

Goddammit Bard, stop screwing up your sleep schedule all the time! :

im only missing out on the ram dept

i ran the demo fine

Sorry, was busy tending to real life for a minute. Back in my classroom now. Everyone's at lunch.

Kitchen work is fine for consistency but the tips.
Maybe bartend? Know anything about booze?

what about setting an alarm

murder sabs' pussy.

I love you.

What happened to all the talk about murder? i was interested

I'll murder eisens buthoel

erio more like: throw it in the trash


i like my older one a little better cause I like to sleep but I got a reason to get up before work now

i've just been feeling sleepy earlier ;~:

whens the lat time you ruined your sleep schedule?

Ooh. Are you always posting while teaching?

The tips are a small price. I don't think a tranny waitress would go over well so I stay back of house.

I know how to make a rum and coke! I don't really drink much anymore either lol

That's why demos are nice. Gives you an idea whenever you can run it or not before you buy stuff.
It's a shame RAM's worth a fortune now

Drunky, convince george that kids are good >:)

Was just saying hello.
Still feel like a dick for ruining your day.

no thank you please don't ask me to murder people I thought I'd established myself as a non-murderous person by now

tell me about the ted bundy's driving philosophy

please ignore the 'the' blood-chan

not murder sabs. murder that pussy....

its fine ive been scraping by. only thing ive really not been able to play are pos ports like mankind divided.

no thank you that's not something I'd like to do either

no use worrying about it if it didn't happen today

Bard, can we be friends?

do it
right now



Bard, why do you never look me in the eyes when we make love?

should try to stay up just a bit longer then, rather than submitting~

3 years ago, and that was because I went to the US. Didn't have much of a choice

you should though

don't gotta when i'mma do it.

I think you're cool! sincerely!!

I wanna be able to talk to you so we can enjoy the thread together more :)

No. Usually during my prep period, but this week has been all computer lab shit so I've been killing time here.

Hmm. Well, I can't seem to offer any extra cash options, so I guess all I can do is say I'm sorry that moving has to be a timely struggle, but hang in there, you'll find your way to us sooner or later. What's so bad about NH anyway.



Well then. Thanks for not holding a grudge? How's your day progressing? Whatcha doin with your brother later?

You're such an insatiable slut.
How's it been, baby?

babe you know I don't mean nothin by it

Mmmh murder..

Bundy is a inbred schizophrenic, I don't care about his philosophy



What did you think of America and what brought you here?

Can you fucking not? Ouroboros is a shit app but my web browser lags like a trouble child on heroin with 8ch.

what are you naming it

what a penetrating gaze you have

Only went to Seattle and went there cause of school. Went to University of Washington for about a month as well as paid ArenaNet, Popcap and Valve a visit.
Got no real comment. Seattle was shit

it probably doesnt seem like it but there are far more people than just me here

He laughed.
Seeds of doubt planted, soon George will be an all encompassing dad.

Sorry, it's just really funny to me for some reason.

Ouroboros seems cool tho!

Wont know the gender until week 9 or 10. Will let you know when we find out. Crossing my fingers for a boy.
Boys break shit and light stuff on fire, but I don't want to have to deal with a teenage girl

Oh my dad used to live in Seattle

he says the same
although he liked the scenery he said

So I guess you're not a huge fan of ameriga then huh? ;~;

I'm sorry but I don't want to please don't force me

how about yourself
you seem like you'd have a lot to say about your own philosophies desu :3

I know! I still wanna be friends with you :g

I think it's silly to judge the whole of the US from just 1 single bad city with shitty weather.


I'm sure George would make a fine dad

Ten years from now

When he's gotten all of his own shit out of the way

Ouroboros is great! The reply system is fucking retarded and it crashes frequently, but I can type more than three words before my keyboard starts bugging the fuck out.

my response to that is one of your cute wolfgirl getting pet images and the wolfgirlr smiling

just pretend I posted that and put a

meme arrow



Wife proposed Valerie for a girl and I have no qualms with it. My initial desire was Victoria because I've never met a Vicky I didn't like.
I want to name my son after my dad, like he did with me, but Jon is such a boring name. Think I'll name him after my other Grandfather Lucas. I've only known 1 shitty Luke.

same tho!! he would look good in like dad clothes.

Hey that's something! I've never thread posted on my phone before, it seems awkward :(


ooh I see. Labday.

There's just nothing here for me. Passed that I'd rather not go into mega detail about my personal motives here. Though whether or not my situation is bittersweet does not detract from the fact that I have an opportunity most do not get that come with having no strings and no property.


My mom's name is Valerie!!

She's crazy but sweet.


Neck yourself

DoEs NoBoDy ReMeMbEr ThE gEnDeRbReAd MaN?

Am back

I back, I'm Hu

am I memeing yet?



look at what you did you son of a bitch

you just couldn't resist

oh thank goodness. Scoots can take over

the gingerbread man is an excellent children's story

settle down loafie

when I die
i want you to lift my coffin

so you can let me down one last time

Ouroboros makes it fairly easy. Like I said, shitty reply system. And it doesn't save my name so I have to type that shit every time. Pretty sure I put fucking Loco in there yesterday because I wasn't thinking strait.

God I fucking miss being homeless.

I like the name a lot. It flows well with my last name, so were just at a loss for a middle.

drunky keep your kid away from the lion king before it makes him gay


only 5 u

i got a new job at my college radio station and i'm living good. what are you up to


I'm too much of a soyboy to lift a coffin, especially when you're lying in it

It was too cold to even try to glorify my homelessness.


Have you all drank the god damned kool aid?

Sounds like a hassle, but if it makes posting easier then it's better than nothing!

Also you should give her a cool middle name, like Sinni or something

Worst case scenario it turns him into you, a degenerate furfag.

I envy you
I'm a teacher now, if you can believe that. Started last August. Currently sitting in an empty classroom for the next... 6 minutes until my last class of the day comes in from lunch. God save our future generations.

Lol I was homeless primarily in Arizona, California, Oregon, and then Iowa and Colorado in the summer. I didn't deal with cold for shit. Being homeless on the east coast is like a deathwish.

Think I'll go with George. Or Georgina if it's a girl.

Cousin had a 16th party, was there for ritualistic family bants and roasting
I was here like... 3 hours ago

have you accepted our lord and savior Scoots into your heart?

his holiness has a plan for all of us

i couldnt be a dad though ive never had an example of what one should be. as much as i want to creampie this thot

for his sake avoid that. also keep them off of phone games for the love of god







I'll give them their first vidya when they turn 9. When they're 11 I'll give them World of Warcraft then I don't have to see their sorry ass until college.

i'm actually director of the video department, though i am also required to be a DJ, which actually sucks a lot and i hate it.

jesus christ.
what age group?

Scoot when do we get to have nice, polite conversation.

When are you gonna put this thot business behind you :c


Are you jealous that elma gets civilized scoot and you get shitpost scoot? You need to change your “Scootalooo” package provider.


yeah don't be rude scoots >:(


How do I do that?

you tell 'em

Do not steal my images

I will sue


High school.
They gave me the seniors off the bat because their graduating class is only 214, which means me and one other guy handle all of the English department for 12th year. They figured Seniors are mostly essay work and don't need to be taught conventions and shit so it's the easiest to proctor. I have one Junior class for 0th period at 6:00am that I actually have to pay attention to. The seniors mostly handle themselves.

Is the issue with DJing the mandatory hours, or you just don't like doing it for another reason?

Hey gorgeous. How's your day going?

Sailor Mars.

you seem a little distressed
did you perhaps have a bad day?

My tank was made by uncle Sam, i'm immortal

god I haven't even torrented the next pack of episodes yet.

god forgive me scoot, I am a failure.

I'll get it for you one day, one day

which package am I getting?
the never stops memeing edition most likely

Well it's not like you plan for such things lol :p

Seems like mere moments.

You seem a little dumb. Idiot.

And you expect privileges?

The trick is being more interested in what goes into scoots mouf, not what comes out of it.

please, have mercy

o shit


Oh, Untrue!
I fully planned on it. I was a runaway teen. Not to say that's ideal. I think I had more of a privilege in homelessness because I wasn't, yknow, kicked out of my house unexpectedly or evicted from my apartment or something.

please don't call me that

gawd i fkn hate septum piercings


*puts Septum piercing up*

my graduating class was something like 110 and it was pretty much the same deal. i went to a charter school though.

the good thing is that all my drops are pre-recorded so I get an unlimited amount of tries. but i hate essentially everything else about it

primarily not having any control over the playlist, not recognizing most of the music that gets played, and not having anything interesting to say because of that.

do you ever feel remorse for the chaos you cause?
Can you even feel at all?

I figured. My initial idea was that you didnt get to choose the music and they make you play the same top 40 shit over and over. I'm so sorry. Do your credits depend on you being a DJ?

ok ok good point.

I was being Soto from the last time that was posted lol

ive had mine off the past few days

Soto has trash taste
My septum is sexy as hell.

No mercy
Only brigitte

i feel a lot more than i should

Scootaloo give me a compliment

Awwe why come?

Nah, I like 'em on other people but wouldn't get one.

Yeah, kinda.

I bet^^ I like where my piercings are at, just need to finish out my ears soonish.

You are not loafie

I wouldn't mind talking about it in private, but the only person I really talked to about it was Kanra..

nah it's an indie pop/rock station so it's all bland reverb-drenched garbage from bands with stupid names like """Horse Jumper of Love"""

it's all extracurricular but it's required as part of my employment. at the very least i'm on at 8am when no one's listening

My profession means I had to take my eyebrow and lip piercings out. I felt naked without them so I had my septum pierced cause I can hide that one.

My biggest regret is that I can tattoo my sleeves because presentation. It'd be fine if I just wore long sleeves all the time but I live in fucking Arizona.

im unsure. had my tongue bar out too

well now I feel like an asshole

behind every new shitpost is a thinking, feeling person
I had forgotten this

Aww yiss.

Dude. Again. I'm so sorry. How much longer is this mandated?

Before I even got to utilize it.
For shame.

that's understandable, I won't ask you to say anything that you don't want to

das deep man


I miss seeing those lowers fro my bedroom window...

womp womp. Yeah, I suppose that's another slight advantage of cooking for a living. I've been stretching my ears lol

Wait which way are you regretting that? You have sleeves or no?

oooh. How long do you have before tongueholes close up?

well i can only be a paid employee as long as i'm a student, so until may of next year.

everything else about working there is the shit though so i'm not suffering.

what are your students like?

Kermit the frog is in some way responsible for the September 11th terror attacks. Debate me.

thanks man
I tried really hard

maybe i shouldn't talk about it because i'm still trying to change myself...
I miss my old friends like Bard


Blood chan should post throbbing cocks

Keep laughing. I'm going to nut in your throat someday.

My ears are stuck at a permanent 0g because lol professionalism. My hair is long though, so it's not like you see them anyway.

I had the appointment set to have both of my sleeves done by my artist in a single weekend, September of last year

Around June I got a call from the school I was student teaching at offering me a position, so goodbye to those until I'm teaching Uni and nobody gives a shit anymore. I'll be 45, but fuck it, better late than never.

well ive managed to put the bar back in so several days

muh thrussy

I'm burned my chair, how's your evening going?

I only have that on my laptop...

At least it's only a little more than a year. You're a student. It should fly by.

Like any other group of teenagers. Angsty, bored, more concerned with their social lives than their educations.
I have two students that really stand out to me though. One could be a genuine poet but he decided to be a white guy writing gangster rap, so I get to watch the fall of civilization first hand.
The other is quite possibly the smartest person I've ever met with the apathy and lethargy of a sloth. He'll probably end up coasting through his first two years of university and them hang himself in his dorm. Damned shame, it is.
I like the emo kids the most. It's funny watching them take life way too fucking seriously.

Instant boner kill

Stop smoking inside you fucking savage

I came twice this morning

it's good to see you're improving yourself, but if you miss your 'old friend' Bard, why were you saying you wanted to kill him a few days ago?

I burned a hole in my chair yesterday
do you believe in fate

I'm stopped smoking 9 mounth ago, the chair is burned by my ass

I'm glad to hear that


Yes, how did you burned a hole?


And now I want a cigarette.
How much more of my day are you going to ruin?

don't tell me that. i don't want it to fly by.

yeah that sounds like me.

all the online friends i know who are still in high school speak and act like they're from another planet.

the details aren't important
but the stars aligned and the universe saw fit to ruin my nice chair

Yolo! Nah I completely support the better late than never thing.

I member 0g. From 0 to 00 is like the first big one
I'm at 9/16s

Now I want a joint! Fuck both of you.
Can't wait to get home.

I couldn't imagine trying to make friends with any of these kids. I swear every year they become less and less aware that they're fucking mindless sheep.
Maybe that's just cynicism. Am I jaded?

so rude

Why you don't fix it?

hahaha im already high!

I made the mistake of shoving 0g double flares in when I was stretching from a 2. My ears hated me for weeks.
It's just a shame cause all the really nice jewelry starts at 1/2inch and I can't go bigger than 0s

at least you don't call people normies unironically
there's hope for you yet

slow down ace
it's only wednesday

I don't have the skills
or the tools


my ear holes have shrunk back down to normal



Lol, what a noob

Deadstretching is bad, mmkay~


From what size?

I dunno, Cynic, you just might be

that phase has come and gone already

Fuck lol

misquoted fuck

I want to hang out with stoned George.

I don't like that you called me Cynic... you do know who you're talking to right? VALIDATE ME!

iunno the specifics anymore. smaller than a dime but large enough that it had a decent gap.

do you have a discord


Because I miss talking to him and if I can't talk to him then no one else should.

Both times were amazing~

you're a teacher, you can't be Drunky anymore.
you have an example to set.

fuck man
you're too cool for school

our imperfections are part of what makes us beautiful.
That being said, no u.

don't give me that look



Glad you enjoy it


i can't. my face has been stuck this way for 3 years.

how can you be so insensitive.

Nah but I'll make one for you.
How late are you usually up?

Okay, validated. I'm still drunky, just more "Moderation-is-key," Drunky. I dont finish a bottle a day anymore, which is good I guess. God knows I shouldn't be an example to anybody... and I'm about to raise a fucking kid. Oh god.

Thats.. hilariously ironic and the first time that phrase has been used since I started teaching.

it's funny, you stop drinking and i start drinking.

though it's only a social thing for me


it must be hell
hanging out with a bunch of underage posers all day

More like 'pansy' now instead.

-balances fresh mangos on your head-

iunno i usually do a movie night with sinni and another guy named georgie and sometimes nef and maybe scoot. discord has basically replaced steam as the go to chat service. i have a discord, i know several discords with the remainders of the fur fags too if you want that

you better be

Can uou believe tomorrow is 420


I still drink.. mostly a weekends thing. I forgot, you turned 21 recently. Congratulations. Now we can get trashed together when ELO comes around.

Full disclosure, I love working with these overdeveloped cumstains. Most of them are totally characterless, but the few that stand out can really make my day with the simplest of notions. Asking a genuinely good question or submitting quality work actually make me happy. It's weird, this whole, caring for others thing.

Pretty sure is Mandy. Yes, pansy is what well call it.

I'd love to join you guys for movie night. Sounds fun. And I'll take you up on that when I've got the time. I'm usually up until 2 or 3 am, but that's like, dawn for you.

And we're the retards...

It's not Hitler's birthday yet! I still have the party to get planned...

i'm not 21 till september.
but jeff lynne IS coming this summer to detroit.

Drama #6452

Pansy Jesus. Man, you know you are totally new testament.

how old are we talking here?

Dear fuck I forgot you lived in the Canadalands, and the worst of them too. We have to settle for Late December, next week, or June - August. I work otherwise. I pray that something good comes about during the summer months. Id travel for you.

I don't know what that means, although I assume it's a link to your discord. I'll be able to hop on around.. let's see, out of here in 23 minutes, have to walk home, run some errands.

I can be on around 4:30 My time. Little more than two hours from now.

I'm going to stop taking this as an insult
And god knows I'm not ever pulling my hair back around you again.

I... what?

Hello friends I'm back!!!

next week I'll be going back to college.

summer we could find something to do but i would not be able to host you. i'm still with my parents.

I'm stealing your boyfriend.

i might be asleep but you can give it to me through steam or iunno ill be here again eventually

how dare you

how old are the kids you're teaching?

Oh, no, that ruins everything.

Yeah I fully intended on carting myself and my pregnant wife half way across the country to demand a bed from you.

Dude I'll get a hotel lol. Part of not being a desperate alcoholic deadbeat means I can save money. Is there anything to do in Detroit? Besides getting shot?

You're always here. I'll find time. You're going to be asleep in 2 hours?

how's your day been?

like a bag of dicks o.o

i did not realize you intended to bring her too.

i live like an hour north of Detroit, it's quite safe. there's ... a few things to do. there's an arcade that just opened not too far from me.

or we could go to the

yeah been up since 2

If drunky gets a discord I want to be friends with him!!

oh, that's not so bad.

A bit coding and wot played, shity day

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> him

Is drunky not a man?
who has a wife?
who is pregnant with his child??

Blood-chan why do you do this :G

a-ah, is everything okay now though?

dirty assgina


I think I'm missing a joke here.

If you can stand putting up with me for three or four days, this sounds like fun.

Yeah, sorry, I can't have a vacation with my boytoy without bringing my wife. We kind of do everything together, plus she's never gotten the chance to travel. She's seen California, Arizona and a small part of Mexico, so I'm intent on dragging her everywhere I can. Maybe one day she'll realize phoenix sucks and I can move somewhere decent.

What the fuck, dude. Go take a fucking nap and be up and alert for me later. Why were you awake so goddamned early?

We can be more than friends. You, George and I would make a great Menage a trois.

Shit they found me out.

no thanks



I missed you.

Yeah, I'd much rather teach upperclassmen because they pretty much autopilot. I start teaching Freshman and Sophomore classes come August and I'm not looking forward to actually having to do stuff for my pay.

Let's see how Georgie feels about this.

had midterms to prepare for

good luck with your endeavour
I can try and put in a good word for you if you'd like me to



Anyone i love left?


no thanks!!!!

three or four days? i don't think i could pull that off, man, i'm still a kid. maybe when i'm older and have my own place that you could actually stay at.

preferably in a location that would actually be worth traveling to.

That was odd timing.


once george and I get an apartment or something, drunky can visit with his wife!!

We can take them to THE OCEAN

Fine. Be that way. But if ELO plays a show in any state between here and Michigan during the summer you're traveling for it and so am I god damn it.

i love that you turned out happy

George can be my wife tonight
Sinni and wife will never know.

ELO still makes music?


i've yet to drive more than 30 minutes from my house without parent's permission so good fucking luck



Painfully adorable.

Who is George talking to?..

the only reason bard stopped talking to me was because I was talking to his girlfriend MGD.
MGD and I didn't have an interest in each other, but I was jealous because I wanted to date Bard, but I was a good little cuck and left it alone...

No, i'm suffering

How old is Eisen?

you, he's high and cozy


i'm suffering



Daww you're so sweet you mushy little ball of fluff

I wish~

b-but you can drive?

I'm 18, it's ok to be young!

burger king foot lettuce

Take a nap...

Now post the one with the taco shells

god did that employee get fired.

why does that make me so mad



number 14
taco bell piss nachos

that seemed like a good course of action, I think I would've done the same thing
rash and volatile behaviour never works out in the long run

i've been driving for 13 years

absolutely sinful

the last thing you'd want in your burger king burger

Oh my god
tell me he got FIRED


I can't

Forever war

new thread when

You know I'm joking. You only used to be my jailbait fantasy.

Back in a couple hours.


i was everyone's at one point.

have a good one. maybe i'll see you on Discord

i was in love... Love makes you do crazy things...

Why, hun?

so excited for when Sinni and George get an apartment and we all move in together

-shakes head nu, like a bag of mangos. Curls up against you happily. Is tired-

Do something like this more, pls

My stomach is hurting

Already have dibs fuck off


we'll get like a 2 or 3 bedroom place so you guys can visit and we can go to THE OCEAN



pfft haha

hfft papa


Hfft papi~!

Can’t wait for moogs and sinni to get an apartment together
So i can burn it down

I can concur
loving everyone's a real pain let me tell you bud

was planning for a murder/suicide

can't wait for moogs to get an apartment so i can shine a laser pointer into his eye from a tree

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It's not meant as an insult. I've been called Jesus before.