What's the deal with all this anti-communist propaganda in cartoons? I swear...

what's the deal with all this anti-communist propaganda in cartoons? I swear, every children's cartoon will have one episode showcasing how some egalitarian stand-in for communism system is bad.

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Syndrome did nothing wrong, even though he's clearly a Cappie.

I rooted for syndrome back when the movie came out because I remember thinking that if there were superheroes and I wasn't one of them I'd be pretty damn pissed

redpill me, what did syndrome do wrong, if anything? He just wanted everyone to have life-enhancing technology. The idea that there need to be superheroes to paternalistically "keep us safe" is really infantile imo


Well is there a single medium, genre or even form of communication that isn't packed full of swine propaganda?

Selectively selling super-power technology to those who can afford it is hardly egalitarian. He's a pro-capitalist, anti-nobility figure at best.

Black People Twitter.

Such reactionary themes in cartoons is nothing new, the Disney Robin Hood had him marry into the royal family.

Rose Quartz and Bismuth are both portrayed much more sympathetically than most egalitarian stand ins.

if you're going to bring up Steven Autism shit and act like we care about it, you can go fucking kill yourself.

Like talking about fucking furry shit Robin Hood and the incredible are any better.

Its a cartoon thread. If you came in here expecting anything more that Autism you're a fucking goof.

I used to be a disgusting degenerate pony-loving faggot and the season 5 premier of FiM had this complete red-scare tier message I swear.

Go to /pony/ here or /mlp/ on halfchan and ask them about it for more about this shit if you want.

The only good Cartoons are The Legend of Korra and Overwatch hero trailers.


Pixar art style is honestly disgusting to look at.

Commies BTFO

THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! THE liberal-marxist (cultural) HOLLYWOOD SPREAD COMMUNISM!!!

Implying Legend of Korra is worse than Avatar: the Last Airbender even though LoK (While not being bad) is substantially worse.


I fucking hate Pixar so much; they have legitimately never made a good movie.

Did you respond to the right person?

It wasn't his stated intention, though, to keep it economically restrictive. If anything it sounded like he wanted it to be so readily available that anyone could have it.

Not that I agree with capitalist methodology, I'm just saying it didn't seem his intent.

they are overrated as fuck by normalfags

Legend of Kora is peak liberal propaganda

Bad guys in order of appearance

All defeated by a proud independent lesbianic woman of color who defends the bourgeois democracy of republic city.

Fantasy and superhero shit are both fash genres

If you wanna make shit in a capitalist system you have to work within the system. Unless you start off with billions of dollars that means selling the initial run for a lot of money, using the surplus to build more means of production, and then selling a cheaper/larger run (repeat until market is saturated).

i honestly never thought this was aimed at anything but authoritarianism but then again it's been a few years

It's the legacy of McCarthyism and Hollywood blacklist.

Define what you mean by "reactionary"

Starlight's actions were just a Harrison Bergeron/The Giver nonsense strawman of "forced physical equality" that no serious socialist project has ever endorsed or attempted to carry out. There wasn't even any underling material contradiction or class struggle to justify her actions (like in Korra), she just became a crazy cult leader because of personal reasons.

The fact that so many ponyfags think that premiere is an example of "communism" speaks more to the total political illiteracy of people these days.

People are quick to jump on communist straw man's in media but they ignore capitalist dystopian future media.

Has there ever been a piece of future media involving capitalism where there was a good future where people were living in filth, poverty and silently suffering?

Daily reminder…

Well in the Robin Hood case ending with a happy ending of King Richard taking power after spending the film having Robin Hood steal from the rich and give to the poor. In comparison I find Ico The Brave Little Horse had a better ending, where Ico wants to the King's horse and after his adventure when offered it, Ico decided life in the castle is not for him. Robin Hood would have been better if it had a similar ending with Robin Hood turning down any title from the King and went back to the woods.

Amon wasn't even wrong tbh.

You're retarded
Also shy is the best poni

Ico is best horsie as he is not in MLP and a horse.

Overwatch is straight up liberal propaganda

Everything set in the future which isn't either a dystopia or post-capitalist is propaganda.

I agree but Overwatch is undeniably way more blatant about it than most other sci-fi bullshit

Yeah, I agree. I particularly love how the game features the full automation of menial jobs such as waiters, but also the same old capitalist economy and commodity production as ever without addressing this. Meanwhile, climate change has been resolved without a hitch, poverty doesn't exist, and everyone on earth has been turned into a sprawling metropolis. I also love how there's characters from every country on earth, but they all behave like Western progressives in the rare event that they express any opinions on society at all. Oh, and let's not forget that one event where the robots fighting not to be slaves were dispatched by the players acting as cops who disdainfully note that violence is never the right way to achieve protest whilst murdering countless sentients.

Just wait until the next story event where Mei starts murdering wealthy industrialists for polluting the environment and inciting revolts against the Imperialist UN.

Yep, Nullsector did nothing wrong.

I want Zarya to seize the means of mech production

This but unironically


I have to explain this shit to people.


No shit.