♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Edition

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If Jesus were alive today I'd fuck him

Necrophilia is wrong

Dude, Jesus would fuck you

No need to apologize, ya goober. I'm glad you had company. :3

I may sneak out early here in a minute.

If it ever happens, sure, I'll shoot ya an invite. I even have a venue in mind.

I guess it works for some people, and that's fine. My friend's sister is gay married and seems happy. I just don't know if it's for me. My ex-bf and I broke up because he wanted to get married and start a family and I was only in my 20s.

show me

Bah bah bah bah that sounds like a good policy, gotta get out of it!


you don't have to do it now? but you have the option to do it down the line to show that you two are committed :)

Did they ever explain why Pearl has a third eye with no pupil?

I can make websites and stuff. complex ones.

or Electron based apps. that's the stuff Discord is made of.

or Google Extensions.

what should I make? or learn?

it's a cancer

Learn to make a website that kills facebook so I can kill myself.
It is only trap memes and cats keeping me afloat.
Kick the crutches kanra. DO IT.

nothing is going to kill facebook.

though, whatever machine learning actually informs decisions about our preferences, might be neat. but that means taking a serious dive into data science and data analysis.

which I'd like to do eventually. but I got all this learnings for creating websiets and APIs and databases and whatnot. and I'd like to put it to use.

Certain figures/research/data has suggested that Facebook is in decline. But who knows. You can prove just about anything with numbers. Like 24601

Did I break Bard or does he do this a lot?

Bard is Bard is Bard.

He is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

hm. gives me an idea. but idk. idk...

Why not run with that idea. Might be just a little fun brain game. Or it could be the foundation on which our civilization is torn down by the metallic, cold, mathmatical genocide of A.I.

You killed him.

i like this pic

i like the girl you're posting... she feels better than pink girl
surprisingly, blue hair girl has grown on me.

zero two has been the light in this dark life since I watched/began watching Darling in the Franxxx. Trigger, man, they know how to hook me.

You and Hu both 'eh?
Ichigo is cute, but Oni is best.

it gives me a different idea. something like Gaia.




its in response to this... 1/2


...this can't be real.

Holy Fuck it's real...


the pics and gifs you people post
make me think it's like a new version of Eureka 7

huh? who and what? what do you mean?

Heh, was that a good show, ive hear of it...

bleh. wasting not doing anything.

We live in the timeline where Kim Kardashian dyed her hair pink to look like 02 from DitF.

What? Luka, are you okay?

We live in a timeline where Anime girls rule the world.

I am perfectly okay with this.

Hello threadfolks~

kill everyday~

I regert to inform you all, that earlier today, Kim Kardashian ruined Zero Two


Hello Maddie.


Abloo bloo bloo.

Nigga you late to the party.

Yo what's crackin?^^

Masturbation is a murder?


KF2 and anime girls, you?

you should try it, it's a classic by now

Spec are you okay?

Atleast, if I die in my sleep tonight... I will die having witnessed the future.

Isnt there a pinko haired grill?

What's kf?

i like anime girls :p

is you pink hair one of them from that gambling show or w/e?

Pink Haired girl is from Trigger Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I demand laws be enstated respecting waifu claiming and stating folders are only be made after an anime has finished airing

This is the Wild West.
The NEW Frontier.

Y'all reckon to bein' the sheriff 'round 'ere?

No, but few are certified to treat what I have.

Hopefully you'll be reborn as the next great waifu.

Mmm... Killing Floor.

Gambling show? Kakegurui?
Nah, Oni/02 is from Darling in the FranXX.

maybe I should make a blog.

I think you mean Trigger Eureka 7 hon.

Cease your stereotypical american bigotry
Check your monarchaic colonial privelege, european savage

Ive never seen E7 soooooooooo I wouldnt have made that reference k e k



I'm glad I'm not the only one who was reminded of that.
She and Anemone are pretty similar.

Eureka 7 is 1.0
DITF is like eureka 7 2.0

what do you have


You should give it a shot, it's good.

She's literally just a better, slightly less insane Anemone.

I got LukaFever, it's incurable.


I suppose I ought to, it'd fill the time between weekly episodes. Non binge watching is such a chore.


I can't fucking believe they used a clip of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the Oscars show honoring 90 years of cinema, and then snubbed Tobe Hooper and didn't give him an in memorium

It really will. Especially since S1 for E7 is like 50 some odd eps, and then there's a movie (don't watch it it's trash) and then AO, which is hot garbage, but you'll still watch it because Mommy Eureka is fuckin' CUTE. And then LMAO the new movies are fucking ass. Like literally ass. Like press your eyeballs up against the hairiest, dirtiest rotting ass you can find and it's basically the same.

hahaha noted, crikey! onto the next anime!!!!




Ni-ni Scoots.

That's a good question.
I believe abortion is murder though.

That's why I'm pro-choice.

Anyone else ever get the urge to pin Luka down when they are sad and lonely and cover them in kisses?


Maybe not kisses, but yes.

I'm just asking for a friend btw


if they really feel alone, I'd let them know that they're not, and I'd be there for them if they needed me. for whatever that's worth coming from me.


How's you Luka? Have you actually watched the show yet?



its been maybe over 4 years since i've seen S1 of e7 and s2 of e7 is hazy blur i can barely recall i may have even missed a lot of eps, i didn't watch ao to completion because i got distracted

i've never seen a ep of Darling Frank. (yet) but im considering it....

let's rape luka


The looka is not for rape

You have friends...?

Go watch DitF!

tfw cuddling with your roommate



what does it have to offer me?

Its your own fault


I know

Huingo, mudarasina


what are you up these days?

This QT right here.

that's a pretty pic

wallpaper level

Hunt: Showdown
Dead by Daylight
For Honor
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

Pathfinder campaign and trying to find a DM to do an eastern style campaign for me and a friend.

how do i Rust?

dead by daylight is a s-stupid game

You hit tree with rock
Then you make spear
Then you hit more tree with rock
Then you hit big rock with rock
Then you pick hemp and get cloth
Then you make bow and arrows
Then you protecc yourself or attacc others until you can build a base
Then you get raided




being raided sound scarey ;~;
i just like the mincraft parts

You'd probably like ARK better.

sh-shut up ;~;

You wanna get chased and raped and hooked again, faggot crybaby boi?

welll ummm... someone already got me rust on xmas... so no turning back now! >_

Oh wow
How horrible of them




so, we're in PTR and i am talking to someone in my spawn about new girl brigitte, and someone on the other team blurts out "JUNKRAT IS NOT THE BRIGITTE COUNTER", and while not disagreeing with him out loud, i went Junkrat, so Gibraltor we're heading out to defend payload and they roll out 6 brigitte's, and first thing as soon as the game starts

i mean if that doesn't constitute a good counter im not sure what does, not saying he is THE counter in proper quickplay just like dont give me ideas like that bro

Konnichi wa

trash mouse hard counters baguette
Everyone who plays on ptr knows this by now

idk this stuff is beyond my scope of things honestly.

for no limits sure, the other player might have been talking about quick play with only one brigitte but say that shit out loud homie

excuse me it's SKILLRAT

I saw trash mouse and thought we were talking about Twitch and got excited.

who is gansu?

he did it too, he said the thing

"look at that skill holding down the mouse button" while conveniently forgetting about how i also dodged a sniper and aimed the little explodey balls

i bought twitch

Isn't he just wonderful?
I have all his skins save for the midevil one.

well the sniper was last game but he was there with me!

I'll try and play it with you tonight if you want.

i only got him like a week ago
because i commited 3 non epic teir skins to a re-roll which gave me the new scientist epic skin with vial and stuff oh wait i think it's commando twitch?
i've only tried him once in the practice mode...
he seems interesting to use ._.

if i have nothing on my plate lined up for tonight i'll message you that im bored :)

He's not great early, but can shred people in an instant late game.
I usually go BF, Runnans, IE, Static, then Bork.

brb killing self

greetings image furum

it's just a random clip i saved from reddit because it's funny

why are 99% of furry comics about obese "bears"

shit's gross

Nezi vs Squash, round 1, FIGHT

I literally could not give less of a shit.


What do you do if the haters dab back?

you kill yourself and invoke your sacrificial mime powers

like dab, point gun at head, mass homicide/suicide

You're okay with them being furry, but the chubbiness is the gross part?

i honestly dont know my future scedule for each day...

then plain boots?
then runaans/atkspd boots
then pick
then ie
then lifesteal?

oh okay :)

i wanna play bridge ette

I mean Brigitte is a front line tank/healer who wants to be in the middle of a team fight
Unless you just hit rally and you're at max armor, a few stray bombs kills you

Whenever a chubby guy holds me I don't feel so anxious and I start to feel safe and relaxed.

LV.2 boots after IE and Runnans usually for me.
I don't build much lifesteal on him. If they have tank go bork. If you want to wipe backlines go static. Bork has good shred, but static has a burst to clear out people with less HP.

Nezi is an established on the fence furry with the comics appealing to him with certain artists nothing new


obesity is not sexy

i wanna play with you \^-^/

But animals are sexy.

i'm not furry but I can appreciate the ideas/story and aesthetic of anthropomorphic furry characters that don't look very furry

ur sexy

i just wanted the guy to deal with what he had said for a little bit, after that i was trying like mei and sombra vs her in no limits


im just saying you post catboys and you posted that other furry comic a while ago with actual porn in it, not sure why anyone is surprised

i was thinking pres the 3 autos atk rune thingy for 12% increase in dmg
cause the stacking poison thingy and E to trigger it?

ive only watched how they play from my times supportign them with my lulu


i wanna support teh kewl nezi
but i'm not an uber pro ;~;
and i don't paly often enough, so i feel rusty

Depends on what you like.
I take fleet foot when I need sustain, but I go press the attack if I have a support that has heals for me like Nami or Soraka.

Like I said he has really weak early game so you get harassed a lot. So whatever you feel helps you get to late game.


yeah i was flip flopping between fleet and press
fleet give dat speed
but press give dat burst
pew pew

so bf first, so his stuffs scale off da 40AD right
and then mainly atk spd to chase them down with many many autos
gotcha ^_^

all that's left is to learn mechanics and timigns an stuff

like going invis! :O

*pat pat*
i still liek teh spooky Yan!!! >_


I'm not the best, but you are free to spectate the game I'm about to be in.

I... I am not...
I-I am super c-cute!

in rito's "year in review" thingy riot suggest me to pick up twitch because their data suggested he similar to my play style
Thanks, maybe next time tho, cause im currently chugging thru like 20 youtube vids to free up some RAM on my PC lol

GLHF tho! ^_^

show me cute then! >_


. . .


there's blood in her eyes

How bout now?

super cute ^_^


Hey man, no problem :)

ur pretty cute urself

i want the big motherly charcter with brown hair from that girls anime

And I'm just saying how junkrat actually does counter Brigitte even in a real match
Her shield isn't big enough to keep all bombs out of her vicinity like Reinhardt so you're not protected from him and your melee range is in the danger rat zone


You're obviously fibbing.

i usually do pretty well against reinhardts as junkrat too

To be honest when we started being nice to each other, I thought it would just involve having to constantly lie through my teeth and stroke your ego
But I actually don't have to and have started to vaguely enjoy chatting with you, which I have found pleasantly surprising.

throw your mines over their shields so they detonate behind them blowing them forward then catch them with as many bombs as you can

OW doesn't really seem like a game that's balanced for competitive play.


yeah~ *swoon* i want her

i wont ever know till i get good

I have a few of them

Just spam Genji until masters.

Kyle you play League
I wouldn't take your evaluation on "balanced for competitive play" very seriously given that.

Do you see me saying LoL is balanced for competitive?

she's me!
you_on the left in ur pic

If the shoe fits...

They're partners in the series I think.
It's because they're the tallest and shortest characters.

im not even good at genji

This stops people from playing him in ranked?

i mean it stops me from making a fool of myself and getting a 10/4 k d


mei is a really really good counter for a team of brig too if your team have some brig

im terrible with genji, like sometimes i win 1v1 deuls with him yea but in team play its like "what is this retarded fucking ninja doing you arent helping with anything"

list of Overwatch OR LoL characters you think pick their nose

do you still make vrchat models?

Wait, what the heck? This got oddly deep.

I'm not really the classic cunty attention whore Wish or whatever anymore :3

I don't 'make' them but I can configure certain ones to make them usable.

Y-yeah well [insert classic tsundere lines here baka]

wow what a humble reformation




yeah, cause i have a buncha random mmd type stuffs?
and... i don't have blender stuffs or know how to lower their polygons and configure

i can only do upload and uh unity stuffs.. like uh dynamic bones for pretty flowing hair~

I don't work with MMD models.


hello bard my sweet boy

Hey guero what's up


what is pmx file?

spec phone in, I need to talk to you about the new houseki chapters

Polygon Model eXtended. It's the english description of the format used in Miku Miku Dance.

roadhog is another REALLY fun hero to play against a big team of brigs, if you time your hooks good you can pull them up and help your team break them down and his ult is great for pushing shields when there is no DPS to hunt you down

aww... okay


I needed this.

u welkommen


a very large cookie right now would be cool but for sure my body does not need that atm



Super Sabs!
Powerful enough to give a Squish even normal Sabs can't handle...


Prepare to be squished!

Hey Luka


mercy needs to stop cosplaying and get back to overwatch so she can be unnerfed

vegeta never went super saiyan 3

This just in Breaking news on some of the most popular and beloved posters of today

But wait there's more

good its a shitty form

did you know SSJ3 Goku could have killed fat buu in canon but didnt because "lol i dont wanna do it this time the kids need experience"

lol that's our toriyama

not gonna lie i honestly wanted to see vegito make Jiren take a nap but no they go with this ultra instinct shit and introduce another potara fusion we already dont care about



at least gogeta is gone forever

genuinely dissapointed we didnt get to see him


id take gogeta over super saiyan blue vegeta sparkle eyes mc prince the saiyan man

and did you see android 17 pull a D.va before he died?

let him go


he real

you think they're gonna come up with another season of super next year?


let me answer your question with a question
are they making money?

I hope s o

I'm not really into it but my friend loves dragonball and I want it to keep going so he ha something to look forward to


back in a minute

I hunger




today is meatbal monday sub!

Today is sleep

Good afternoon.


howdy pardner

Hello wish pee girl.

I came a little on my feet earlier and licked it up.
Thought you'd want to know.



how are ya


I'm alright. Just woke up from a great 11 hour sleep.

o wow
big sleep
whatre you gonna do today ?


Nice meme

i would have watched that show

I am catching up on some tv shows, tinkering with some things and later probably go for some exercise.


Sorry for randomly disappearing earlier, babe

It's fine. I know you actually have a life.

This is sarcasm.

You really think I'd bully you like that?
I'm hurt.

Well yeah, kinda...

Maybe I would.

I ended up getting distracted by my friends, pls forgib


Are you going to get smokes and milk?

I *wish*


Anyone around

Summon back Wish with your Dutch Sorcery

bye wish *pat*



nini bard

it's just you and me now bard teehee








mornan hu

Good evening Bard.
Feeling any better?

I'm tired
today was looong and I rolled with my brother before work

tired but not sleepy ;~;

you have any nice dreams when you sleep?

Chill a bit, then sleep~

Nah, I never dream

You should try it sometime

Outside my control

eat chocolate before bed : 3

hi everyone

Bard is cool

no thanks

Hi safwole

Good evening armored how are you doing tonight?

Pretty good its really late so I'

m going to get to bed soon.

Hi Safrole

hey 10x

Thanks for dropping in I hope when you get off to bed you have sweet dreams : 3
If you're ever bored it's usually a little more busy around here

hoes it going bard ^^

hi nice funny picture

am playing a fun new kicckstarter rpg kingdome come deliverance set in the czech republic

what are you up to tonight my mans

Thanks i will! Have a good day buddy.

Ty, have another one

The ‘steamed hams’ interrogation scene in particular is a densely-written masterpiece. Look at the script:

Superintendent, I hope you’re ready for mouthwatering hamburgers.

I thought we were having steamed clams.

D’oh, no. I said steamed hams.
That’s what I call hamburgers.

You call hamburgers steamed hams?

Yes. It’s a regional dialect.

Uh-huh. Uh, what region?

Uh, upstate New York.

Well, I’m from Utica, and I’ve never heard anyone use the phrase “steamed hams.“

Oh, not in Utica. No.
It’s an Albany expression.

I see.
You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger.

Oh, no. Patented Skinner burgers.
Old family recipe.

For steamed hams.


And you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled.

To his credit, Skinner does a decent job here at fending off Chalmer’s queries. Chalmers isn’t buying it for a second of course, Skinner’s charade is woefully transparent, but the deception doesn’t completely fall apart until the very last line. There’s no contradiction in what Skinner has said (apart from the clams v. hams discrepancy which he addressed directly) until the point at which Chalmers points out that steaming is a different process to grilling.




where are all the powerposters


@ spectre

