

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.ua/search?client=opera&q=gachimuchi watch online&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
google.ca/search?q=cock and balls&tbm=isch



my sadness has increased


something funny cunt

NoCD crack, go

if you want me gone so badly then I will

Your pc can into gta4, cunt

who need sum h00dlum nocd files.dorifuto.moe/gqEUoSKFoZBWZDOE9s8jGlMrCNpl3Bqb.zip

i need a fist in my ass

I mean, you put in the wrong CD.
That shit always annoyed the crap out of me, mostly cause CD-Drives are hella loud, and such a crack eliminates those annoyances

no it most certainly can't

Fuck are you waiting for? I'm like half a retard.

Bill Harington is die, RIP




*fists your ass*


Your fav. gay porn dude is kill?

Its been so long ive been in a thread that actually moves im new to this

Also that other loafie goy


You didn't watch gachi?

what's that got to do with gta 4 though

Sometimes it's slow and easy.



I am probably the least functioning in my family that is alive today, I don't know about their history

Fok you

Beating hookers is just as easy so long as you know what button to press. Give it to someone who doesnt and they'll just get more pissed off.

It took me so long to get here because I was startled and confused for a whole five minutes.

Hey, fuck you buddy.

What. What by?



A link to another thread.
I mean I knew what it was, but I didnt understand at the same time.

C'mon, let's go

I'm afraid I don't see how this analogy about killing prostitutes relates to me

It says NEW on it.
How many IQ points did that ATV shave off you?

I'm not even sure if I'm keeping up with the meme or not.


You're ancestor of Jack the Ripper?

Watch the god deam video, you sick cunt

don't laugh at me please

I wish

About 100 kmph
so about 100 iqph

no wait
if I were an ancestor of him that'd mean I'd be older than him
I wish I were a descendant of Jack The Ripper, making him my ancestor

Hmmm, then whats you're best guess.
Nothing isnt a guess because its not a guess!

Alright, shoot me a link.


post cock and balls

oh shit i cant un-fuck my fuckups here

google.com.ua/search?client=opera&q=gachimuchi watch online&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Yep, here everything is permanent. Can't delete posts either.

I can count to 5 trees, then it goes blank

I like that, really lets people know about my bloodletting fetish


legit btw

To have sex with a prostitute and kill her to get your money back is an ideal situation
Early on in a GTA game, you will have very poor weaponry, with little ammo, and this is representative of my situation now. Because I lack proficiency, to achieve a desirable outcome in a situation can be difficult and without a particularly high success rate.
Late game you can just blow your car up with an RPG because who gives a fuck
this is representative of me getting a job and lots of money I don't know

lmao all the results were in russian too

RIP Herpy...

You really think that someone don't played gta sa?

I would never pay a prostitute, therefore your theory collapses.

dude Ive posted my fetish list many times, its why it has a name now.
mebe added a few since tho

cock and balls


the image

I bet you fap to anime

Also anthro is shit


Lol, ofk i'm not, do you think i'm..... weeb?.....

My way of coping with crippling anxiety was to be as open as could be in the end.


Well I mean if fapping to anime people is as far as you'll say, I cant really say much more.

FYI, spec aint into fuckin ponies, the poor bastard.

I am back from California praise fuck

It's working too well.

Welcome home.

I could always go back to being a heavy alcoholic, I mean that worked before, right.


Zero tsuuuu

it was awful, I had to stay in a fucking single wide trailer for 4 days with my mom. the only thing that got me through it was good old fashion binge drinking.

where's my pet


go to bed

Just uh... calm down in text chat eh? Try and hold off on the enter button till maybe you have a complete thought, and not just a single sentence streams of consciousness spamming the chat log.

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

Friends I had some ice cream!

those are words though. i need the real deal. herpy does too.

nibba it's 4:30pm

what flavor? :3

that her name?

it's a game like any other, some people will have played it, some won't have

you wrote that statement
are you going to actually tell me what it meant

I have strawberry milk.

Give me the ice cream.

masturbation is bad

It's gonna make you fat


what brand desu

google.ca/search?q=cock and balls&tbm=isch



you're right. let me do it for you.

that's not yours though. we need it. loco and nezi too.


you lucky bastard

too late >:)

too late :(

idk, just orange ??

But why do I care what you guys "need"?


I want a booty bitch.

Or to be a booty bitch.



Apparently Im much better at that nowadays, but sheit is it still so bad?
I guess I should STILL be conscious of it heh
Christ you would have hated to hear me actually talk a year and a bit ago hahaha

the brand is the company that made it (ben & jerrys, wall's, etc.)

I'm not sure !!!
I'll check when I go downstairs again

It's sooo good.

If it's talking I mind less.
But my god, when every sentence is a new line and a new post in a Steam or Discord chat you need to slow your fuckin' roll. The notifications and the giant wall of crap where you can't even reply is a mess bro.

Maybe it was non-branded

like from an ice creamerie

yeah sinni you ever had an oreo ice cream
they're really good and I don't even like oreos that much, same with oreo doughnuts
what's with oreo-flavoured products being better than actual regular oreos am I right lads

why not both?

what did you meed $1.4k for?

A Martin 0015 mahogany guitar.

I found a D15 on eBay and sniped it for 650gbp. But then I cancelled it a few minutes ago. I know, I'm scum for cancelling something on eBay.

It's been one of those days.

cookies and cream ice cream makes me sick so I don't usually eat it!!

but I like oreo donuts and stuff

I'd like to say I've gone from a fucking torrent of bouncing thoughts to at least and endless stream of connected ones.
As silly as I may make that sound, that really is the scale that I was working with lol

Fair enough.

that's unfortunate, personally it's one of my favourite flavours
did you make this ice cream yourself how does it not belong to a brand

I can dodat tho.
Learning to compile my shit was a part of the whole not being broke thing.
At a point its not so much being yourself, its simply being at a point where most can either keep up or withstand.
Not many people get there, but I sure did lol.
Thought I toned it down enought online though. Err not that its bad...das a good thing.


damn thats spensive

but then again I did blow about $500 on a varia suit statue so

What if Jesus were gay?

Guitars are very cheap for musical instruments. A decent piano or cello or something will cost you 10s of the gs.


Because god in you

I had sex with Jesus


if you were learning for the sake of musical theory you could go and deal with electronic stuff which is cheaper but if you want to make true art I feel you have to go to raw, organic acoustics

unfortunate that it has such a price tag, but such engineering and skillful tuning costs a pretty dollar

i also had sex with Jesús



Did you put the crucifix on your ass?

before I go
fuckin niggas pls

He crucified my asshole with his chinko

konbanwa bc

I'll take your piano if you don't want it.

Konban wa

learned about unit testing and integration testing in the last couple hours.

there's this library called Enzyme that was created by Airbnb.

essentially, you can its special syntax to write out everything you expect your program to be, all the way down the smallest details and user input, before you actually write the component code.

you then take that code, write the components, and run the tests to see if all your expectations have been met. if they haven't, Enzyme tells what went wrong, and even suggests the most likely solution based on others' making the same problems before.

describe('HelloWorld', () => { let wrapper; it('wraps content in a div with .whatever class', () => { wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('.whatever').length).toEqual(1); }); it('has a title of Hello World!', () => { wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.find('.title').text()).toBe("Hello World!") }) describe('my button', () => { let button; beforeEach(() => wrapper = mount()) beforeEach(() => button = wrapper.find('button.myButton')) it('starts off saying Word Up!', () => { expect(button.text()).toBe("Word Up!") }) it('says Word Down! after clicked', () => { button.simulate('click'); expect(button.text()).toBe("Word Down!") }) })})


anyone could understand something that looked like this.

describe('HelloWorld', () => { it('wraps content in a div with .whatever class'); it('has a title of Hello World!') describe('my button', () => { it('starts off saying Word Up!') it('says Word Down! after clicked') })})

What is "it" operator do?

What the fuck is all this nerd text?

yeah get all this programming BS out of here



fucking nerds

talk about it somewhere else friend
this is a safe space, I don't want to see things I don't understand


"it" is a JavaScript function.

the first argument is a String, describing what the test is.
the second argument is a Function, that actually does all the testing.

within each Function, you should have an "expect" Function, which receives either a 'true' or 'false'.
you can test whether something is a certain number of something, if strings match, if class names are appropriate, if parent components have children etc. anything really.

you run this all from the command line.

I'd kinda think Zero to be the name of an angsty teen's wow character

very simpuru, reary.

think about it as sentences.

you have a noun, and what I'm so excited about is learning there's a way to know which adjectives apply to that noun.

you can also start with the noun, give it the adjectives, and then create the actual noun later.

so let's say we're testing a person.
"Person's name is Chris". we can test that. if we test it, and his name is "Craig", that test fails.
we can then edit the Person's name to "Chris" and if we run the test again, the test passes!

fucking nerd speak


No it's Zero Two

Never see js in action. I write only on C looking lang. so basically don't know anything about others

Morning desu

Hello friend

you know what a test is
you know what a noun is
you know what a property is

you test if you have the correct adjective with a noun

the noun is Hupony's cock
7' is the property
"Is Hupony's cock 7'?" is the test

you can write a big page of all these sorts of tests, and it will show you very clearly which nouns have which properties.

is ika dumb? no.

in JS, Functions are Objects. I think that's the same for Java.

it's 2pm desu

Not that much better :3

mornin bard

Hi hi hutzpa I hope you're up to a fun day

actually is 4 p.m here dess

so why are you saying morning uwu

cause I jus woke up


Object is an exemplar of class. Do you mean what you need to create a reference to function, but not to class?

It's 0:25. I fucking wanna sleep.

Where did you work?


Dont gotta work lucky today but I work in fast food : (

Oh hi there : 3
what are you up to today?

How old are you?

Fuck all.

Functions are Objects. Function is a Class. using the syntax
function add(a, b){ return a+b;}
is the same as
var add = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a+b')
that's all I meant. I forget what handling references is about... JS is ezmode.

I Turned 22 about a montth ago what about you?

the struggles of being a lizard who lives in the Arizona Desert..................

Yeah, rip really.


Computer Science makes me sleepy...
Its the only branch of science that bores me.

It's more of a math thing.

asakura why do you have all these webms of people dying or having near-death experiences
I'm a little worried for you

if you can write a sentence, you can write code.

these ones are all vehicle related. reminding us all that it takes less than a second to for something to go wrong and for people to die.

Look at this WebM and tell me you don't believe in God.

This is why I have so many of them.



I can't write a sentence.

I was raised in the hood.

To remind you of the existence of God?


so was Tupac.

so why the heck you still living in the desert

Wow, too old to work in place like this i think.
I'm 18

Lol, second method is completely useless, you can just use a static function. But non in case is function is big, and you care about resources... too many "but"

In California, not New York.

i'd like a better job but they are hard to find in small town here

If I get any other job its gonna be hard labor like roofing or construction and I'm able to still get by with what I make so I dont think I want to get out of it yet

var add = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a+b')
Shit, i first don't get what by this you write a whole function. But what if method must return something bigger than sum of two variables?

nothing I've done has ever gotten big enough to worry about that.

haven't had a reason to use the static keyword in JavaScript so far.

js is just nice because it's instantly gratifying.

Tupac was from Harlem.

Harlem is pussy asf
If you want real nigga hood shit come to the bronx

Fuck else am I supposed to live?

y-yeah you've got a good point..........

then you just add more code to the string, using ';' to separate statements. at least I think. I've never written a function like that. but I'm gonna try it right now.


Wait a sec...
Where is here a variables types?
function add(a, b){ return a+b;}

you don't need to declare types in js.

if you want to add type checking, there are libraries for that.

'less... you offerin'.

Oh Gosh I mean I would~

but I don't actually 'live'

I kina just
do you k what I'm say

public static DataSaver Upload(string path) { DataSaver dataSaver; if (File.Exists(path)) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { dataSaver = (DataSaver)bf.Deserialize(fs); } return dataSaver; } else return new DataSaver(null, null, null); }

Write something like this and realize, how useless is this thing



What it your level of js?

found a cute pic of us having a cosplay competition

What did I win?

no thanks. violent crime is afwul and stupid.

most of it isn't gang related these days.

it's mostly people killing family and friends.

js gets sluggish pretty fast. I'm sure typing makes things faster after going through a compiler, and would be slower without.

pretty advanced. I haven't come across anything I couldn't learn quickly.

I'm not sure actually................
I dont have much to give you see I'm just a
poor innocent witch

You are a strange one.

says you.

I need to get back to studying

because I can

What about knowledge of oop?

Pussies, pls



perhaps there's some other way I could pay you

How long is your studying a js?

Alright, let's see it, I'm waiting.

just over a year now. Java before that. C++ before that. somewhere inbetween I went pretty far creating and tinkering with creating a server in Python.

I was hoping that.........maybe you would have something in mind actually..............

-throws your computer on the floor-

Pretty big experience, how old are you?

Just having you here is enough.

-walks the dinosaur-

23. I haven't learned code nearly as fast as I could have.

mfw i get accepted for who I am

I'm gonna leave you for a couple days, goodnight.


He'll never know I lied.


Have a fun break hutzpa hope to see you back soon

47 Bi wm 511 220 looking for someone that would like to pegg a man . It's been a while for me. I really enjoy being pegged . I am looking for a on going Relationship.

You said you wouldn't share that.

fuck now everybody knows who it was about.....................



I wish I was as dead as this place



I can't believe Billy Herrington is dead.

rip sweet aniki

Wait, Spectre is gay?!?

His cumshots where amazing.

I'm actually sad about this

Found this cute pic of a nigger I like


We should talk again. I miss you.

anyone watch Get Out?

I've watched youtube video essays about get out

he's in the video I linked









I know right? He and I cybered all the time when I was new


if anybody wants to catch the fights for free

this event is looking great
Co Main card is Brian Ortega vs Frankie Edga and the Main Card is female featherweights Chris cyborg v yana Kunitskaya

Idk any response to that


'okay that's cool'

i've been playing with my music looper

I made a loop of outkast's hey ya i've been playing for the past half hour or so thats got alot of layers I am proud of

you do anything fun today?

Tempted to put effort into figuring him out without his permission.

just cus.

that is the correct response


I picked up a cake at the grocery for my grandma, then I went to dinner with my brother and mom to get pizza!


how are you?

Drinking, you?

That sounds like a fun day

i could go for some kekkei

Also drinking!




hehe yes

pic related

some tasty cakei


Wow bard that's not cool.

oh dont worry spectre's not a nigger because of his skin

it's for other reasons obviosuly

i like chocolate cake ^-^


Its not worth understanding a spice-addicted retard

But is she a nigger for her skin ? :

no she is a tan goddess desu

Much better.
Good Bard.



Did the posting problem fix itself in a day, or?

It did

Ah, those usually pass in less than a day, but they happen infrequently and always out of the blue for different folk if not for all.
Just got to blame whoever runs the site now.

I figured it was somethign server side

I assume it might be something server-side, but yet related to ISP.
Since it'd be awfully odd if it only affected one person at a time.

"an elf drops a tree on the bard"
Bard: can i parry it?

Did he?

he took 14 damage

Hi Duke

That's a cute picture, Echo-chan

Oh, I thought he would have been an immovable object, like this music video, although it's about an unstoppable force.


oh hell no we're still relatively in the low levels

im a very heavy RPer though, i value staying in character over being alive as that character

Ah, I've never partaken in such games, kind of wanted to, but I think managing the play times and stuff would be too hard considering that I've dropped out of awfully many grand strategy games due to my own schedules.

its a lot of fun, its all about understanding when someone cant make it and having the endurance to ride out the sessions when you do make it!

Assumed that much, probably I'll find some time if I get into studies this year.

tfw no asakura plushie to snuggle with while i sleep

there has been so much banter and filler talk that turns are taking forever but everyone is laughing and happy and thats all that ever matters in these sorts of sessions

Oh, I assumed people got their laughs out of the actions.
Minus like that one guy playing as an aggressive bard and singing death grips.

well no we get most of our laughs talking out of character to each other, but thats really only natural

Ah, well then.

theres so much bullshit tonight i have time to follow a video on headphones while we play, its great really

So it's not VoIP-focused?

i mean there is a difference between the character you try to be and the person you are as a human, like you don't metagame, you talk as your character, in character, but we can't like not talk about movies and crap and modern stuff too

You kind of lost me.

i just flipped off an archer instead of spending a turn to heal

sup fags


Hi Sam-chan.

trying to fend of dehydration with only 1 bottle of water and not doing very well

hey, sup man

Alcohols, you?

up from a nap, making foods... feeling chill

Sounds good.


right now the cat is killing stupid normal rats and the kineticist is trying to attack a building

...had to adjust my shit to 1440x900 just to see it

the catfolk magus is now eating a rat


God I love LA

hi colbs

Hi Sama

you actually live in LA?? why do you even come here

whats happenin bro

i fell asleep for a couple hours


I live like an hour away

I come here because being outside for too long is painful

I just got back from LA, went to a car museum and had some good food

The one on Wilshire?

so lucky, the nearest big city to me is Detroit and thats only cool in some parts and during events

aint shit to do after 9pm in my little podunk town ...

The very same. Ate at El Coyote on Beverly first

Jesus Christ, I am so sorry.

You were dangerously close to me.

Never the twain shall meet

My parents didn't know what the light fixture in front of LACMA was, can you believe that shit?

Do they not come here often?

i finally critical'd for 28 damage with my pickaxe and im the healer, so im pretty happy with myself

Clearly not. I'm making them come up more often tho


Oh calm down, I wouldn't be able to recognize you anyway

this game is truly rediculous

we are asking a magical dog statue for advice and carrying it around with us

I am well aware.

im making sure the magical talking wooden dog gets HEAVY use

B-but I'd like it if you said hi..

Hi Colbs

Hiya Echo

Hi Colbs

Fuck you for not coming to hang out with me in LA you shit



We could be friends tho

I ended up getting stoned and going to bww lol

Well I had a great time in LA so fuck you


Oh boy here comes the weird flirting


What an image, Darwin

Yeah, you can say that again!


You're my favorite poster!

Anyway, how is your sex life?

They betray me, they didn't keep their promise, they trick me and I don't care anymore

I got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer.


Oh no

I will now proceed to forget about this forever and absolutely nothing will change

Ian, I know Sabrina does not like me because sometimes she is mean to me, but sometimes when I am around her, I feel like I want to kiss her and tell her that I love her.

Just get her on a couch with some chocolate, have her put it in your mouth and eat it with her while kissing her. Works every time. Chocolate is a symbol of love, after all.

Sabrina are you serious?


You're the sparkle of my life.

Aw, no no no. Just a stupid line from The Room.

We're all quoting The Room at each other. Everything's fine



Holy fuck, okay.

*hugs* That was the first post I saw and I couldn't find any context scrolling up and I got scared.

Oh hi Hu

ILU, Maddie! Sorry to scare you. I'm fine. Promise. ♥



LOL oh my god

This is their finest work

When Christmas comes early.

I got to pet a bulldog puppy again (got to pet her last week too) and ate a really yummy pear earlier, so it's been a pretty great day. :D

Songifying this movie... shall be my finest work

Brb listening to Jhin's voiceover for 30 minutes because GOD DAMN is that voice sexy as hell.

When autotune proves to be wonderful.

It is all downhill from here.

For those that want to join me in voicegasms.

I come once a year just like Christmas

Is he still played?

Nah, he kinda sucks in this meta :/

Hopefully Riot notices and makes him better. They seem enamored with mid/late hypercarries like Trist/Kog/Varus right now tho

Puppies are p cute. I don't think I've hung out with a bulldog before actually. What's the relation to the puppo?

What do you think of pear cobbler? Is it worth a try?

My day was p good for a long one. I ran the show today and closed that bish down^^ Gotta do it one more time tomorrow/today then weekend woopwoop!

Qué lástima.


All of the yes. Pear is really delicate and the contrast with the thick pastry YES PLEASE

Sabs agree with me that Ghostface is a lame slasher villain and that Scream is overrated and did not age well

I almost want to one-trick him just to listen to his voice more

Sabs agree with me that Ghostface Killa is a dank kungfu rapper and that Wu-Tang is underrated and aged like fine wine.

But then you have to actually play.




Queen Maddie got the tea and got the block on lockdown! That's wuzzup!

Pear cobbler is wonderful. There's a bbq place here that makes it! ^o^

My friend works for a dog trainer, and he got her a deal on a bulldog pup. Bulls are so sweet and laid back, but they're also kinda high maintenance if you're actually interested in caring for them. They tend to have sinus issue of course, and even some skin issues. Poor babies.

I don't know that I'd call it overrated, but it's a commentary on such a specific time in cinema and American culture, ya know? So maybe it doesn't hold up well, but I feel it was a worthy movie in its time.


I do play!

Jhin's VA looks nothing like his voice

It's weird as shit

bye bye doggy

the VA for naruto english dub is a 50 year old fat lady

Oh, well, you go, girl. I am resigned to just masturbate to Zoe.


Mission: Accepted.

Whaat. I never had it, but apple cobbler is legit enough, so why not? I needed a good reason to get some cast iron again :p

I don't understand people who get pets otherwise. And yeah, there's some good reads about how overbreeding dogs tends to have a lot of detrimental results as a price for breed aesthetics.



I just ate like, 100 almonds.
I feel so healthy.


So silly


Darwin no. Please

Say it ain't so. Your drug is a heartbreaker.

I've never had pear cobbler but I love pears and apple cobbler so it just sounds amazing

Also I think I have fairly good taste

But she is perfect.

that's 700 calories!

isn't she cute

im gonna die alone

Strawberry cobbler is my favorite, but I'm a sucker for strawberry anything.

How about a strawberry blonde~?

It was great.
Going to make a pasta dinner next.

me too ;-;

I'd like some of Sabrinas cherry cobbler if you know what i mean.

i am so jelly

nah unlike me you're interesting and not a loser

also what kinda pasta

I'm listening.

I'mma bork at you if you don't stop.

And then some Crisco.

Instead, here's cute duckies!

riiiiight, nah man. Nobody actually cares about me, and yeah, am a loser.


I was gonna edit in 'What is Love', but I'm too lazy right now.


I enjoy talking to you at least.

so there, you're wrong.


Following that logic, then so are you~




oh wait


Sabs, I...



I can't find my pill bottle

and i need to take my meds

Kitchen maybe? When did you last take them?

I'd ship Sabs and Welma tbh.

never mind it fell off the nightstand under my bed

that was less dramatic than i thought it would be

She's taken :(

I'd ship peanut butter and chocolate.

But I think I just want a Reese's.

This is clearly a lie, no one is that insane.

All's well then :3


Ever been playin' a stealthy game and you try to jump through a window you thought you'd open, but you shatter the window and everyone runs at you with guns blazing?

? She's an angel.

all would be well if the pills actually did anything


You know I'm one of Sabs' biggest detractors, come on now

This is a joke

You sure about that?

If I were an angel, I'd be Wade Boggs. I know he never played for the Angels, but I'd get myself traded just so, in the future, I could come here and make a lame sleepy joke 'cause I'm sleepy.

You really are too adorable.

Be good to yourself, Miss Maddie. Let me know how the cobbler turns out! ♥


you can't stop me

I hope this brings you much mirth.


Damn Darwin you must be stared for attention tonight


nothing pleases me more than fucking with toxic people

I make sure not to break any rules though. which only pisses them off more because they can't do anything about it.

His account reminded me of ban-evasion.

Those hopeless fools!

For being a terrible spider apocalypse movie, Spiders was worse than usual
Like why the fuck were the spiders fixated on that one family
Any other movie would have come up with some bullshit but nooooo not Spiders
You just get more spiders

you can't actually "ban" someone from custom games. because that's toxic.

you can move them to spectator or remove them from the game, but that's it.

no rule against rejoined the same lobby over and over

What game is this, again?




hello darwin I'm here to give you the attention you deserve

How strange that Blizzard moved away from the ban system.


No, use my attention instead.

already I 've been drained of all my youthful vitality
even now i can feel your parasitic pull

b--but I give you this becaues I care

I need attention

The one you had DENIED ME.

Caring is creepy.









they just want everybody to hold hands and sing kumbaya