600 posts? are u fuckin nuts

600 posts? are u fuckin nuts

Other urls found in this thread:



O-oh hi Grim

so wish is a dude

that sucks

I mean, I'll apologize for it if you want me to.

I don't really think it's that big of a deal though, my gender doesn't really mean anything at all.

[x] doubt


If you're not around for it I'll screencap it and send it to your Discord, just for you.

I don't want to be one though.

I at least shave dude :^(

Oh hey, I AM MALE

Hello, did I miss something last thread?


it does though bro


too late I'm fucking reading

I appreciate it

Definitely not, don't read the last thread

eh was just a boi

Well there's nothing wrong with that either

The floodgates are open

Get to the high ground

Man. The only upside to living on 5 hours of sleep is I'm too tired to be combative.

I see someone I don't like and I'm like ''ah."

I don't really see how though.

I'm fucking dying dude

wait am i getting reverse trolled?

cause i already cried a little

step into my warm embrace

TRAPS is a fucking synonym in my new job
I was triggered

Ssssshhhhhhh just enjoy it

Exactly, I just keep doing me and the world keeps spinnin'.

trust son


I'm not trolling anyone

i know you are perfect ^^

Today is a day I kind of want a hug so I'd welcome that.

I want to game, but can't be fucked at the moment.

You mean abbreviation?


yes, that

its ok squshie
main thing is getting some sleep

I'm not perfect though
Everything's a mess

I wish I had an image that would accurate display how visibly enraptured I am.

I'll get some later.
Want to hang in call? I might stream some games.


Grim r u durnk?

That image says it all


No it's an acronym
An abbreviation is like "can't "



I mean
I can be
its the weekend and I have tequila

I was gonna fap but yeah sure

Ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he didn't realize the difference



those 'mones need to be level'd

cobls u fuck im tide

licky is dead?

yes licky is dead

Then do it


holy shit what happened

I see a doctor every six months and get my blood tested and sometimes it's going well and sometimes it isn't
But I've got tits now even if they're a bit small

the issue is
its shitty tequila
and I dont have anyone to drink it with

they drove their motorbike right into a fucking wall dude.

it was gruesome

I need a fat rip right now tbh

It needs more jumping and rolling around on the floor to be honest.

Hey Grim


me too but my new job has strict rules
random druggo tests n shit

hello my love

suh d00d

That Iron Man is an Iron Manlet

i went to the doctor the first time in years last year

and part of me thinks that i would have been better off just not going

I'm a dude btw

Drugs are bad

I'll drink with you friend

True, but you can just do that yourself

That's a pretty quality costume

What did they say?

Guhhh, that sounds like so much work.

so grim you still highkey flirt with wish even though he's full on dude

that's kinda gay


wish is just memeing on the other end of the spectrum

itll pass

Life is work

im tempted now

ffff whatd


i was mildly anemic

but like the dosage of treating that is uniform it's suspect



It's Salo Men

lets trip on some fuckin shrooms

Hey man, life is about doing barely enough to get by, or even doing way too much just to enjoy the downtime as much as possible.

leetspeka or 1337?

I see noneq

What do you mean? I have a friend who's anemic and mostly it just makes her more pale than me

I'm a boy though

and drugs are still bad


whoa whoa whoa so you think that wish is a girl still?

idk man i'm an emma denier

What's the best windows music player? I forget the name of the one I used to use

Hey man, it's up to you


Shut up, me.

ok so is guero I was gonna trip with him

and then the fire nation aka pussywhip attacked

ok so

yeah I do
if it floats ur goat i guess

I feel like
too tired to drink
is that possible?
or maybe im just being wishywashy

wishy washy

lol hey grim....

i need you to do me a solid on somethin

Wow racist
not all black women have penises


Well you're 3 hours ahead of me so I can't exactly blame you

But idk your schedule so do what you want

i meant that the dosage of the pills are all the same

i guarantee i am larger than most of the other anemics

i should get a larger iron pill

i have misplaced a file... the wish menstrual cycle image macro. do you have it?

I don't understand

Salo. Man.

This one didn't have

120 days of sodom?

request denied

just go w the flow bro


My point stands


wish just like told you that she is a he

what the eff dude

i don't know why but i believe him

Do you do the minimum or the maximum?
I'm betting on minimum.

Probably f2k, but I used to use MusicBee because effort.

Now I just use Google Play Music.

Yeah, but I'm a boy.


well damn...


no loli abuse pls

You would win that bet

f2k is what I used to use, thanks

im adam malkovich

hows ur friday

120 days of salo

I don't know what to say

You have a pics of black womens that have dick?

it would be like hella awkward if grim was in kitchner rn fingering her

ok ill take some shots with u

cuz ily


Yes, because I am you.

I had a pretty sweet setup going on it once in the past, but then everything broke for some reason.

Sure thing, ANUPAM

what is this image intended to represent


slight smugness

you mean aside from spending inordinate amounts of time searching thousands of images for a file you could readily provide?

im great

I was wondering if you were referencing that... interesting

How did you come across that particular film?

Thanks fam I appreciate it


me boy

fuck it.... its gone

i can't pretend anymore

now i'm seeing all of grim's gay triggers


As it should be.


Pls don't punish me uwu

grim you were a homo all along?


Which film?


this is a good image

me me big boy

Fuck off jacksfilms

Here's another good image



I don't save lewd things

TL Note: nani means nani


I dont get the ref LOL


nani kore

why am i crying laughing at this fuck

wish being a dude surely explains his loli collection

that was a HUGE red flag lol



dont feel bad, it took me awhile too.... now its just adorable

Are you close to the edge?



why did you make me expand that garbage emma

no whipped cream in ur fucking timmys now

like...grim is really really gay though

im not the one writing dudes names on my dick tho

honestly wish coming out as dude and grim coming out as gay might make me quit forever

preachin to the choir bro

you are the one actively cybering with DUDES


wait just 1 Kentucky minute



you are posting some weird furry alien thing rn


Why are you cybering with anyone?


What a virgin memer.

What even?

No fam there's no cliffs in Canada


wtf IS that
loli eating fuckin booty

im not on 24/7 to be a master memequeen like u

Its cuz the nips looked weird

ok ur good

im not

hey moogs

ok so i am drunk but here is where i stand

wish is a dude
grim either doesn't believe that still or is hella gay

some other stuff happened



suh bruh

ok, ty

tquilia and cheel

hows the lady doing

I'm just trying to trigger you tbh


Excuse me sir *pushes up glasses*

I said punish, not push

she sleep

Here rests Grim's heterosexuality, 1993-1993.

You could substitute the word punish for push

They don't even have the same number of syllables in them!

ru hungry breh?
say no more fam

i guess now that wish is out of the closet he can creepily post all his underage questionable lewd loli stuffs

should be illegal imo

So? You can still make it fit

ok ?

damn she doesnt look like a loli
more like a fuckin teen
still not ok

it only slightly works

nice post
dont let her overwork herself

I'm not going to go full Lewds, but I do have just as much "of age" lewds.

She's uh, 17.

Grim is kawaii

like i don't even care if i am being trolled, i'm drunk and a masochist

i just feel bad for based grimu at this point if he actually believes that wish is still a girl


Everyone in the show I'm watching just burst out laughing as I read TP's post

Grim I'M A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*takes note*

hanks u 2

nice memes



Like, she had tits and everything.

new citrus later!


Thanks gurl

How u

grim this is hard to admit


i am also

a boy

her face
her booty

had like 2 shots of teq and stopped cuz it was nasty
thats what I get fo rbuyin cheap shit booze

i really am the only legit girl here huh

it is actually hard to admit because i've always considered myself a nonperson


Can't wait, but Dragon Ball Super first.


Wish and Grim are going to start dating.
Grim uses that to get a Canadian visa.
Grim starts transitioning.
Wish and Grim get married and adopt kids.
After years of being a housewife, Grim gets tired of that life and moves out to become a street walker and feels truly like a woman, only to commit suicide of heroin overdose in a government facility.


Am I not legit?

posting idolporn


honestly this is best case scenario for grim

his pretty canadienne trap who knows japanese

No thanks.

She was wearing a bikini though.

excellent plot, sell it to hollywood as a romantic slice of life comedy

it's not like a mouth feels any different

bah, you saw through my ruse... im a boy irl

but her nips are like diamond cutters

I didn't even look tbh.

fuckin gay

Just mix it

Alcohol in general is kind of gross tho imo

A true man of taste smonks weed drug

You like that? Are there cute anime girls?



what if like... instead of mlp a few tears back the thing was care bears instead? how do you think that meme wouldve panned out


Im feelin some guiness

I love me my stouts

it's just really really sad that things like this happen

like you can see what happens when you do something

over years

then you do it too

really sad

Sorry dude.

Even I can enjoy mindless shounen.

There aren't, no.



haha more pls

I accept you and ur shitty homoness

did you lie about being blind in one eye too?

how fucking sick can you be

im becoming my father....

A few people probably would have gotten mauled by bears irl

I don't drink often but when I do I usually drink Yuengling (no dos equis man meme intended in this phrasing, it just panned out that way)

Kind of a local beer I think

Maybe I should try it if Wish-kun likes it

oddly enough the fake girls don't lie about their irl ailments

ive heard the name but never tasted

haha... well shit. i could see that happening for real.

I'm not going to dick you or let you dick me though.

No, that's true.

Just watch tomorrow's episode with no knowledge of the rest of the series :^)



i guess you doxing garbear makes more sense too

you are fucking just a bad person




h-hey now

I meant runescape

steam plz.

Ididnt do this

Sorry to disappoint.

That didn't actually happen


41m in pots jfc


well take me out to timmies before even talkin about gettin the dick atleast


you are still a bad person

I was talking about -not- getting the dick.

I know, I won't deny that.

i mean everyone you have said in what 5 years

has no weight

and means nothing

you are fish

you are your own worst nightmare


just like how you're -not- a girl huh

yeah sure

I wouldn't go that far :^)

alice somehow msgd me even after I blocked her


I would never block u

how do you come back from being a liar

how does BC BC



why is she drawn so well


here is the point where he points out others for believing his lies

no wish you are a fucking deplorable nothing piece of trash


oh hey brad you were right

On Russia's new nuclear weapons claims. Remember that all Russian internal propaganda is internal propaganda. That it was done before the Duma assures you it's internal. Russians need to feel like they're important, especially when they're not. The louder they are, the weaker they are.

Only worry when the Russians are quiet.

Four of five new weapons, which exist only in CGI, are not significant. They'll bring Russia up to the 1990s. They'll still be woefully behind.

The last is an old idea being brought out to make Russians feel happy. We tried it, it's stupid, we scraped it. Russia won't get further than CGI animations.



JYT is really good at drawing.

Damn alice.

Yay :3

about your ex

turns out you're a gay too


hey man

they really censored kill la kill on toonami

how u do

wish we get it you're a dude now

can you tone down the pedo loli pls


is that the one that drew the catgirls

He dated MGD lmao


wish came out as a neckbear

The last two images I posted.

This one too actually.

emma send those to ecchi hes big onto that shit


awwwwwwwww yissssss


I never said wish was a guy
I mean Idk anyways



What? I was the some cheap rebound after MGD lmao

oh man does echo know?



oh god what was that

he said he was though

grim just licked his lips

oh weird

does echo care

Hewoo sama desu how are you spending tonight buddy

Hai grim how are yuo onight?
I am ding okay just got done hanging out with my brother listening to music for a few hours i was a fun time



why would he

You love it :3

I watched black mirror w my hot lady friend and had some tequila
in call w a good friend rn

you know you are gay

why do you not at least admit you are a little gay

so is ur pic

I don't care that just means I have less to feel like an asshole about

eat some booty

i admit i am a little gay

it's not that big of a deal

Yep :3

grim you are like a lot gay


I guess I don't hate it

image file organizing...

Y'all niggas are gay


i fap to things that excite me and on any given day what excites me might get a bit weird


is it because he drinks soylent

700 posts when ?




good numbers

post some more

my lag has been so mellow

That actually is all I have.
Most I find I just link

Six, six, six party with the devil, bitch

Recommend me good non-weeb cartoons
I'm out of mindless shit to watch

...and its literally all they ever talk about

how was ur vr chat escapade tonight?

most of your images are bonerific tho
its great

be back innabit

watch non-cartoons

you child

Do they have to be cartoons?

So I've heard. Shame all the cute pics are also lewd
See you soonish

What a strange movie

Make me, fagit

Not really, but it should be mindless. I don't need a quality TV show right now, just something lighthearted I can put on in the background that I haven't seen forty fucking times.

A girl wanted to date me but I cucked them with my new trap fiancée

Does it need to be on tv or can it be on Youtube?


wait cynic has the same av as that long haired guy whose dogs got taken away by the state


Youtube is fine. If it can play on my PS4 then It's a viable option

Wrong Naota, faggot


So turns out running around barking at people in my underwear doesn't land me in the pound like the other dogs.

but i was right

you're the smarter one


Well personally when I want to zone out I listen to like Bloodborne lore videos

Or sometimes Redlettermedia's Best of the Worst episodes

idk if you know either of those

you are a fuckin trooper sama
I wish I had your drive



Now I'm watching Kill Bill part 2


What the fuck, Squash? Stupid and outlandish entry posts are my bit

Gnomes is not for bully
Gnomes is for hairsex

I've read The Paleblood Hunt like ten times over, but haven't fucked with videos. Is there a series where the narrator isn't obnoxious or over speculative?


Die Antwoord only made it that much better

I like Aegon of Astora's Bloodborne lore series, he's worked with Redgrave on a few occasions

i started feeling for chappie no lie


The fuck you think you are?
Judge Judy?

Try me, slut.


theres too much on my drives to share

I liked it I just thought it was weird
Like transcendence but less evil and with the robots from real steel

Whats the big deal ?

I wish I was Judge Judy

Her job is probably pretty nice

what is this?

And yet you judge me on the internet for free.
Like an asshole.

yeah and like lelani or whatever is actually great


image file sharing site associated to 4channel mainly

Thanks, Colbs. Now maybe I can get some fucking work done.

Doubt it though. I'm here.

How's shit?
Also were you legitimately barking at strangers in your underpants or do you just like attention? Either way is fine, but if it's it the former, I want videos next time.

Less Meta-Humanity philosophy and more Love transcends biology, but I get your drift. It was a unique movie.
Have you never seen Kill Bill? You're in for a treat

Yolandi is that weird kind of hot where you know you're going to get the clap but you do it anyway because she might hurt you if you don't.

wow its so festive here, i can go to bed and its not empty tonight

And shit's alright. Ordered some N64 games so I'm stoked on that shit. Might play some OoT or something.

Was it you I sent all those NES games to a few years back?

This layou is ATROCIOUS


No I've seen it before I just noticed that vol. 2 was on Netflix and I watched vol. 1 recently

I need the practice

this is the best place for it

good movie desu

you ever seen hesevoir dogs?
