Other urls found in this thread:

please be excite


A Slam of Acceptable Quality.

fuckin seinfeld memes now?

I wanted it to be exciting.






I miss living near breakfast diners.


You needed to help.

Hey Catboy.

Aren't they pretty much everywhere? You must live in a pretty small town or something

can't wait to fap to the live action one

County has like, 5000.

how are you tracer?

hi googles

I'm not exciting.

Tired, drunk.



the retard

Exhibit 1:
pic related. the typography clearly distinguishes between a Grand SlamTM and an All-American SlamTM.

this should be obviou to anyone that has ever read headers before.

Why are you guise arguing about breakfast foods?

can you just add a name so I can filter you


argument over i filtered by id

Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day after all

good jorb.

sidenote: you know what's better than arguing about breakfast?

cooking breakfast^^

What's cook'n, good look'n?

That's how you let me down.

This is why I don't really post anymore

At least post CP or something jeez

Come to LA this weekend faggot

Yeah, Ian has CP for you.

You know what's better than cooking breakfast?

Serving it up.
Gary's way.

Why should I change.

eating breakfast?

I don't follow.

Is that what we are calling you now?

Because you need to ask yourself who you're going to be in 10 or 20 years time.

I work Friday but have Sat off then back to work Sun, but not until 8:30pm

Where ya gonna be at or whatcha planning to do?

You're cuter when you stfu

Myself, or dead.

It was made to be in tandem with Ian's post.

Uh.....what did I just watch?

Better dead than red.

My parents are coming Saturday morning/afternoon so I was gonna go hang with them then chill with you guys afternoon/nightish


Yikes, well that would be awkward to explain. Nevermind!



Exhibit B:
the registered trademarks for the two different kinds of 'Slams'.

Grand Slam:
"IC 030. US 046. G & S: Prepared breakfast meals consisting primarily of pancakes, breakfast cereals, breads and starches in the nature of biscuits, muffins, and toast and also including up to three other breakfast foods in the nature of hash brown potatoes, bacon, sausage, eggs, ham or yogurt; Prepared breakfast meals for consumption on the premises consisting primarily of pancakes, breakfast cereals, breads and starches in the nature of biscuits, muffins, and toast and also including up to three other breakfast foods in the nature of hash brown potatoes, bacon, sausage, eggs, ham or yogurt."

All-American Slam:
"IC 029. US 046. G & S: restaurant meal consisting of eggs, cheese, sausage and bacon, served with one or more of the following side dishes, hashed browns, toast, buttermilk biscuit, or English muffin."

tl;dr Nezi is retarded

holy fuck

Don't worry. I'm just wasting time while I watch stuff on another screen.




This boy Slams™ for God.

Have you heard the expression "I could just eat you up"?

damn i'm hungry now

Kanra's fucking autistic and nezi is fat

Case fucking closed

Now fuck off, both of you

eating breakfast is better

pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon ^^


not fat for long

1k calories a day fam


he does not belong there

Well, yeah, but I don't assume people are interested in that from me lmao

YUP!!! idk I like cooking it just as much as eating it tbh

Imagine having the need to be right so badly that you have to argue about breakfasts on the internet?

Munch on him.


Are you going to bring some to my bed?

i have a dietary restriction

You better be exercising

Just dieting by itself won't do much

If you really wanted to get skinny just do a Ketosis diet, it's pretty extreme but you see results in a matter of like a week or two

I lost like 13 lbs in like 2 weeks from that shit and now my tummy is flat as a board and I have the V lines forming again
Then again I also cycle alot more now

All fucking bad lmao

Maybe he just hgates dennys]

yo Kanra i got that programming book you suggested it's sitting on my shelf

Get rekt. I can eat like a monster and still be pretty.

When are you gonna start using a name?

One time I went to Denny's as my dose of acid was kicking in. Now that was an interesting breakfast.

ugh denny's is bad.

God I fucking hate septum piercings

It's like people are trying to go for the Alistar look

Never. I like making things difficult on people.

I'll keep that in mind when you have me over~

that's what i told myself for years and now i got a tummy that i hate.

So don't get one, dummy

bent over.

Fixed that for ya.

I can't really eat while on Acid or any other drunk other than Alcohol or weed, I dunno man Im weird like that lol

That pic Moogs posted triggered me lol

Yeah everyone wants to be a stellar unique fucking princess by making themselves look fucking horrid.

autistic enough to know I'm right.

autistic enough to care whether Nezi's wrong.

Lucky fucker.

that's fine ill take her then

they're both pretty fun ye :P

just don't like cleaning too much but it's necessary

you're kinda far away!

I've lost 6 pounds in 4 days

I was exercising every day and not losing weight fast enough, I'll add exercising back after I get close to my goal

it makes me miserable.

that's one step better than me.

all I know is that every notable programmer has referred to it before.

More like autistic enough to not stfu


Yeah, that's why we went before we were too far gone. Had to get some fuel in the gas tank for the all day dealio.

wait. So out of everything in that pic, the piercing is what bugs you? silly soto~

right? she's p cute, just not sure about the 110% weeb stuff.


Clean as you go~

kitchen rule #... whatever there's no number order lol

Well yeah your body's entering a fasting mode.

You guys need to appreciate the belly.


O-oh.. okay.

Have a good day so far, aside from my lewdness?

i dont remember if i asked which languages you have experience with

well she does look like anime so it's acceptable.

honestly, I like my posts better than yours.

i'm about 15 years too early to having a dad bod.

Mmhm. I'm kinda wiped from work but it was a good day. hbu?

mmhm. I wish I could do cute cosplay :(

Y-you're going to show me, right?

what would you dress as


but the advice in the book applies to all software development, I'd imagine.


but if you find yourself talking to demos you may ask him about it

I don't know any characters that I could pull off.

I mean, I still have the Bridget cosplay...

About same, except it was just a mediocore day. Nothing too fancy, but nothing too bad. Just another long day. Being understaffed sucks.

Unless you were under my staff

I haven't talked to him in like 2 years.

Also brb.

someone tell nezi to unfilter me so he can see that he was wrong


Yeah, it was just me and another kitchen guy today for a bit. i was flying around doing 4 things at once for like 2 hours solid. Good times now that it's busy season again.

i feel as i should have taken Java before C++

ruby sounds cute

i'm sure you'd do well

I'd need a yo yo and a teddy bear

What's in it for me.

he and i kinda stopped talking as much lately. imma hit him up tonight.

java is good just to kind of understanding syntax, but is generally shit tier


speaking of syntax lmao

hmm never been able to do that, I make everything ready at the same time

told me what? I know that's what's happening

I would if I could >.

I get the feeling you blush a lot.

Yeah being busy helps speeds things through though. I do like days that fly by.

So eat you gay little cat.

Cooking is mostly time management. If you're not multi-tasking, you're getting in the weeds and that's when people freak the fuck out or have a mental break. speaking from experience.

I do. I can play along until somebody else pushes the limits then I don't know what to do lmao

probably. but when it comes to learning the basics, either language works.

are you learning to program now?

the satisfaction that comes with being on the side of truth.

Honestly, it's more fun to lie and bullshit.

I'm a bad man, with bad thoughts.

lol I figured that much by now silly.

It's not like I'm a prude or anything, it's just getting from the banter to the action that's the hard part.

ye my midterm is next week


Yeah, but I plan to get you all flustered and blushing the first time we all go for a drink.



and being drunk is better than being sober.

good luck. study hard. get them A's.

daily reminder that nezi is a v cute and deserves more love

Meh. Makes time go by faster.

Daily reminder that Oobles blew Guero's asshole out.

thanks mom. ill probably get lower than 95 after this midterm but it'll be better than first semester so yay

but he takes credit for trademarked goods.

so does any engaging distraction. maybe pick one that doesn't provably damage your brain.

Tell him hi for me.

Least amount of effort.

Well I gotta get up in about 6 hours so I am gonna try and get some sleep. Sweet dreams, little one.

for sure

Nini lewdypants~

yeah its weird to think about how many people here stuff massive plastic horse cocks in their bungholes and i managed to be the only person to tear their anus

say what now

don't get distracted.

not for your liver.

My anus was made by gods.
The things that go in it are unimaginable to the mortal mind.

Do you still talk to many of the furs?
I kind of stopped talking to most of them ages ago.

My liver is stronk.

I guess most people can imagine a dog cock actually.

just a few that are in AM's discord. but yeah, thread people are kinda off my radar.

i can only juggle so many online friendships honestly. real life is a lot of work now.

Nezi tried to act like he invented the All-American Slam from Denny's.


meesh draws good dog cock.

i couldn't imagine.

I don't blame ya.
I'm kind of the same and trying to focus on keeping what few friendships I have left alive.

I enjoy his work.

alcohol is bad for you mkay.

They've been practicing since they were 7 years old.

It's a poison, yeah.

Carrying myself out of shit elo as ADC is kind of awful.
But it's working.

at least for the next week i'll have some free time to fuck around on the net.

lol he's still ranting about it

you should learn React and JavaScript. it's more instantly gratifying.

seen his latest stuff?

it pays to learn just how it makes your brain worse.

maybe you wouldn't have to drink if you had better things to do.

Enjoy your youth.

I follow Liquid Courage.

i know java is a class and also "advanced programming" whatever the fuck that is. i had eyes on ruby and i hear people mention rust a lot.

All I've got is work and sleep.

whats poppin chumps

It pays to not being a Canadian welfare rat and instead actually contributing literally anything to society.

All these banners make my dick hard.

hows my bean girl doin

can you imagine him making a sequel to Little Buddy with his new style?

JavaScript doesn't really have anything to do with Java. maybe it once did, but now it's its own thing. it's what webpages use to perform any sort of logic. like clicking on 'reply' and having the reply box pop up.

do you mean advanced programming, or object-oriented programming?

you've probably heard of Ruby because of Ruby on Rails, which is a framework for Ruby that lots of people use to develop webpages.

add exercise.

society doesn't wany my contributions.


sick but getting a lil better
still stuffy n throat bad but less head pain and other things


advanced. object-oriented is whatever the second half of C++ class is.

I swear to fuck. your entire physical and mental being yearns for physical activity. it's almost the best thing you can do. if you like to brain: exercise.

this is the best overview I've read of OOP in my years of dealing with OOP.

I would scream.

So it's better to just leech off people who actually do while shitting your pants with autism on imageboards when people call you retarded?

Yeah, I work.

he got like, seriously good at drawing. powfoo on the other hand...

you spent infinitely more time shitting in others' pants on imageboards. not to say I'm doing anything much more productive, but my autism is more varied than just animus and Overwatch.

I'm usually asleep by now.

I'm going to do that.


I need to start commissioning for my sona.
A friend of mine said they would do my ref.

nini kanra

I think you were in the vtech section.

ye ive read the book of comic prints from the guy i know

thats good!!! i hope u recover quick


read a booke


Anyone want to hang out?

They're beyond bizarre.






check out the last song on this, a lot of you weebs will love this shit, hell i fucking do


dun wanna read

this is really pretty.

her voice is like sugar ear sex

Then sleep.

i believe they call it eargasmic.

this ones a little more special to me

put stuff in your butt.

i think nezi filtered me

too early

that's lewd >.>


only eva and kanra are filtered

Bans trump filters.
The penultimate "fuck you".

square enix has to have sexxy music, as required from the beginning of all time.
have some weab shit.

who am i thinking of


i might do it someday

i just dont give a fuck anymore

Bard maybe.

maybe but this whole game has one of the best under rated sound tracks ever

I mean Motoi Sakuraba isn't exactly a small name but this OST deserves way more love

ye but it's also hot so worth

oh yeah it was bard. fucking idiot

I'm trying to get along with him.
I'm kind of drained for drama honestly.

Considering a high quality printer so I can print and remake N64 boxes and manuals.

if you ever want to understand the whole game from my childhood why gosh howdy you're in luck there's a 10 hour collection of cutscenes so you can see all the awkward Ps2 cutscenes without any of the enjoyable Ps2 gameplay

you know there are printing services

if he gets it himself he can turn it into a hobby

i recommend following through on any impulses you can manage to afford if it gets you creatively geared

Yes, but I need a printer for other things and we don't have a printing shop around here.
Closest one is in Omaha, and that's too far to bother.

CIB games are just costly as shit.
It can jack the price up by like 40-80 bucks sometimes. Otherwise I'm buying repro clam shells.






the real value is in the things you can make that you can then resell to other people imo

If you sell repro boxes, games, or manuals without expressly saying they are repro then you are shit.
I won't sell them or give them out on the off chance someone tries to pull that.

I never played that game, I don't remember playing too much on ps2, I had ps1, skull monkeys and shit.

youre out of your mind

is it gay
to play
putt-putt golf wid a friend
and watch his butt butt when he tees off

That shit gets under my skin.
It's why the retro market is over saturated with bullshit and shady people.

I personally don't care if I can score an expensive game for cheep if it's repro, but I'd like to know what I'm getting without having to open it up and look for EPROM chips or something.


It's gay not to.

not taking advantage

making money moves???

But, but, I ain't done yet
In football the quarterback yells out hut-hut
While he reaches in another grown man's ass
Grabs on his nuts but just what if
It was never meant, it was just an accident
But he tripped, fell, slipped, and his penis went in
His teeny tiny little round hiney and he didn't mean it
But his little weenie flinched just a little bit
And I don't need to go into any more details, but
What if he pictured it as a female's butt
Is that gay? I just need to clear things up

It hurts the hobby overall.
If I wanted to make money I might start bidding on games for low and sell them as buy now on ebay. That way I can remove repro carts from circulation and shit but turn actual games over for a profit.

I'll have some of what you're smoking.



Just like our collective hopes and dreams.



every balance update

My asshole when my werewolf boyfriend pulls out the knot.

how is that made?

only thing I can think of is that the other side is not intact

I'm more of an "Eggs over my hammy" kind of guy

Fuck if i know.

very puzzling 🤔


1) toes are like fat, soft versions of fingers
2) the soles have an interesting texture to them and they can go from smooth to flat
3) there are many ways the feet can be used just like hands if you think about it, there are many different versions of "footjobs" depending on the guy's preference
4) the nails are bigger than hands so when they're painted bright pretty colors it looks attractive
5) the veins can look kind of pretty
6) they can be sensitive and the big toes being sucked on actually triggers arousal in women , and the foot connects to all parts of the body (different parts can be massaged for different kinds of aches)
7) yes some of us oddly enjoy when they're a bit dirty, I can't really explain that part, i know it's weird, and if a girl doesn't have nice feet or use foot creme/purfume or theyre TOO dirty then yeah it's really gross just like a person without a foot fetish

yea man smoking some of jelly's stash behind their back was the right choice, this some pooowerful shit



attempt to justify foot fetishes is not something i am surprised is happening here


What a lovely analysis.

the bulleted powerpoint presentation is coming next im sure


Did Luka get his internet shut off?

Did Tsuchi get banned yet like we all voted for


luka is online on steam right now, so no


I remember Soto saying something about it and I still haven't seen him around. Fair enough.

How do boys make themselves sound like girls ?

I met a guy who can do a perfect female voice

Easy. You just choose to sound like yourself, Archives



feel nauseous

I feel like i end up wasting a lot of random bullets just shooting at stuff in fallout new vegas, but since they have weight on hardcore mode that's probably a good thing

With all the mods i've added I haven't even really needed to go into many of the more contrived methods of making ammo because i just keep stumbling on stuff strong enough to kill the things around me by accident


I really do like this song now

ken ashcorp has quite a few good songs

I've been listening to kenny recently ttoo desu

Tsuchi come back I miss you

Tsuchi come back I miss you

tsuchi come back i miss you

Damn it didn't work
Now who am I supposed to flirt with


Hey cutie how have you been

morning laddies

How about a noose you fucking ham

I'm not fat I just want to lose weight

starving myself

really hungry

been exercising more lately

being productive

feeling better



Starving? Usually exercise makes me want to eat less...


Good it's fucking winter

I'm wearing 3 jumpers right now
why am I STILL cold >:(

Tell them, winter came for House Loafie.

I'm naked in bed with the fan and AC on, two blankets, and a stuffed bear and I'm pretty comfy except for the unexplainable shooting pain in my leg and the early morning traffic

good for you my friend
you enjoy your comfiness

I'm lonely though
It's just a normal build a bear one of my weird friends gave me but I really like to sleep next to someone

I too am lonely and wish I had someone to sleep with, but I can't get that, so I guess my daki will have to suffice

I don't have a daki

I'd strongly recommend getting one
it didn't solve my sleeping problems but it definitely helped

But what would I have on it
I feel like it seems obvious but I don't know if that's what I want

mine's blank desu
if you use it when you're sleeping you're not exactly going to be looking at whoever is on it


I can see in the dark and I don't always sleep at night so it very much matters

I condemn your choice of filename

good luck finding a good one then my friend, especially if you're planning on getting it custom-made
hypothetically you could buy a blank one and get a cover later, as I did, hopefully I didn't buy one that wasn't the wrong dimensions





Coolest nigga in the ghetto

revy post butt


Kill everyday

Kill yourself

killing is not good


the most fun part of killing is seeing the hopeless look your victim's face while their blood is pouring out of them

please abstain from killing people

i like bloos

i like blood

Such mental disease, so idiot

Fucking edgy schooler

Fag, cunt

that's like asking my heart not to beat. It's not possible.

I just love killing...

Behold, the juggler of worlds

oh carry on then
just try and please keep it to a minimum

That's your GigaPet?

Yes, ma'am!

Let's be honest, you never killed anyone\anything. The only reason of your "love to kills" is because someone more powerfool than you is harrased you

He's the third generation

I raised/bred two before him

Do something with your inner anger, you sick fuck

Oh no I would never kill anything.
I wasn't bullied in school either.

How did you even get into that?

Hutspa killed millions.

Inner fucking anger, control yourself, because you behave childish



i know i'm immature and childish... but im not angry and i'm really laid-back ^^

They're kawaii and nostalgia


Tbh it's kind of weird how similar other people in second world countries often are to Jack

My teacher would take it from us and give it to her children at home. She took out Gigapets, yoyos, furbys, pokemon cards, etc etc...

This has a day care option that u can put it in while you're in school so you don't have to worry about black teachers stealing things from u

C'mon, say something now

Are u a jew

We need to know for census reasons, nothing personell


I think she's Dominican? Same thing though.
When I was in the 2nd grade I said "Fuck you" to another student for drawing on my paper and she told the teacher. "user *sob-sob* s-said a bad word *sob-sob* "
So my teacher took me to part of the classroom where the other students couldn't hear us and ask me to repeat the word and I said "damn"

Or was it "hell"? I can't remember...

No, i'm not. Just "hutzpa" it's a perfect word to describe my character

I'm gonna cut your head off



let's just get along shall we friends

Your too


Whoa, that's Shadow the Hedgehog level cussing

Do u like Menhera-chan?

A cute cheeki boi

i get along with everyone

do you have knives?


I like you avatar, but she gives off the look of "secretly sucks a lot of cock".

"Kanra's dick is this big"

That meme was over hours ago

What fetish r u posting at me

that's very nice to see my friend

she does not I can assure you

I dunno dude, that girls definitely a slut.

Friendzoned already? : (

Also Blood-chan just so u know I replied to ur post but ur always too dumb to scroll up if u make a post at the same time

you have no basis for this claim

I'm sorry, if not friends, what relationship would you like to establish with me?

Only kitchen knives, but your head i'm gonna rip off by hands


I'll watch the show and report back to you.


: (

Thanks for telling me.

C-cutting is bad! It can get very addicting ><


You're the slave.

Why do you want to rip my head off? That's not very nice.

I know you prefer guns, but I prefer knives. Something about them feels natural to me


sounds good to me


Tumblr is pretty useful for memes

Menhera-chan is kawaii tho

I guess I won't post art of her cutting while I'm replying to you if it triggers u

You're lucky I love you :3

y-you can post it... it'll only trigger my... um... you know..

I can cut your head off with shots if you want so

thank you, master

Do you use hollow points?

I don't think I can do this... I prefer the pet role.

No, just gonna use AK


Fallout 3 dismemberment gore: The Ukraine Edition

back to just being friends for us then I suppose

I'm here for my daily insult from Hu

If you're going to insult Hu, you're going to have to get through me.

Hello faggot

You must have trouble reading Cuckwork

I said from

Hey there handsome

How are you holding up?






Just got off work, and apparetly my friends are picking me up to go shop at Winco

I'm just probably gonna buy some beer, a pound of coffee, maybe some bratwurst or something for later on.

Actually a steak sounds nice later on
What do you think I should buy?

How's your day coming along so far, slut?