Do you ever get that feeling that by not recording something...

Do you ever get that feeling that by not recording something, it is essentially lost in time- And when all is lost in time including your memories, how can you be sure of what has even happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

you gotme fucked up

goggles is a fucking manchild

I like you

but I'm not 'in'' like with you

Oni a cute.

there are a few side effects to that option unfortunately

sorry i prefer tide pods

Woah, how can I survive this now!


sauce sauce

It's not you it's me


its is an FUNNYPIC

IQ u need tier list

TINY BRAIN: school
BIGG BRAIN: Rick & Mortimer
MEGA BIGG BRAIN: bob teen ebin

I am Ultra Mega Bigg Brain

Yes. Also no, it is lost, but it's like I usually can remember and I know I put it somewhere but where I put it, I can't remember. Disorganized af.




sexi braen

Sad how there have never actually been any anime girls who smonked weed

If bob teen ebin has popuko smonk weed it will be sealed as the best anime

They smoked in K-On


Really? The K-On girls actually smonked weed?


just yui

I think ur tryna pull a meme


nope havent u seen K on
K on is a meme


Bard's too fat to ride a horse.



I''m not take that back

Sorry, I got lost in memes and didn't see this post

I saw some of it way back when I wasn't very into anime

Maybe I should try it again

Bard, more like... Lard, lmao.







me after being bullied by the poster I look up to and respect mre than anyone else


good morning chaps

ay gurl how u

knee deep snow
go away


mornin lad

I'm ok desu
just a bit hungry




I walked thru this

Another one

Car after a snow day


Rip hutzpa


stay warm friend

Also, this is area which i'm run thru


Is knee deep here, so much hate

I'm posting this out of boredom do not take the of-fence. ty gnight you slav-like-kranian
Holy fck I am winter tires. Gripping well beyond the slick awakeness t o the firm reality of SLEP!

where is everyone desu




So f4r AW3YY.
I never understood.. ANYONE.. T_T


He's got the right idea.



I found out one of my friends does porn today

one video has almost 3 million views

Well don't just sit there, link the video.


got to get those anime figurines somehow

His girlfriend is kind of annoying.

wtf i didnt expect you to actually post it

wtf you're actually waching it!!


Is it bully Bard time?

I don't know if that was his gf or not

You literally asked for it.

it is never bully anyone time >:(

Malorus is a shitty place.

I am curious yet indecisive

agctually its 6:30 a.m : D


Obviously, but I'm just making commentary.

Bully Loafie time.

He gets his ass eaten in one of them I think.

it is NOT bully loafie time

I know he had a wife at some point.

so u be sayin it is?


Oooh yeah, and mummy ain't here to protec you.

Can't imagine why that fell through.


I've only heard bad things about her.

She was an aussie

when will ban star in one of those videos

please don't hurt me


You and Ban should make one.

Eh, you're not nearly as fun as Bard.

hol up
what you be sayin is
*smacks lips*

a ya ya ya

That's a good girl~

I'm sorry I just don't like to be bullied is all
I'm sure you're a very nice person and you could be even nicer if you were to end these bullying shenanigans of yours

I can't escape them

He seems to be knee-deep in anglo prisoners it seems, go save him... with your dick.

I'm a terrible person, ask anyone.

This is the future you chose.

He did say some gay shit to me before passing out

Rather than saving things on paper and computers, find what you are good at in life, keep trying until you find it. Then leave something lasting, something you've worked on, people you've helped, people you've shared time and experiences with.
Like that the future will forever be changed, and that record is the most permanent you can have.

that's ok my friend I'll still care for you
just try and keep the bullying to a minimum will you please

I know my mission now!

I don;t have a future with an aussy

Ban chose this lifestyle

actually I've heard it was the lifestyle that chose him

Was this on hollywood insiders?






i've got a bowl of cereal here but Uhh

I don't have any milk

how biout some of that uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

that sweet wolf milk

Ask Speccy for some milk, I hear he got lots



That's gay.



I heard you're a man who knows how to get things

He got plenty

You cybered speccs?

We're talking about milk you fucking faggot


Ah, yeah, a genuine purveyor of fine... things. Whatchu' need fam?

well you see I've got this cereal
and no milk

well you see I've got this cereal
and no milk

Yeh can I get some of that Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvvvv

some of dat sweet spec milk

I'm cold AND my internet keeps cutting out
this is not a good day thus far

Cuuuuumin right up!
Anything for you Bardo~

get in

get in

That fucking sucks ;-;

But nah, the thing he's talking about is a local dairy here called Danzeisen Dairy, which has some AMAZING flavored milks and eggnog, and it even comes in these super cool OG 1950's glass milk bottles.

why are you posting all your messages twice bardo-kun

yeah it does internet access is a human right or something I should write a letter to parliament





So who wants to go on vacation to the Philippines with me?


*raises hand*

At this point, it pretty much is.

is it not
sorry my memory's not that good

Good thing you got no rights then

I too enjoy applying the word "right" to "things I want".

Imagine... a european telling an american they have no rights


All the dicks of the people in these threads are mine by right. That means you got no say in the matter, so hand them over this instant

It's not

I'm not saying I think it should be, I was just under the false impression that it was

Kinda wanna go down under on Goggles

Eww, it's a Soto

Pretty lewd

Was just meant to show the absurdity in that statement

Sup slut

Not lewd enough

you back the FUCK up

I don't think there's a bigger slut than you

hand it over


That's still more rights than you.

My dick belongs to another. Sorry Hu, you insatiable man slag.

Good, the fewer the better.
Now come here, I got something with your name on it

Your dick is my right, you far-right retarded shitbag

you blasted homosexuals

I'm straight as a rail.

But that's literally my shtick

Like ask anyone and they'll tell you Ive been doing this since like 2012
So it's just normal by now

Are you getting jelly cause you're supposed to be the bigger slut around here now?

Its a good thing Im lactose intolerant

rails can bend and so can you

Not even the slightest




Ded doest


død hest


isn't most of the states?

Dead horse?

What the fuck?

You see this?




he's a gay who just got destroyed he's sucking dick right now unable to recover

Says the gay ponylover

lol ok

Yeah, even though Im not white lmao


spec's mouth btfo

Will it ever recover?

lol, your memory is worse than mine, that's just amazing



never unfortunately
hopefully he doesn't contract aids

What are you trying to say?

Arguing with Hu just makes me want to wrestle his lanky ass down and fuck the shit out of him till he starts speaking in Danish

"Удален" it's mean 'Deleted"

You don't want that, Danish sounds weird, total boner killer.

Det vil dræbe din stivert på nul komma fem

Shaking my head

It's still there!

Post is deleting and posting again

It's just Holla Forums being a moody cunt.

Maybe it's your extension screwing something up?

This too. It's how you know 8ch is a girl



Mb it's something on my side, don't know

the odd post deletion and reposted thing, yeah. 8ch being moody isn't though

Perhaps Hotwheels is finally sick of the degenerates. It is time to purge.

It's too cold to shitpost on my comp

Im gonna wrap myself in like 3 blankets and phone post

or sleep

Or don't be a faggot and turn up the heater

They are an American. They are probably too poor to afford the heating. Considering their heroin addiction.

Why don't you go warm him up?

There is no heater

Besides Im so comfy rn
waiting on you to come join me

What do I look like to you, a blanket?

how fucking gay

Can't believe soto went user to fuck hu

heh heh

Fuckin stupid yanks and their meth

Funna jack off while thinking of Hu then sleep

ja ne

Stupid Yanks and their freedoms and awesomeness.

What a fag.
Sleep well though

pic related it's me being carried by (you)

-squeaks and looks around, hoping to see Ika before bed-

Good tradition

Is she retarded?

mein neger

You too?

if you think about it unless you sleep at like 2pm and wake up at very latest 11:59pm then you'll be sleeping during the day


yes it's actuall a little past my bedtime
it's about 10 a.m here ow

what abotu for yiou?

*o* -hugs and gives mango ice cream to-

If i understand it right
It's 17:44 around here

Brain is turning off, fuck

Ichigo is bae

i can't... bye4now.

Ichigo... kmore like... da booty

:< -kisses your cheek goodnight and watches you bye-



i've lost six pounds already but i don't feel good .-.


6 pounds?
That's as much as 6 chickens that weigh a pound each!

i've been eating 1k calories a day at most

Nezi you aren't fat
Shut up

How much do you weigh?

Probably why you feel like shit.
You are starving yourself and eating hardly anything of a varied diet.

Just get fat and eat what you want.
Find a cute chubby chaser.

was 190lbs

now 184

sounds good to me

most people don't think fat is attractive, so I'm more likely to find someone if I weigh less

What a fat, gosh

try and eat at least one proper meal a day
t. used to fast regularly and it didn't go well

Fat guys are better than skinny guys.
Most know how to cook too. Though I'm a pussy of an eater.

Stop starving yourself. Work out and eat food.

if you're eating that little, do you really need to exercise on top of that?

He needs to eat more AND exercise.

i gained 20lbs after my diagnosis

my bmi was considered overweight

there's no denying it.

i had a bit of a belly

that's what I'm doing

i think tuesday was a mistake that hurt me

i tried exercise + healthy food
wasn't working

at least not fast enough for me

I'm taking a short break from exercising while I cut calories

Losing or gaining weight rapidly is not healthy.
If you take it slow your body balances out and can regulate weight more consistently. You're probably at the point where if you don't starve yourself you might get your shit messed up and now you're fucked. There's no real reason to rush unless you are in medical danger. And I'm pretty sure you do it for cosmetic reasons.

Making waffles

I ate six today


I ate 2 waffles today

good luck. seems hard af.

eventually you should swap to healthy food and exercise.

I literally feel like become fat

Nezi, join us in waffle club

I'd kill to be about 40 pounds heavier honestly.

What is your current weight?

my rheumatologist put me down as "overweight" in my file. that was my wake-up call when i realized I needed to stop drowning in misery and do something

I am aware of these things.

this line i don't understand what you're trying to say

waffles are yummy

those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up

I'll be eating 2k+ calories and cycling for 30-60 minutes a day once I hit my weight goal


until then, good luck.

190 at 6'2''.

You will probably have to starve yourself to keep your weight instead of your body just knowing how to metabolite a decent diet.

Ignore the last line.

What is your height?

Tbh it's nice for american


if that happens I'll be adding calories back slowly

should get used to it eventually, not like my body will just "break" and permanently be unable to hold weight

seems unlikely


I'd show you a pic but all I have on hand is me flashing ass in a jock strap.


You're getting older. Your body isn't going to be able to adjust rapidly like it could 5 or 6 years ago.

I don't really care what you do either way. The cost of being pretty or whatever.


hang in there nezi

You need to lose weight immediately. Even i wasn't so fat.

I don't need in, i saw a lot of people like you

working on it

i don't care if it adjusts rapidly or slowly, so long as it adjusts at some point
I'll be daijoubu

post butt


In my "fattest" point i was 230-231 pound, in two mounth i lost to 180-183

I'm not posting my ass.

I can give some advices to you

super late on this but go read Loveless you catboy wannabe faggot

Did someone say...Loveless?

Did someone say...

...Metal gear???



my body is burning calories as we speak

i'm good

god i love most of the metal gear games, really wanted to say that without the most there but you know, can't really do that with several of the crappy metal gear games that exist

you body actually burns calories for up to 24 hours after a good workout, even while you're sleeping

As we see it isn't enough


yeah you're right i'm sure the yuri method would be faster, i can lose the weight from discarding my useless blood


im trying to finally finish that Stick of Truth game and these shitty canadian direwolfs keep trying to fire their wolf balls at me, i'm not sure what i was expecting from a south park game but it wasn't this

Just don't eat anything what made of flour and have oil\was fried\was fried in\on oil. That would be enough.

I think we've seen over-extensive diet methods haven't gone too well, you should remember to have a well-balanced diet above all else, with the correct amounts of each food group

self control and social influences play a major part, in most parts of the world serving sizes are smaller to begin with, and many facets of commercialism encourage over-consuming

i mean i can't really talk because i have a bit of a muffin top, but i'm not trying to get rid of it and i'm far from being unhealthy or obese, but beyond that each individual has their own challenges to overcome when it comes to working out, if they say they have it figured out for themselves, just leave it alone


why doesn't anyone take my advice...

Just fucking eat man!


Lol, when i was in "weight loosing" regime, i losed like 1-2 pound each day

Do not eat humans

just fucking eat humans, man


well, no... But the man should eat!

But I just downed like 800g of potatoes, a good 6 frikedeller and went all in on sauce too.
I get plenty calories, I just don't gain weight

Tomorrow i need to take a beer

Where are you taking it?

Local beer store "Nalivaika"

Eat everything with bread, in couple mouth you'll be fat as pig

I eat bread daily.
in a couple months*
And nope. 10 years from now I may be

why would you take a beer to the store
isn't it normally the other way around

He's gonna take it to yer ma's house.

the other way around would be the beer taking you to to store, so yea, i guess that works technically

No, literally anything with bread

Nanananannanananananan, beer from non-specialized stores is taste like shit


go on then
I've not had a ukranian beer before

In Soviet Russia... beer takes YOU!

i am actively avoiding things that like, but if served something I will still eat it

I'm more concerned about total calorie intake and eating mostly healthy foods

? I lost weight

then I gained it back

I just had 4 eggs, bite me :3

there was a doctor who lost weight eating nothing but hostess cupcakes for a month in controlled amounts

*bites down hard*

That is a problem, if you want to lose weight, you can't eat food what i described

this seven year old study supports your prognosis of calorie count total over diet diversification

i guess eight years now

"Chuckled, when I was on a weight loss regime, I lost around 1-2 pounds a day."

Too late...

I can give you a tip on how to lose a half pound each day and you don't even have to exercise.

A college professor once bet his students he could lose weight eating nothing but doritos and twinkies just by limiting his calories. lost 27 pounds in 2 months

nnngh oh god~

that's not true, calorie intake is more important than a balanced diet as far as losing weight

and how is that?

already linked it sorry :

Do you promise to actually give it a try for 3 days?


I saw that study on reddit a while back, funny you found the same thing

depends on what it is

I'm currently burning a lot of fat but i'm down for whatever you wanna suggest if it also works


Go fuck yourself

don't forget your 5 a day

Very bad

This might be a bit of a shock so make sure you're sitting down.
I lost a half pound each day with I did this and another half pound from being on an exercise bike.

give up all gluten

i rather you fuck me..

Its their fault for being so yummy ^_^

be nice frens


I think this way too

Very not good

isn't that part of keto diet









