Mfw Macrons approval rating is like 40

Melenchon can and will easily win in 2022

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't he say that this was the last election he'd run?

Is anyone else worried something will ruin this between now and 2022?

Both Corbyn and Melenchon are on course to win, but they're both 5 years away. I feel like something is bound to go wrong.

There will be a recession before 2022 which should help Melenchon and Corbyn. Americas never gone 13 years without a recession before.

They die? The big thing over the next few years is the next recession, whch can only ever harm the incumbent.

You know what? They will both resign before they can.

You know why? Because neither of them wanted to govern. They wanted to create movements so younger, sexier people with their ideals could take hold the torch and lead. Tbh if things go Corbyn's way this conference he may resign soon after. He wanted to create a movement for the abolition of the present tate of things, not do the abolition himself.

Their movements will collapse into liberalism and idpol without them unless they name a clear successor, even then who knows.

The most significant deputy in France insoumise I can think of is François Ruffin



I swear that bloke has 4 cartoons that he rehashed every time he wants to make his nonsensical point.

If Republicans can't win 2020 they will crash the economy and pin it on the dems again.

It's your fault that you repeat the same mistakes. As long as you support opportunist social democrats, GMiL will draw the same old stuff over and over.

While I generally think leftcoms have the right idea, it's weird to think Corbyn would "fire workers and cut benefits." He seems genuinely opposed to capitalism, and his election would help a radical left grow and organize.

Beep beep

why is every decently popular leftist politician like 100 years old

I bet 20 Bucks macron Will resign half way through, he Just cant keep a neo liberal economic policy while trying to look progresive.


Oops didn't see that was already posted

Because they're veterans of the good old worker's struggles of the 60s/70s and so on, they understand the good that socialism/social democracy can do, and they developed politically in an era where propaganda was much less sophisticated than it is now.

melenchon is still defending venezuela to this day

I'd place better odds on him staging some kind of power consolidation to become Napoleon II or something than stepping down.

Why the fuck do you think?

The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the USSR fucking devastated left-organization. Communism was actually considered debunked by millions of people, even leftists, who could not consider that this "End of History" was premature. Most so-called socialist organizations in Latin America and Europe abandoned the working class. Those that didn't, such as Cuba or Venezuela, had to negotiate their strategies for socialism on terms more favorable to the bourgeoisie.

From the late 80s up until the mid 2000s, effectively every leading left-wing politician was dragged to the right by neoliberalism. Those that did not accept neoliberalism usually found themselves turning into conservative social democrats who could do little more than protest the ongoing disassembly of their country's welfare state. Guys like Macron and Trudeau and Obama are in fact the second generation of these sorts of politicians, sincere believers in the infallibility of the market who think a brighter and more equitable world is popular on bourgeois terms.

All we have left are the relict leaders of the old new left, men and women who resisted the siren's song of liberalism during the late Cold War and refused to budge once everybody else was racing in the direction of capitalist finality. Now that the economic stagnation and rising nationalism have stripped bare the gaping holes in liberal ideology, folks like Sanders and Corbyn and Melenchon finally have their moment. These men are now buoyed by a new generation of socialist activists, teeming in the tens or hundreds of thousands in every industrialized country from Canada to Japan. Within the next couple decades this older generation of left leadership will be gone, but in their absence replaced by a larger, more devoted, and potentially stronger cadre of socialists born too late to experience the last gasps of postwar prosperity. These desperate young people, who include probably 90% of posters on this board, have nothing to lose from capitalism's destruction and instead have everything to gain.

We all need to defend Venezuela from the forces that wish to whore out the country to American corporations

Doesn't mean we have we have to like Maduro

Goosebumps fam.

Dude, there was a second one already


Why does Holla Forums love Melenchon so much when he's denied being far left and there is a literal French communist party that is almost as popular as him?

Because if you a young socialist people think you're just an immature shithead having a phase, and if you're a socialist in your 40s and 50s people think you're just trying to bang college students. You need to be old before people realise you're serious, earn your credentials, and win their trust.

Because we get our strategies from Marx and Lenin, not a shitty webcomic


It's almost like he ran for the PCF in 2012, OH WAIT HE DID.

I think we're about to witness something special, actually. The dissolution of the USSR was the grave stone of the 20th century Left, and now young people are rediscovering this legacy that they didn't even know that they were heir to. As these relics of the 20th century pass away, we're going to have to move forward with our own ideas and our own strategies. If we last that long, we're going to see a Renaissance of Leftist thought that hasn't been seen for the better part of a hundred years.

It's still less shit than NPA or other left parties, but really, that's one part of their program I really can't get behind
Clémentine Autain needs to go

Not at all, Communists only exist thanks to Mélenchon running for them last year, are Socdems which a hard-on for idpol.

The French communist party is the third largest one by membership and as far as I know they've consistently polled pretty well among the general population.

Still denies being far left.


Trying to find the quote, hold on.

He shifted a lot from 2012 to 2017
Notably abandoning all red flags for the tricolour and doesn't sing the Internationale at the end of each meeting.

I already posted these two, you retards.

Actually the siuation of mélenchon is not good either due to Venezuela

Fuck yeah, Holla Forums will lead the revolution if it's in our basement.

But will Melenchon be good enough anymore by 2022? France doesn't need more social democrats, 2022 may be the time for socialism or fascism.

A new challenger appears

The PCF is slowly dying. Most of its members are too old for doing anything else than paying contributions.
The MJCF (its youth organization) exists only because it's the last significant leftist youth organization, and their political training is shit.
The PCF didn't learn anything from Syriza's failure, they're still falling for the "EU at all cost" meme.
The negociations between France Insoumise and PCF failed thanks to PCF.
They're still cucked by the PS, because they need money. Not even for political action, only to keep their premises.
There's nothing to hope about the PCf. The sooner it dies, the best.
The NPA is an absolute joke. A few years ago they had a meeting about "sex toys and emancipation". Enough said.
LO is a trotskyist Jurassic Park. They actually believe that, once in power in France, they could transform the EU into a Socialist European Union.
Ensemble (Clémentine Autain's party) is a pandemonium. Idpolers, old hippies, liberals, utopianists … If it's cancer, it's in Ensemble.

Dat nose tho…

Source for his party being plagued by Idpol?

t. Friendly neighborhood royalist

yo this makes my dick hard

How does this relate directly to Melenchon?

The future is bright, comrades


Nice great man history fam.

because leftists are no longer permitted. the olds are holdovers from a time when it was possible to rise to power pushing a leftist message.

Because most young leftists are idpozzed. Old leftists are by and large the only ones who haven't fallen for the infinite genders and "white men are the devil" memes.

This. What we're seeing now is the return of people who predate the neoliberal surge of the 80s and 90s, and who quietly held onto their convictions while all the other socdems, trade unionists etc all turned to the right. At the same time, they came up in a time when the left was defined by class struggle and not idpol, so they stand out from the young leftists that have rediscovered socialist ideas in the wake of 2008 but mixed them with radlib cancer.

I agree with you in that material conditions of the 21st century have opened the door for a new generation of leftists. However, with the dawn of 21st century leftism, we all have to face some hard truths. What worked for 20th century revolutionaries will not work for us. While theorists like Marx and Lenin may be useful in their critiques of capitalism, the unprecedented surveillance, military, and propaganda capabilities of the modern bourgeois state, render their revolutionary theories largely irrelevant. Violent uprisings and vanguard parties are a thing of the past, and will be rejected by the Western proletariat. So this next generation of leftists must develop new modern ideas for recruitment and revolution, rather than devolving to the hero worship often seen on this board.

Lassalle seems like a nice lad tbh

That much is guaranteed, yeah. Part of the point Porky calls this bullshit of a vote every 4 or 5 years a "democracy". Just ram their candidate through thanks to the media and there we have it, so what if the second-placer turns out to be more popular after the elections, proles can't do jack shit about it and and cndidate will be completely forgotten by the next election.

The guy went on a hunger strike when Sarkozy was president to prevent a factory in his town from shutting down.


I keep mistaking Lassalle, Lafargue and Fourier.

Also Double Parenthesis + Double Bracket is now official Holla Forums memespeak for JewNigger.

curly brackets only.

It's just an overview of the modern French far left, which I guess this thread is about

I almost voted for Lassalle tbh

Mélenchon is busy ruining himself with childish interventions and stupid gimmicks

Robespierre isn't to be idealised tbh, guy almost genocided the Vendeans

His meme value is priceless though, much like Stalin.

Maybe we could develop a more elaborate code.

Marx confirmed for being a excellent brocialist


they are not since Robert Hue… No wait they are not since theybecame part of the Komintern. By the way Pierre Laurent want to change the name of the party. lolilol

The only good thing about Melenchon is he want to change the political structure. If he succeed in doing so, People will maybe realise that the State is not a magical tool which rules society but that Capital does. Then maybe people will become really radical

For anyone who's not a frenchfag, this man was a sheperd in south France before going into politics. When he was a "député" (senator i guess for you) he travelled on foot through rural France, koncking random doors to talk to people "to cure the ill that prey the country" or something like that. He has a strong southern accent and talks like a commoner. For the presidential debate he presented himself as "shepperd, son of a shepperd, brother of a shepperd" told about his wife Patricia she was a "cochonne" (literraly pig, but means nasty in the bedroom)

*knocking random doors

I laughed very hard. But at least Arthaud talks about capitalism, which only a few do seriously

get out fascit

he is right wing. he just play on his background. I think I remember he did shit when he ran his county. Something about ecology with a ski station… not sure

Royalists… Far left
my fkin sides

If this is the poster I think it is, his position is a bit more nuanced than that. I think it had something to do with various restoration and Bonapartiste groups' orientation toward the emergence of organized labor and representative democracy.

Maybe the user who posted is confused, but Action Française is absolutly far right.

Arthaud is completely out of touch with reality

She is definitly old school, that's why it doesn't catch. She acted in the debate like she had all night to explain Marxism, she uses words people don't understand. Melenchon is way better in a debate or a rally than her.

Sounds based.

No, it's even worse : she was a caricature.
Everything she said could be summarized by "muh capitalist class", and her proposals were pot-smoking-tankie-tier.
Mélenchon was talking about concrete socdem stuff, Poutou took advantage of the showtime by exposing corruption and highlighting how the bourgeoisie exploits proles in a simple and effective way, and Arthaud made leftists look like braindead Scientologists.

Arlette Laguiller was a better meme.

forgot cute pic

He had his hunger strike when Sarkozy wouldn't stop the closure of a factory and actually won.

Wich is good, but he also did this :

a year ago this thread would have been saged and ignored and deleted after 5 replies telling OP to fuck off


Reminder to read OJTR's ("Organization of the Young Revolutionary Workers's:") critique of your highest stage of alienation:

t. Frenchfag


It's a video ABOUT the far left, made by the AF. If you have a better source, do link.

Ni droite, ni gauche, monarchie populaire

Is this ironic?
Also, I did STMG and we never learn anything about Marxism.

This, also the PCF is socdem since the 90's anyway, if people want to vote socdem they better vote FI because they are the only leftists that have a chance to win.

It's a meme, Arthaud is an economics teacher in a technical lycée, so she probably teaches to STMG.
Which is weird, given she has aggrégation (equivalent and even a bit harder than a master degree) in economics.
Also, it comes back to haunt her every election

Anarchostalinien are easily one of the best far left memesters out there

I know that she was an economics teacher but she can't teach marxism because there's a national program to respect.

That's not weird at all, it's better to know how works capitalism to critizice it.

Yeah, journalists love banters.

It's weird because with the aggrégation she can opt for something much more prestigious than teaching in a technical/vocational school, which usually doesn't attract the best students.

Probably because every business school or others "prestigious school" would never have a marxist teacher among them, especially Arthaud.


Althusser was teaching at Sciences-Po, mate. The very fabric of our political elite.


calling lasalle the n word was the 1860s version of leftists listening to cum town