♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥

It snowed so much I got the day off Work Edition.

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Imagine, if loafie wasn't a neet.


A simple situation to imagine, very reasonable

What about women, loafie

I don't like them >:(

I do

cant believe loafie doesnt like me :/

Poor Green bean there there

On the whole, I dislike them due to poor past experiences with them. This does not apply to all of them, such as

Loafie is a bottom. This is knowledge that Erio needs to know.

I mean I know very few individual women I'm attracted to but conceptually, I like women


try apologising to her face

shaking my head

I don't just mean I find them unattractive
I find that I dislike them as human beings

I really don't see the point in creating a twitch account just so I can say one word, if she so dearly wants an apology, then she can ask for it here

I will destroy you now, for my lady love.

wtf don't call me out

I don't like human beings all that much but some of them are cute and some are interesting

-gasps and hurries over to you in his fur lined warm winter parka, holding a sled. He bounces up and down while staring at you-

-also wonders if you've tried an anti inflammatory diet rich in root vegetables, dark greens and lots of tumeric? Don't do it without talking to doctor first because has blood thinning effects as well which might conflict with your other meds.-

-pats sonata, and grabs my sled too-

\^-^/ -hurries out ahead of you, forgetting to close the door. Three squirrels in warm mittens and caps follow him-

-closes the door, and enjoys the chilly air-

-lays on the sled and flies down the hill, laughing the whole way, but gets himself stuck in a snow bank at the bottom- X_X

-is sick and poopy-

-zooms down the hill, also hitting the bank and getting covered in snow, snickers as three squirrels sqeak on their skiis-

You need a hot tea and a big squish. Poor Liliana.

-hollows out the snew bank to create a make shift igloo, and stares out with conspiratorial eyes. May or may not be planning to throw snewballs-

-brings you electric blankets to help keep you warm and hot tea with extra peppermint to open your sinuses-

make a tea

por me

-is thankee. laying down now....-

-looks at the igloo with fascination-

Poor! Lilttle! Lily! -smonsh smonsh- ^.^ do a calm rest


:3 -hucks a small snewball at you...but it falls well short- :

Woahj! easy there! how dare! i'll be your thot bb

- does a dramatic fall to the snow, like ive been shot, sonata is best snowball-

i think u got that backwards

This, I can work with, chu~


Scoots and Lili sitting in a tree

Doing the biggest reee

doing ur mum

Well that would explain the sudden death.


Why isn't this on Sky Sports?

Huh, I love drag cars.

On here it airs on Bravo I think

Right now i'm watching "School days", i can't even imagine the biggest mud than macoto

Real cocksucker

if someone recommended you school days that person probably is not a very good friend

I don't have friends


all I want to do is drink beer and play videogames

me neither

Then do it.

Also, what a shit site

Do you have to solve the captcha for each new post now?

oh Thank God

school days is notorious for its ending, and is often jokingly recommended in a vein similar to boku no pico and a few others
watch amagami ss instead
sorry about the 4 hour delay and all

Wtf was that

8ch being 8ch. It's shit

I liked this anime

After watching to the end it was feel of little emptiness inside, what a fun story. In many moments i laughed like hyena


Nobody recommended this anime to me

no, recommending the cocksucker to you.



thicc cum


I need new hair cut

Fitness app is amazing, like personal trainer



a new hair cut*

*Haircut is a compound word

Fuck. I thought English weren't supposed to have any compounds

at least we're not germans

Anyway, i want to become bald



Searching result is pic of Rashid and Mahmud which drinking beer, is this ok? Or it should be so?

It's not okay, but yes, that's pretty much what it was implying.
Germans aren't really Germans anymore

Islamification it's their own choice, there is nothing we can do about this

Not really, and things are already happening


that's shit

I don't speak german. And don't know anything about german politics

this is all anyone needs to know about german politics


Social democrats has lost half its voterbase.
Merkel's party lost a significant amount of voters too, and the "far-right" AfD has gotten a lot of those people's votes.
Nobody wants to do any business with them, but soon enough the other parties might just have to, cause that's what the population wants

How soon is we will see a new raich raise?

The new reich will start with you guys in the east

History experience shows us, that the biggest slavic nations can unite only against someone

Then why not unite against the jews?

Why jews? Better against russia

Russia did nothing wrong.

Say it to some dude from Azov

Russia dindu nuthin

Repeat pls


"Russia didn't do anything"

"dindu nuthin" (also spelled nuffin) is a deliberate misspelling of "I didn't do nothing" (which should be "I didn't do anything because double negative), a stereotypical plead for innocence held by blacks when confronted with their crimes


I should write a meme dictionary and get paid for it

Might even work out

What about invasion in my country?

Reclaiming of rightful clay.

Just taking back rightful clay~

You dumb, or pretend?

Need dem buffer states.


No, rly " rightful clay" is the most dumb stamp of russian propaganda

Muh ethnic Russians tho

Nah. We're gonna eventually "invade" Norway too and take back that clay as well

*screams internally but out loud*

Dude, you live like in the weakest country of Europe in military case, invasion in country with military service call is the last thing your country need

I think this is what you tried saying anyway, although not really sure.
And it's fine, Norway wouldn't mind. We should be one country anyway

I'm bedding now though

does anyone want to play some Overwatch while it's still unranked?


If Denmark and Norway would start a war it's gonna be fun. Good artillery strike can destroy a half of fighting army

Goodnight, conqueror


Reactive artillery, dude






everyone's having early nights tonight what's going on

Go to bed fag stick.

The Soviet Union was a perfect state and it was a grave sin for it to have been stolen.


Stop telling people what to do, spectreballs


what's so special about cock anyway

It's cock-shaped

It's cock-shaped

It's cock-shaped


Already following him.


It's some good shit.

A little sad that he censors but yeah


Learn to draw an decensor it yourself.


I would spend way too long on that stuff.

You been doing okay?

would you put it in your girl if she asked?

Nothing wrong with that.

Yeah, I'm alright I think. You?

I don't have a girl

goodnight friends



what if you did?

Then yeah, probably.

even me?

Well I wouldn't make you my girl to begin with...

Why not?

I don't really know you.

Will probably end up with the flu tomorrow, been feeling terrible all day. Other than that nothing new under the sun.

Where is everybody?

Yo. Everyone died. The drank the kool aid

You're not allowed to get sick, I forbid it.

I'm right here.

I'm really laid-back and calm. But I don't talk much so having a conversation with me will be hard.

Those poor fucking bastards.

Well hello you.

Can I at least be the thread Jim Jones?

Ohh? I dig.

I'm pretty shit at talking to people too tbh :^)

Hi, me Wish ungah ungah

Helwo, Wish ungah ungah. You can just call me Mandy.

What are you up to today?

You got it

its not about being "shit" you could be an introvert like me and that's normal

Sweet. Narcissism, promoting socialism and advocating suicide seems close enough.

Hi Andy, I'm just trying to kill time while I wait for food.

What about you?

Nah, I'm fairly certain it's just me being shit :^)

Kinda same. Except my food is just cooling down now. And I am getting right proper drunk.

Can I tell you a secret?

You may have a problem.

Yeah, a limited supply of alcohol.

it wasn't narcissism. what he did, what he had people do, was an act of Love. he saved them all.

I hope that works. I'm pathetic right now.

A messiah complex and other megalomania are narcissistic.

Oh? What'cha got?

Sure, anything.

Well yeah you are, but that doesn't have anything to do with being ill.

If you were shit wouldn't be liked by anyone here...

Just some malt liqour. Natty daddy.

I really wish I would just die so I didn't have to break this girls heart

if delivering people from the vileness and rot in the world, makes you want to call him some kind of messiah, then maybe he was. that complex wasn't something he made up by himself. others saw the messiah in him. maybe it's a bit more complex than you care to admit.

You're right, it comes from my poor choice in conversation!

If you ever in the position of defending cults, you should probably reconsider your life choices.

Why is that cooling down? Did you boil it?

Aw, that's kinda sad... I wish I had some advice for you...

Like cocks?

Na, just cooked it in the oven.

Yeah, it seems to happen to me a lot. I get very cold after a time. Like a stone. And it isn't fair for them. I literally have no feelings, positive or negative towards them.

what isn't a cult these days? we're all part of some cult, if we're normal, decently socialized human beings. mankind would never have survived if we hadn't formed tribes, and created rules for ourselves. each and every one of us, is a product of our ancestors collectively believing in something greater than themselves.

what Jim Jones offered those people, and what they received from him, was the sort of love and belonging each and every one of us craves. it's hard not to defend those that sacrifice themselves to nurture our deepest psychological needs.

Is this like saying you're a Hanzo main means that you're an Olympic tier archer?

Why do you cook alcohol?

So why do you need getting into things like that if you don't have feelings for them?

well i'm going to work anyway, see ya

I'm saying we all have the capacity to surrender ourselves to something greater than ourselves, and it's one of the most profound and meaningful things a human can do with their life, if we so choose.

some of us may dedicate ourselves fully to our family, or our corporation. I'm defending the emotions you should realize you're capable of having.

Ah shit, I'm blind.

Bye :c

Only half right

shit u rite xd


Why are you thinking of cocks again?

"I can't think of anything but dicks~!"

A classic

dang i found some old pics of me

look how much hair i had lol

yung nezi

what a GAMER

skrrt skrrt

Yeah, that doujin was based on me actually.

No way?!

undoctored version btw

RIP :(

I swear my dude

Autograph ?

Here you go

Nice, thanks! Keep up the good work. You're the best!

Of course my dude

I'm glad you didn't turn your school into Parkland.

Holy shit you used to be skinny af

What happened Nezi

You turned into Kirby

Sup homies?


nah I had a few nerd friends and was active in a couple clubs, played tennis, etc

I was really happy all through high school up until senior year when my parents started their divorce and my mom went nuts

Do u ever just

Absentmindedly stare at an image

& it gets Photoshopped pincc in ur head

lol stoner

i'm high af in this pic

No, never.


I sometimes wonder how many extra chromosomes you have.

Can't wait to get Wish drunk at AX so that he misses his flight back


You really need to ditch the school shooter haircut my dude

give wish the sake

receive the succi

It looks more like a bad bowlcut.

o wow only 360 calories in one day

tbh if i counted my calories though itd be like

0 calories for 3 days and then like 200 on friday

How u

You seem like you're in an okay mood today ^^

Cos you're a goodie two shoes who doesn't smonk

To be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to be able to identify shitposting

Never go full baddog/Kanra.

What's a smonk

I was shitposting while talking about shitposting

U would have had to have an extra high IQ to be able to understand that one

Holla Forums dialect for "smooking weed drug"

Why would you smoke a dandelion? I don't get it...

Do see if you can get high off of it, obviously


im gonna get thin again

being hungry sucks but

i'll just be drinking a lot of water and watching my progress helps a lot



But why

500+ calorie hot chocolate




I just didn't comb my hair that day

The fucking weebs just showed up at my pad and were like "get in the car loser, we're going drinking"

But he's like a 6'5 dude with a beard and giant sholders

Maybe Rin actually got a fucking job for once

That seems as likely as him becoming a girl.


I actually giggled

Though I'd rather he work than pass as a grill

It's not cruel to give people realistic expectations.


I don't wanna post Wish nudes where everyone can see it

He will beat me up irl
probably rape me too

Must be hard for traps to work nowadays lmao
I wonder where they find jobs for them anyways
like obviously not at customer service or jobs dealing with food cause they're gross to look at

:100: :fire: :okhand:


doesn't have to be nudes lol wtf

The new Nagatoro chapter was fucking fire dude

Senpai's hair is like his biggest weakness and nagatoro just was talking shit on him and he felt all bad, then Nagatoro actually felt bad for once thgen got soaking wet and bullied him till he fucking tiddy slapped her

How's Yuzumori's boring ass story been holding up?

There was one where I work that got fired before I even started working there. Apparently, he was just kept working on projects far away from other people.

Yeah, I cooked some badass food for dinner. Took a dab and am playing more No Man's Sky. I got a new ship finally^^

Ask Wish if I can post them tho

Sounds about right

Kinda almost feel bad for em ya know?

hey wish can soto post a pic of you


It's their poor life choices. You can't feel bad for them for conscious decisions they make.

do you enjoy the total mayhem mode or does it get too awful at your SR?


Oh shit, I forgot there was a new one today.

brb reading that shit.

game modes like total mayhem and mystery heroes, there aren't many high rank players in those

it balances so that I'm the only GM on my team, and the other team has higher rank players versus the 5 that I get

so I have to frag out and carry if I want to win. anytime I get healer in mystery heroes I lose 100% of time, it's stacked hard against me and you can't hard carry with healer

I honestly hate it I'd rather wait a long time for a better game with GMs

where the hood at

Pls translate for me

daaaaamn, that's sadly what i figured, you know ive been getting a little better and im starting to notice the difference a good DPS plus compitent tank make, i'm able to tell the course of whats happening more even if i cant change it myself, ive at least it "mediocre soldier" level and im pretty happy with that considered my time invested, the contact ive had with better players and watching videos from pros has helped a lot, i helped wreck in a team with a lot of four stars on their team, just because they have stars doesn't mean they are good i guess


Illya is trash.

Tell that to Wish lmao

nice =)

watching pro players helps a lot with concepts and decision making

yeah level doesn't mean shit, it does mean experience/time invested but not everyone learns from experience ya know? making the same mistakes over and over and not learning what you did wrong gets you nowhere


This is the first board in the banner.
Why, God, why?

figures soto and wish are meeting since they're both pedos

It was shit tbh

Gonna round up some grade schoolers at our hotel room for AX

Wish is bringing the zip ties and duct tape

A lil late to the game there fam

literally your home though

completely agree, and i recognize that some people just have better reflexes, eyesight, and reaction time than other people, and i know it goes further than that with map memorization and muscle memory, understanding an action isn't the same as performing it and having the neural pathways ingrained into your brain to do it faster and with little effort to activate the memory

but uh yea, just working on teamworkj and trying the new hero out on the public test servers, she's sooooo goooood

I don't. I drink it. I cook food.

Because feelings change, and mine are fleeting.

Nagatoro has been shit for 10 chapters


Then why were you waiting for your alcohol to cool down?

But it consistently fleets?

like i get that team comp and grouping up as a team is one thing to learn but there are some things that can't be taught

Good evening, love. How has your day been?

My food was cooling down. My alcohol was constantly cool. Beer, and all.

Essentially. I have highs, separated by large amounts of no caring at all

i fill the no caring with youtube sometimes, it helps

unless you're at work that sucks

where is spegtre

It was pretty good^^ Work was busy so it went by quickly, then my roommate and I cooked chicken and 3-cheese raviolis from scratch, and I got some gaming in afterwards.

How was your day?

Oh, we made sriracha deviled eggs too^^

man i want some fucking scotch

Man. I really feel like I don't post here much lately.

Are you preparing for Fish?

I actually care about my job. It makes me frustrated and pissed.

That sounds enjoyable. Cooking and spending time with a friend is good.

Work sucked for me. We are down like 10 people, so work is rough lately. At least 9-10 hour days every day. Then got drunk when I got home. My mom is leaving town today, so, fun time.

Whatcha up to.

I got some Dewar's.


Evening, Mandy.

you and everyone else, it really is actually dying this time, people jsut wanted it to get to 2 million posts and now we only have like 26,000 more since then

actually people still post here its just a bunch of different ones and they never want to do anything fun or they are speaking in like dutch

brigitte is interesting yeah, I love the design as well

gonna get her golden gun soon I think, sucks I just spent it on mccree :\


fish's appetizer maaybe

that's good, caring about your work is very important

you might absolutely hate me for this, but i got five oranges this season without spending any gold, and four of them were event oranges, two purple skins

If I pass out it isn't intentional. How are ya?

Only when other's care as well.

har har har

I enjoy making pasta dough.

but also that, yes

Awwe. sry to hear that bb.

At least OT? idk it still always sucks when you're drastically shorthanded :(

nm prolly going back into my room and chill til bedtime?

If it dies then I'm going to just go post on Tumblr or something.

Tired. I slept like shit and too long. Now I only have a few hours before work.

ill just end up playing videogames more and talking on discord groups and maybe getting VR chat

If you all die, then I'll just get people from /s4s/ to create the universe again from scratch

I got quite a few I can lug over too that I'm saving for a rainy day

Yeah the OT is nice, but it still sucks workwise. A lot of headache.

Why was the a question? Not sure if I will let you go chill in your room until bedtime??

I've never had a few hours before work, so I guess that is one thing to look up to. It could be worse, though sleeping long does suck usually.

and i guess i could jsut watch even more youtube, its not like i catch up on my backlogs at any point

If I sleep more than 5 hours I get sick now 'cause I'm too use to not getting much sleep.

i honestly have people i could introduce at any time as well, i just... kind of like things as they are?

That only happens at about 8 for me.

That was an honest mistake, but now you've piqued my interest.

I'm considering going to a sleep specialist.

too many people consistently come here for it to ever die, and it seems like people lurk and wait specifically till when its getting slow just to post, tis a very weird dynamic

Oh? How did I manage that? What do you think I have on my mind?

I am considering going to a therapsist. I alwys dimiss it though.

Reminder that the threads weren't even this active in like 2011-2013

At first they were mostly just like, an evening thing, and over time people started making them more and now you all expect it to just be active 24/7

Yeah doesn't really feel like the community is in danger

We were talking about if the board actually starts dying totally 4 real this time

well I certainly wasn't the one saying that

that's obvious

how are you today

We should go together.
I can't really handle medical shit out of anxiety. So going with someone would be nice.

More attention that way.

Or less.


I think BD was saying it's dying but I don't always read his entire posts

He types a lot

I don't like the idea of being declared mentally unstable.

yellows you mean? legendary skins? that's pretty damn lucky considering how much you play. five legendary and 2 purple, that's damn good

I played a TON so I got every event item this time without spending any credits

I'm good, pretty high

Had Chipotle for dinner and I think the meat is actually their shittiest thing; it's backwards


oh well
looks like we better pack it up

loosk like it's over boys

it's been a good run

I asked you what food you were having and you said malt liquor!

Me too tbh.. It's really rough...

I figure there's something wrong with me physically and mentally.
Sometimes I'd like to know what it is so I can try and be better.

No sir! I've been putting in my levels and getting in my three arcade boxes every week c: a lot of it is blizzards generosity but some of it might be my own luck, whatever that really means

like what?

Are you going to cuck Swedish Fish by sleeping with Mandy instead of him when you get to Arizona?

Oh, I assumed you meant what alcool I was having, Completley my bad. Sorry.

And yeah, it really sucks. I mean, I care, but not really.

If I know what it is I can't pretend I am perfectly fine.

I use to be really stoked to earn boxes in OW, but then I really looked at how padded the drops were with shit I'd never use and stopped playing in general.

And now with LoL I have everything I can buy with in game cash so the boxes are the only way to get more shit without paying.

I think there's something wrong I been exhausted the past few days
I think it's cause shit nutrition but idk

my whole body's been overcome with fatigue for a while and it's detrimental to my schedule

I cant stand chipotle
You do anything new or is your day to day the same as it always is

Please consider at least looking into it.
I worry about you and want you to be well.

Yeah, I've had both my mom and dad say they worry about me as well.....

What exactly is Chipotle?


well... if you have better eye sight than me, you might be better at catching movement on a screen, or you might just have better developed skills in shooters, in that case it could be taught but you'd have to teach yourself, it's not like someone else can be good at shooters for you

what i'm more or less saying without so many words is that you notice when people are coming over to overwatch with some shooter experience and on new accounts, and people who don't have hardly any mouse and keyboard experience at all

so someone like you was probably better in season 1 than someone like me could ever have been, because i was jsut learning how to game again on mouse and keyboard with Overwatch

You might look into what makes you unhappy.