Theodor Adorno

Theodor Adorno is the best

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Adorno is going to be 2018's meme, him or Althusser

I think Adorno has more potential because he was sort of bullied to death and that's hilarious.

Can't beat the man that killed his wife

Psychology is a pseudo-science and is proto-idealist nonsense. Economics and political structure trump psychoanalytic nonsense. Adorno was cool but he was also a fucking hack. Leftism needs to forget most everything that happened during and after the second world war if it is going to flourish in the 21st century.



Fuck you mang.

The western left has been dying since the 1940s though. Turns out people dislike being called fascists because they trust their fathers and also don't care about student activism.


Come on OP.

This, I'm so going to read the Frankfurt School of wizardry next year

Is this true?

Even worse. When vulgar materialists get butthurt about Psychoanalysis and Hegel they're basically saying thoughts don't exist, that the human mind isn't based in material reality, and that Superstructure is essentially nonexistent. They reduce Dialectical Materialism to a form of reductionist economism where humans are just mindless ants that react to market forces like chemical signals.

End your life.

>For the summer semester Adorno planned a lecture course entitled "An Introduction to Dialectical Thinking," as well as a seminar on the dialectics of subject and object. But at the first lecture Adorno's attempt to open up the lecture and invite questions whenever they arose degenerated into a disruption from which he quickly fled: after a student wrote on the blackboard "If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease," three women students approached the lectern, bared their breasts and scattered flower petals over his head.[45] Yet Adorno continued to resist blanket condemnations of the protest movement which would have only strengthened the conservative thesis according to which political irrationalism was the result of Adorno's teaching. After further disruptions to his lectures, Adorno canceled the lectures for the rest of the seminar, continuing only with his philosophy seminar. In the summer of 1969, weary from these activities, Adorno returned once again to Zermatt, Switzerland, at the foot of Matterhorn to restore his strength. On August 6 he died of a heart attack.
He basically got shamed and bullied into depression by call-out culture unitytards and pre-SJWs for his theoretical takes. No wonder Zizek, who really likes Adorno, is more and more experiencing the same shit today.

Jazz is awesome. Adorno has no clue.

Look at this bald-ass herb, did he ever get any quality pussy?

Holy fucking shit those comments, it's unbearable. And I'm only getting into Frankfurt School stuff and I know better than the >hurr cultmarx shits in the comments.



Does anyone have the webm of Adorno with Nicki Minaj music playing over it?


Didn't Adorno hate particular forms of Jazz like 12 tone because he felt it was trying to be "different" and "counter" and so in effect by building itself on the current shitty culture became shitty itself? Kind of like how dubstep tried to be "different" from the mainstream when it showed up and therefore eventually became just as shitty and mainstream?

Adorno and jazz is more complex than most make it seem. What he called jazz and what was called jazz back then was basically the popular music of the time. He hated it because it wherever it tried to be performative and technical it essentially set itself up to immediately recreate and redefine new boundaries, thus incapable of being more than the ruling logic of capitalism as it already is, but in musical form (always being "creative" in a way that must presuppose that the creativity falls in line with mostly what is already established, because it has to remain marketable). At the same time though, he praised jazz musicians like Duke Ellington in some parts for actually being creative in a defiant and truly new way, even if limited, and I'm fairly sure he'd have been a fan of the serialist and post-bop types of jazz if he had lived to see them, or had bothered to truly check them out a little in the primitive forms they already existed as in his time.

I don't know about what he didn't like in Jazz, but if I remember correctly he composed modern classical music inspired by Schoenberg's 12 tone technique, which he admired. To say that he was opposed to modernity is wrong, I think he just didn't view classical music as having been infected by the culture industry.

That said, his analysis of jazz is wrong in my opinion. Either he just didn't have much personal taste for it (a view I can understand) or he didn't investigate avant-garde (ECM-style?) jazz, which was available around the time.


How do I into Adorno? Any prerequisite reads?

I think Marginalia to Theory and Praxis is core to understand his ethics and politics, but Dialectic of Enlightenment is his magnum opus, in the same league as Capital vol. 1 for Marx, or say Zizek's Parallax View. The book is essentially a lengthy critique of enlightenment values, its origins, its implications, and so on, and ultimately concludes that the enlightenment, as with any other thing producing values and ethics, can but only act as conformer to a mode of production, or a particular society's orbital logic. Throws shade at both the West and the East (written during the Cold War) for essentially being little more than two different flavours of enlightenment-based societies of contradiction.

chapter 1 of dialectic of enlightenment. a game-changer for me and gets you in the mood for the Situationists even though they had nothing to do with each other

warning: dense throughout, big sentences here and there

Should've probably noted how I'm a brainlet. Can I just get into this and google the things I don't understand or will it just be a waste of time until I've familiarized myself with other authors?

I don't think it's too impenetrable, and you can definitely use the internet (n.b. Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy) to get a quick idea of some complex or unknown terms. I read it back when I was a brainlet too, and what do you know I still don't think I'm that much less of a brainlet today either. There's always more to learn and develop theoretically, so just start somewhere and try endure.

Thanks for the advice, comrade

He was already denouncing the ills of cultural capitalism way back then.
Too bad nobody ever listen.

Bump for cultural marxism

Somebody post that pic about Adorno being called a degenerate by basement neckbeards


fuck you

just a soyboy jew with mommy issues.Why are marxists always such sad and miserable humans?It seems like the only thing that brings you happiness is daydreaming about your communist utopia.I honestly think Marx would be very dissapoint.

No, just keep loving the current status-quo.

What is the status-quo of today?

Top kek this is such an effeminate phrase it's hilarious to hear Holla Forumsyps say it.

Which books by Adorno have you read to reach that conclusion?

None, Cultural Marxism and the main teachings of the Frankfurt School (Critical Theory) are pretty straight forward. Replace everything with what they want, you'll never be an Critical Theory intellectual, nor be part of their clique, it's really pointless to study his or his co-workers studies.
But if you really want to read his book and study everything he said, go, not really wanting you coming here again after that.

Into the trash it goes


Why should we see 'culture' as a positive or necessary thing to begin with?

Enjoy being mind-slaved by your precious books. Why don't you go stick you weenie in the dirt.


I genuinely think that you shouldn't make fun of him. At least he admitted that he didn't read the Adorno.

something something spooks

Yeah, you're right, at least he did… but holy fuck this shit is so accurate it hurts


the shilling for SoL in the comments is totally bizarre.

"twelve tone" i.e. serial music is early modern western art music (or classical or whatever you wanna call it), not jazz. Adorno wrote serial music and probably got butthurt that all the cool jazz kids got all the pussy.

It's still pretty good though. Here's a piece he wrote. As you clearly hear he really didn't have any problems with trying to be avant garde.

Is there a good Adorno reading list?

He's alright

bump tbh

I believe it's commonly reffered to as an internet search engine

Why? What do you mean?

What a Holla Forums bullshit. "I don't need to read a books to know that they're worthless".

Das ist barbarisch…

Adorno was a secret muslim