Is leftypol retarded?

How would a communist economy work? How would a future communist society look like? Communism seeks to abolish the state but what replaces the institutions of law and order?

the people. why do you need to rely on an oligarchic class to decide who gets arrested and who doesn't?

because Holla Forums is scared of the world and needs a big daddy state to take care of them

By the people you mean like mob rule?

Low effort thread deserves low effort reply.
Read book related.


Mob rule is also commonly known as democracy.

Not everyone here is a communist, or an anarchist
But nice bait anyway

No and they should leave.

This is likely to happen. It happens these but under state protection the people are safer.

That sectarianism is going to get you guys nowhere

a common Marxist answer is that we can't say ahead of time, but we are telling you that in our economic analyses, the categories are also conditions of existence. What communism entails is that the economy ceases to exist as a separate sphere dominating our lives. Capitalism works to turn all social relations into relations of production. Communism entails undoing those relations. No more 'law of value'.

"law and order" is what you need in a world of usury and landlordism to combat the rabble, vagrants, debtors. in a world of enclosures and expropriation of the commons as in England. we as communists are basically moving past all that.

we arent on the same team anyway



The Absolute pleb.

that's not what we want you retard.


sectarianism is awesome.

"If the obsession of the founders of liberalism was the neutralisation of sects, it is because they united all the subjective elements that had to be banished in order for the modern state to exist. For a sectarian life is, above all, what is adequate to its particular truth – namely a certain disposition towards things
and events of the world, a way of not losing sight of what matters. There is a concomitance between the birth of “society” (and of its correlate: “economy”) and the liberal redefinition of the public and the private.
The sectarian community is in itself a threat to what is referred to by the pleonasm “liberal society”. It is so because it is a form of organisation of the secession. Here lies the nightmare of the founders of the modern state: a section of collectivity detaches itself from the whole, thus ruining the idea of social unity. Two things that society cannot bear: that a thought may be incorporated, in other words that it may have an effect on an existence; that this incorporation may be not only transmitted, but also shared, communised. All this is enough to discredit as a “sect” any collective experience beyond control."

sry bad copypaste

Well, If you say so, but I can already see where this is going

We need law and order to curb general crime such as rape, murder, and etc. What prevents this or at least decreases this in a communist society?



there can only be one


the common principle laid out by comrade vardychov of "chat shit get banged"

do wrong
get punished
by who?


What constitutes the persons guilt? What system establishes that the person accused of a crime actually did it?

Chad's lack of sexual insecurity lends itself naturally to left wing politics

Are capitalists retarded?

How would a capitalist economy work? How would a future capitalist society look like? Capitalism seeks to abolish Monarchy but what replaces the institutions of feudalism?


M-L is dead. Deal with it


the same processes that we have today. An invrstigation by people who are capable and then the people shall carry out justice.

Well if I had practical answers to those questions I'd be publlishing them and becoming the next Marx now, wouldn't I?

Charge your fucking phone, holy shit.