

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow yeah, you really are new

Don't get the sense, explain pls

Wow, what a fucking noob.


Heldig. Har skruet radiatoren godt op, men har desværre konstant udluftning på som der ikke rigtigt kan gøres noget ved.
Hellere en dyr varmeregning end at fryse ens boller af mens man sover, dog

Do you like when people snuggle you?


-smells the plate and is scared of food poisoning again-

if you're going to spam a cross-link at least clarify that it is a new thread

...../´¯/..../´¯\.BEST..../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../

-pets, grabs sonata and blood chan for a big hug-

-shakes head nu, is fresh pears and have been washed thoroughly.- :

^-^ -hugs-

That was hard, huh?

Depends on the circumstances




...../´¯/..../´¯\.FAG..../¯` \....\¯`\




..\.................. /.........\................../




...../´¯/..../´¯\.BEST..../¯` \....\¯`\




..\.................. /.........\................../




...../´¯/..../´¯\.FAG..../¯` \....\¯`\




..\.................. /.........\................../

...../´¯/..../´¯\FRIENDS/¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../


Radiatoren på mit kollegie har kun 2 funktioner: tændt og fuld skrue. Der sker intet når den står på 2-3 stykker. Plejer dog stadig at få penge tilbage for varme.
Har du utætte vinduer eller hvad?

Stop speaking Spanish.

scoot you said 2 hours ago you'd bully me to death
well I have grown immune to bullying, you can never defeat me, I have been bullied so much it is what most of my life consists of
I was born in bullying, moulded by it. Raised by it.
yeah so don't bully me please thanks

Stop speaking GoodLifeLevel

Hi kitty


Lots of good word play with that.
I was looking for new stuff today and some of the pictures I found for some reason made me think you'd like them.

Shut up Loafie

Listen, this isn't for my benefit, I'm not one of the people here who get stuck in the last thread for thirty minutes because they filtered someone (bard)

point being it's not really hard and everyone else does it

Show me please?


[crying intensifies]

Ive already ruined Elma's life this week.

Av, det sutter maks. Altså, at de ikke virker. At få penge tilbage er nu meget rart.
Ja, det kunne man godt sige. Hvert værelse i dette boligkompleks har en dør ud til en terræsse, og over disse døre er der et luftindtag. Denne kan både lukkes og åbnes, men af en eller anden årsag kan denne her ikke lukkes, og det ser umeldbart ud til at den er fyldt med cement eller noget.
Så den står og tager luft ind konstant

Everyone else in other places also just posts a single link, and people are smart enough to know that this single link, is the link to the new thread.
And yet you were the only one who complained~

ow ._.,

-shivers nervously and just hugs you instead-

just a yes or a no :/

you wish. I already ruined it years ago~

you actually got me there and I've nothing to say
I'm going to go away and cry but I will be back


-is worried you're not eating right and wraps blanket around you-

Pick 3

K, C, H

In that order.

In case of public transport - no, in case of personal meeting - yes

K is best gril tbh

Alt girls best girls

Does it include the implied personality or just body type


E, D, I

stupid comparison, on 4chan crosslinks are automatically identified so there is no need to label them as new, at this point you're just being contrarian to common sense for no purpose other than to oppose me, which is fine, it just doesn't really give you a strong case for calling out my argument

It's probably just me being weird.

Jaja det er kollegie livet, man må tage hvad man kan i Kbh. Står dog muligvis til at flytte ind i lækker lejlighed med en kammerat til næste år, hvor jeg også er færdiguddannet, så der er lys forude.

Det har jeg aldrig hørt om, men lyder slemt. Har i så tapet noget over den? Jeg har også en til mit værelse men den har jeg bare blokeret.

C 3 times. If that doesn't work D G/K

For that I guess it'd be J G H then. But with just body type it'd be K D G

there arent any nigresses in that imagemacro...


Mine are K, E, and then K again.

More like D I E

E has ver smoll chest and H is smol too.

And two more.

this is the meme option though


K K K then.



That's three.

I bet E really stinks too.

And she's lightly hairy


sonata my back still hurts and its been 3 weeks ;__;

I know one of them is a guy, I pick the guy.

You don't want random cuties to feel up on you?

Hairy is cute.

You're arguing for nobody but yourself though, even though you're stating it's not for your own benefit, so why do you waste the time arguing over a non-issue?
Let the ones it troubles state it does

Det lyder sku meget lækkert! Håber det er en kammerat du godt kan holde ud, og kan finde ud af det sammen med.

Nej, tape vil ikke gøre så meget, og kan ikke engang smide et håndklæde i den eller noget. Ret surt


THAT PIC THO S:Dkljfap sdoiuvfhapei

Negative, I'm going to complain for the sake of complaining like 90% of the other posters here.


post your alcohol collection

maybe you were taking me too seriously Hu :^)


InCase is a really good artist.

o-oh.. thank you..

i like blood


Porn artists are the most dedicated to the craft.

bitches always drink hennessy

I only own rubbing alcohol.

Xenobiology is a beautiful piece of work

I guess they're alright yeah. Looks a bit unkept, that puts me off. I need a presentable and confident woman with. C and D mostly looks cranky for wasting their time with this silly 'competition' , something about that is interesting.

Yes det er en efterskole kammerat så det skal nok fungere.
Slemt, det må du/i da kunne klage over? Det går hårdt ud over varme regningen.

Then you'll have to join the others at the gallows ;)

I just find complaining about not noticing new threads when it gets posted several times, with each post containing a thousand links, pure retarded

D: -doesn't know what happened and looks worried-


It's not current, but sure.

Claustrophobia, i can hug someone, but i get mad when someone is hugging me

C or J

Ah, så skal det nok gå, specielt hvis I også boede sammen på efterskolen.
Tja, men så skal jeg ud og tale med mennesker, lol

i dont expect you to get ruffled so easily like that so i was kind of surprised, i was just imitating the other people who were calling him new while pulling an erio/garEE

You big girl

En kort samtale kan spare dig mange hundrede kroner om året. Syntes jeg i hvert fald er worth.

I didn't fucking buy it. It's all my previous roommate drank so I keep a bottle for parties.

Also fuk u

You 40yo businessman?

im america more 25 year olds have empty can/bottle collections than businessmen, see business men hear aim higher than bottle collections because its america


here* holy shit no more phone posting

Måske. Sidste varmeregning lå dog på 1700kr, så vil ikke sige det er så slemt igen


I'm sure. Don't worry you have some good stuff standing there so it makes up for it. We all have guilty pleasures. Some less gay than others.

Halvårligt? Jeg smider 600 aconto og får en pæn sjat tilbage en gang om året.

Something like this?

just piss in your empty bottles like regular human beings

I have a lot more up there now, because I don't drink as often so it piled up.

Plus I keep the good shit hidden in my kitchen. The scotch and shit.

kvartalet ser det ud til. Åbenbart både el og varme.
Og det var åbenbart kun 978,- sidste gang. Nok okay for en 55m² lejlighed også, men ved det ikke.
Ved bare det ikke gør ondt på budgetet, så tænker ikke over det

more like that one douche that will brag about how they got so drunk last night and how awesome their hangover is... the faggots just want attention and approval

mostly attention, yeah.

i don't think anyone has ever said "dude, my hangover was so awesome" sorry to say


Næh det er nok rimelig reasonable så.




Tablet is dead so all I have left for Internet is phone

same reason potheads brag about weed and be like "eyyy lmao, look i got some more pot", they are just so happy to have it, and so scared what it would be like if they didn't, they have to talk about it, which is why i decided it was best i take a break from both because i was smoking and drinking nightly for a while


because it leads into some shit story that equates to bragging. like... "i got soooo wasted that i kept the bottle as a trophy to prove im a man but you should also feel bad for me because of the hangover due to the fact im a pantywaste"

Well okay. During a party I just usually lock my room where most of my valuables are.

Was drinking at a friend's place recently, he had a bottle of that ridiculous smirnoff gold shit that he wanted to get rid of.
After it was gone he was suddenly very generous with the rest of his booze. 10/10 Would visit again.


Nah, parties as in 6-8 of my close friends come over to watch a movie or shittalk for a few while we get drunk and eat.

And nice, free booze best booze.

Better say "dobre"




last time i got a really bad hangover was when i was on the phone drinking with Jack, and he convinced me it would be a good idea to drink almost a full fifth of 35% to myself

not really phone, more of a videocall

weve all been there... jack is an influencer lol

where is that dude anyway

Yakiy garniy hlopec

I am so booooooooored

mfw yfw fishy is here


Those are the best. Bigger parties are nice, but there's some intimate stuff that gets shared in those small groups that can't be replicated in larger crowds


Sorryyyyy :(

Is it warming up there yet at least?

mfw yfw mfw yfw fishy is here

byka cylat

Bitch whore

Dunno, he's been around here and there, don't get me wrong i was still somewaht functional but i felt like shit even before the morning, was not a good idea, my alcohol tolerance is naturally somewhat high from my genetics and larger body than most twinks at least, but that doesn't mean i drink a lot

Yeah, known these guys for well over 6 years. Always fun to hang out. Wish they brought better booze though.


Pishow v dupu

Yeah it is a little bit warmer bur I'm still wrapped in 2 blankets and kinda cold

it was YOUR TURN to watch him


wanna cuddle?

get out of my head charles


Hurry up and get here already

Yes, you don't like me. I get it.

no jack was supposed to have a keeper now remember? some girl


I'm saving up for it. hold your Taun-Tauns.

i was left out of that loop...

Shit, I'd go to a bar if I had more than 20 bucks to spend

Terrible for your health, aren't they

I feel the same way about coffee.

Are bars expensive there?

I do a mean hug.

depends on what bar you go to


i could be perfectly happy at a bar with 20 dollars and still have enough to leave a tip and eat with my buzz

Well obvs. 20 bucks should be able to get you drunk tho.

bd knows whats' up

oh it would, i said i could get buzzed at a bar with 20 dollars, i just wouldn't choose to because i could buy like grain alcohol a coke and a giant bag of chips instead and get drunk like 6 times

I'd probably be able to get drunk, but wouldn't have enough money to get any food

Don't drink the stuff.

id actually have a hard time getting drunk on 20 dollars on drinks i actually enjoyed because i can't just sip a little liquor and be like "HAAAY GUUUUIS" no i have to be pretty fucked up and my motor skills before my brain gets loopy



who wants to get drunk on beer at a bar and then have to MOVE

Yeah, bad reply timing haha.

That's true. For my location it's usually just easier to go to the bar than the liquor store lol

Being a regular certainly has its perks too, so maybe my 20 bucks goes a bit further haha

xanax addicts

Now I'm thinking I might go.

I'd have to shower and put on some nice clothes though. Also it's 2 miles away and I'd have to walk there and back

That sounds terrible.

$20 wouldn't get you much in a bar here.

I buy beans and grind them, my friends drink instant stuff. It's an atrocity.


$20 of heroin does literally nothing tho

just go to the local carryout and buy cheap stuff, come back here and drunk post

I actually started to grow my own coffee bean tree for shits and giggles here. It died from a cold snap before I could do anything.

I wouldn't know, ive never been a smackhead.

get the 8 dollar 12 pack of natural ice

I could do that but I'd be drunk posting on my phone which would be as

Also I'd be going to a bar arcade so I'd meet some people and possibly make a friend who's in to vidya

I wanna make frands


-wonders what happened to Ika and looks around-

Imagine, making friends.

I mean I do have 6 bud light platinums so I COULD pregame if I wanted to

warm shower + cold beer before your walk to the bar sounds like a good play tbh


like chug 2 in the shower I mean.

wanna be my friend, user sama?

im pretty high maintenance, js

very clingy and needy

-leaves a basket of freshly picked, gluten free pears out for Ika before scurrying off to tend to the kitchen.-

i dont feel like doing anything today even though its a weekend, i can't wait for spring, i just want to stay inside and watch like ten hours of youtube

[see old sama memes]


So that means it could either work really well or be super terribad.


recently caught up on van helsing to this very premise

i dont see you actually capable of being friedly as you are always mad and dislike everything


I am capable, but don't see why I would befriend a good portion of the backstabbers here. By "here" I mean those currently posting right now. There are the odd exceptions.

Well how does that work?

im following an old playthrough from 2015 with some nice chunky parts to it, i think just part's 2 and 3 will do me for the rest of the day since it's like more than 4 hours


Post your oldest thread related meme

RIP. You know that cocktail chemistry guy on youtube?


seems fair enough

it would work because its dysfunctional

Have a terribly made cap of a cupcake reply

my oldest thread related meme is like two computers ago so i dont have it

It's alright, you can check it out if you want, he does some weird drinks.

Oh shit that rivals Kuus
I recall something about Cupcake getting banned? Haven't followed up on the recent memes.

Post whatever you have then, I just need some sunday memes right now.

RIP our glorious Queen of threads. They still live. In the depths of the internets. AND KUUS?! man Haikuus. I miss that fucking cuntgash.

He has reply every post in thread?

Huh, odd.

i dont really save caps, first thing that came to mind was Clint's meltdown when I showed him what Sonic Passion was, but i doubt anyone here would even get that reference or remember it to appreciate it

I smell a reality show lmao

That isnt even my oldest thread meme, i just couldnt find the other one.


Once upon a time. ONCE

and then

Ok, goodnight

I loved Yoghurt

I thought that was lost to the annals of history!

someone call the WB, we gonna be rich yo. we need that guy that did the bass for Seinfeld tho


i dispose of NOTHING!

I miss skunk-queen


We need a couple of D list celebs to chill with occasionally too.

As a historian, I approve this.

gah, me too... poor little feller eh was just a boi

Ah I miss yog too

the cast of the 80s movie weird science

last for today

A dark day
I remember
Pepperderk farm remembers

I actually haven't seent that

Some slight hints at CP here

Didn't particpate in pony threads, meant some animu meemz

He did a fairly comprehensive aspiring home-bar video that I may follow once I have a more permanent residence

Think I joined in at 2012 ish so anything before that only works if theres some names I recall.


In terms of construction?

its a crossover, deal with it

Cheese Pizza?

ooh, I membah

I really hope this is on netflix rn

its not

More as in must-have spirits
Which I guess is a little silly, a home bar should have what you like.
But idea was to have the stuff to make 2 or 3 different drinks when having guests over.

It's sunday. I'm not gonna deal with anything, NIGGER

What else could I possibly mean

Took a shower. Bar doesn't open for an hour and a half.

No idea. Kids these days with their hippidy hop Logan mems

Remember Wiz and the zoloft train?

Oh, well yeah. Have at least one type of each.

Rember when soto got spooned


deal with it anyway faggot

its all dead now...

Life is naught but suffering now.

I fucking hate nu-memes.

That's the idea.

Not gonna

They are da wurst



best 2 kys

This excites me.

also holy fuck at that gary x emma thing. never seent that one

Ha, this is good




ill make us both some koolaid

Nothing to do. It's long ogre

You're still all in LTC?


even with a wife and kids, garEE will never be able to scrub the gay away


>C-clothes >.<
Oh man, these are the memes I need


a couple of notes on that copy pasta

it would have been better if emma sucked brett's cock for a little a2m action

and who the eff is jennifer all of a sudden during the introductions.



have no backstory... only the depraved dare to venture into the mind of garEE

do you have demia revealing his pedo tendencies or whatever that cap I made was?

you better click on that shit nigga

ugh its such a PAAAAIN digging through screen caps, so best to assume thats a negative


oh man, Alice roleplayed with dogs on multiple occasions, and they still try to link me their shitty twitch stream on skype with a mass message to everyone who will accept them

"roleplayed with dogs"

hopefully you get what i mean by the context and no i was not one of them



lets see, go outside and clean my shed of rust and dust for the spring, or watch five more hours of youtube

i miss dean... he was awesome

im sorry... takes too long to search that shit

Dean The Lis?

"the vocaroo wizard"

do we have enough old memes now?

Makes sense then.

Good luck.

Looking at all old documents. And cringing. Such cringe. I cant believe I wrote this shit.


@ Scoots
I agree

mmm whatcha say



410 get


hello me

Blowing chunks



Time to start pregaming and then I'm off to the bar

Oh god the nostalgia boner

I am adequately socially lubricated, perhaps I should drink one more bottle so I'm still this way after the walk to the bar

Ian, why were you mad last night?

Go for it.


Is he still alive?

Oh, you meant Ian had a headache.


I'm a mad lad.

Were you mad because Neru died 18 times and they refused to surrender?

Sounds about right, Leeg is cancer.

That may have been just a small part of it

What was the rest of it?

Oh you did end up coming back to League :3

Okay maybe all of it




No, I was just watching.


God damn it I hate Neru so much

Oh well. I think you'd like Zoe.


No, Ian. Bad.

I like her art.

are you okay Eisen?


She was playing Zyra, though.

i'm great actually

She's the most fun I've had in League for years.

and check those fucking DIGITS.

That's just my general feeling towards her.

4 four times, really bad luck, you might die for getting that post

that's not what this site says

But she is usually banned, right?

You are incapable of hating anyone, IAN.

Lies and slander.

Actual clip of a woman after she met me

death has 4444 health in the persona games

Commonly yeah. She's also not really any fun in this stupid tank/bruiser meme meta. They just cockblock standing infront of the squishies.

Picked up Veigar as my go-to midlaner. People get so mad and his stun is stupid.

im not a gamer so i am exempted

Alright, time to head to the bar

It is a strange world.

Veigar is bae.

interesting logic you run by there

interesting how

Why is everyone here a sensitive little bitch?

Muh feelers

I got his omega squad skin in a good-boy-box. Can barely see the damn animation/target on his W, it's great.

I dislike this communist system where the game gifts you these products. I want others to pay for them and give them to me.

Spoken like a true rich white dude

Do well, get rewarded seems like a fair system to me!

Where is that joy in THAT?

God the Tiny Tonitrus is fun as shit

The joy lies in getting S ranks often enough to out-jew Riot at their own game

my joy lies in not playing LoL and spending that time checking out other things i could be playing but also end up ultimately not playing most of the time

There's not really any games that catch my attention much. I have 3-4 that I cycle through

I have an idea that I'll do a new Witcher3 playthrough soonish, but I want a new graphics card first.

fair enough, i like checking out a lot of what come out on youtube but i end up buying very few games actually


There's Sea of Thieves which looks promising.
But other than that, I'm only really hyped for Cyberpunk 2077, which is probably still a long way from any release.

i kind of just get excited about whatever little cool thing i find till i come across the next cool thing, sure their are bigger things that stick with me for a while but I've still never played stuff like Stick of Truth and im a south park fan

13.0 miles
385 calories


Take a shower.

Take a shower.

I'm playing Annie against a Cleanse/Exhaust Ekko

What is even happening



