22 million Americans support neo-Nazis, new poll indicates


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Well shit. Thats enough to start a fascist regime.

Who cares?



22 million new gulag members.

That's quite different from the title

Just some newspaper clickbait

scratch that last part, it's 1000 respondents

Shitty click bait title.

Supporting free speech ≠ Supporting the ideas.

This. OP is a gullible faggot

even as a Holla Forumsack I still read the article
OP is a gullible faggot
Sage for misleading headline

I got some bad news about that girl, OP.

fuck forgot my sah ghey


Am I the only one that finds her attractive?

Still that's shit wording. Most people would probably take "acceptable" to mean "should society allow this" to which even most liberals or moderates would say yes. If they want to determine how many people hold Nazi views then they should ask them if they hold Nazi views.

she's kinda cute, but those glasses gotta go.

That just means 9% percent of people don't mind other opinions, it doesn't mean they agree with them.


I don't know why so many people are going through such a hassle trying to find out how many potential fascists exist in America.

It's easy. Find the percentage of Americans who voted for Trump in the Republican primaries; there's your answer.

Are you pretty Hoochie?

eh tbh

Just ran the calculation. About 4.3% of the total American population voted for Trump in the primaries.

I actually find her very attractive, but I'm gonna assume she's a Clintonite Democrat, which is a massive turnoff.

Source ?

I admittedly just got the number of people who voted for Trump in the primaries from Wikipedia. I assume they're probably pretty reliable in this case though. Then just divided that by the total American population.


I didn't say they were fascist. I said they were potential fascists. And if someone took the time out of their busy schedules to vote for that fucking mongoloid in a fucking PRIMARY, you bet your ass they're likely a fascist sympathizer. Certainly not ALL of them, but that gets balanced out by the number of non-voting potential fascists.

that's not what he is saying piece of shit, a Trump voter is not a fascist, but a fascist is a Trump voter.

What's wrong with being a fascist?

N ef we don all cheep en

Go outside

*blocks your path*

He said primary, not the election.

I do, I just don't find what is considered beautiful and what is greatly desired that appealing to me.

like doesn't do it for me.

How'd they find out? What makes somebody "support" neo-Nazis? Maybe the people who said having white supremacist views were thinking in terms of free speech instead of actually agreeing with them.

gud nyte lef sid

Relation? They're both Jewish…



She would be cute if her skin was pale but instead she is one of those blondes who have an yellowish/swarthy skin which doesn't look good.

As shocking as that poll number may seem, that's actually quite low compared to some of the expectations I've had. That number would probably have been considerably higher several decades ago.

Something I've grown to realise is that pretty much all modern first-world societies have always had some kind of outright-fascistic element to them which needs to be kept in check.

I bet this poll was "hey do you want closed borders?" Then checked them off as a neonazi.

is this literal nazis or just the ones who say mean things towards fags?

fuck your clickbait fearmongering title OP.

psst, did you ever take into consideration that maybe that both parties in the US are ran by the corporations and donation money from their doners. So keep that in mind next time you think that Republicans or Democrats matter.

From a link to another article in the OP article:



That's way lower than one would expect.