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I don't think mental hospitals are the place to go on dates.
Hello, threaders~
Happy Friday^^
Hey Maddie. How's your day been?
It was alright. One of my longer shifts of the week. Gotta mentally prepare for 2 closes before my days off^^
What's new with you?
They are when the person is suffering from mental illness, like transvestism.
Just work. Turned out to be a 12 hour day today. I should have went out tonight instead of last night lol.
I can imagine closing sucks. But then you got 2 days off, right?
I don't think being a trany should ever require a mental hospital.
elmers i learned who alma was yesterday
and i thought of you
I could be that 18 year old.
Yupyup. Every Monday and Tuesday~
Ouch, that's a long one too for a Friday x_x 'Specially if you were hungover.
It doesn't require a sanatorium, just a few volts.
Calm down there, Pence.
not because she is the fat one in the video i posted
just the name
Electric Fence Pence.
But you aren't 18....
Not bad days off. I always actually enjoyed my weekend on the weekdays. You can actually get things done.
Yeah, it was rough. Wasn't hungover though. Only had one drink.
I quite enjoyed that song.
or the counseling and the proper treatment for the mental distress.
People think I'm like 30 usually.
me too actually
i only knew who zara laarson was and like she wails
i looked into the rest of them and they each have like 100M vids and shit
The yellow hair one? I never heard of Alma before.
ooh! Well imagine how much worse it would be if you went all guns blazing last night :p
Yeah I like weekdays weekends. Kinda gotten used to them at this point at least.
me neither lol :3
oh, cool, I'll look into them.
it kinda sucks they can't have solos and shit
such singer blueballs
Pretty much same.
Couldn't do it. Gotta be able to ride home. I will drive drunk all day, but I won't ride drunk. Would have just had him take me home at that point. Gave him a blowie as thanks.
I just like being able to get things done. During the weekends, everything is closed that you need to do stuff at. Kinda sucks, honestly.
How's the transition going?
I wouldn't mind having myself a daddy bear though.
I really just want someone to cuddle me right now.
What other mental illness is treated by letting the patient live with their delusions?
Do you let a schizophrenic murder because the voices told him to to "treat" him? Or do you medicate them to remove such thoughts?
If a person has so paraphilic desire to crossdress in public for sexual gratification, why would the treatment be to just let them engage in their behavior?
Honestly I have been really not wanting that lately. I have been quite isolated and pissed off at the world, really.
I met Scott Hall and Kevin Nash today.
Wait. Wut?
Yeah, or they just close super early like noon and stuff just to mess with you.
It's going. Taking care of some debt real quick and just stockpiling my savings acct. Some guy got fired last week, so the extra hours from that is gonna be legit.
Still just kinda shopping around for jobs and places, I feel like I don't want to start too early compared to really knowing how much money I have by the end of my timeframe.
because dressing as a woman doesn't do anything harmful to anyone around them.
What's wrong?
A man that gets sexual arousal from dressing as a woman should be allowed to do so in public and allowed to enter areas that expose him to vulnerable women? How is that not a public safety risk and any different than letting a schizophrenic listen to the voices in his head?
wtf am I looking at
hi grim
hi grim
hi grim
long time u fuck how u been
special reply 4 u~
super gay
and you?
busy as a bee
It is always nice when somebody's misfortunate means your good luck. Especially when they bring it down on themselves.
Yeah, totally understandable. Also gotta try and make sure you plan on a minimum income to be sustainable and then work upwards after you get things settled. I'm not so much good with that. Drunky is better.
Just hate people.
A shark.
People suck.
Oh hey same
And not in the fun way.
makin good dosh?
I lowkey hate living with south indian roomates
theyre so fucking loud and always smell like sulfur
a big gay one
like u
also no play I just got off
Dosh that I plan on blowing all in one weekend thanks to this convention, bay-bay.
Hate fuck them.
why do you assume women are in anyway way vulnerable, even in a public restroom?
oh, cute, what's that from?
I do love my sexandviolence.
This is invader zim
Need a living cock sleeve?
What are you trying to convey?
In what way is it safe to allow someone who crossdresses for sexual arousal near the targets of his paraphilia? Do we allow pedophiles to go around kids unfettered and just roaming schools?
Why do they smell like sulfur ? ? ?
Sorry. I'm like, really in the mood for ruff sex.
I thought so, but who drew it?
if they are cross dressing, they probably aren't into women, but I also believe in the universal right to bare arms, the second amendment is a good thing.
softspacegays on tumblr. Had to look it up.
lol I remember doing that on my first con
spent like 1.5Gs including plane tix
cuz they like to eat a lot of oniony and garlicy things.
Local con, man. Like 10 minutes away.
God I am so fucking hype for SCVI
cool, thanks.
soul caliber?
what kind of game is that?
What is Soul Caliber you say?
Good afternoon.
You best be joking motherfucker
smash buttons, piss off friends that try to complete combos.
it's street fighter.
Hi Tracer-san.
That must be pretty stinky
Yeah it comes off of them in a fucking vapor.
I bought an aromatherapy mist thing its coming monday
I might have played it as a kid without realizing what it was
I'm good at describing things.
I just woke up and took some magic medicine before I sat down and talked to you. Sup with you?
Depends on what I can get hourly to start compared to what I'm making now.
I don't see what guns have to do with allowing sexual predators near their victims when you can just remove them from hurting others.
Visiting relatives tomorrow.
How is it possible to play a fighting game and not know it's a fighting game?
not all trans are sexual predators,
and bathroom signs don't stop men from entering a bathroom, an armed public is the only solution, shoot all those that want to harm others.
Yes, why have prisons when we can just let everyone roam the streets and have no preventative measures, only reactionary ones.
Bring back mob rule baby
prisons are reactionary, the police are reactionary, nothing is done to prevent anything, just reactions to prior offenses.
Quickly- lock your doors and draw your curtains. Then hang yourself in your closet so you don't have to deal with them.
Full of skeletons. Can't use it.
Put a sign on your door saying you'll be back in 5- but actually you go into your room and hold your breath until you pass out. That way you can stay asleep but actually be out longer than 5 minutes.
Rather kill brain cells via alcohol.
Oh don't worry, my method also kills brain cells.
No that's bad.
Booze is for white sluts and dads who hit their kids.
No kids, so that's fine.
No it's also for depressed bitter cynics who think they're funny and have accomplished nothing in life.
I miss Magic...
Nani? But those are fun aren't they?
I want to be like that.
Wouldn't know.
today has been a pretty good day
how are you faggots?
oh man i realized why it's so hard for me to hit captchas
What about your daughter?
No, things seem relatively par for the course over here- What is he doing I wonder...
my shit has been double clicking
based fish?
they don't deter shit.
god damn you logitech for real
Ah, funny.
i had to quit the thread i was almost finished with because of that shit
my lappy mouse is so archaic and icky ;;
hello TB...
They call me comedy-goggles.
pic related me
When I grow up, I'm going to marry your daughter.
did i miss anything of note in the forthcoming week?
the title
Dead set on being single huh
Tsuchi insulted some people
Blood chan was a slut
Goggles was Australian
Scoots got drunk
Old Dog was gay
Nezi whined
shut up ban
has tsuchi been regular?
i miss that asshole
why ya gotta be so roood.~
i'm gonna marry her anyway~
Hey grids whatsup? jus droppin in before I head around to my friends for the night
Yeah, his name's Gilgamess.
I'm an asshole.
Eh, I guess
Soul Calibur 2 was a mastahpeece tho
also hey grim ;;
But you're a cool asshole.
WWhy miss that asshole when you've got this asshoel ight here
no i know
he hasn't been on the last several times i've posted
Can I have a sip of your alcohol?
Hey Speccs.
I didn't expect to see you tonight~
hi colbert
Was here quite frequently.
For the last few days, anyway.
And of course your favorite poster posted then too.
playin verdun and drinking.
Wh at's verdun?
Sharing is caring!!
who pray tell is my favourite
Don't care.
The one you start getting into a pissy rant whenever they're around.
its me btw
I'm the favorite
Well than you don't get any of my strawberries.
Oh gross
that sounds like elmers
she's not my favourite
Sup Phil?
1915 french war simulator.
brad is like my fourth fave no offense
smiles is trash
I'm aware of your position of that poster.
Thus the joke.
oh you were being ironic
i could switch up the game like that and bff that b if she wasn't so pretentious
we are actually very similar
want to eff tsuchi
I can't be the only one giving in this friendship.
I've literally bought you several games just for shits and giggles.
Hey Goggs.
You're right. Sorry, Tracer-sama.
I'm actually the worst one.
How are you?
Wifi sure is good
so what were you implying with
oh hey dude what's good i don't even see my irl name in threads lol
What can I do to make it up to you?
I'm implying your hateboner and drunken rants are so passionate that Smiles takes sexual gratification at your errant emotional outburst and attention you give.
Make what up.
Hungry. Playin' MegaMek You?
i go on public wifi when i do suspect things for added danger
Don't (You) see (You)?
I'm just doing what I do yo
For being ungrateful.
Hungry, bored.
We should fix that, whatchu want for dinner?
I don't care about such things.
sounds to me that you, like tsuchi
are a smilesfag. and that's fine dude
you good though?
I was looking at some Jap style bbqs on youtube.
I could reeeaaally go for some Kobe Wagyu right now.
You're an inspiration.. in some ways.
you want smiles it seems by your posts
Eh, getting by as always
TB how long have you been wanting to fuck that trap smiles anywho
Sounds pricey...
Well.. like.. I mean if it's about cost- I'll enjoy whatever you provide for us.
TP, you're being yourself again. Suggest against it.
tfw not cool enough to play megamek with spek
I mean... If it's good it's worth it, right?
Sucks to suck nerd.
remember that you are the pony
the person who knows 'her
Yeah it looks reeaaly juicy and yum. I'd love some.
You should link me some of these youtube videos you spoke of.
I got lost in the recomendeds.
Sober up, TP.
You make no sense otherwise.
fuck i miss your posts lol
your non-ostentatious av
i'm just going to ignore your dumb ass
You're the one that called out to me, TP.
Well yeah I'm not an ostentatious person so
Those are some happy cows...
More like the same Colbert, just that I stopped caring to act as much lol
yeah you stop caring, huh
that happens
I suppose, though really I was mostly just playing a Colbert like character because it was fun
were you?
yeah i put on a black act for like a year
delicious delicious cows.
the problem is the only blacks on Holla Forums are probably adopted by lezbos
Fuark, now I'm even more hungry.
or are like blacks in euro countries (which does not count as actual legit black)
Well I mean we're both really sarcastic so it's not exactly an act, just a bit exaggerated in certain aspects I guess
holy shit who is Tracer Bullet kidding
suck a trap smiles much
oh for sure
So much for ignoring me.
traps aren't gay
the sky isnt blue
it's funny how much of you comes out from your caricatures
correct, the sky is black right now
I am the only true ace of ignoring people.
Interesting trait.
that is the only ignore i am comfortable with
Prolly just gonna get like In-n-Out here something soon tho.
It's a little gay.
Get something healthy for me atleast.
if two traps fuck in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, is it gay?
fish are you ok?
I am fucking ecstatic right now
why so
Only the greasiest, cheesiest, burger for you. With EXTRA bun.
not trying to put you on the spot or anything fishy
just your shit is all wrong and i think you're going to die lol
Me: "I'm should get an orchi while I'm in mexico"
Madeline: "think we could get a groupon for that?"
moving out into a place where I'll have no roomates for the very first time and I've been living with my mom for the last 2 years so I'm kinda hype.
dude wat
I've always been griddles, and I have no acts.
Everone is sleeping, but no sleep for kasper, he has to make site everyone behaves at night
'ello casper
legit though I'm gonna make sure to steal all of maddie's raviolis when she gets here
you're fucked
I am fucking freezing right now
I'm playing my first Blades of Mercy runthrough right now
It's so much fun
I am fucking freezing right now
hi grim :3
l i t
cover those diamond cutters
get ignored you stupid bitch
Skill/Arcane is fun af
how's jail?
I need a barf bag.
honestly grim here is a real q
do you hate me for making manaka leave?
cause i did
but it ironically started as defending you when you were beefing
funny as hell none the less
i forget where i was going with this
wishy how do you feel about the canuck snuffing the silver
Good image.
this tbh
honestly wish is kinda a bitch
but i love her
Not sure why I'm still awake
cause 19 nothing to do
Which one
Sleep then
but nah you need something to wake up forrrrr
I'm kind of not feeling sleep, but also am feeling it
Been in a weird spot as of late
Take a shower to wake up.
Go to bed to sleep.
Why would I take a shower at 1AM
None actually, it's the battle of verdun the last battle of WWI, I'm just a moron that loves wish.
To wake up.
Unless you're satisfied with this paradox you find yourself in.
I'm not sure what I think about it. I don't particularly like it, nor do I really want to take my pill and go to sleep
Schrodingers sleep.
But I am not asleep nor am I not asleep simultaneously. I'm 100% awake
No problems then.
and his cat is dead.
Not entirely, because I really should go to sleep. Coming up on that 24 hours mark
That too.
Sleep then.
I feel like this is going in circles
Circular logic works.
lol gridz wanna debate about guns
Does it though? I'm still awake
Circular logic has made me fail projects
It works because it works.
I mean, technically.
guns will never go away, too many willing marters to fight when they come to take them, myself included, I'll blow up this whole fucking apartment complex if it comes down to it, fucking fight me,
I was never really fond of apple products, they felt too complicated as time went by
I'm not a fucking arab, I spell it american!!!!
we need to treat the problem
not the symptom
also i made a hella good point today at work
no one is talking about the inner city (mostly black) youths who are getting caught with guns, knives
You're German then? Marter is not an English word
george bush hates black people
Thought it was the opposite.
I couldn't find what I was looking for as time went by. Find Androids easier to use
doa why ;;
I too am in love with Wish
Because they wuz kangz an de wite devil took them away
Apple went for form over function.
you better believe casper knows
The keyboard progressively got worst
And on a touch screen phone
That's like
sometimes casper thinks wish is a dude
but casper hooks up with dude
a ok
if more people where legally armed, fucking autists would think twice, that's why I CC.
I am indeed german, but what does that matter, I am american!!!
fuck you I'm a fucking KANNA Bitch!!!!
I might also love a casper!!!!
Literally what I've been talking about for years.
Because Marter is a German word, and a horrible misspelling of martyr if English
no you are an idiot
no one needs guns
you are insecure
if you were a real man you would not need a gun to feel like one
guns are just good for target practice honestly
not protection or hunting
it's not all guns fault
but mostly
honestly i am just not even caring
Shooting guns is fun
17 dumbass suburban kids get shot
how many times do kids get caught with guns in inner city school and no report
george bush hates black people
Especially with niggers at the receiving end
hi hu
hi hi
I have enough ammo and gear to arm a small militia by myself, I'm sure I can find a few friends to replicate rubey ridge in belleville michigan.
I got guns that will easily penetrate soft armor , and I got a full set of ar500 plates, they can't even begin to deal with me.
@ tp
Dont say stuff like that desu
My friend
It has been a hot minute
hi hu>>2022988
Should I move to Orlando or New York?
New York.
Do you want to be killed by minorities with or without an accent.
ok im back
i like blacked out for a sec
i bought some strings for my guitar and they sent me candy with it
i-is my sttring brand flirting with me
oh no smiles is here (invited by her pony friend TB)
smiles i like you girl
Tender Beef.
I am used to the cold
I would be living in Rochester NY which I think is like 97% white
Should take some of your clothes off then if it's too hot
your friend is making drama
It's settled then.
im henry btw
Well, I'm finally going to bed, so that'll happen soon
The cold never bothered me anyway
Can't sleep wearing too much clothes. It's way too uncomfortable
is it clear yet?
why do you have to bring me into your shit
TBH I am just moving to New York to meet up with Blood Chan and fuck her
i have zero beefs
Oh you're in for a fun treat
There's faster ways to rot your dick off.
oh yeah bc has been confirmed dude for like 3 years
Don't worry Colbs, I won't NTR you with Grim
todays headlines
local narcisssist found assraped and murdered by 400 pound man
you can't tell me what I can and can't say, they know it all already, michigan making me "register" my hand guns with the fucking police, and all the ammo I've ordered they have that shit on record, I'm not saying anything new here, they know it, and now they know what I'll do if they knock on my door, make them think twice.
they want you to wear there strings and send them pics, now be a good boy and post them here.
todays headline
murdurr is still relevant i swear
:3 content harelip smiley
It is nowhere close to that percentage.
It's like half black.
i miss u
Uhhh... what?
nice no go buss you got there, does it get the girls?
cute (male)
I looked at the 1940s on the wiki... Fuck...
I was relevant to get banned like 3 months ago
Did you and Grim break up?
fuck i have a fealing i will interact with smiles tonight
interact with me instead
I want some attention
It was a better time.
listen i don't like what is being set up
i don't like you
i don't want to fight
Succubus (male)
Like... are you trying to make a joke? Because if you are, it's just completely failing...
me being carried by my adopted thread mother
I'm fucking giving it, but you don't seem to want to post nudes wearing guitar strings.