Other urls found in this thread:
gibe (you)s plox
Solo shifts are really nice, that's how I prefer it.
I usually sing to myself as I cook.
I used to take the giant dildo out and use it as a microphone.
giant dildos really are best... brings out that extra something in every dish
That's right.
You work at the local sex shop.
I used to, I haven't in awhile.
I'm looking for a new job currently.
Post some webms. Pics are boring.
I left for school which I promptly failed out of as I knew I probably would.
Now I need something new to fuel my bank account.
I made this one a couple of days ago to express my anger in a healthy way.
Jesus Christ
It has great re-post potential, so many uses, fuck you.
Kind of wish I had that webm, but it was a guy.
Is that Alien Covenant?
Those Pirate movies are gettin' hardcore. Yeesh.
How mean.
Also post shirtless belly.
the best
No, it's some Mexican indi film.
wait... i lied
Is that OUR Ian? :O
thats our poor ian...
Kind of proud of him actually.
That song sounds lit.
that time he got lost on LSD tho
I'm saving up to go to AX next time.
I really want to go just to hang out with Grim.
who does want to do heroin with grim at a con fo realz
Every time I watch this it hits just because of the original scene.
Also it's funny how close this is to what she's actually saying.
I don't want to do drugs, but I do want to hang out with him.
Even though we fight a lot I think he's really cool.
I have a question.
That's my niggah Ian
dude... i really wanna go
Soto's such a bad influence though.
He probably only wants to meet up with me to get me addicted to hard drugs.
He looks like he has a bit of a belly.
If Soto goes when I do I want to share a bed with him and Grim and just kind of cuddle them both.
soto is such a bad influence its... awesome
Can I wake you up like this in the morning?
The sound alone would scare me
Wish is coming through this year
We're probs gonna meet up and like buy loli doujins at the Exhibit Hall at AX
I-I don't get it lol
I never force people to take drugs
I just offer them to you for free
There's a difference
That was AX 2015
He's way skinnier now
You forgot to say no homo
If you wake me up I'll either ignore you and go back to sleep or murder you.
yall sharing a room again?
The use of that particular song during that scene was pretty clever.
What if I woke you up cuz i'm horny?
Did I?
Definitely ignored.
Nah, he's got his own room
Kon's probably also gonna be there
Kyle Im fucked up and it's barely 8:45am
don't post lewd at me ._.
We're going to have sex.
Drink, or not drink, that's the question
wow i aint seen that niga in like ages man
finally I have an excuse to post this image
because i get in heat really fast!
drink on the weekends!
You're always in heat.
I accept your answer
Nanananan,i'm gonna drink now, because web developing it's fucking boring.
you're making it worse!
I dunno man
That's pretty gay
and like you're not even wearing a skirt man
Are you even trying?
Join me
We smoke weed now
and also drink too
this one makes me feel felts
No, i drink only in single
webms are such a pain to sort through
i need spicy ramen
I bet you also do the
"Don't be a [pussy/faggot/narc]!"
Throw pork mivina in you
naw... theres a spot relatively close by that does the real stuff.
getting lunch... bbl
That's exactly the type of shit I AVOID doing you baka
Trying to get people to do something they don't want to do or are hesitant about is bad
I'd rather not wear anything.
did not believe
Time to buy beer!
Heeel, its a strong bed
Oh, well, okay, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
But I'm still bringing my drinks into the bathroom with me.
Oh so I'm a rapist now?
Such an upgrade from being an asshole lmao
To be fair you're also a pedophile.
Still a pedo.
You act as if you'd be the only asshole there.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.
Except for the children who your permanently scar by defiling.
Well if we were hanging out irl I wouldn't let other people be an asshole to you either
What kind of friend would I be?
Trust is best earned rather than given, and I don't really know any of your friend.
Someone needs to permenatly scar rin
Don't listen to them, they wanted it.
Obviously I just want a dick buried so far into my ass that whoever pulls it out gets crowned the King of Britain.
I told you
I hate web development
You'd get along really well with them seeing as you share pretty much all the same hobbies
Does it have to be a real one? And how long does it have to be buried?
I really want a castle.
I knew rin was impure
Sabrina, a Cucumber is fine too
He's like the biggest cocksock here
Party at my castle after I get back from the farmers market!
I thought you were
You really aren't that bright, are you?
I dunno
I've heard some stuff about you
you're pretty gay
Yeah, so gay I'm a virgin in every way
Except the ways that ikt bends you.
A virgin and he still begs for cock in his free time
He's another Queenie
with the characteristics and autism of Pinkie Pie Mike
Russian memes are so lolz
Ikt bends though.
You do? Poor you, should do something about that
like 10 years behind
See you always try and turn it around on me like that.
I know what you've done though faggot.
And so have you
Even I could tell Hu is a huge slut
After multiple years of shitposting you can just sniff em out at this point
But I haven't
Blood-chan you're a girl though
Or at least with that dick size you should be lmaooo
Yet the only one begging for sex here is you. You beg me every single day, you shameless slut
I know all your secrets. You always act so innocent, but in truth, you're anything but
But I know better secrets
mine all suck
I'm ready to drink
Oh you suck indeed~
You're much better at it than I am though/
i love my dick, you'll love it too
You slavs are so weird
I wish I was at least as good as you
And you is so cute, small guy
I bet you've had a lot of practice
No was I can compete
there is nothing wrong with having a small penis
Well you're a bottom so it doesn't matter.
No practice at all.
How about we find a guy and practice on him, lets settle who's best once and for all?
that's a separate matter
you shouldn't make fun of people for their penis size, unless they specifically request they would like for you to
im not that smol...
But I already know you're better.
Telling me not to do something just makes me wanna do it
hmpf, no fun
You can use mine though
*unzips penis*
If feel any teeth i'm gonna hit you.
Sorry cutie, but it isn't true
I won't mind but I don't know about other people
So you started the contest of mutated clitors?
Are you asking me to bully your penis ?
How much of a degenerate are you ?
Not big enough
I'm not asking you to, I'm just saying that if you did choose to I'd perhaps not be so distraught by it as some people might
A virgin size queen
I don't feel like bullying your tiny dick at the moment.
I only bottom people who got a bigger cock than I
like I said previously I never asked you to bully it
That must work out perfectly for you then.
Forever a bottom
forever top
Its weird how you went from "I wish I could get pregnant" to "forever top" in just a few days.
What makes you think women who tops don't exists?
I'm drunk
Don't fuck your screen though!
I know they exist
They just aren't intimidating
and I am?
But screen is so sexual...... i don't know......
you just cuck people
Is that your fetish ?
But if you fuck it, it'll die and become all black
How can a virgin have cucked anyone?
Life, Uh, Finds a Way
I have second one, it's ok
But 2 > 1
Second "monitor" it's TV, and it is not connected right now
I'm gonna go get food
when I get back we are gonna have really hot cyber sex and i'm gonna send the logs to my boyfriend
Should i post photo of myself where i'm bald and drunk?
hah, as if you can cyber
If you wanna be known as an attentionwhore
When i'm drunk, i become attention whore
A good reason why not to get drunk then
I take back my statement
don't get drunk
It's too late
Good thing it's almost bedtime
It's 21:46, my evening has just begun
21:46 is almost bedtime
You acting like a kid, be a man
I'm so grown up I got to bed around the same time every day, and wake up around the same time as well
Dude, it didn't mean that you old, it's ok for person who studying/working
I prefer ukranian friend sober :(
I didn't say old. I said grown~
Sonic Rock is unironically enjoyable.
more guns in schools please
It's only 1 liter of beer when i'm hungry, i was wrote entry exam in my college when i'm get like 3, i'm ok
Want my TT
I can't gather much information from this but you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach it's not good for you
It's like call "Heeeey, the fun part has just begun", so many fun stories about that
hi I miss you
how are things
this is completely indecipherable
I have zero understanding of what you're telling me
go to sleep my friend
I wish I lived in America so I could play TTT for real.
we also play School Shooter. Its very popular.
How to play in this game?
I'm sorry my friend
either stop and check your messages make sense, or go to sleep and we can chat tomorrow
That's the general idea I was referencing.
I thumbed down the sonic rock
I'm a barista now. Just finished a twelve hour shift. Paris won't have me, because I don't have a document I need to prove I studied in Spain. So now I'm going to a UK uni for a year or more, then transfer to Paris if I can get in when I have my paperwork. It's a pretty good uni. Best in the country for animation, or close.
How are you.
I just saying that i have many fun stories about my actions, when i was drunk
Loafie, wanna play Insurgency
Deamn, miss "?"
Going for animation? Very nice. I wish you the best of luck.
I got a second job again as I want to (finally) purchase a vehicle. Things with the lady have been going well. Off for today but orientation for new job tomorrow. Looking fwd to it
I'm sure you have many interesting stories to tell, but I imagine shitposting on animus isn't one of them, so try and keep your alcohol consumption in moderation would you please? It's for your well-being ultimately.
No I still haven't got it to work properly, but there are other games we could play
I'm just a week, i drink only liter
Give an example
Luck isn't a controllable factor. Just have to work for it.
Who is this lady? The Indonesian ladyboy still?
weak, deamn
Where the finn guy?
I never have or will date someone like that, locopls.
She's a smol German girl, we should be nearing 4 months soon
never say never.
Germans are cute. Especially the fat ones.
that first sentence was an example of something you've said that's incomprehensible due to your drinking but I'll digress
Quake 2/Live
I would add SAMP to that list if I had it installed
shes not skinny but shes not obese either
Play like 10 years ago, na, don't want
Can't find what is this
Never played
SF2 stands for street fighter 2, and scrabble is a word game, so as a non-native english speaker under the influence of alcohol you might find it a bit difficult
Is it nice to hold onto her cute bellyflaps?
Follow-up: is it nice to hold a woman in general? I wouldn't know.
this would be a longer list if one particular asakura ryoko didn't make me do a system reset
shes got a couple of chubby rolls and its 2cute
yes it is, she was particularly warm last night and having her wrapped around me was bliss
it is as nice as holding a man if you are into men. Close touch with your s/o is physically and mentally good for your health
I've never held anyone. I must be very ugly.
You're quite alright loco
g2g baibai
i hate grim too.
Grim didn't even try and say hi to me
Weren't you like
calling him your chocolate daddy and saying how much you wanted his fat greasy dick to violate you and lamenting over how you will never have sex with Grim because he's definitely not gay?
Grim is caramel bear. Not chocolate daddy. And yes, I do want his shiny fat cock to slide inside my asshole. But he has a gf. And unless the gf likes to watch I don't have any business bringing that up with him and I wouldn't do that. So please don't shittalk me about things I haven't done.
There was no image I could upload to properly convey my disgust.
Why the fuck is Ronnie rapping again ?
roast the beef
aw shit what
I wanna sleep
heckin go 2 bed
Show yourself first!
i don't remember you
Not my problem, go to bed
Now i'm really falling into sleep, goodnight
whats up sucyq
hey you~
Hey me~
hey cute~
hi bc
Hi Grim how have you been? ^^
been oke. i dont like cold rain
i feel groggy and lethargic
i feel on my back three weeks ago and it still hurts!
come walk with me in the rain
As a creature that's mostly on your back this must affect your sales.
going to work, bbl
nah its cool, i don't have to fake my moans
i wish i was a cute anime girl...
Moans of fake pleasure to moans of real pain.
where is everyone it's friday
Face down in vomit.
current mood
Had to go buy alcohol
why don't you sleep nezi-chan desu
what alcohol
They're delicious
Tired is the best emotion.
What a fucking day, bud.
Friday Night. Time for Altered Carbon
Eww.....wine cooler....
it seems like women are considered strong if they like proclaim that they don't need a man or something. i think the really real strong woman song wouldn't even talk about a man
I think a strong woman is one who can bring me a sammich after receiving a pair of irish sunglasses.
It's vodka you mong
stop messing around!
god damn this double clicking mouse
Still a wine cooler. And still pussy alcohol.
What? I am being fully serious. Two knocks to the head and still moving? That is strong.
i realized i didn't really know what irish sunglasses meant. i was thinking something sexual lol
like dick in the eyes
too early for sleeps
i also need to exercise today
Tastes good, all I care about. Not drinking it to get plastered
Or resting your balls over eyes? That isn't how you do that though....
The Irish insist that women respect our authority as the wielders of the penis.
Then why drink?
it's kinda sad to just kinda accept domestic abuse and alcoholism as part of your culture
Am awake.
at least i don't drop nbombs anymore
How else are you going to reproduce without sexandviolence?
Morning bud.
Stop being a nigger.
although my email is an nbomb actually
To get a slight buzz, the whole pack usually does that. No hang over but enough to relax
Too expensive
Hi, love.
got me man
procreation doesn't really make sense to me tbh
i get wasted for like 15 bucks
Hi, TP.
I just woke up so I'm a bit groggy.
What do you drink
i gotcha
i'm always hella grumpy after naps. i would never want to post in that state
bottle of merlot then a case of pbr
We talking about an all day thing here?
What you up to?
Fair enough I suppose.
I got to talk to a very good friend when I woke up so I'm happy.
I just woke up and might play some games, but I saw you here and wanted to talk to you.
A fifth of any cheap whiskey or spirit is usually about 15 bucks, too.
I just got home from a 12 hour day. Fun times. I'm not sure how much longer I will be awake and attentive lol.
What games ya been playing lately?
I can't drink wine, it just tastes like vinegar to me
No, about 4 hours
And there's 4 in a box
like a bunch of my friends have kids and i honestly lost respect for them
that's cool. one of my bros called me the other night and it definitely upped my spirits
You should rest.
Mostly Monster Hunter.
It's good to have good friends.
On a scale from amazing to jizztastic, how good is MHW
What the shit? Those come in 4-packs in canada? Insane! You can only get them in a sixer or a 12 pack here.
Fair enough. Carry on.
Gotta carry on the family name though. And continue on the Great White America.
I'm sure I'll pass out soon enough.
You like it?
Literally orgasmic each time I play it.
Stop beating off while you play....
There's a box of 12 but it's a mix of cranberry, lime, original and black cherry. Not bad for the weekend, but it's still fairly expensive
dude wine is the best
i drink a lot of it cause i can't really drink hard anymore and wine is the quickest buzz
but like i can also casually enjoy a glass or two with dinner two
yeah it really is
can you imagine like not having anyone you can turn to?
you'd probably end up shooting up something
yeah i can't really find a good way to look at the whole thing without it seeming incredibly selfish
I beat off every time TP gives me attention.
No idea how people enjoy it
ilu ;;
well you're what, like 19?
you'll learn to enjoy it
We can get a 12-pack can here of it. The 12 btl is a variety pack.
I would probably get a 12 or 24 of moosehead though. It is farily cheap here. Usually cheaper than American beer, if not the same price.
I can get it. Bringing in a life to the world that has no choice in the matter. But look at it as you being god. You are creating life, and the little fucking shit better be thankful.
that's so true man. sometimes i feel guilty having cats even. like boosting my ego by knowing that i am their everything and shit. it's disgusting in a way
Just like people, White is the best when it comes to Wines. I never could get into Merlot. Too dry. Carb Suav is alright. Sweet reds, and Rose's are good though.
But pretty much anything white is good. And Champagne is great as well.
Now I wish I had a bottle of champagne to drink.....fuck you TP
Or myself.
I've stopped feeling guilty about anything. I just don't care enough about other people or their opinions.
i can drink whites if they're all their is but idk i just prefer reds
and my pallet isn't really refined enough to tell you what all the different ones taste like
do you think you could ever do that if shit got bleak enough?
i for the most part am the same
until i have enough dead time to get into my head
and remember how fucked up everything is
I cant/ its so much fun.
I can only drink wine when I cook with it. Otherwise it tastes like nyquil fermented up someones ass.
I'm 23
I've fucked over plenty of people. I have helped enough people. It balances out, or is a crapshoot. Either way, I wash my hands of it.
You just like showing off.
Do you cook with fortified wine? Ports or Sherry's? Those are really good to drink on their own as well, by the by.
But I'd say try a sweet white. A Reisling or a Gewurst.
Not shooting, but I have tried to kill myself before.
Though I'm past that part of my life.
I've had like 12 or 13 different beers, all of them were disgusting
How so?
I buy a cab to throw into my spaghetti while it cooks. Whatever's on sale.
Gewurst is actually the only wine I can drink straight.
Have you ever considered wearing panties?
I, uh, err, didn't really think that one through.
Maybe I could show off for you,
Not really
I've never done that before. How does it affect the taste of the spaghetti? You use a whole bottle into the pot?
Got an idea?
I'd say give it a thought.
ah man i knew there was something was something weird about that bottle when i uncorked it. fucking black debris at the bottom. yuck. smh dark horse. smh!
i was just joking
but i realized i didn't really know how old you were
and it would make sense for you to be 19
for sure. some people never help others at all
like it takes a lot for me to stop what i'm doing and help
if someone doesn't ask for it
damn dog that's edgy af
how'd you try to do it?
and i'm glad!
Nah, one cup. Cup and a half if it needs it. I add a lot of tomato and find adding a cab cuts the sweetness a bit and balances it better. Main thing is I let it simmer for 4 hours.
I have a jock strap ordered and coming this weekend.
Hanging and was going to OD the last time.
I'll help as best I can. I just don't care if you are thankful for it.
Simmer for 4 hours? Man that is a long time to cook spaghetti. Aren't you pretty much making that shit soggy as fuck?
I've never worn one.
Sorry, I make the sauce for 4 hours.
Want to see me in mine?
Good one
damn why is hanging so popular?
that's how my friend did it
and my dad's friend's kid recently did it
how do you feel about the guys who go up and down rows of cars at stop lights. around me they seem to be mostly drifter/hitch hiker types who do that particular style of begging
lately there's been the same dude there for like a few weeks
then i thought about how much money they could potentially make. like it's not a bad racket
Easy I suppose.
seems like jumping off something tall would be easier and less painful
I don't think I could.
Iffin you want to share.
Ahh, that makes sense.
Na, manly men drink scotch or whisky. Normal men drink beer. Women and gays drink wine coolers.
People live of it. At least here. They literally have like 6 people who beg on highway curbs and pool the money to rent a place and buy food and shit. Fuck them.
Thank was a good wank sesh.
drowning, suffocating, or asphyxiation would be terrible lol
nice to see you too, TP
Holy fuck that was embarrassing for them
Or people with taste buds
i guess like jumping off a building is more public too
and like a lot of people who ky don't want the attention, they just want out
yeah i used to occasionally give a dollar when i was in a good mood but once i thought about what their hourly pay must be
i think i'm going to start being shitty to them
i actually had an app idea awhile back where you can tag beggars, so you can either find them to give money, or like my main user base, to avoid because of white guilt
you have a donger?
oh hey BD what's good
Na. There are some really delish oamteal stouts, or coffee porters, or milk stouts, vanilla porters, even good IPAs. There are good beers out there.
And the common light beer tastes very bland. I would love anybody to tell me that Michelob Ultra tasted disgusting. It tastes like water.
Doesn't everyone?
Apologies for the incorrect term.
just lurking a little, i saw the recent activity spike and figured id drop by for TP night
next gen of pokemon leaked
You can't avoid them in my city. There are at every highway intersection. They are on most major intersections.
They get a fuck ton of money from bleeding heart women. Fuck them. They could get a job, but they make too much money doing what they do. It is just like fucking mexicans at home depot. They don't do cheap labor. They are expecting 15-20 bucks an hour. Get fucked with tat shit, bud.
Na bud, you are good. Just a miscommunication.
I'm kind of excited now.
i think quakstak is my favorite
what's good bitches?
But yeah. Cooking with alcohol is the best.
a proverbial one at least
even feminists use sayings like "grow a pair"
sweet. i might be a bit sporadic for the next couple hours cause i have to shitpost in Holla Forums for big brother
i REALLY REALLY hate ones outside grocery stores. like stores should not allow that
they get you when you come in AND when you come out
once there was a dude outside an atm spot. i haven't seen that since thank god cause that would be my new least favorite thing ever
sure thats fine i have to talk to my girlfriend and break my headphones by accident in the mean time anyways
The alcohol just evaporates though, eh?
Stores do not allow that. They get chased off all the time. But stores do let the girl scouts and shit do it.
It does. But the flavor remains.
Unless I add the alcohol last, then it's all good times.
amazon basics makes a decent affordable pair of headphones
these are good i just have to stop almost ripping the cord out by accident in the dark
well i love girl scout cookies
they are providing a much needed service
target seems to do a good job keeping away beggars
that's my jam
trip you moving like a jipsy, stop woew back it up and let me see your hips swing.
The idea of showing off for you is something I've wanted to do for ages.
Ever cook with a spirit?
Target has good....clientele as well, if you know what I'm saying.
lol what are you black now?
fuck that guy
they are better than beats by dre
When I'm baking, yeah. Most recent was with Crown Royal Maple, making maple cupcakes.
No reason.
It tastes like water that's gone bad, which is a feat
Maple anything is delish. I approve of your shenanigans.
yeah man i've realized that since i've started selling my soul and walmarting (cause this one is really convenient on the way home. and it's right by tobacco hut which is where i go to avoid the city taxes)
like the people who shop at walmart, are... fucking... like... if you could torch the whole store at any given time, a justice would be done
Yeah, think rum cake, but with maple frosting instead.
I'm just very fond of you and like to be intimate with people I really like.
Water that has gone bad? Let me guess, you have never drank tap water before?
Just not in the morning. There are innocent vendors in there.
Top it off with some maple cream.....
But I am legit an asshole. Ask drunky.
I'm often lurking, infact daily.
these actually are sony on ear headphones i have that jack in but also have a little external AAA bettery for a little boost
I read that as 'infant daily'
I drink it fairly often, because the water fountain at work tastes off. We just got a fridge with that built in water and ice thing so I drink it now, whereas I didn't drink it for about 21 years
After nearly 6 years of being your friend being an asshole hardly seems to be an issue.
oh yeah like don't get me wrong
walmart employees are great. their self checkout is on point
the people who shop their are the worst on the planet
i also weirdly read this as infant
You win this round to the fact that I no longer care enough to carry it on.
6 years? Has it been that long?
Agreed. But at Target, man, those women shopping there can get you distracting and stocking the same thing over and over and over again forgetting you had it in your hand.
wait lol i got it right
calm down TP
infinitally daily.
infantile daily lurking.
Just about.
It would have just worked if you broke that up and said in fact instead of infact, since, you know, infact isn't a word.
Jesus I am old. Drunky said I look well into my 30s.
that's a fun image.
goodnight lads
You're a fun poster.
Older guys are hot though.
times i actually fuck up my their's, there's, and they'reseses: very few
times i think i did: *scans previous sentence*
Back in 15.
Hey you're right. I need to go bag me a hot 18 year old.
also back in 15
AWWWWW, thank you!!!
Well now I feel dirty.
The bottle caps are the more confusing part