Goggles' favorite movie.
Goggles' favorite movie
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Yeah, spooky train and Kefka
I give up, I can't find it.
Don't remind me.
She is wearing the convenience store uniform, if I am not mistaken.
The fact that they showed the kangaroo talking in the trailer and he only actually talks for 2 min in a hallucination pissed me off as a kid.
It was just 2 assholes running around after a generic kangaroo for 2 hours.
Why run from the pain
Face the pain
I haven't paid for a movie ticket in over 8 years.
I have not gone completely senile yet.
I mean I'll pay to see Tarantino.
Or if I think it's something I'll actually like.
Usually I only went because I had friends that wanted to go, but I just pirated that shit otherwise.
Feels like a bullet in the head to give money to media these days because you know how shit it's all gotten. But I like to put my dollar where I think it at least is deserved.
If anything I'll pay money for the dvd.
Just pirate the DVD.
If I can afford it, I do the same thing. I have a list of shit I will one day pay tribute to. But it is because I believe the experience I recieved was worth the tribute, and was valuable to me.
Everyone wants me to go see Nigga Pantha with them and I don't even want to contribute a cent to that.
Don't get your hopes up.
I pirate the Blue ray for a digital copy.
I can afford it. But most movies are shit.
If you think you will be even remotely critical, even if your criticism will be valid.. AVOID!
Meet me in Montauk.
I haven't paid for a Blu-ray in a decade, I think.
Last I bought was District 9's if memory serves.
Nigga Pantha has a higher Rotten Tomatoes score than fucking Citizen Kane.
All because "it's by black people!"
Nailed it.
No, it's not because of the black people, because black people can still make something objectively good, and allow criticism without the risk of the critic being completely wrecked in the wake of the "BABBY EVERYONE WHO ISN'T PRIVILEDGE BECAUSE REASONS".
I mean, it is purely the new wave SJW bullshit movement to blame tbh. It never had to be like this, everything would have been better if it weren't.
Mandy a cute irl
Oh i didnt know kekfa. Maybe ill play again
What's unlucky is Canada losing to USA in curling.
Jesus Christ Wish.
Double medals in ski cross though :^)
Did they really? Lol!
Canadians are so fucking gay for curling it isn't even funny. I have childhood videos of myself trying to curl at age 3 or 4.
Most of it was me falling on my face
das gay
You should have heard some of Mandys pick up lines
those were probably extra gay
Nyeh. Canada is 2nd in medals behind Norway right now. You two are both ice countries so it makes sense. We won a womens hockey too ^^
I love curling. It's so silly but graceful. It's probably really hard to be good at it
2nd Flan
1st Flan
Yeah but at least he was nice and not autistic. I expected this to be a cringefest because lol meeting strangers on the internet but he was pleasant.
Shootouts are not legitimate victories, sorry :^)
Was just you and Mandy or what?
good evening bbs~
I'm the sleepy Flan. Im gonna go.
It countssss. Nighnigh. You can still win mens hockey
Then US men were fairly eliminated :^)
Me too, I have many a childhood memory at the rink. I remember busting my ass (but falling on my ass) trying to impress my grandfather who was really good at it. I liked using the brush myself.
It's a complicated sport.. You gotta be able to move at the right speed with the brush to give the rock the right friction to hit. If you're throwing the rock, you gotta let it go and eyeball the collision. It's like a sport based on collision physics and it's pretty neat!
Yeah, caught a drink and a stick at a lounge on 7th and Union. Arent you one of the valleyfags?
Hi, love. How's the transition going?
which one~?
Your life transition you cheeky fuck. Don't make me purposely use the wrong pronouns on you
You're gonna fuck up against Czechs again.
Nice. All the internet people I've met have never been cringy at all surprisingly, it's been fun. And yeah, Southwest Valley.
You should come out with us next time. I hope you're a scotch and cigar type of guy.
wow jeez.
its going. still just saving but ive been keeping tabs on a few i like and their availability as we get closer.
Good. If you ever need any more help, you know I'm here.
Have a window set yet?
I don't drink at all, I'm actually super lame when it comes to alcohol and tobacco.
It depends on a few things. More details after these messages~
I just realized.. Curling is like playing pool but on ice and with your self as the stick.
We could go to a cat convention so you can be surrounded by your own kind
I swear I'm not a dick i just dont get many chances to make a terrible joke
Short answer: A few weeks.
Neat. You drink?
we wuz
Are you really a mormon?
Yes, sometimes.
Yeeeeaahhh, fuck you too.
Sweet. Let's get together and get trashed for your first night in town
I never met one before.
Perhaptually yes.
I just got to my computer and posted to the first thing i saw hi
There's more mormons outside of the US than in it. That's odd I did my mission in Vancouver
Neat. Maybe I'll get those Elma/Mandy videos after all
Nigger you don't even know who I am
Are you aware your entire religion is based on a lie?
see if i give a fuck, faggot. I'll be nice to you all i want, you motherfucker.
Well, I live no where near there so that's probably why I didn't pretend to take your pamphlet seriously.
omg whatever x_x
Elma x Mandy OTP
wat why even
There are temples all over Canada
it's just shipping. harmless shipping.
i think
I'm more concerned with the handling
Bruh, I don't even go to the brand of 'temples' I was raised to worship unless I have to for familial reasons. It's nothing religiously personal.
that was a very good joke i actually laughed
Damn it Elma I wanted to make that joke when I opened this thread and scrolled down
Technicolor's spillin' out
spill this
It's all up to you
You live or you burn
You win and you lose
It's all up to you
You live or you burn
But you gotta choose
Careful, his magical mormon underwear might protect him against your sinful statements.
I have nothing to fear from that boy.
Also, reeeoooooowww
I want to fit in so bad
Gud, fear is control, and that's no good!
We live in sad times
I only have fear of sharks
haha le old fag
It's been a while dude relax my baby boy.
we are
The ones to blame
In every end,
We start it all over again
god I wish that were me
Only mortal threats deserve fear. However, to numb yourself of fear, is how to survive even such terror.
I mean, if you want to be hardcore I mean. >_>
Bad dog.
Apricot scrubs are nasty but it does good work.
any attention from spec is good attention
What are you gonna do about it ?
I'm not gonna let a shark attack me for this.
So stop giving you attention? Alright, I hear ya loud and clear.
I can't give Bard attention anymore, so you're gonna have to do slutty fox girl.
Well, that's fine. Sharks are in their element, and on your own, it'd be like facing the Vietcong but not even in a medium of life where you have any advantage or where guns even work. Bring a knife and be prepared to lose limbs against a shark,
p-pls no?
Don't worry, this is good for both of us, you're a definite upgrade from Bard so...
Water is my element but they are just better at it than me
and they have teeth
Is Tracer still here?
I dunno
but i'll be your tracer
I'm okay with this.
Have you ever fantasized about living underwater and had more fun making underwater imaginary worlds than on dry land?
Asking for a friend.
Space is better than anything on earth.
I got vr
I think I would rather live on land
I have thought about being a pirate though
Hey now, that's a pretty mean thing to say
Like.. the headset stuff?
Best answer!
2nd best!
You're right, I'm not giving you enough credit...
Yeah with the arm trackers and stuff
I would have been a pretty good pirate
I meant to Bard!
It's a tough gig.
Do you prefer Pirate or Viking life?
They are similar but very different.
Viking for sure.
Vikings at least have a home.
Now you can touch all the anime flat chest you need.
we wuz
Get on Vrchat and let me touch your flat chest
Give me 2 minutes, just putting some files onto a USB.
You can't be mean to Bard, he's incapable of feeling anything anyway.
It's more like a house pet, you can call it stupid to its face and it doesn't know any better, it still thinks you love it.
Message me when your ready
I feel sorry for your pets
Well, there is also that, but pirates generally had a base, it was usually just not the same kind of 'home' in the sense of a viking home. Vikings didn't see themselves as outlaws but saw themselves as warriors for whom triumph is rewarded the spoils and failure is you go to the gods, a real warrior culture, which lead to their success.
Pirates are shameless outlaws, but you still have a home, just a different kind.
i wish everyone on my team wasn't as bad as Tsuchi probably is
The Christians are just total pussy and don't stand a chance against real North Men.
U were a pet once.
god you fucking suck at overwatch Tsuchi, stop existing so people that suck as bad as you do stop being on my team
I feel sorry for myself too
rip you
Nope! Few others knew how to match the kind of bloodlust the vikings had. It was their way of life. Most others thrived more on peace had they the luxury. Pirates, in my mind, are weaker than Vikings due to their lack of that deeply rooted factor, and couldn't likely match the Viking devotion to war and death and the willingness to die, as pirates were the most just about money and taking people by surprise.
He's only played with me and I'm playing Monster Hunter with him right now.
You can stop calling to him now
hu confesses he enjoys grinding
more news at 4
Is this bullying?
No, this is you gettin' called out for being a slut and a faggot.
Also reminder to continue ignoring Bard.
Hupoony gimme pats pls
More like, getting called out for liking games such as Runescape.
Nah, can't do that
that'd be $2
my village was destroyed and everythingI own taken from me
Go kill the bandits
I am going to bed soon, take care you guys.
Runescape and WoW are bad games.
Sleep tight
Yes. This is why you play the oldschool versions
All versions of them are.
Apparently just like anime then
Ah ha...
Time to cook
eat mty weewee
I guess I should stop ignoring Bard, you're boring.
So eat, gay boy.
I thought you of everybody would know this
Mistakes were made.
too tired to cook
just wanna eat something
no ur gross
nothing good to eat :(
Not much you can do if you don't want to cook and there's nothing good to eat either.
Uh.. Sleep :3
NOTHING at all?
Why you crying?
i'm not gross I'm a charismatic venus godess
More like a Venus flytrap.
You still haven't replied to anything I said about you earlier, so I think I'm pretty safe from you gayboi.
That's because I cant see the keys on my keyboard through all my tears ;~;
So how's Kingdom Come?
I'm henry................
Uh... hi Henry.
Is brety fun
Kinda wish It would have a few more mechanics like a minimap and a better reticle but is a fun change of ppace
would have enjoyed it alot when i was younger
is slike playing a moviie
Well... least it was a good choice. Better than Overmeme.
i want to be a cute angel healer
dont post my loods
I have to go to a thing. Goodnight.
My eyes close tight
Technicolor's spillin' out
* licks the computer screen*
-wants to watch a movie and sits in front of the tv, hopefully-
Yu have scary eyes e-ehehe.....
google more like
goat lol
-stares at the blank tv screen and wonders why it hasn't shown a movie yet. Hopes he didn't offend it and pets the tv affectionately. Is a nice kitty.- :
i need...
comfort or pets or something
-pets you and hopes you show him a movie- o.o
-puts "a ghost story" on for you to watch as i lay down to sleep after a not great day. nini-
-sits beside you, and hides under the covers during the scary parts. Tries to pester you to eat popcorms with him!-
womp womp :(
m-maybe I could be ur Bardo tonight~
I meant that at Kitty, but linking you was funnier lol
tfw gotta hop on a 45 minute bus ride for an interview for a cleaning job in half an hour
"cleaning job"
just cleaning a holiday home, about 5 hours of cleaning on a friday for £40
i hope that vaporeon is doing alright
what happens if they melt all the way
Good morning friends.
I hope you're all doing good
Isn't "the stormin mormon" just Desu pretending to be someone else?
Hulla, sibbi, just waking up, hby?
got better for a day, and have now been plunged back into the depths of dying.
I gotta stay up for a dnd session today tho so!!!
Also good morning uwu
I'm gonna go shower, then grab a morning tea, then probably run to the store to get cream.
I hope you have a fun time~ be safe!
They can reform.
lol, got him
now now, no dying
Your post made me chuckle
Hey, would you mind if I asked you to translate something for me?
Trying!! It sucks cause the day I was feeling better I like made plans & shit, schedule a pp appointment for next week and everything so like.
hopefully I feel better faster >:(
No, not at all
Hope none of it is too hard to make out, even I'm not a fan of the picture quality.
Should get some more sleep before your session later, so you won't show up all tired. Could be a bit more rest makes you feel better too
Restoration of old wood chair without stapler it's fucking hell
I would but I've been sleeping like a coma patient already!! I was hoping to spend some time with george but he's asleep uwu
Even more reason to go back to bed with him~
Mosin's rifle made in 1917 with RE printing, rare thing
Petr the Great
Military factory
only 2 more months!!
Particularly, especially since it's before the revolution.
He considered himself very lucky to find one.
Thank you, you're a bro!
So exciting :3
This thing is cost a lot, good for u
Isn't mine, a friends.
Mine are a '42 and a '38, Tula, one has a hammer and sickle on it.
I want a rifle too
I don't know how difficult that is in Ukraine.
Actually, not so hard, biggest problem for me is the price
It's Ukraine though. There's gotta be a free one out in a field somewhere, you just gotta dig it up.
I don't need illegal ak for 200$, i need Zbroyar z-15 , but it cost much more
Dig up battlefield drops and sell them to make money for more legal rifle.
Also... domestically made AR-15s, that's cute.
For that i want not less than PTRD
Alright, alright, we suffer from confidence, I get it.
Isn't the D the single shot bolt version though? Was it the PTRS that's basically a giant SKS in 14.5?
Automatic loading is for pussies. Real men shoot single
goto bed;
I just got home you fucking nigger
And you should go to bed you slut
It's my friday though
I don't work till Sunday night and I just got paid too
It's so nice seeing that +$569.00 in my bank account
I want beer
Is that a total of $569?
He's only got $569 to spend on you Hu.
It's a good thing you're a cheap date.
afternoon chaps
I'm a cheap date cause money is the last thing I need
did you know that carr's melts exist
because I didn't until today and they taste considerably worse than regular carr's :(
For 43 hrs of work, yeah
ohohoho you're funny Spec
What you need is this dick inside you
I'll only fuck whomever I end up marrying
Guess you're buyin' a $569 dollar ring Soto.
wedding costs a fortune too though
Not in Vegas.
I ain't going to no big city
Say you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfied~
Tell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buy~
I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love~
What 'carr" is?
Dude, I just wanna cum in your butt not marry you
Such a shame, no butt for you then, slut
What a sweet relationship
Don't worry, he's used to it by now.
That's what you get for living in a country smaller than entire fucking states you fag.
You even got your own flags and government buildings you cunt!
And this is the "united" countries of Eurabia
Carr's is a biscuit manufacturer
Carr is probably the surname of the person who founded the company
I don't eat bread or other stuff which made of flour
Means nothing with the Federal level on top of it. Europe will understand that in like, 60-90 years.
Also, fuck that, if we were gonna go on to be like little insular countries I'd want Jan Brewer back first.
are you a celiac senpai
because on that subject matter I just realised I bought gluten free macaroons (not to be confused with macarons) and I'm rather unhappy about this
Don't you guys eat like spreadable caviar or some shit?
You guys must smell like shit, or at least your breath must smell like shit
A fucking bucket of ice cream
Nothing like that will happen. The overton window is already shifting right
We do. Also liver paste.
Both shit is good. Torskerogn is especially good fried and with some remoulade too. God it's good
Nah, smells like fish
I dunno about that.
Can't tell if it's the spreadable caviar or one too many dicks you've sucked
Though I gotta admit Liver pate is nice every now and then spread on top of crackers with a nice stout
I do.
I'm also still waiting for the union to "nuke" Poland. They've only threatened to do so 10 times
I'm a pure maid though.
Makes for a good lunch on break too
hu my friend can you help me out and tell me which of these programs I do not need (I know that I do need all of the ones that are out of frame)
what's so funny huh
you think you're so smart just because you don't use hp do you
Anyone here I love?
lmao all that hp bloat
Yes, i think so
I don't know but I love you
if you could tell me which parts of it are not of value that'd be terrific
don't get too cocky
why do you love fighting so much
Awwe :(
Since when?!
You have to tell me these things x_x
Probably everything by "HP Inc."
Also get rid of McAfee
I don't know if you were here yesterday at the same time I was but I realised that it's important that as a community we all love each other
so I love you as of yesterday, as well as everyone else
I don't, it just fun i think
Well that takes the special feeling away :(
Apparently the door in the kitchen leads to a patio.
I have lived here 2 months and haven't noticed.
well that's ok I suppose
I'm sorry for making you feel that way, but you are probably tied for 15th or so place (estimate of how many people frequent Holla Forums) out of 7 billion so that's pretty good
at the end of the day love is love
No, I wanna be number one tho.
now I think about it you wouldn't be tied for 15th you'd be tied for 1st
and while I don't wish to sound rude if you wish for me to love you above everyone else you'll have to do something to warrant that
thus far you've seemed not too different to the rest of the people here, not a bad thing, but it's not going to get me to a state of unconditional love for you, which I'll be honest with you, is easier to achieve from me than most people
yesterday when I was talking about how I "just wanted friends" was a really optimal time for you to step in and do something loving but I guess you must've been busy
I may sound a bit critical but I hold nothing against you, I still love you, I promise
I promise to forever cherish and love and adore and smother with warm affection whoever brings me a cup of coffee and a strawberry kolache.
Elma for unloving.
will a sugar free menster and a cherry cheese danish also be fine?
very compelling point madeleine
I shall never open up to people again, thank you for this
tugs on my little heart strings
Someone be a dick to Lofie for me.
I'm trying to be a good boy today.
im gritting my teeth avoiding it
what have I done wrong
you people all seem to despise me but never elaborate on why
Hey Loafie I hope you choke on a snack cake or a fistful of crisps you dumb little troglodyte
....and there it is
Yan, play nice.
Thank you, Nick.
I feel you.
all that was missing was for someone to post dick...
my day is fulfilled, all is well with the universe
Good morning.
That's sweet, but I don't like those things. You keep 'em and we'll just be breakfast buddies.
Morning, love.
hooray breakfast buddies... im movin' on up
*hi 5
You're up later than usual maybe.
Not sure when you woke up.
I work from 2:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
I got off early today. I am usually still at work.
Oh, I see. What do you do on a night shift?
I run the kitchen at night.
By myself.
I'm usually the only person in the store until 3:45.