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But this thread isn't about me anymore


hah, suck it nerd

Why do you have such a regal sounding name
Sounds like a god damn prince or something

That's not a sucker, a sucker is like a blowpop.

or a dum-dum

Or a DP

I'll make a thread about you at some point.

Awww, so sweet. I didn't know you liked me that much

Luck of the draw, potentially.

I hate love

It was love at first sight.



Marry me

Do you have a womb?

Pour enough cum into a boy's butt and his prostate will become a womb.

It's true.

I read it in a doujin once.

I'm lacking one of those

Drawings aren't real.
Can't do then, no marriage

Why are no one actually a girl?

what about that korean who married his daki
if he can do it so can you

I like being a guy


Hey Bard

Hi again

normally I wouldn't be up this early but I have stuff to do today
you up to anything fun?

If I can't put a baby in you, there'll be no marriage

Morning Bardo!

We can just use your womb.

Problem solved.

Na, it's 21:30, i going to sleep in a hour

good moorning hu are you up to any fun today : 3


sweet dreams amigo when you headto bed
hope tomorrow is a good one for you too

bard can you ask yan to apologise to me please

If I had one, but I don't

Same as usual. Runescape~
Slept well?

Mmmm, Slipknot


Keyboard has no voice in the music though.

Whats the name of that song again ?

Pretty sure I've heard it before

I like this vid
Slipknot are from iowa

Is it Slipknot ?

Don't even bother telling me the name then

I don't care anymore

I wennt to bed earlier than usual o I didnt sleep very well :(
I kept waking up and glancing at the clock at it felt like i was watching a video or something of fsomeone else watching that clock

thats psychosocial desu


You're lying...

I don't know ask Bard

Oh that's pretty cool~ the best people come from there

The only Slipknot song I really like is Snuff

That does sound like shit.. Sorry to hear that

Why the fuck?


It's okies
I only did that so I could go buy a game this morning and it's prety fun so far
It's a cool new rpg called kingdom come : 3
i'm not very far in but i fun so far : 3

because anything can make you a nerd

where i'm from basketball is popular with black people and when I call them nerds they all went ape-shit on me

I am a slow scroller ; ~ ;

Fucking everybody plays that game right now.
Why go and buy it though? Can't get it off Steam like everybody else, or did you find it somewhere else for cheaper?

Give an example

o-oh no well I had to just run to my bank to put money in so I could buy it off the ps4 store

my bank has dumb hours they are only open from 10 a.m to 3 p.m and so I had to get there early or I would sleep too long...

a-and i think it looks cool : 3

i like steam but my laptop is super weak

scroll faster I guess


If you like music then you are a music-nerd

Ah, that explains it, makes more sense now.
Hope you'll enjoy~

come on Bard talk me like we used to ^^

Give the define of a "nerd" word

idk if he'll listen to me ;~;

it's because my mouse is broken and I'm using my trackpad and arrow key


You're a Beat Rat

use the auto scroll thing

at least ask him please
that's all I want you to do!

Hes gonna come insult you instead.

he still hasn't explained why he's upset with me
I just don't want him to be so deliberately unforthcoming it makes me feel like he doesn't care about me and even if that's not true I care about him

Don't click this unless you have the stomach for it


*even if that's true

I know, right? Omg



what's so funny

Actually since I just got out of the bath and have to walk into this shite.

I'm sorry for talking about you like this yan you shouldn't worry about apologising or anything it's all fine

Yan is a big fat NERD

Shut the fuck up Loafie

Oh no, I guess you won't call me Daddy anymore now

Poor Loafie.

I'm sorry yan but what is it you want from me
you don't object to my presence or else you'd have blocked me by now
I try and be as polite and kind as I possibly can to you, but you still tell me to shut the fuck up
I only care about you and want to be good friends
what do you want from me
you're a nice person and all but I just don't understand these courses of action

I am convinced this is an elaborate troll at this point.

I am not an elaborate troll (or even elaborate in any way to begin with), and am unsure what has lead you to believe I am

i don't even know anymore

Because no one could possibly be this fucking autistic.


That sounds like a challenge.


My tourettes is acting up like mad and I look like a fucking schizo at this company party

I am not autistic, and was tested by a professional, and I see nothing autistic about simply wanting to try and make and keep some friends, is that not a normal thing for people to do?

what kinda stuff do you say though


Normal people can take a hint.
Even dogs know better than to tread where they aren't wanted.


I don't have verbal tics, basically what happens is the entire left side of my body will jerk violently.

Hey Yan am I autistic?

No you're just gay
It's okay though I still love you.

that's called being spastic

you make a fair point, I suppose the fact that a lack of trying to make friends has resulted in me being unaware of signs of unwantedness
but I'll still be here if you ever decide you do want me :3

I'm not gay uwu

I thought tourettes was vocal

Tourette's can be physical twitches/spasms/ticks as well as vocalizations.

If you say so

It's not gay if I like girls too uwu

It is if you will never have sex with one.


Well I guess for all intensive purposes you're just asexual.

Is it hard to find somebody if you gay in Canada?

WIsh cyber logs


T-they don't exist



yeah they do

yan and wish are dating now? can't say i didn't see this coming


Wish: uwu

Yan: *grabs penis*

Fall in sleep



you know yan I'd never do something as uncouth as publicly revealing private chatlogs :/

Btw, Loafie, the reason Yan ignores you is because you're so desperate and it amuses him to see you try so hard.

I think everyone knew this and I didn't need to verbalize it, but I am anyway.

I just want friends ok

yan ignores me becaues i farted by accident when i went to his house...

What even

can you comment on this ? ? /

Can confirm, that is real and it did happen.

it was a pretty nasty fart though...

Why did you do it ?

He has a wife

No he just annoys me.

But it *is* amusing how desperate he is.

As you can see clearly through the logs, I was raped.

I am still alone and sad goodnight my friends

Clearly asking for it

I was just expressing myself!
uwu-ing isn't asking to be raped!

For you.

If uwu is asking to be raped then

brb raping Sinni

Thats literally what it stands for.


Tbh Wish had his penis out and everything for me to just grab it
Like completely out of context logs



And you knew this

~30min cycling~
Maximum heart rate: 180bpm
Miles: 8.61
kCal: 259

time to get s t r o n k


My lance in unity is just a big cylinder

the fuck is wrong with it

This won't happen


Who is Emma?




oh nice, i'm happy you're taking care of your body~

Who are any of us

too bad exercising is fuckin painful

but it helps when I put on my POP PUNK and get HARDCORE edgy INTENSE cycling sessions

I'm Wish

I'm cute

I wish I was dead

Are you


Same tbh.

Yeah, the cutest.

did you guise know they make peanut butter hohos?


I've never even had a normal one before.

ever had a devils food cake?

chocolate and cream

Probably at some point

its that but its got peanut butter cream instead

is it wrong to want to be a fat kid?

i feel like i am one at heart... it just feels right
respect my pronouns

Fat people are gross and have cardiovascular disease

they die sooner

seems worth it to not have to watch what i eat

adding on those extra unhealthy years for that slow and painful death

Fatshaming is my job.

still seems worth it

It's all the cheese curds.

hnnn yea shame my fat

You're like Ralphie May.

no... fatter

like so huge when they have to extract me from my home ill need an exterior wall cut out

I thought you were a bald guy that looked like a crazier Johnny Sins.


You've gone full Pepper.

I thought Smiles had a dick irl tho

It's true, 9 inches.

TBH I was gonna make a joke at your expense, but I'm too busy laughing at something else though.

oh snap its smiles AND soto

thats a new one... yea idek

a tonne of blobulous happiness

You will always be 1/10 of Gal Gadot.


Wasn't aware that has a weight.

It's actually 10 inches.
I don't know why I'm always sold short by Tracer.

Maybe it was another one of my fever dreams. I have a hard time telling the difference now.

The fact that you started liking Jews shows your fall from grace is irreversible.
You're also going to the camps.

Your ancestors were literally in the camps.

just hadnt heard that one before... i get bruce willis alot more often

You're the one who used a metric ruler to show me. I can't convert that garbage number system.

post our cyber logs

He doesn't want to be honest about how much of it he's taken.


I'd be happier with a 7 incher tbh


Called "Not skin tight pants" Helps if you got a huge dick. Try it sometimes.


Your ancestors would be the one putting you into the camps.

So you are bald right? Like I'm not actually losing my mind.

Rulers come with both systems.
You're just pretending to retarded right?

He's never had the privilege.

I'm saying more than three words. You fucking tell me.


i am... youre not losing it


ey gurl

I'm so lonely I'm playing a multi player game on my own.

-yawns and stretches on the couch-

I played World of Warcraft alone for about 10 years 🤷‍♀️

*tickle tickle tickle

You need some new friends.

I've made 4 posts and spelled out 124 words
As painful as it is I'm keeping up.

But I'm 100% nationalist American.

Thank god for that.
How have you been?


-laughs and falls off the couch clumsily-

i played alone for 2.5 minutes this morning...

Truly a new record for you.

im all good at the present, yourself?

nm bby

*tickle tickle tickle

I just woke up.
I don't know if I want to play Monster Hunter or LoL.

theres a third option



I wonder if I can sell my Blizzard account.

I'm sure you can.

remain in thread and be sociable

._. ?

How much is it worth though?

That sounds awful and I hardly spend any time here anymore as is.

People are willing to buy anything.

It's how you sell it, really.


Want to buy my account?
It has my real name attached to it so you can DOX me.


Why would I want anyone's information here.

So you can DOX them and hold shallow amounts of power over someone who is widely irrelevant to your life so you can feel like you matter.

But I don't matter.

Nobody does.


-smiles and waves-

how are you doing sonata?

My life is waking agony.

^-^ -waves back and brings you tea-

And your death will be forgotten.

But hey, at least there's alcohol.

-kisses your cheek-

thanks sweetie

Fuck. I forgot to get vodka.

Shit man, you're in trouble.

I'll get it tomorrow. I work tonight anyway so I can't get blasted.

Ah, fair.

-leaves a basket of pears out on the counter and peeks out the window- :

Kill yourself.

-pushes the pears off the counter-

Yeah, Kill yourself.

Kyle, give me your love.


-shrinks back from you fearfully-

-sads- :<

-picks up the floor pears and cleans them off. Cannot understand why someone would hate them so.-





If Test weren't playing favorites Tsuchi wouldn't even be here.


But no he has to play to his base of cynical pseudo-intellectual belligerent losers who are too fragile to enjoy anything.

anybody wanna snuggle


Welcome back, HVTB.


*virtually snuggles you in an inherently meaningless, and detached digital manner*
I hope you feel better now, I don't really.

Also, hello everyone.

Which part confused you?


High Velocity.


I forgot to put 'Inceneary' in there.


How's the American underbelly going?
It must get hard being a true detective.

Fat as always.

You inspire me to fight crime and beat up bullies.

Did you receive a lot of swirlies?

God speed you crazy Australian.

My main weapons will be a whip that's made of a dead snake. and a hat that's made of like- a dead crocodile.
Imagine indiana jones but actually... Australiana.. Dingo?


MAybe if I post poeple with this louk people will t hink I'm smart and sarcastic too

Crocodile Dundee.

I kind of wish the Super Bowl commercial was a real movie.

With 6 million views and how desperate Hollywood is anything is possible.


No that is already taken. Also I'm not leather-skinned as him.

That'd be a good creature concept for when they make Fallout: The Outback.

Can't be any worse than Kangaroo Jack.

Just need to bake in the sun for another 40 years.

That's different from regular Australia how?

Fuck you for reminding me that exists.

No dingodiles..?

Who are you australian?

But Dingodile is a crash bandicoot boss

You're welcome.

No thank you. I prefer my soft white skin.

I'm the Dingodile.

-pats dingodile-
Get out the butter, we're gonna make toast!

I'm bored. Help

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Crocodingo then.
Recycling is pretty normal in the vidya industry anyway.

Stop be a fag, Flan.

Out of the butter?

That's generally the plan. One day I'll look like you and feel all gross and stuff.


If I disappear for an hour and a half, will you still be here?

crocodingo is fine

Mean. Let's play a game.

I'll put butter on you.

Probably not.

It'll just be easier to slip out of your fingers.

Then I have to say that I hope to ttyl because I have to leave to go see a senpai to learn a thing.

I think the only game I've ever played with you was Halo 5.

Oh, wait.
I just asked if it was worth buying then griped about the game cheesing up legendary at times.


Is it how many fingers fit?

Seems fitting, unless you want to be held.

Wah. I thought we played stuff today. Maybe Dota, I dont remember.

I don't think I ever added you on anything except Skype since you've been on there for like 7 years and all that's managed to happen in that time is me calling you a fag every so often.


And saying you only joined for the seamen.


Mana, my love.

Hey, you're the one who joined the gayest branch of the military.

My character in FFXIV uses TP instead of Mana.





You were best when you were DMG and had Kaiba and Noob trying to kill themselves when Mana "killed herself".

Now where is my bourbon?


I think Kaiba did kill himself or some shit last I remember.

Gilgamesh, your favoured png looks familiar. Wasn't that a swf or whatever about a fan that oscillated and announced that very such thing in a manner that was funny because it's true?

If so I haven't seen it in a billion years and am curious. I looked it up just long enough that I gave up and needed to ask because I can't get shit to work that looks up images and I'm lazy right now. Something about your pic is taking me way back but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Why does my namefag only dissappear when I don't want it to.

BRIAN, if I recall correctly.

I have never read the webcomic; I simply use images BRIAN used.

But yes, it's that webcomic.

wow thank you! You're pretty great yourself.

I drank it all. I only have whiskey left for you.

Black Mage best mage.
Did you kill an exdeath?

Hand me the bleach.

That was very clear sarcasm.

HAHA! That's the thing!
I thought I saw an animation of it before but my memory is shit. Thanks for the little extra.
Was Brian the one who made it or just used it?

I miss the old internet either way.

same same. brb

I'll give you 2 Tide Podz.

He just capped the webcomic.

Sometimes my brain animates static images and it makes me think I saw shit move when it never did

I hope you somehow find a way to kill yourself in your absence.

I think that's my only Zuihou image...

There's a new raid tier out already.

Oh noo. I havent been playing for a little bit.
Is it the death train? My friends told me to come kill a train.

You have posted another one.

Lol, still neat, thanks for sharing.
I hardly ever see old cool shit like that, or fyadhaus, or pokey, etc.. references anymore.
I guess that's all just obscure nostalgia now.

