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I win.
Am Flan.

That image made me cringe irl

it sucks that razer is cringy and makes mediocre products because I love their design

Some of their designs are good, but it's cheap quality is horrendous

I got one of their mechanical gaming keyboards.
it has survived vodka and lemonade once so far.

i feel like if more people learned to eat more potatoes and rice we'd have less hungry people, shits so cheap

School shooting when?

my razor mouse is really solid but it sounds like i should look to other places for a good keyboard

anything would be an improvement from my logitech wireless though for gaming surely

I've had 2 deathadders and they've both had the rubber wear off or just fall off within a few months

quality is B A D

Rolled 8 + 1 (1d20)rolling for irl initiative

Use lube next time.

I went with the logitech gaming mouse because it was the only one heavy enough to satisfy me.



does a mouse really need to have that much weight to it?

is everything okay?

how hard can it be to get some fucking antibiotics for a yeast infection


i want blondie

im just lonely


I make quick moves and stop fast, headshots are spot on, vats just slows me down in fallout.

what's got you feeling that way?

Sleep well


well if you say so, Fallout is kind of an unimpressive example for that all things considered, no offense but fuck bethseda and their goddamn scenery and bullet pathing and invisible objects blocking bullet path

i just think its kind of funny when someone talks about high performance gaming mouses and then mentions like sniping in a single player gamewith some of the weirder hitboxing i've seen

very few people even contact me anymore


IDK, I've never really paid attention to hit boxes, I always aim dead on.

oh, yeah, me too, but then again, I usually don't try to contact people, so, it's kinda like a two way street I guess.

You are blondie.

definitely not a good idea not to pay attention to hitboxes, since they are the thing that allows your bullets to do damage

but the character model is what I focus on.

Sl;eep well?


i understand what you are saying, you can't see hitboxes without going into special parts of the game, the models represent what you can see, but i have a problem with young deathclaws a lot in newvegas and also being too close and my gun going through enemies

letting enemies get close enough to have your gun pass through them, do you even shoot bro?

I feel like 1v1 limited duels are just there to get your courage up for group games when you're alone with one or two of the enemies, kind of get you less intimidated to be on your own

sometimes you're using a shotgun in a tunnel and sometimes you run into a lot of ghouls, you don't HAVE to stealth kill everything in the game you know, ghouls aren't really that dangerous

4 way street


a little

I have a habit of stealth killing everything, and the hunting rifle in fo3 is best rifle.

does anyone remember how to laugh

i have an ungraded hunting rifle that uses more common ammo than .308 in new vegas


I have not played new vegas yet.

when this place finally dies then i can truly know rest

you really should, you'll probably get sick of the atmosphere more than in fallout 3 but to each their own, the cliffs and stuff are really cool, and when you learn to stock up food and water with the DLC's playing in hardcore mode becomes fun again with like a home base and only going out with light supplies


I have it, I just haven't played it yet.

Call me a loser but my nights not over

why are cheese sticks so delicious?



What color is Luka hair?



duh dumbiss

How do you like curling?

Thank you.

My grandpa's really into it, but I don't really see the appeal.


Except this weekend when I'm watching the all new Dragon Ba- *cuts wrists*

I think curling is okay to watch some times, the brooms are my favorite.

Literally just the worst show ever now

The show was shit when Gohan didn't go Mystic and just beat everyone

I wanted Shaggy Blanco more tbh

I'm gonna go touch anime tiddies in vr now

bye bye



Brown, I see.


i dont understand the brooms.
Does it make the stone go further or shorter?

It's so graceful, its like slow bowling

further, they sweep to smooth the ice, which causes the stone to slide further.

yea but theres also a girl at the end who has a bristly broom and i think her broom chops the ice a bit and slows the stone.
i dont know though. it looks fun

idk, I always thought they just smoothed ice, and the one at the end is just trying to get the stone as close to center as possible.


sleepy flan







im fucking in tearsm im glad Serana doesn't just do weird shit around me



Serana acts self aware enough to creep me out slightly in those videos

what's that




holy shit mate, its been a little while

been a while indeed

i miss DP they should give me their discord

don't take that post out of context please


Yes hey
Yaoi Lord#3461

cool, i did the thing with the adding you

woof woof

bork bark borf


happy face

what do you do?

I work as a cashier at a hardware store chain.

does it pay make you happy or just pay for things?
and do you work towards something or just live?

I'm happy with the people I work with, the customers are much nicer than at WalMart.

I'm working towards going back to college for my theatre degree.


where will theatre take you,that you hope?

Just something I'd like to do. Maybe be a teacher? Star in a few plays? Work in the wings?
I dunno. It's just one of those things I want to experience. I love stage stuff.

i hope you find it. :)
will you also look for a husband?

That's gonna come later. I don't really feel like looking for love, honestly. I want to get myself sorted first.

what things have you not sorted out?


Thats an actual spoiler btw for Made in Abyss

financials, mostly.

nothing else?
just money?

And not really wanting a relationship right now.

do you like video games? or certain movies?


I love video games. I play WoW here and there. I'm on a kick right now. I love movies. David Lynch films are some of my favorites while I can also enjoy things like Demolition Man and South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

I also like musicals. I just watched a bootleg of Hamilton the other night and thought it was really, really good.

what does "a kick" mean? :O

lol, demo man was the taco bell one?

did you try practicing those musicals? :3c

I'm back bitches

He's playing a lot of it.


yes, that's the joke

You're the joke

playing games? or uh.....



i dunno wat to say




*Pat pat*

Is that show just softcore porn and cucking with mechs ?



Mmm... kinda.

The threads on /a/ are pretty much just about cucking though from what I've seen.



Pretty much.

Is this your fetish ?


its cold
my fingers are cold typing
im lonely and hungry
i don't get paid till past midnight
breakfast wont be availible for another 6 hours
i'm not sleepy yet
at least youre online :)

It is not.

G'morning Bard.

I get paid next Friday and have to go to work in like, 20 min.

have you eaten?

Had grilled cheese/.

it's YOU

What if you're the one doing the cucking though ?

i think i'll make myself some rice and margerine and fall asleep after like 40 youtube videos and uh.... i dunno what i wanna paly...

at least the new leeg champ girl looks pretty.

Sounds unhealthy.

And she looks like fun. I might get her. I have nothing else to spend BE on.

I understand... you hate me.

That'd be rude.

it's better than eating nothing at all.
maybe i'll see if i have any frozen corn i could microwave to stir in.
oh and maybe a can of tomato

I'm making garlic stuffed mushrooms tomorrow.

Yeah but you get the girl

hows that work???

n-no wait

I didnt mean it ;~;

Take the stem out and bake a garlic clove in it. Top it with cheese and bacon bits and some chives.

Total happiness increased, so whatever?

sounds tasty....
(except for the whole it being inside a mush room part))

make a webm with the sound to go along with that gif of her cute whimpering~ o////o

They are high in vitamin D and taste great.

whats up today spec?

im too scared to eat a mushroom...
they look weird and are made of some kinda fungus stuff like them molds?

That person was probably gonna get cucked anyways

might as well be by you

You know cheese is made by cultured mold, right?

i like white cheese
that's been shredded and made with white milk and yummy swiss mozerella pizza

Lets be honest
that molds only got about much culture as your average
white male

-nibbles a small block of cheese in the corner-

I like smoked guda.

I believe that moment is silent tho?

hungry, gonna make burger


My best friend cucked someone to death last night.

It was hilarious

He wanted to date that girl so bad too

i've never seen the show myself

what's it taste liek?

Like cheese?
I really have no idea how to answer that.

mushrooms and onions are like the best combo though

white cheese tastes white
swiss cheese taste pungent
orange cheese tastes ugly and bold and orange

I still have no idea how to respond.

I'm off to work.

-takes another tiny bite from his cheese and hiccups-

I could go for some burg
I woke up late and had to hurry to work today so that was lame but tomorrow is myfriday so I am happy

I also got to roll with my younger brother because he is feeling better so that was fun too

onions are 🤮

have fun!

Well I guess he got it? You gotta wonder what the quality of that girl was tho.

Go watch it.

*pat pat*


Whatchu want on yours?

You and ur bros r gay.

torrent/download it?
stream it?

Shes kind of a thot but I'm pretty good friends with her.

a man eats his burg plain
and rare
uphill in the snow
20 miles both way

And also
Why I oughta slug you

gimme a hd 1080p stream plz ;~;

Just kind of 'eh?

Come @me bro

Uh... ain't got that. 720's the best I know of.

The guy who got cucked is going to jail/prison soon.

He was a shitty person and we kicked him out of our group.

wat are your stats big boi

throw it
down town

What he do?

Ur kind of a faggo, kid.

He burned down a lot of shit.

He set a large fire in California

-shares his snack with you- ^.^


its oobvious you 're prpjecting your own onsecurities............

Oh shit really? Which one?

So... yeah.

Nah, I win.



His names Christian and hes 19 if you wanna try and find it.

I don't really know the details

His final court date is march 22 I think

Yep, and you got played.


Shitty name, gonna make it more difficult to look up.

Also I don't know if they release names until after proven guilty or not.

Idk if you can even find it

L-leave me alone you jerk.............

Well It's Cali so they'll go easy on him anyway.

the video broke
it wont let me watch...

I think he said they wanna give him a few years.

He lost all his friends and my best friend took his gf

k, bye

Huh, strange.

Sucks to be him.

Thats what happens when you're a retard.

Goodnight spec


how dare they attack my ad blocker


What adblocker you use?


both adblockers

...what is the name of the adblocker you use?

" adblocker " & " adblocker pro "

Chrome or FireFox?



looks overly technical

It's not.

[bAD eND]


How do Gardevoirs know if they're homosexual


Will you make eggs with me?






*snuggles sleepily*


h-hewwo...owunce of weed pwease >///< arigato... dealer-kun *puts weedie-chan in bong and inhales* waaah!!
(╯✧▽✧)╯ daisuki cannabis desu~! (^ ω ^) uwaaa! weedie-chan i feel so kimochi!!(〃°ω°〃) hehe~ ur deep inside me now x3 weedie-chans drug pussy is so good! (ノ´ з `)ノ everything is daijobu ! n-nani??(O_O;) eehh munchie-sama is over now...
(´• ω •`)ノ *devours pocky and left over cummies* uwaaa~ daisuki cannabis holy shit =w=


good morning bully

how does it feel knowing that you're stuck here alone with the victim of your countless abuse

This is your repentance

she's cute~

Eventually one of us will like each other. Stockholm or beaten house wife syndrome style.

Ur cute~

I think it's already startied

Is that more unfortunate for you or me?

* pouts *



i've got a bit of a tummyache this morning
hopefully it doesnt stick around......

Any plans for today hmmm or are you going to spend it being lame and boring like always?


@my boy dars

Well if ur gonna die, go do it outside, easier to clean up that way.

WOW fuckin' rood. I have to check in with the office today to see where my new assignment is and when. But that also means I have to stay up all day today. Gonna need some coffee.

Any music to share this morning?
I'm listening toslowed down britney spears stuff :/

also your plan for the day is disagreeable
hopefully you get to go back to sleep before long
I thought it was weird seeing you this late
What do you do for work?
if you dont wanna share thats koies


brb Zzz... nini`~

nini lukies *cuddles*


Yeah, being up this late isn't great for me right now, I've ruined my weekday sleep, but I'm between jobs right now so...
It's a temp agency that I have to check back in with is all. It's a place I've worked for before, and I'm returning again, but they only hire through this third party, and it's annoying as fuck.

Ni-ni Luka.

I hope you can get on somewhere a lil more stable before too long that sounds like a fuckin pain in the ass
well I think I'm gonna take off with lukie though

have a nice day buddy

See you Bardo.
Sleep well.


i may have gotten a job or two


almost not sick anymore friends!!


yay :3

nah, just the flu

A, it's light disease, nothing special


I've been sleeping up a storm so I'm glad it's leaving my system

Hopefully it'll be all-gone before the weekend


Hu pls give me a hug

Here's one for not being lewd for once



What you up to Hu?

Same as usual, really. Just Runescape.
Doing well?



You still play that old game?
Jeez, grow up already lmao

Yeah, just work and such
Just tonight and tomorrow night and Im off for the weekend

-sniffs you-

I've grown up, it's why new games are all boring

Work is good, it makes money~

-licks you-

pat back

hnnn!! your tongue is cold...


I havent played Dead Space, my friends told me to give it a try
Im always down for a nice spooky game

Yeah, but I dunno what to do with the extra cash
I was thinking of buying a new keyboard/mouse

Or I can go to Little Tokyo this weekend and eat some good food, have like 10 beers, then probably karaoke or go bowling or someshit

your asshole is so warm


hi who dis?

of all place to lick why there!??

I heard Dead Space was just full of jump scares that wasn't actually that scary.

Could do so. Or save up for a house or a car or something much nicer

Oh my bad bro, I thought you liked getting your asshole licked

I'll go lick Hu's asshole I guess

Wow why do you gotta kill my excitement for the game man
You're no fun allowed

I want to buy a motorcycle tbh
I'll probably die tho, so worth tho

Can you lick my cat, i don't want to wash him

hey now!!

I'm just telling you what I heard man.. You could also go right ahead and try it, then find be disappointed that way if you expected something different. This way, there's a higher chance that you won't get too disappointed, even if it is that bad.

We'll all die tho, so why not~

Im not playing it anymore

Fuck you Hu

Pics of your pussy

Fuck, no, my cat, his name Nasya


The one still waiting for a valentine's card.

What does it mean tho?

You're welcome~

Who & how are you doing?

Literally, wash my cat with your tongue



I'm the mysterious stranger


Wanna girl who i can fight with

can't say we're the same there
I'd rather have her simply beat me up and then force me to lick her sweaty armpits
or something like that

No, not same, i just wanna person who l will not break with one touch

lmao fag




It's actually evening

Haven't seen you in a while.

there is nothing fag-like about it

I have been exceedingly anti-social lately.
How are you doing this morning?

Well enough.
Playing LoL.


I just told you I'm not a fag, I'm surprised you didn't notice when my sentence was so short


Na, it's really kinda fag sryyyyy


I did a few of those this morning.
I am disparagingly bad at it.

I believe the correct term in this context would be 'beta'

I do not kiss girls, and I am not a faggot


confirmed faggot

What a surprise

is there a problem cunt

remind me your name so we can be friendos again

Looked at you from top to down
Maybe, wanna find out?

I only have like, Grim and Luka added and it's going to stay that way as far as thread people go.

n-no thanks

Wtf, go

That's fine we probably wouldn't play much anyway

Sorry, babe.

I'm off to bed.

It is fine I did not expect anything in the first place.
Sleep well.

why do you want me to go ;_;

Go fight, not go in meaning "walk away"

I don't like fighting though, and as such I am very bad at it


sorry ivan I guess we're not all big tough men like you

I'm not Ivan

what's your name then my boy
is it vladimir






Don't get a single word



fuck any what



please delete that image


please stop bullying me
all this just because I want a muscle gf, something you want also

Please delete my life tbh

It's u bulling me!


I am not bullying you at all
are you upset that I called you Ivan? If so, I apologise

Na it's ok, i don't know why i'm upset. I just have a feeling that i losing energy, feel like vegetable

that's unfortunate, and a feeling I've experienced in the past also
would you like to talk about it

It's just a regular weakness,it will pass through some time

oh hu where you at lad
I feel kind of bad for using you for tech support like you're an object but there's nobody else I can consult

