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wiill u tuck me in luka

Thread - hued

Sounds like model of German tank

yeah it does
fuckin goofy germs

*tucks you in*

me sleep 2


yay luka nighty night










wow, dead for a sunday :(



afternoon lads how's it cracking

It is Tuesday my Dudes

New Threat






Sombubby pls talk to me

i still cant believe how good this turned out

why do so many good things in my life trace back to 4chan, this guy used to advertise like CRAZY on Holla Forums and /vg/ before he blew up and would even post directly in the Undertale general for whatever reason


A, a, a, a, a, a, a

Not much. My roommate is out gun shopping and I don't know how to feel about it.

Bailed out on my mom again, so I think the score is 2-1 this weekend. I'm still hungry for brunch food though..

What's up in Squash's world?

Hoping LTC goes up enough for a plane ticket^^

Just got home from work.
Nothing much to report. Had to scrape a quarter inch of ice off my car. Considering desk shopping and buying one with my return when it hits.

You are not my supervisor

There ya go. I'd love a nice desk. Playing games on this couch is gonna give me carpel tunnel cause of the weird wrist position necessary.

Where are you located again? Ice storms are the worst.

love how late this guy is

Northern MO.
I don't know how long I'll be here though. No less than a year. No more than 3.

Oh dayum. What the heck is even up there??

That sounds like a good range. About what I'm thinking for le desert. I don't think my ginger-ness can handle much more than that :p

It's where I grew up. Family is up here.


Oh, fair enough then.

Yiss. I'm moving to the desert for reasons.

lmao I thought MO was Montana for some reason and was like O_O

Fool wants me to come see the desert in Texas.

And MO is Missouri.
Montana is MT I think.

Fool would be an interesting hangout for sure. There's definitely some sort of magical vibrations out there, that's why I wanna go. Just always been drawn to it.

Mmhm I googled Montana and google practically XD'd me.

Who was Fool's bathtub buddy?

He's suppose to come hang out sometime.

Deserts seem like a cool place to fuck around and explore if you don't die at least.

Definitely. I want to try and get inspired by that so I can get back into painting out there.

If the exposure doesn't kill you the rattlesnakes will lol I read a great article describing Phoenix as spitting in god's face and had a great giggle. All the more reason to move there.

Snakes I can deal with. Parasites I can not.

Phoenix is an effigy of mans sin.


Yes, it seems that way, doesn't it? When I first google earth'd it and saw how, well, deserted it was from everything I was like "sweet". Then you zoom in and see all the pools and stuff in the middle of a giant sand box and you can't help but to laugh.

I'm hoping it's gonna be a lot of fun for me there^^


I wish you luck.

ooh. those are everywhere. I got one in my armpit once. It's not as pleasant as that sounds lmao

Thanks, Squash. Until then it's just save save save. I really gotta cut out fast food this month entirely but that's wicked hard :(


I use to get them when I went to the river a lot.

Just try to be mindful of your spending and you should be fine.
My game is starting so I have to go.

I'm mostly concerned about the scorpions finding their way into my shoes to surprise me in the morning.

When you spend all your time trying to be ironic and cynical, the moment you try to show some genuine emotion it backfires only to embarrass you. So you just try to hide them, and act like an asshole on purpose because it's so funny. It means not having to try. It's safe.
You're negative and like to pretend you're smarter than the "sheeple" around you because you don't get excited over the simple pleasures in life.
If Tsuchi were in front of me, right now, I could kill him where he stands, easily. But I don't want to kill Tsuchi. I want him to live and go on about his day, remembering his embarrassments and failures, the regrets playing on loop in his head that are never going away. I know him. I know he'll just crank up the cynical to insure it never happens again. That's why he posts "smarter people" who seem depressed, because being depressed is his only accomplishment in life.
I'll be there to watch him continue to shut himself off from the world since he can't accept people having different standards or preferences than him. That's the life Tsuchi's going to live. Slowly shutting down.
I could kill Tsuchi. But I'd rather he live and suffer.

Growing up in NH (at least when I was a kid) we were taught to do tick checks whenever we got out of the woods. Kinda always thought that was common knowledge, but then again kiddos don't spend all their playtime in the woods anymore.

What did Tsuchi-poo do now?

No one cares.

Nothing I just wanted to shitpost.

Did you type that or was that a pasta?

I feel like you typed that.

Feelings are pretty darn scary at first so it's hard to blame them honestly.

Pasta from Pan Pizza's Allen Gregory review.

Pasta from Yan pizza's Tsuchimakado review

Yan Pizza sounds amazing rn tbh



lmao that's so much better when it's read aloud Yan


I want to find that ocelot one hold on one sec.

Done a championship job at that.

Whats it like Scooter, watching every woman around you clutch their handbags tighter when you approach and they hear your "posh" accent

i don't remember the title of the yt vid. it was from like 2010 or some shit

Feminine cocks

This is my favorite

It is better than making them wretch with greasy hair

A winging, whining rat with a chip on their shoulder who thinks everything is someone elses fault. A loud aggressive bully who thinks they are hilarious and that everyone else wants to hear what they think. The noisy drunken group who arrive at your hotel and ruin your holiday, and the reason your car no longer has a stereo.

This is who Scoots is.

im a cute girl irl

Boy, nice anal hgurt you got there

well shit i dont even have to say anything, i can just sit and watch this time

thanks DM Yan, you are definitely better than my initial neutral rating of 5/10

and that wasnt like an IGN 5/10 either


Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, this guy. Anal blasted to within an inch of their horrid life.

Cat fight.

"you mad" "butthurt" "sure"

You hear that lads? It's the battlecry of a Scoots who just lost.

Grim could shitpost better replies than this, without a fucking doubt.

I'm gonna start calling him Grime instead because he doesn't deserve the simple satisfaction of having an edgy name everyone already fucking hates because it has to be associated with such a huge piece of shit.

Fucking Grime.

I think I may move to the US.

Everyone's a winner when you get your exercise!

We don't want you here.

That is a nice response. Too bad i'm not in the mood to fuel your mongoloid behaviour right now.

What part?

Literally everyone who talks about you behind your back says this to me and the irony is palpable sweet and delicious.

oh yes because you are usually so mature in how you reply, then again you're about as threatening as a lobster with rubber bands on their claws

Nice bait post. Keep going. You might get my attention a little longer.


Somewhere sunny. Just until September. Maybe Cali.

Come visit Missouri.

honestly not even worth the effort you're putting in, any reply you make to scoots is another moment you could be thinking of ways to fuck with the new furry in our party over the next few encounters

Did your town become an overloaded landfill too? I had to move ten times as a kid 'cause everyone was throwing away their iMac G3's and Beanie Babies.

The defeated Scouser goes to nurse their wounds


Oh no.
They said something else.
In the thread.
How will I now survive.
Life has taken a sudden, unexplained, turn.

And here we witness more reaction despite two posts stating loss of interest.

Sure. I can get the bus.

Is that a simpson's reference or a true story.

Totally not interested.

And, there goes the filter.



this would be a good game for you scoots, its a recently fan translated Tingle game, in which you play Tingle from the legend of Zelda, who is a 35 year old man that get's whisked off on a magical journey where he meets girls who initially all think he is a creep until he gives them expensive gifts

w-what's happening in this thread?

just friendly roasting, i'm mostly just watching youtube right now

how are you Sinni?

Nothing. Literally.

except, it wasn't literally nothing

Talking in call with a thot.

are they a cute thot

Poor Tsuchi, I didn't know he was suffering like that.

Go comfort him. With the dick.

So much shitposting in last hour, wow

I'm doin good!! still sick but better uwu

woa ur gay

yes I am a cute thot.

My dick is a little too big for him...


hi blood-chan, i can't believe scoots said nothing was going on when you were here

Holy shit, you've actually got a brain in there?

Still. Poor tsuchi.


Half Simpsons reference, half joke about me being old. :3

Oh my God it's DP

hey scoots is back

new computer no tripcode

Back from the dead.

move drive to new computer and copy over your browser profile

What happened?

Maybe death will be beneficial...

why'd you die

too god damn lazy for that shit

hey giirl

Such is life, little one.

Too much chemical abuse.

What a disappointment

4 sho

When I was a child, people in my village didn't know what a Mac or a Beanie Baby was. So who is really older.


I was serious about moving though. Only I don't think they give visas to middle easterners like myself.

Life is not hard though...
There's always a solution to every problem. Well except for speech impediments.

Fuck mane I seen you on steam and shit every now and again but I'm too austist to say hi

Sure. Is that what you long windedly say to yourself?

I keep my steam in offline mode a lot just because. But you can always hit me up on Discord, I'm usually good about answering people there. Usually.

Yeah, well my generation had to invent land in order to even have landfills. Of course, back then we called it "waturf" and the only trash we produced were Little Rascals shorts.

Make sure you emphasize that you grew up in Spain, not Mexico. I'm pretty sure Trump thinks Spain was absorbed by France some time in the 1700s.

I like to keep a positive attitude

I don't have you added because I'm autist
Yan #0649

stop whoring your dcord out

Yan #0649

btw my discord is Yan #0649

add me on discord Yan #0649

Yan #0649


Of course, got to keep the negative out, especially when you are a dangerous schizophrenic.

Yan #0649

I don't think that's the right discord because it's not letting me add it

It's actually #0648 because I'm retard boi


Well. Apparently I can stay in the US for 90 days without a visa. So if I get a job offer within those 90 days then I can stay.

Also, Spain was absorbed by France in the late 1700s.

I'm not nearly as dangerous as Yan

nailed it

top kek

Depends on what species you are.

I like it when we laugh at yan

I gotta run to a meeting, but I'll be back to bug you! ^o^

Have fun.


I never thought of myself as human. I believe I'm superior to them.


Show me the prgoression. Show me the leap forward.

I'm a 5th dimensional being, I cannot show you the progression, or the leap forward because you do not have the awareness yet.

An other dimensional being? This is an interesting development.

You can only view me with your 3rd dimensional awareness. I have go, bye!

Take care, supreme being.

Soo. My roommate just bought an assault rifle, and I must admit they're pretty fucking rad.

Also I found a gun I want too.


>tfw no assault rifle to mass murder rampage in a school because muh rights.

good afternoon

fucking scots
if it weren't for them I'd have an armaments factory's worth let me tell you




it's just a .22. no death, just severe maiming. There's a difference

afternoon nezi-san

also it was really mind-blowing exactly how easy it was for him.

1 form, 6 minutes, and a debit card and we had a gun.

Is that the real Disgruntled Poster?

You know that they have just infringed on your god given Rights as a Citizen?

I'm not a gun fanatic, Scoots. Fucking chill.

Yeah my trip is on my old computer

how are you loafie?

wowsers. Long time no see!!

Stop stealing my images. I will sue you.

I'll give you a gun~

No fun allowed, I see.

What's good in the hood?

You see. It isn't stealing, when you actually upfront give me the folder.

nm nm

Got some stuff to try garlic honey jalapeno chicken for lunch^^

what hav eyou been up to?

I was talking about Nezi but now I see I will have to murder you as well.

Work, World of Warcraft, Gay anime


Implying you've the muscle definition and ability to go toe-to-toe with me. You are as delusional as Elma.

better not be retail

You better believe it's retail. I hope that disappoints you more.

What a gigantic faggot

Just work and cooking and planning.




it's been alright desu
just got back home about 10 minutes ago

You're just complimenting me at this point.

Planning on what?

Are you going to make Florida look like a fucking joke

Wanna play some over watch when I get home?

Nezi is a socially retarded individual, how could Loco possibly expect them to understand Avatar etiquette.

you do realize if someone reported your posts about shooting up schools you'd have a swat team breaking into your house pretty quickly



Sure, if you can get me out of my spaceship lol

Stuff is good.

Try it.

Your mom gay


See, Elma is jsut being a little overly sensitive. As usual.

They don't have swat teams in England. Scoots's house would be invaded by the guys in the funny hats from the vodka bottle.

I hope it works out for you man


I'm gonna tie Elma up and play video games right in front of her and make her watch

Db programming its synonym to shithole

you have no idea

what does that even mean

I just don't understand why you feel the need to be an asshole all the time for no reason. How you find it fun is beyond me.

sigh. don't call me that.


Another point is that here, in England, where would I gain access to an assault rifle and equipment enough to butcher a school?

You do know swatting can get you some fun jail time? :^)

I hope you do

My bad

Time to hunt down a black hole for a supah warp!


But that is a factually inaccurate statement. It is impossible for most anyone, even me, to be an asshole "all" of the time.

The majority of your posts I see is just attacking people for a reaction, then if there is none, you incessantly goad them into some sort of reply.

Just like now. Congrats, you "win".


Thank you, now where is my gold medal. Dick.

if someone is talking about shooting up a school and you call the swat team on them it's not "swatting" and you won't be arrested

swatting is when you make up a fake hostage situation or whatnot and call the swat on an innocent person


If someone is obviously shitposting, you know they are shitposting, then you are equivalent to the dumb fucker that got a guy killed cause his friend bet him to swat him.

Just because you twist it into being a legit reason to do something, if you know it's not, you are false reporting.

I get that you are a little challenged but maybe try?


Man. Shit. I can't believe I am a bully and am about to get swat'd because everyone is too insecure about not being in a fucking hugbox. Idiots.

not in the eyes of the law

they take jokes seriously.

and I'm talking hypothetically as a warning/precaution to the people making those types of jokes.

please don't insult me especially when you don't know what you're talking about.


Start a fire.


When you are brought into a room and they ask you "Why did you waste our time?" I am certain they will love the response of...

"I know you guys take jokes seriously."

how...? o:


1) learn to have discussions without insulting people
2) learn to accept that you can be wrong sometimes

aaaaaaaand filtered

are we roleplaying like we're twelve year olds in a minecraft server

yeah i'm making a house out of only wood like a survivor man

Grab a fireman's axe, go hellbent for leather on an item made of wood, pour petrol on said wood, light with a match.

You ought to be warm after that.

nah eva's just incapable of talking about any subject without resulting to insults if the other person doesn't 100% agree with them

There are so many wrong things in this post, only to be followed by a fake filter.

Never change Nezi~

Jump on a bed and shake a diamond sword



wasting your time


You two should have hot gay sex

daily reminder not to use the emergency service line unless it's an emergency, use 101 if it's not an urgent matter

There's no way, I cannot make love to a whale. :c

Gotta go to work

Then I will

I just imagine him complaining about his dad trying to be a good dad, during sex.

Sounds horrid.

And i'm back

I forget if I showed you the highlights

Daily reminder Eva is overweight and balding, and lied about having cancer to justify his hair loss, and Nezi has at least one thing going for him in that he has a fuckable butt, whereas Eva probably doesn't shower regularly.

Also, 1-1-2 if you need an emergency service and you arent sure where you are.

I'll be his daddy during the session. Doubt he'll complain much



I saw them

Oh he will. That's all he does.

I agree scoot
people should all be nice to each other

im sick...

Hot baths/shower, hot drinks(plenty of those) and grab some blankets then.
Being ill sucks.

Also lewd!

No uuu


What're you, a wuss?

I'm not the one posting naked blue alien chicks!

Suck my hug, bitch!


Like i've any other choice in the matter?


Yeah, take it. Take that hug hard and like it.

Why ?

But hot wolf girl.




It'll not make me any more pliable with others. You know.
I suppose I can grit my teeth and squish back.



You're more girly so it doesn't fit.


I'm startin' to think someone at Disney has a thing for bondage.


I'm not though

She really is

I know at least one person there who does.

She looks like she just finished an incredibly satisfying meal.

Cute =w=


She as in you, ye.

You look like you're dying in yours

its the truth though

I'm not a she, or cute like wolf girl


OP > Super

Walt would spin in his grave if he wasn't leather cuffed.

A succulent Chinese meal.

Hell, I wish I was dying...

The umami must be spectacular.

What do you order when you get chinese food? :3

There's a place here that makes a wonderful spicy lamb stir fry. I get that if I'm feeling fancy, but I'm also fond of dependable old General Tso. You?

Walt has been spinning since they shelved EPCOT.

Depends on your outlook and if you want to read that into something.

His spinning powers the turbines that keep Disney World aglow.

Or they're a fan of Tarsem Singh.

Ouu, that sounds way more fancy than anything I get~

The place I go to just has a dish called "spicy chicken" and that's what I always end up getting :3

What is that?

I think you're being scammed


It's pretty good and spicy tbh

Not as good as having a cheeky nando's


Watching a video sounds like effort :^(

Do it u fuk

Does it live up to its name?

He directed that weird movie 'The Cell'. Pretty movie. Awful screenplay.

I love it!

Pepsi spicy like a hot lady.

I'm sorry, I had to close it after 45 seconds.


It has a pretty nice kick to it, but I think it's more sweet than spicy overall~

it's ok

Well, I feel none the wiser. But if it makes your point then good job. What are you up to?


You're ok!

im ok!

Gender swapping is against the law!

That's kinda how General Tso is. Do you like pork dumplings? I kinda want some now that we're talking Chinese food.

I'm six pence none the richer. Nice to meet you!

I should be working on something, but I'm procrastinatin'. You?

They aren't gender-swapped.

Tired, I think I am going to probably be a little unbalanced all week becasue of this last weekend. You know. Chemicals.
Besides that I am wondering if I should grab a hot chocolate, play some Witcher and then get an early night as it is work tomorrow.
Procrastinate all you want. You did a good job today, been busy.

Who are you?

I'm not huge on cabbage in general, but if there's enough soy sauce I'll pretty much eat anything :3

I really am aren't I

You're very ok

Nah, you're a mess tbh :^)

Oh yeah. Well, in that case, carry on.

Cookie, the answer to "should I get hot chocolate?" is always an emphatic YES!♥

That's the spirit!
But if they're made correctly, you hardly notice the cabbage.



ok! I'm ok!


Scoot, I just called you Cookie.

I really do need a nap.

I was about to say... You do need to nap...


Hey, wait a minute. Is that a tentacle?!

And YOU need a hot cocoa. :3

Oh shit. I've accidentally outed myself as a tentacle fetishist and now you won't want to my friend anymore.

Just when ya think you know a guy...

please forgive me.


sabrina is T H I C C

Only God forgives.

Aw, why not? You could plop some marshmallows in there. You won't wanna plop? Just a little *plop plop*?

I think God hates me for posting these.

Time to be contrarian!!!

I dislocated my jaw eating a carrot.

Can somebody please kill me?

nezi you didn't respond to me a couple hours ago >:(

Only the tentacle ones.


My jaw hurts just thinking about that. So sorry that happened to you.




Happened Saturday evening, so instead of meeting Mandy for alcohol and cigars, I met the worlds most dismissive and unempathetic doctor who forced my jaw back into place.

The human body was designed to fail.

In the spirit of freedom and to avoid kink shaming, you may post ONE tentacle per day. No more, and preferably less.

I'll tell on you.

Yeeeeeef, that sounds gross. I've had my jaw kinda lock up when I've yawned before, so I can't imagine how intense that was for you. Makes me cringe!

yes ma'am

No pleasE!!!!!!!!

The Temporomandibular joint is what popped out of place, and that fucker is right in front of your ear. I thought the sound was loud when he popped it back in, but my wife, who was sitting across the room, told me she could hear it pop in as clear as day. It sounded like grinding two rocks together followed by a loud click.

I just think it's bad for you, 's all. Unrealistic expectations and whatnot.

Gonna tattle hardcore on you, son.


Sometimes when my allergies are rally acting up, I can hear that bone grinding when I chew. Makes me sick!


hu my diagnostician and friend I have made a revelation
my insurgency stretches just fine, provided I don't apply my cfg
but if I don't apply my cfg I can't play the game
what shall I do

I think anyone not willing to put on tentacle toy prosthetics for me doesn't deserve to have me.

i just farted

He went to bed

It's entirely unpleasant

I know, right?

ok my friend why did you feel it was necessary to tell me this



nezi is dead

i'm an alien life form that's controlling his body

Asa, how are you?

You asshole.

Mmmmmmmmmm, you said a wirty dord. I'm taking your name.

Do it. Write it all down. I hope you memorize it. Before I just quit forever.



can you resurrect nezi ;_;

Hey drunky....

Anyway, thanks for being a goof, Sabrina.

Time for me to go sleep now.


I shall be sleeping too
goodnight frens

Good night, British boys.

i want ears now...

it was really nasty and suffocating

im gud, what is your number again?

Nini, grouchy boy!

Sleep tight! Happy dreams!

you just had to reply to me as soon as I was about to go to sleep didn't you
you anger me on purpose don't you

I'm not giving it to you, I've gotten bored of your volatility.
It's fine though, I stole most of the stories I told you from Kurumi anyway.

i can still smell it... like toxic air

fine... i'll leave you alone...

I do hope you understand. Goodbye, Blood-chan

I understand, I'm used to people leaving me...

You're just too frustrating to keep up with. It's a waste of time.

i'm a huge faggot.

what did i do..? i thought i was good to you....

You cause trouble, delete any means of contact. Honestly, if you could just stay out of trouble it wouldn't be a problem.

You're a smol gayboy.

i had to delete it...
too many people were adding me

Pardon. Mon anglais n'est pas plus bon. Je voudrais dire - how do you say ? I want* a huge faggot. Dans mon cul.

that's your own fault for "targeting" somebody.

targeting who? i would do no such thing

Où est mon petit gayboi?

It's a good thing I only ever lied to you, it's all you ever do


So you lied to me when you said you loved me?

After years of Blood-chan I think I've finally gotten into the right mindset of passive affection and just letting her come and go

After years of Blood-chan I think I've finally gotten into the right mindset of passive affection and just letting her come and go

After years of Blood-chan I think I've finally gotten into the right mindset of passive affection and just letting her come and go

How did that double post tho

No that's three posts


Well you lied to me constantly, so yes.

I only submitted the post once, my dude

I guess it has something to do with the captcha



Why did I lie about, hun?

Uh...huh...? Blaming the Captcha.
So what did you mean by that post? "Passive Affection"?

Stare into the abyss long enough and the abyss stares back into u

Don't shame me for wearing girl's pj's. I told you that in confidence and now it's all I get from you is you making fun of me for being a crossdressing pervert. It's just a nightie ffs.

It doesn't matter, I'm done with you. Honestly though, did you think I'd ever meet you?
I wouldn't have. Go ask Kurumi out like you said you would.

I mean I like you, you're one of my favorite people here, but I've kind of let go because you keep deleting and re-adding


I don't know Kurumi the way i know you.
And she's with someone, right?
I don't want to jump on that band wagon.
I really wanted to spend summer with someone.

I'm just really shy, you know that.
I panicked

Did I see Mandy?


I certainly wasn't going to spend it with you. I never planned on letting you turn me into an art project.

Still keeping up with Citrus? Do you like best girl?

Why are you quoting that? I don't mean in a romantic way if that's what you're thinking, baka >//<

But yeah, whatever, you can feel free to add me on chat programs whenever you want; I just won't expect you to stay




You know I would never do that to you.

I deleted my most recent chat IM.
I think I'm going to give up.
I can't take it anymore, I'm just too introverted.

I hate you.

What are you doing Thursday?

Sorry for not texting you Saturday. See

It's up to you

Though maybe you should just be more selective with who you add, so you don't get overwhelmed with messages from a ton of people

no, haven't been watching it at all

Just work and such.

And no worries man. Jaw doing any better?


You were the person who recommended it to me, though ^^

You lost interest?

Fuck man I can't fucking take this anymore! I fucking hate this god damn shit..............
I want to talk to people, you and Sonata, but its so fucking hard
I don't know why i'm so shy

Just relax; I don't mean to put any pressure on you. It's fine ^^

No. I have to minimize excessive jaw use for six months. Doc recommends no solid food for thirty days but fuck that I can't live off of smoothies, so my diet is going to consist of mostly boiled potatoes and pudding for a while. All the while there's this aching pain in my left ear.

I'm not even that old why is this happening?

I can still drink and smoke though. What time do you expect to be off?

You should drink more.

Shit man, that sucks pretty bad. You are the second person I know that is young that had a rather intense thing happen like that over something stupid.

Probably around 2-4.

its hard to relax...
i dont know whats wrong with me
im sorry

i don't drink >_

Nightie and hot water bottle.

i've just been watching House instead

i'll pick it back up, I'm just really into House right now



DO IT!!!!!


I'll have to confirm with my wife in an hour or so, but would you want to call it ~7:00 at Magnums?
I'd shoot for this weekend but after I'm off work Friday we're packing up for Prescott for the weekend.

That's your problem.

I don't. Unless you can think of a way to prove it to me.

Well yeah, House is better.

You people disgust me

I mean you don't have to be sorry; it's okay :3

And realistically, chances are high that you will add me again, probably not super long from now

I've never watched that

Maybe I should; it always seemed pretty popular

I can't handle it!

Me either.

You people disgust me.


im trying to be more extrovert

what should i start with?

please ougi? i wouldn't hurt you...

i dunno, you were always mean to me, telling me you l--- me


Then prove it to me.


How would you describe your outward personality?
Are you hardened and jaded? Light and bubbly? Gritty? Soft? Kind?

Surely if you send me a picture of yourself I can believe you, right?

It doesn't matter how you answer the question. I'm going to recommend Rum no matter what.

I like u

You literally told me you love me like a week ago

I love you with a non-romantic, and now entirely non-attached love

Soo, there's no reason you should feel like it puts some kind of pressure on you or something

Yeah we can shoot for it. I probably can't stay much more than till about 8 though.

I really don't know what you're expecting of this more than a drink, a cigar and some idle conversation, so an hour should be fine.

Tell me your life story then.

Lol I am just saying. Usually when I get to drinking it is awhile. Though we could always go get a hotel room too.

Do you want to shoot for a Friday where we would have some time to drink and be rowdy then?

In the future that would be awesome. I could make thursday work though.

It's the sad story of a thing that only wants to suck dick, but can never score.

Blissfully retarded.

rem already posted it. i hope he dies


Please help me Erio...


No silly, I want a picture of you in your entirety.

Its dull and boring, I had a normal childhood with lots of friends and a loving family

Cool. I'll send you a message later to confirm.
coexisting with another human means communicating plans in order to not piss one another off.

You sound like a vodka person.
You should drink Rum.

I fucking hate this picture.


It's like a vacuum in a house with no litter. Or a water pipe in the desert.

Don't I fucking know it. My roomates fail to understand that concept, and it makes me want to kill them.

So basically a lot of the humor in that anime comes from House being a douchebag kind of like BBC's Sherlock

Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing; I like Sherlock

With what exactly? Practice meditation and letting go of your muscle tension/breathing slowly and deeply

neck yourself

I've never understood it myself, but I guess people get mad when you do this impulsively? I've learned though. I've learned.



It is more usually just taking other people into account. For me it is, anyawy.

That's just common human decency.

Don't have six people over at 11:30 on a Tuesday night.
Don't use the last of someones shit unless you replace it.
Don't cook PCP in the house if there's a six year old kid living there.

These things shouldn't have to be said.


Okay. Desensitization kicked in.



**Nightie and hot water bottle and that happy filling feeling of something inside me, though. That's going to be really unbearable.*

Aw fuck it all

People have told me they love my personality, they like being around me, they look forward to hanging out with me on the weekends and it's a real confidence boost but in reality I'm so nervous and shy I can't stand it. The weight of the anxiety takes over.

Its so hard with my busy life now...
When I get home at 2am I just drop on my bed, masturbate and sleep

Imagine wearing loco like a condom.


muthafucka I made tacos

You need to be a close friend for 4 years if you want something like that.

I'm guessing that's a no then

hi its me your close friend of 4 years

You post here a good amount, so you're obviously not that busy :3

I'm glad you masturbate though; that's healthy ^^

I'm scared of addiction and I'm taking Abilify

Don't give the key to the house you are sharing to somebody and have that person walk into said house with the other person present.

Fuck man, that shit pissed me off. I wanted to pull my gun on them.

So I'm guessing I won't get a picture?

What anime is that?

I mean I gave a picture of my butt to closest friend here after 3 years.


I like to squeeze me time ^^
Oh I have a lot of art in my home so its hard not to play with myself

you did hurt me pretty bad...

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

I guess we can't trust each other. Oh well.
And you lie to me all the time.

are you my friend?

I never lied to you

If you say so, I've told you my condition.

I don't have discord anymore :c
and i can't give you a picture of my face. I know you want to get me arrested

Yet you asked for my Discord.

and not only is he a douchebag that treats everyone like shit, he's also pretty nuts, likes to take risks and break rules

here he is drugging his best friend

why are twizzlers and tootsie rolls still a thing

they're shit, they've always been shit, who the fuck buys them

Bye 4M :p

I wanted to talk to you about the two Challengers I saw today. Ah well I have go leave for work now, goodnight ^^


I like the little milk chocolate fudges though

I buy them to punish children.

Having those in your home sounds like a health hazard

Sounds like you'll like Matsuri :3

That's interesting; I'm not sure the way he did it would definitely work in real life though

Seems like a risky move, but I guess he probably had good reason to be confident that the guy wouldn't take the one that was being handed to him

Good luck at work, precious dark princess ♥

he treats his friend like shit and never does nice things for him.

he literally forces Wilson to buy him lunch every day.

Wilson knows house would never, ever buy him a coffee unless he had an agenda

it only works because of their relationship

who is matsuri?

ur evil



Makes sense then

This girl from Citrus I'm posting; the first time she shows up in the anime is at the end of episode 6

oh yeah

she's cute

i only watched first 3 episodes so far

good to know there's a cutie like her to look forward to :3

tootsie rolls.
they are chewy milk chocolate fudge candy.

they're shit

you're shit.

It's the best sport.


No, he's just full of shit.

what's the difference?







Got the wrong thread my dude, see