How does it feel to get tricked into fighting for porky?

How does it feel to get tricked into fighting for porky?

Hello pol, reminder that we are not idpol liberals. Polite sage

lurk more

corporations support idpol? who would've thought?
give me a call when monsanto calls on people to unionize and challenge the state through dual power by creating worker's councils

And what have you done to fight against these corporations? How do you think attacking random neo-nazis will change the world?

Are you going to admit you fucked up and have no idea where you are/what you're talking about? Or will you perish like a dog?

These companies are clearly run by Nazis.

We discuss theory and think of ways of creating change while advancing organization and class-consciousness.
What have you done?

Many of us are critical of the antifa and very few support their actions thoughtlessly without additional annotations, as their actions are most often seen as a pointless spectacle that in it self gets us nowhere. Bashing the fash, as delicious as it is, doesn't resolve the greater societal issue that gives birth to said reactionary behaviour as if in order to defend itself.

On the other hand if one doesn't hold the line against neo-nazis and if one allows their ideas to creep their way to general acceptance without resistance, then one runs the risk of said movements snuffing out any future progress that might be made by the actual economic left. Not to mention the risk that it imposes on democracy, justice and the rule-of-law. You see, said right-wing movements have a history filled to the brim with warnings against allowing them reaching a position which gives them the ability to act out their violence freely.
Fascism is capitalism in decay.


couldn't the same be said about you?

We don't, you idiot.

Attacking random NeoNazis will keep them from organizing and possibly seizing power. It's also a lot of fun and triggers liberals.



Conservatives ARE Liberals.

Neo-Nazis aren't conservatives. Do you get your political theory from reddit?

You guys are always so smug about that fact that nobody knows, or particularly cares, what you think, when that in itself is just about the most damning observation about your efficacy. Why aren't you winning hearts and minds? Bonus points if the answer isn't "naughtzeez r too dumb 2 reed".

But attacking NeoNazis doesn't trigger NeoNazis, it either scares them or emboldens them depending on how the beating goes.

Porkies are working for us in building world socialism.


Now that's funny.

So the opposition is working class whites and not corps/the state (same thing really)? Hmm.

A) We're not (American) Antifa and most people here are highly critical of them as a bunch of radlibs who think that random Trump cuckservatives ought to be attacked in the streets.

B) While most people here surely have no problem with fighting (actual) Nazis, stopping fascism is only one of our goals, the other being fighting global capital. Most people here would agree that masking up and bashing Nazis is only part of our mission, the other, and more important part, is labour and political organization and agitation, and to work towards the democratization of the economy and seizure of power for the working class. This latter goal is our main one and is decidedly not within the interests of big corporations like Monsanto. If it were up to me I would build a nuclear powered super gulag specifically to house every executive and shareholder of that piece of shit company.

It's like a catchphrase for the whole capitalism era

Fascists aren't the enemies of corporate liberalism, in fact their hysterical anti communist and anti labour beliefs make them their most valuable ally. The second big corporations sensed a turn in the tide and thought that Nazi rhetoric would get them better PR than liberal rhetoric, or if a genuine socialist movement began to threaten corporate oligarchy, they would sieg heil and become patriotic national """""socialists""""". Fascism has historically been enthusiastically supported by the ruling corporate elite.

We already do, we can convert nazis into our side by using dank nazbol memes, seroiusly that shit actually works.


except antisemitism and traditionalism are absolute 89iq spooky and often tinfoil shit

Even this leftwing faggot sees it.

Nazbol is only a transitional stage, these things are necessary to convince actual fascists and nazis but they will wither away once they learn about actual marxism

there was this HUGE anti globalization and anti corporate protest at G20, but as usual the right sided with the state, global capitalism, neoliberalism and the merkels and trudeaus

What does that have to do with you supporting capitalists that want to genocide the white working class and destroy western culture? Aren't you basically just saying you are afraid to lose your corporate support in the culture war?

lol, they were holding black lives matter signs and pro-refugee signs, you're full of shit.


I agree, we need revolutionary philosemitic NazBol.

How do you even manage to breath without assistance?

Yeah, you're the one talking shit, retarded burger.

It will at least remove the nazi's.

How do you? Being a corporate stooge working against your own people while pretending to "fight the system". I hope you don't do it for free at least.

You're really fucking dumb.


Who the fuck is reposting replies from Holla Forums?

Yeah, because Nazis are the real problem.

Nazis defend the status quo, even if they refuse to admit it. We've already seen how this plays out.

when will you stop being a retarded cocksucker and realize we give 0 (zero) fucks about your retarded "culture war" between liberal capitalism and reactionary capitalism?
Our grievances are related to material conditions, things which actually affect people, not idpol shit.

So you support the neoliberal coalition of governments and corporations over those who actually protest it? Good to know.

Yeah, okay.


This isn't a real thing, there is only class war, and our side in the class war does not have support. Companies paying lip service to social liberalism does not equate with them supporting our goals and worldview.

Corporations also don't want to genocide the white working class, because corporations have no ideological motivations to speak of, only self interest (ie profit). The only reason they support cultural liberalism at the current moment is because it's the dominant ideology. You imply that corporations back liberalism in the culture war, when in fact it's the other way around: the triumph of liberalism in culture has led to corporations embracing it so as to gain better public image.

If this cultural trend were reversed then corporations would instantly do a 180 and call for gassing the Jews and Nazi masturbation fantasy. While fascism today is marginalized by corporations because it contradicts the prevailing ideology, it still works in the interests of the elite because it does not challenge the basis of their power (the capitalist economy), and violently opposed communism, which does challenge the basis of their power. This is why fascist movements have always been propped up by the corporate elite.

In short, corporations don't give a fuck about liberalism and their only real enemy is socialism, making Nazis their useful idiots since they oppose socialism. If you genuinely think that leftists work in the interests of the ruling class then you would need to be doubly stupid, since it means that you A) ignore 90% of the leftist agenda which calls for the destruction of the elite and B) unironically believe that capitalists actually believe in anything other than personal profit.

yeah those damn Germans and their black lives matter politics amirite.

Commies live in 19th century. And it doesn't matter how much they "hate" capitalists, when they will never do anything for the proles unless it's 100% World Revolution™, which the proles will never accept anyway after the kike shitshow that was communism in eastern Europe.

Right so labour rights, unionization, public healthcare and education, universal suffrage, the 8 hour day, the weekend, minimum wage, safety standards, pensions, vacation pay, and benefits all don't exist right? How do you think these things came about? It was the result of militant labour action led by leftists.

You know that a majority of people who lived under communism say they want it back right? In Germany Die Linke which is literally the successor to the East German communist party is the most popular in the East. In the Czech Republic the communist party of Bohemia still forms regional governments, in Russia the communist party is the second most popular in the country. Multiple surveys have also shown that a majority of people in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, East Germany, former Yugoslavia and Hungary all think that life was better under communism.

In any case I still have yet to hear an explanation of how exactly lefties support the corporate status quo. Unlike us, you actually back the system that gives them their power, the only thing that we have in common with them is that they parrot socially progressive rhetoric because it has mainstream support. You only oppose them on issues that they don't actually care about.

How many times must it be god damn said, there's nothing inherently leftist about gay rights or what have you.

This is all just a PR campaign anyways, if you've never seen PR campaigns you've not been on this Earth long.

It will prevent nazism.

I wouldn't say it would prevent it, but since their income is on the line I would say it would definitely make them less eager to come out and show their face. Most of them at CVille got fired.

I just see them becoming MGTOW weirdos.

Reminder Stalin was 5'3" and VERY insecure.

It's true, communist haters are almost 100% brainwashed youth and fascist collaborators. All older people I know want 'communism' back.

Sometimes I'm shocked about false ideas and fantasies about former eastern bloc that people have. In fact it was democratic governments, usually less repressive than todays capitalist governments, level of life was hihger and social safety unbelievably better than today.

Gays and lesbians should be sterilized. Oh wait, they can't have children of their own anyway.

I mean, why

Thanks for the information Afroplasm but they can.

If anything straight people should be sterilized. They're the ones having children.

Yeah, by doing some bourgeois shit like paying a Bangladeshi woman to carry their kids in the third world till it's time for them to hand over the baby never to be seen again.

Ie. in "totalitarian scary regime" of Polish People Republic, when you wanted to live without parents with your family, and you found empty house, you could simply take it and pay for bills (water, gas, etc.). Much people were living like that for years, they raised children, and now "free capitalist" government is selling their houses to private owners and throws them out. Sometimes they become homeless, sometimes die from cold, especially if they don't have a family now and are elderly. This new capitalist regime is fucking disaster.

Gay men. But even then their are gay parents wtf are you smoking dude

Not the same as gay women.

Dude do you even know what artificial insemination is.

he was a manlet but he was a sociopathic chad too. especially in his revolutionary days.

He robbed trans. Everyone wants the train robber.

*robbed trains

I have no conformation whether or not Stalin was into traps

He should have got the bullet in '05

Lesbianism's just a phase though, parenting ain't. 90% of them end up being wives and mummies by 35.

None of those are exclusively communist issues. Neck yourself, commie homo.
Corporate marxism is their pretext for serving their own self interests. Such as fucking over the white working class. Such as silencing dissent towards globalism. Do you really think they have to bend themselves to the will of the people? It's them who shape that will and when they can't they lie about it. Mainstream opinion is what they want it to be and they support antifa and other leftist groups. Never asked yourself why?
You're rally stupid if you think they only care about profit and power yet are unable to wield it.

It lasts a bit longer than being an African Rights Activist in the Western countries you live in.

you removed few idiots left who still preach like neonazis
you achieved communism, world has changed, everyone supports your revolution
wow yeah congrats, were living in the paradise

Assuming Nazism would be an acceptable position in the general discourse, would the Nazi economic policy change in any manner?

Tell me, does Nazi theory contain the dismantling of the current economic system, or does it simply with to move the same exploitation to an small elite with allegedly "the interests of the nation and the people in their heart."

Says a member of the Vietcong's SoCal platoon.

I'm just putting this on because I know a thing or two about Vietnam where it's basically an unknown or untalked about topic here on leftypol. Also because people can easily filter me.


The retarded Nazi in this thread has a point.

Antifa is class collaboration that serves the 'good' liberal democratic capitalism against the 'bad' authoritarian capitalism. Antifa are the foot soldiers of bourgeois democracy.

Read Dauve.

And I fly the Pan-African flag and namefag cuz I know it triggers faggots I don't like on Holla Forums. Homesexuality's still a lifestyle-tier issue. Definitely not up there with shit like discrimination against the disabled and the poor. Shit, grannies are forced to ride busses all day to keep warm in my country cuz the conservative government shut off their heating.

Holla Forums: "We aren't liberals!!"
Also Holla Forums:
-support miscegenation
-are fag enablers
-wants trannies raping children in the restrooms
-thinks islamic terrorists are justified becausw "muh material conditions" and america is evil anyway
-thinks marriage and monogamy are spooks and wants all women to be whores
-want to destroy the nuclear family and replace it with faggy communal living
-hate their nation and their people yet claim they are for 'the people'
-refuse to call out the jew by using smokescreens like "the bourgeoisie" and "wall street"

No but communists were typically at the forefront of these issues and pushed for them earlier and harder than anybody else, so your statement is incorrect. Communists and anarchists in the west have always been at the forefront of improving the lives of the working class.

Something we oppose and you support, considering the Nazis made it illegal for workers to organize outside state approved channels and literally gave corporations voting power in trade unions.

You know that leftists were opposing globalism before it even existed right? Or were the WTO protests in th the 90s led by Nazis? Meanwhile you support capitalism, the system that leads inexorably to globalism.

No, but it doesn't cost them anything to parrot public opinion and fly rainbow flags, and it benefits them since retarded liberals will eat it up. They have no problem with going along with the popular will provided it doesn't oppose their business interests, which neither social liberalism nor social reaction do.

To what end? How does social liberalism benefit them in and of itself? There is no logical motive for them to support gay rights or anti racism itself, but there is a motive to pay lip service to these things when they have public support because it helps them with PR.

And again, explain to me how leftist, who want to utterly destroy all corporations as an institution, work within the interests of these corporations.

[citation needed]

Isn't class just another identity?

God you're dumb.

If I identify as bourgeois do I get property?

Are they capitalist communist, too?

Who cares, it has nothing to do with class

It has nothing to do with class so who cares

You've spoiled our plans



We say Capitalism is doing that. And there's nothing faggy about communal living wtf get some friends

I mean America is pretty much responsible for all of its international problems for the lastr century and into the next, and it's been fucked up since the begining so it's hard to sympathize with it yeah.

I know this is bait but the fact you don't target those people is telling really.

You really don't live in America.

I sexually identify as Jennette McCurdy's vibrator.

I'm a NazGlob

The point is that sandniggers need all to be deported to the shitholes they came from. No sandniggers = no terrorism, no need to go through all that "lets give them free shit so they don't explode themselves"

You're being more of an identity politics addict by caring if some chick likes some other chick and vice versa. It's this weird obsession with it that's ultimately pointless. It can be co-opted by corporations just like it can be argued against, but both are politicizing something inherently neutral.

You're probably mixed down the line. Your definition of white is so vague you have to be none other than an American.

We should sterilize subhuman niggers too, they are more likely to have AIDS than faggots.

Gay shit and lezzing's fine by me. Even marriage if that's what they want, but I draw the line at trans issues and suing vickers for not wanting to be part of them tying the knot. Simple as.

Except that's never happened.
Before Muslim terrorism, right-wing terrorism was the big thing.

What about the Aryan Nation

But then who would've fathered you?:(

Is it true Holla Forums is full of self hating non/mixed whites?

Again, I don't like LGBTQ activism, not gay people.

Yeah, most of their meet ups are hispanic people. It's sad really.

It's anecdotal obviously but I'm a mutt who used to be a self-hating fascist.

It's a tough nut to crack because while it is idpol, violence and abuse within and outside these communities are problems that need to be addressed not looked at the other way. Murder and abuse of trans people is part of the reason there even is an estrogen treatment for gender dysphoria.

The hate for it is irrational and while it is an identity based medical problem, there's little we can do to address the problems of murder rates etc. without delving into identity.

I think it's a problem this board is incapable of handling in a mature way with enough nuance and self control, so I just stopped.

You tell me.

there is literally nothing more traditionalist than this
what you are celebrating (nuclear family) isn't even 100 years old

I couldn't give a fuck. Sorry. Trans rights are such a non-issue. How on Earth does this related to Marxist class struggle in any way like racism, hatred of women or classism?


I don't think murder affecting one group more than another is a non issue but to each their own.

Sickening tbh

I remember eating black and white skittles "in honour of the only rainbow that matters" during some gay pride week.

Don't fuck a drunk guy on a Saturday night and then tell him Sunday morning that you've got a dick then.

Well that's rather against the usual message, isn't it?

It goes beyond that to targeted harassment and street murder and it's always been that way.

Corporations taking the next step to politicize and make innocent the discourse of a topic involving discrimination and murder always makes my day.

We're living in a Paul Verhoeven version of the future.

No, it ain't. Most of these murders and assaults happen cuz a ridiculous number of transsexuals are in prostitution to pay for their surgeries and get male validation and what not.

and no Confederate generals ever existed. You are the product of fifty years of Marxist infiltration of our education systems and I unironically believe no dialogue with you is possible. My above statement has nothing to do with defending the Confederacy, but rather towards the danger of wrongthink elimination by erasing history. Your assertion is patently false.

You're arguing against a psychiatrist major that knows the ins and outs of the modern issue of Gender Dysphoria, and it is indeed, a problem. You think these people have the self pride or security to even enter a relationship commonly?

That's why you see so many of these people creating identities which make themselves feel more confident, and politicize it alongside the corporate neturality on the issue. It's a sad state of affairs that infects leftism.

But nowhere is it not clear as day these people have been targeted for murder, robbery, rape, more than most groups.

And it's a topic our society has to tackle, despite the taboo nature of it. Unfortunately we live in Capitalism where the solution is corporations branding everything rainbow colored that solves absolutely nothing about the medical and crime statistic issues directly.

Just coat the walls rainbow while the blood splatters on them.


Yeah the red scare really did effect nothing at all in our education system.

You've never even set foot in a college, the people in control of universities in America are extremely right wing and desperately want to cut down funding on the humanities just like you do.

You expose yourself to the truth you've never been out and about in a university setting by saying this bullshit.

Citing South Park as a source is a great argument. Truly, one of the greatest works of art in modern times.

Why don't you put that Psychology major to good use and give them therapy sessions? Maybe get to the bottom of why they think they're male/female before they get killed by rough Johns or kill themselves?

psychiatry doesn't really involve psychology.

they just sell the pills porky wants them to sell and collect insurance money

I can't find either of these tweets. Pretty sure they're both fake. Monsanto tweeting about anything being "poisonous" makes it kind of obvious.

Personality, likes and interests ain't nearly as tied to sex as they are societal pressures. Why does a girl who wants to wear her hair short and play cowboys and Indians with her brothers have to be a boy trapped in a girl's body instead of just a tomboy?

The IRA and the FARC aren't exactly right wing

Psychiatry and psychology aren't the same.

And all these things have effects on the mind. Stresses effect the mind.

Whatever. I'd much rather just have a limp-wristed sissy of a son that feels comfortable in his own skin than a tranny.

Well that's just the way our culture is so I can hardly blame you.



Religious extremist nationalism is right-wing terrorism.

Aren't you the daughter of South Vietnamese collaborators? Seems like a bit of a dick move to insult the country that gave you everything when you could've ended up sold to some pot-bellied, middle-aged, balding Brit as a mail order chinkwife

It's true. Who do you think pays for them, the very leftist affulent? At best you have liberals, but they're still all capitalists. You're confusing liberals for marxists like you people always do.

Universities, money management, it's all right wing up top.

No, they were mostly neutral.

God I wish you knew what real war was you fucking pig.

We aren't pushing for equality, equality is a buzz word that sounds nice to liberal ears, but what I at least am pushing for is a stronger discussion on taboo topics in America.

Both ideologies derive from the same dissatisfaction with the real world - the only difference being that Marxists want a Utopian Year Zero to fix anything, while Liberals resign themselves to fixing the worst parts of the system

t. second-gen studying psychiatry at a major American university

Speaking of cancer did Hurricane Harvey plow into that nuclear reactor on the coast of Texas yet?

This also isn't getting into the historical relationship between liberals and marxists/socialists, with liberals running defence repeatedly for the "extreme Left".

Friendly reminder that Bill Ayers and most of the educated Weathermen (black and white) ended up ensconced in comfortable positions at major universities - how many Christian universities can count abortion clinic bombers among their tenured staff?

Imagine being so fucking dumb you actually think American education is Marxist.

I wouldn't say that at all, liberals find solace in the fact a few reforms can help here or there, just like you do.

No, Marxists want Socialism, which isn't at all necessarily Utopian, but any answer to the current problem seems Utopian at first because you cannot imagine a world outside of what is known, what you know and experience.

Capitalism is an absolutely rational system, with a completely irrational outcome and is just as utopian as you describe a vague "Marxism" as.

And you wouldn't believe how much they prefer to take whites in universities over Asians. So much for the deeply triggering and problematic bias.

Besides being narcs during the red scare, I could only see this in sociology.

I really don't think you've ever stepped foot or delved deep into what universities are like beyond trusting info graphics from Holla Forums

I understand that porky uses liberalism as a way to exploit the proletariat without emotional remorse, however I think monsanto specifically is something that does more to benefit mankind than the damages it causes. The left shouldn't abandon scientific consensus to adhere to ideology, evolved plant is safe and environmentally friendlier than pesticides.

Except Monsanto is the biggest manufacturer of pesticides in the world and they routinely fuck with the research to make their pesticides seem safer than they actually are. Recently they got in trouble for doing this with their pesticide Roundup, you'd have to be living under a rock to not know about this.


Actually that's very informative. I had no idea that they produced pesticides along with their evolved plant products. I still support evolved plant as a concept but if what you're saying is true than I definitely agree with you.

stupid american edgy cucks, they're not aware what they're doing to the rest of world

Not sure if trolling…

No I'm just a little uninformed. I've researched evolved plant when it was the biggest liberal meme and I thought it was just bullshit.

By evolved plant I meant evolved plant. I'm a little high

I support GMOs in theory, but if giant multinational corporations are the ones producing them I'm certain they'll have negative effects on regular people in some form, whether that be in the form of dangerous food or the destruction of natural biodiversity.

GMO wordfilters to 'evolved plant' because dipshit anti-science people were spamming this board

I'll make my way out now.

The near religious awe for the inevitable socialist world, the endless sectarian disputes over how to properly achieve/run a socialist society, and the cult-like devotion to successful revolutionaries makes it seem pretty Utopian to me.

Yeah, it is pretty funny how Asian-Americans want a two-tiered system where NAMs get affirmative action while asians and whites must enter through merit alone

The "liberals" you despise are much, much, more sympathetic to the far Left than Holla Forums's delusional persecution complex makes them think. The "progressive" liberals of the National Lawyer's Guild supported the Weathermen both financially and operationally, and practically every progressive liberal NGO has substantial connections to at least one far Left group.

Liberals are just smart enough to know that your basic bitch Normie Q Public isn't too fond of anarchists and marxist-leninists burning flags and yelling death to America at their protests, so they tone down and "curate" their coverage to underrepresent far Left participation. Look at all those puff pieces in the MSM defending antifa as "just a bunch of everyday Americans that don't like fascists", as if far Left involvement in antifa isn't heavily overrpresented

My mum says homosexuality's always been around, but only became a hot button topic over the last 20 years or so. She says before that in the 70s and 80s everybody knew somebody they "suspected" of being a queer, but nobody cared cuz they had their clubs and didn't make a big deal outta their relationships. Kinda like how BDSM couples and polygamists keep their kinks on the down-low today.

As the same for Capitalism, it's the nature of politics.

Bullshit, you're making excuses for your own ideology being counter to the actual truth.

You don't understand our problems with liberals. At the end of the day, sure they might, but they still want Capitalism, just a less severe form of it.

You're no different and see yourself knowing the same worldview liberals know all too well. That we're buddy buddy because we see the world the same way.

We don't. We want more than what they want, and they are tried and true in stopping that from ever happening in America.

You want to say Neoliberalism is Marxist go ahead, but that's laughably inane.

There's more legacy students from rich families at Ivy League schools that affirmative action spots combined.

A less severe form of it would still benefit everyone while being much easier achievable than a Marxist fantasy most Marxists can't even agree on. Once it's somewhat tamed you can still push for switch away from it, so what's the issue?

You can either get little victories by allying with progressive liberals or just let conservatives fuck shit up in hopes they mess up badly enough for people to rise up, which is just below unlikely in the first world.

What a load of shit. Liberals recognize that there are problems under capitalism, but they don't view capitalism as the cause of those problems, so they're only allies to reformists at best. Liberals always want to be at the head of movements, but leftists need to make it clear that they need to bend the knee if they want even marginal support anymore.

Asian-American advocacy groups have literally demanded that the UCLA system for example ends affirmative action for whites, while simultaneously defending affirmative action for NAMs. If that's not inconsistent I don't know what is.

Your problems with liberals are that they're insufficiently devoted to the revolution

"Marxists blame everyone else for failing to achieve socialism, rest of the news at six"

And ~80% of "African-American" AA admissions to the Ivies go to mixed-race individuals and the children of wealthy African/West Indian immigrants.

Nope, it's that they're in denial about the causes of the social issues inherent to the capitalist mode of production. You're out of your depth, idiot.
Hoochie's naive idpol focus isn't representative of this board, you tit.

You don't quite get what legacy admissions are.

It's called liberalism, and not every fucking Asian is an an advocacy group and still, it just as well exists that whites benefit from affermitive action more than other groups.

Your "horrible-anti-pasty" bullshit war is a bunch of BS in reality in a university setting and your admitting it.

Just like Capitalists blame their problems on "Big Government" or "Not muh tru capitalism"

Bunch of horse crap.

Because sometimes it just isn't. It just very flexible system and benefits from almost every situation, whether it's positive or negative for society. Take climate change. Capitalism would be fine fucking the earth up, but it'd be just as fine with renewables and green policies.

Liberals are the majority. Without support from the left they will fail sometimes but the cyclic nature of election guarantees that they'll get their time in power with or without the left. The best leftists can do is turning them further to the left. Otherwise you put yourselves on the sidelines while neo-libs and neo-cons taking their turns.

Also friendly reminder that the only thing keeping Marxism/socialism as an existential boogeyman to capitalist societies was the USSR - and that Holla Forums and the alt-right have probably done more to raise awareness of socialism with their "cultural Marxism" nonsense than actual socialist organisations have done in meatspace in the last decade

Progressives tend to bring up the failures of capitalism much, much more than you think they do. Find me five progressive rags that don't bitch about capitalism

True, but its the advocacy group that is making the loudest case for your argument. Do you want to end affirmative action entirely and just use SAT scores or entry exams?

It must be pretty embarrassing that the people most raising the profile of your ideology are NEET tinfoilers that think socialism is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race

Obviously there are some negative things that aren't directly caused by capitalism, but my point was that liberals actively ignore the things that are. You're retarded if you think that liberals generally don't avoid focusing on structural issues.
This is changing. People are becoming disillusioned with liberal parties in almost every country.
Wew, and we're supposed to do that by stepping aside and deferring to liberals on issues?

You're out of your depth. It's immediately apparent that you don't understand what Marxism is.
Sure, but they don't have a structural/materialist analysis of why those problems exist. Because of this they'll never be able to fix them.

If the historical factional disputes among avowed Marxists are anything to go by I'm not sure even Marxists understand Marxism.

What's your fucking point Hoochie? What do you want to replace it with? Because the people similar to you shouting the loudest about it want some two-tier system where whites and asians get in on merit, while NAMs receive affirmative action.

Really, what is your solution or replacement? Or are you just doing your usual idpol-inflected ranting against wy peepaw (the bad ones, not the #woke CTH-listening ones that are up to date with Facebook's 72 genders)

My argument is that whites get accepted more than Asians due to bias and affirmative action which puts a dent in your idea that whites are discriminated against the most in college campuses.

People being mean to you doesn't just erase frats and sororities. It doesn't change the fact that this problem is institutional, either.

I have never, ever given a solution to the problem besides ending affirmative action, but that would put a dent in your college plans wouldn't it.

Almost every respectable liberal newspaper talks about it, just the narrative is "how to fix it" instead of "fuck capitalism". You're too focused on Murican liberals who barely even qualify to neo-liberals as right wing as they are.

And only wannabe nazis are gaining, which pushes the entire shit further to the right. Care to point a country where the left won?

Or simply supporting them on progressive issues that are identical with Marxism either way while making them focus more on economic equality without the autistic screeching against muh capitalism. It's not a battle that can be won by the left anytime soon and just distracts from the ones that can be.

me, sitting in my chair: who me?

And even so they still understand it better than you do by several orders of magnitude.
I'm not Hoochie, but see for a reply to this. I said "WEW" because I though that was a stupid statement, I wasn't saying anything nearly as complicated as you thought I was.

class collaboration is progress

It is inevitable and there is only one solution.

This isn't me btw. Just some other viet flag

WEW, not gonna respond to this post because you've just been screeching the same thing over and over, but this statement was too retarded to not touch upon. Marxism is literally an economic theory, so giving up it's economic focus leaves you without a theory. You're so fucking dumb.

It is fun though.

They can't have understood it much better if even the successful revolutions succumbed to capitalism in the end

Democracy is dead, Greece tried it, and every time its been tried in Feudalism it failed.

Wew, if a revolution is undermined by the CIA and it fails then can you really call it "successful"? And can you really use that as a point against communism?

Please be, American. You act like someone who read the bible and got "kill fags" out of it.

Wew. Stop posting forever.

Yeah, yeah, Not Socialism could've fixed everything if it wasn't for those meddling Anglos.

Don't forget the classic
-Supports mass immigration regardless of the cultural and economic devastation it brings to the working classes of their own country

Have you even read any threads on this topic? Because this literally isn't true, Holla Forums recognizes that there is an economic impact to immigration, we just don't blame that impact on the immigrants.

The consensus seems to be that you recognize that it causes problems but you don't want to put up any hard limits on immigration and if you dreams came true and there was no state you would have even less limits on immigration.

The problem isn't that immigrants come and depress wages, the problem is that workers as a group don't have enough power relative to the power of corporations. Immigrants can and will assimilate into the culture given time and pressures, but the economic problems they pose can only be fixed through giving more power to workers. Imposing hard limits on immigration only leads to businesses importing workers with visas which is even more damaging to wages than immigration is.

What the ever loving fuck are you on about?

"Blame immigrants" isn't mutually exclusive with "blame the entities that caused immigration", it isn't zero-sum. Just like I can blame an enemy child soldier for shooting at me, while also blaming those who fielded her. Obviously killing mass immigration comes along with killing all other forms of labor importation from "guest workers" to "free" trade, after that, the price of labor will rise, and the working class will get the leverage it needs to unionize again.

I think Holla Forums's consensus on immigration can be characterized as a 60/40 split between what I just said, and the "no borders, no nations" accelerationist stance.

I've always opposed open borders and I don't give a damn about minorities and women. All I want is muh universal coops

No their not, their both capitalist, but conservatives want white supremacy to be strengthened so they'll be a muh privileged class of proles, while minority proles are subjugated further.


While capitalism is still pushing for a stateless ancapistani globally privatized regime? Yeah, the only justification I can imagine for emptying the 3rd-world into the 1st-world, driven by the twin lashes of poverty and imperialist war, is accelerationism.