hewwo animus wood u wike a smonsh ? uwu
Hewwo animus wood u wike a smonsh ? uwu
yeah hu the iso finished and I ran it through yumi what do I do now
Right Maddie?
Liliana is the cuet
Aww ;_;
Sorry to hear that.
Hope you'll feel better soon. Should get some tea and try getting some food too. And of course, stay in bed~
Yumi worked successfully this time?
If so, do the same thing you did with Linux. Pop it into a USB2 port and reboot into it and install Windows 7.
It does need to be a USB2 port, or else it won't be able to detect any drives
Only partially.
Morning, bud. How are you doing?
I just got home. I am covered in grease because I had to change out about 100 pounds of the stuff.
:) you're too sweet to me hu.
but nah I got some apple juice and I ate something warm
I'm always in bed so nothing new in that frontier !!
How are you doin today?
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. ^o^
Change out 100 lbs of grease? On what? That shit is fucking a mess. Go get clean!
A donut fryer.
voice training is hard and stinks and also kind of difficult to do at the moment bc again
not out to my parents quite yet
like if i start talking gay im not even gonna need to come out theyre gonna figure it out
I asked for your help because I don't know what to do
does that mean selecting the boot manager on startup and then booting from the usb
Oh dear, that kind of grease. I don't envy you. Go take a shower.
but holy cow my voicesasuidfihjakshfdkl BAD
Nah, can't be too sweet.
So long you eat and stay hydrated, you'll get better in no time, so that's good!
I'm alright. Just an average Monday, really.
Yes it does. Need to be a USB2 port, or it will complain about drivers shortly after
Cute avatar, and that sounds like a struggle
what's a usb2 port
it's plugged into the same one as the one I booted Linux with
Want to watch?
goodness it's monday already.
time flies tooo fast!
USB3 ports was blue when they were new, maybe yours are blue. If so, don't plug it into that. Keep to the black ones.
Yeah, it really does.
Hope bed is comfy~
I need to go take one myself.
theres a few things working together right now that might mean i can move out in the next couple of soon
just as long as a few things happen it will work out
really hoping n praying that it does
Only openings ive found for those jobs as of late are warehouse work, and i aint fit enough to last at that kind of work
I'm thinking of making small games in my spare time to put together a portfolio of work
Good luck!!!
ye~ got plenty of pillows n stuff
Does sound very comfortable
Good luck! You can do it! You are the brave!
which one hu-chan
If by warehouse work, you mean stocking, then yeah, fucking do it. You will build up muscle and stamina. You don't need to be he-man to do it. You just need to not be a bitch.
I don't know how grocery stores work in the UK, but I would wager that almost every store is in need to stockers. I know they always are in the US.
What has happened to you? When did you become....nice?
Liliana is bae, so I am naturally nice to them. But only them.
That's odd... I don't see it anywhere.
What's under Legacy Boot Sources?
Maybe I can watch you shower.
I had a job at a cake factory before and at just 8 hours a week it would leave me fucked for days after, and i doubt ive gained much muscle since then.
Here thats not the case, shop work is only really in high demand where i was living til a few days ago at the runup to christmas.
Nothing is below it, and pressing enter while on it does nothing
thank u simba
hope u feel better 2
thank u scontsby
i appreciate the support
Bomp Bomp Bomp
I don't see it, that's odd.
Perhaps change bootorder in BIOS may help, although really not sure about that either
ok what does that mean
What the fuck is a bae? Stop being a bitch, Scoots.
I don't really like people watching me shower though.
Yeah, you can't just lift stuff one day out of the week and expect to make progress.
I really doubt that. You guys have chain stores, right? Like Wal-mart, for instance? The people that work there are always unhappy, and there is constant turn-around. It isn't hard to get a job at a place like that. Same thing goes for vendors like Coca-Cola or Frito-Lay.
Yeah, it is all physical labor work, but I guarantee there is work available, that you just don't want to do. Well grow up and do it!.
Do you even know what that means? Because you post a pic with a shotgun when you say it. And you also spell out seven and six, but only type 2.
Look, I went full scarface this weekend, give me a break, before I break you.
got any smonsh ?
reboot and spam delete. Somewhere you might find a list of your drives. Can change "USB" to higher up the list, see if that helps
Try it, eh.
Point being i aint up to it, ill be fired before the months over.
store work is actually relatively stable here. Theres a revolving door for sure but its a slow and small one. I will be looking at shop work when i do my first jobsearch in this area tomorrow tho, market here might be better than where i used to live.
No fun at all.
Point being I have seen women that could barely lift 20 lbs do it.
Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, it is tiring. But it is a job. I get home and am exhausted plenty of days. Work for 10 hours throwing around thousands of cases of beer. Nobody said it would be fun.
Just do it. You will gain endurance. You will gain muscle. Then when you get home after awhile, do a small work out. Make yourself stronger than what your work does. That way your work will be easy.
I know. I am a party popper.
Nigga i dont think you get it, its not like theres a shortage of unskilled labourers around here, and ive spent 4 years sat at a desk.
what fuck
your advice didn't help
The picture is turned upside down.
It worked before when you made a bootable USB.
Does Yumi even work?
ok I hereby give up don't worry lads
you can all stop worry about me bothering you
Just odd as hell
fucking microsoft jews man
If your city has seriously no demand for unskilled labor, then you must live in paradise.
no that happens whenever my phone takes landscape photos some reason desu
yee. george is up now so it's comfy x2
What phone you have?
piece of shit LG from 2005 with a screen smaller barely any bigger than my little finger
Do you really live in UK?
So cute
I call it a mobile phone but it's actually a camera with internet connection
do you think I have IRL friends or something
what does this mean is it a reference to that film you mentioned the other day that you were surprised I hadn't seen
why don't you just spell it as damn
Stretching this expression gives it expressiveness
I was once a warehouse slave.
It sucked donkey bollocks.
What’s a smonsh?
Obviously some gay shit, I think.
I'd rather have (You)'s and hugs really.
understandable but why say 'deaaaam' and not 'daaaaaamn'
I'm upset today
I've been waiting for my guitar to come in the mail all weekend and I woke up 30 minutes late to grab it and my brother wasnt home
so now I better fucking pick it u p tomorrow because ups only makes 3 delivvery attempts so if I oversleep tomorrow idk what the fuck is gonna happen
is ok going 2 b
do you know when they be there
So sorry to hear. I hope you get your guitar soon.
Have you got an xbox one I can bother you on?
no i never really do know
I normally go to sleep at 6 or 7 a.m so I dont really get tired much so I was trying to go to sleep at midnight but just ended up lying hard to sleep all night and
when i woke up around noon i was a half hour late cause they came around 11 30 yesterday
this house sucks for sound too, in my old house I could hear someone knock on the door throughout the house but this one I cant
I wa hoping my brother would pick it up but he'ss been over at his girlfriends house liek the past 4 days
sosryr no I play ps4
Guess I'm going to play alone.
I should've gotten a ps4 but I stuck with what I know.
Personally I want to save up for a gaming pc so I can play dota2 and all my steam games again.
I suppose it make a this word more "black"
graveyard shift?
Don't worry
I'm fully awake now
I like my chair and bag
Nah I work from 4 p.m to about 10p.m most nights
I just had trouble sleeping until I got exhausted then It just kept getting later and later until I fell unto a normal sleep schedule ;~;
Did you see the stuff I said last night before going to bed in the thread.
kill me
I miss weed so much, and I wish I had the motivation to play my xbox one.
I wish I knew something that could fill in my time.
Send them something saying "shes busy" with no context
help me out chaps
he won't have any of it, I tried that already
you are the devil
What help do you need with?
"fuck off"
State you installed Linux cause Windows 10 was slow and for some reason you can't boot a Windows 7 installation .iso, and that the game isn't available on Linux.
No single part of this is a lie
You're not supposed to reply after sending that
In what way ?
I'm just helping out a friend
well... I assume the game isn't supported anyway.
What game is it?
She's not busy
That could be fixed really quickly
inb4 runescap
Runescape now confuses me with all those added abilities.
I miss my youthful fascination of videogames.
Java runs on everything. This would even run on your toaster
nothing runescape matters but this
unix = toaster xD
waiting on response
csgo, a game I strongly dislike and he didn't even seem to be bothered by the fact I can't get >25fps when it looks like it's running on the super fx chip
I don't think I'd like to play runescape anymore.
What I really miss is dota2 but my laptop can't run it because it lacks the cpu speed I think
My toaster faster than your desktop, hah!
Damn, that one is supported. I guess that excuse won't work then, shit..
Eh, can't do much than tell him no then
A shame. OldSchool still a good game and despite it getting weekly updates, it's still very close to the spirit of how it once was.
Hmm, play Dota then. Bet that community is still very active
Don't look at it
whats up with you ?
Why doesn't the Ghost Emoji work in this website ?
please fix this
I said I can't play dota2 because my laptop can't run it.
But I need something to do with my life.
it ur os
That's like missing castration with a butter knife. While the person castrating you calls you something in Russian/Spanish.
it my oss
Found a meme about spectres dinosaur girl avatar
u BR? gib free items pl0x or i report
Why shouldn't I?
Cause the unicode is U+1F47B
So go with Dota instead
Honestly ?
No real reason
Bring me a working one.
I'm play oss
Yeah, I'm quite the masochist. But dota 2 is good, or league is good too (Never played it).
I used to have a gaming laptop but I had to trade it in because the charger broke and I was overdrawn with the water company; then I had a psychotic break so that wasn't any good.
I do miss the arguments I get into. I miss being a good support to my retarded Russian speaking bretheren.
hmm.... 👻
it worked thanks
I wish I could be a strong alpha like yan ;-;
you good at osss?
What do you mean?
I need to save up for a gaming rig powerful enough to run it. But I can barely get money saved up since I'm on benefits.
save up long enough and you'll be able o afford a supercomputer
that's what luka did
Exactly what I said
What system do you even have?
There's your ghost
No I'm succ
That didn't change anything.
succ me
Are you a girl?
Not even a tiny amount.
Wow, lewd.
A guy on HRT then?
Oh. Hopefully it isn't some sort of love confession.
I have a HP pavilion laptop with Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6100.
I never played dota 1, but it wouldn't be the same.
It is gonna take a long while though.
I wish I was working for it but I'm not allowed to work due to being in supported living.
I got a pretty nice jawline
I would be the worst trap ever
Well not to you
Rape is illegal.
Should be able to play it
Good. Should stay a guy
Why would I want a downgrade anyways ?
You're illegal.
Dunno, but it's quite popular lately
Being this cute is illegal, yeah.
Play dota 1 or dota 2?
I'm being a little bitch over this but I don't know what else to do with my time.
I got onster Hunter World on Xbox One but I don't seem to want to play it. It sucks.
I wish I was cute.
Dota2. Plays fine on HD3000 and Iris is way more powerful.
They can do it if they want
I don't mind
Yeah, is all good. 4 in 10 kills themselves after all
What do you think a 40 or 50 year old trap looks like ?
Do they still look female ?
Probably dead, considering you don't see such anywhere
But Can My PC Run it says I can't because I don't have the minimum requirements. That I don't have the CPU Speed or Dedicated Video Ram for it.
*pat pat* ignore that bully
I just thought it was because good traps are more of a newer thing
don't look
No I love him
You're just making me look through an entire fucking thread for nothing aren't you
I bet that site doesn't take Intel iGPU into consideration.
Store page doesn't list Intel under Windows however, but it does list HD3000 under both OSX and Linux. If that's the requirement there, I don't see why it would be any different under Windows
There is no such thing
The devil hath taken away my yan
Its your choice
i'm not making you do anything
I love you too ya know
gdi you little shitecunt
Its a 1% kind of thing
Should I just download it and give it a shot?
It's too late
My delicate heart cant take anymore
Download is free, so I guess it's worth a shot.
Iris Pro 6200 only gets 30fps at 1080p under Linux though. If performance is similar on Windows, it won't really run too smooth. Don't know what graphical settings were used however.
But at the end of the day, trying it out yourself is definitely best
Paper Heart boi
Ban my dude you're getting too into VRC
Like you need some reality my dude
Nah. If it was, then the traps would have wombs, and there's just no such thing
uhh i have a paper heart of GOLD
thank you very much
Actually, I'll wait till I have a gaming pc then I know it will run it.
At least I have my xbox. I don't know how to play Smite, I would like it if I knew how to play it.
I'm very aware its just a game
But you don't have a womb
I'm gonna gold it into oragami
And something dumb
Like a benis or some meme
leave my poor heart alone you meanie
that doesn't make them less of a real person
they are closer to me than your gf
So I don't see your point
me irl
...You tryna throwdown or something?
Why does everyone wanna beef over my e-gf?
Just let me do what I want
i'm not gonna listen to anyone anyways
All up to you~
real-life female*
Exactly. Am not a trap either
I always let you do what you want.
I'm not the boss of you.
Lets bully Loafie.
/kokoro bully
I did not ask to be bullied
Get a gun bf and let it shoot its load into you.
you'reruining everything............
Would you rather have been born a girl or boy ?
I like bullying them.
Shut up.
come over here right now
tfw u wanna use a boy's asshole where he poops from as a womb/cumdump
we're some kind of retarded
I ruin things, that's what I do
Tough one. A girl would have been pretty nice for reasons
Do gays even like assholes or are they just the only usable hole?
where is this gun bf of which you speak of
yes can I help you
I wouldn't say the only usable hole.
Ever heard of sound docking?
I think he's legitimately autistic tbh.
you've given me a name but not a location
Yeah but you could have babies if someone cums inside you and bleeding every month sucks I bet
Get on your knees and kiss the bottom of my boots
You're probably not wrong
The breeding part is why it would be nice though
I hardly ever am
yes sir..
Oh wow you're right, super uggo.
So you want to be impregnated huh ?
What a faggot
Except for every other time besides this one.
Do it then, slut
*kisses your boots*
I find your bullying uninspired.
I'm literally always right.
Thats a good little boot licker
*pats your head*
The first part of that post was wrong though
end me
It's impossible though
Guess your never gonna feel complete then.
I must admit yan's bullying was very good, enough so for me to desire more and properly accept the fact that I like being bullied
*feeds and tuccs*
Should get some rest
Yeah, just nothing to do about that
You aren't living up to your reputation.
You're gonna be chasing that feeling forever.
you lick a girl though, silly
Nah, there are other ways of obtaining satisfaction
Like what ?
Things that are best left unsaid
ni ni
Quite simply. She's a girl.
And also sick.
And got a boyfriend.
Would never do anything inappropriate
Sleep well little gay viking
Whats your zodiac sign ?
I'm a Leo
Like yoU!
I'm an Aries
The most compatible signs with Aries are generally considered to be Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Thats all I got
I promise this has never happened before
Leo and Aries are very compatible, yeah.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and that's pretty much how those born under this sign see themselves: first. Aries are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for an Aries prefers to initiate rather than to complete.
I'm a Leo too.
I used to read a lot of horoscopes. Harmless fun, I don't really believe in them.
Seems legit
Wow, how embarrassing....
Hey Wish, can I tell you a secret?
Only faggots level dex
happy president's day from your favorite entity
More like
President GAY
Does it sound correct ?
Everyone here is Cancer tbh.
are you actually ?
I'm Cancer tbh
we already knew that
Because you're already planning my birthday party?
I'm just saying their Cancer.
I have no idea what mine is.
How did you know ?
Whats you birthday ?
Have you actually tried to get one ?
January 1.
This being in the recommended for "Suicide is Painless" seems fitting.
Because you told me!
yeah I said this an hour or so ago here but I still don't have one
I don't think there's ever been anything I've used something other than January 1 or February 29 for.
I shouldn't have done that.
Well don't just date anyone because you feel like you NEED one
Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is all about hard work. Those born under this sign are more than happy to put in a full day at the office, realizing that it will likely take a lot of those days to get to the top. That's no problem, since Capricorns are both ambitious and determined: they will get there.
tiem for sleep
liliana give ni ni smonshes
but I do
I NEED affection
it's a basic human need and I've been deprived of it
Astrology is utter bullshit.
I just for fun
I also like being a Lion
I didn't read it.
Should I?
Its not really important
I just wanted your opinion
but you're just gonna say NO anyways
Because you wuz kang?
I'm a space goat
Remove wuz
Space Mexicans eat you?
U iz kang n shiet?
Rolled 14 (1d20)Rolling d20 for affection.
I am
i'm going to have to change everything now.
- 5 for lack charisma
shit dude
you needed a 16 or higher
Some of my coworkers were ranting about how it was racist to not want to go see Black Panther.
I'm just not into any modern super hero movies tbh
Maybe spider man
but not even that really
actuallyit'srascistif you go and see black panther andd you'rewhite
it'saviolationofPoC rights
I'd agree with some things I guess.
Like which parts ?
You didn't go into details or anything!
Doesn't matter
I'm changing everything
I forgot from playing bideo games
I'd have to read it again
Change me
They just feel like caricatures at this point of just making fun of themselves at some level of irony that isn't even endearing but just trite.
They're the same sort of people that make "twerking" videos and other chimp out shit then preach about female "oppression" and "rape culture'.
That sounds pretty disgusting.
I mean what super hero even cool right now?
The avengers ?
Extremely over rated
I only like Thor because hes a Norse god
Don't shame my diaper fetish.
I know this will sound like a hipster but comic book super heroes were better when they were in, well, comic books. Runs could last years of monthly installments where it could give proper backstory to the barely coherent spiderweb of characters and history. Super hero movies are just boiled down to the lowest common denominator of whatever that character's strengths and personality is, especially with the crossover bullshit where they just show up to be that token character in the movie for all of five seconds to sell more merchandise.
Comic books are heavily flawed and sometimes utter shit but it's still a better format than the action movie garbage.
I'll do it after this match then I'm gonna go play Rust
I also feel like movies don't really have enough time to make me feel a connection
Maybe thats why I like shows or mangas more
Sounds good
...I kinda wanna play another match but I said I would do something first.
Hang on reading it now
Play another
i'm gonna take a shower real fast
More or less similar to what I was saying. There's no real development to any character or any arc other than "he got his powers and now beat the villain".
Its really sad tbh
oh well
not like i'm wasting my money one them
I have highlighted them. The others are wrong or I feel no particular way about them.
I torrented all of the ones I've seen. :^)
Calling it now: that has a dick.
I'm pretty neglectful
shes 19 and lesbian though
You are
Nice image