go away nazi nobody likes u
Other urls found in this thread:
Today I have seen the dragon.
Whose a nazi?
He meant Nezi
Nezi is a Nazi?!? Fuck, Nezi, let's go for drinks!
I turned on his stream last night and he was talking about removing all the jews
To be fair they're not all that great.
I'm less worried about the Jews, more worried about the blacks.
never said that
Aww, I thought you might be cool.
Remove all the juice.
Then he started flaming his team and calling them jews
Who would win in a fight
The mutants from the Hills Have Eyes or the family from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Also who would win in a fight?
The Blob or The Thing?
You have fight ideas that are not interesting.
HIlls have eyes
The blob
Superman VS 100 US Marines
You have a poor imagination and crippling insecurities.
Who would win in a fight?
9e62cd or cd2ee2?
Explain your reasoning
Who would win in a fight, you or 100 dicks?
I can't I'm busy atm
brb going in your room
Superman. Please, marines are just marines. Superman shoots freaking lasers.
cd2ee2, clearly.
hahaha... the dicks, i wouldn't fight back
I'll be waiting~
That's why I said US Marines.
US Marines are different. They can kill Superman.
Incorrect. I mean, I am all for thinking our troops are usually the best equipped in the world, but come on. Freaking laserbeams!
Is there really any debate over who would win between me and a failed joke who fucks furries?
But there's a plot twist.
Want to hear what it is before I go?
Hey now, I have never fucked a furry.
And my failure is that I am currently sober.
Does it impact the outcome? Let me guess, they have kryptonite? I can beat superman if I had krptonite.
Alright, let's make this clean and fair.
Of course.
I will beat him with only, a banana.
Um bai
Well, yes of course, but Batman is one of the Marines and he's carring kryptonite in his Utility Belt, he balls a smol piece of kryptonitein his fist and beats superman to death
I would submit to your dick...
How about “a faggot who quotes Austin Powers”
Look out Nezi they’re gonna bully you
Why would we bully Nezi?
probably because i'm a fat depressed loser
Meh, I'm fat and depressed. But I'm not a loser.
At least be an edgy loser if you're gonna be one
The biggest thing about being a loser is admitting defeat. I am undefeated. I have a good job. I make good money. I have a loving family. I am not a loser.
But you posts on Holla Forums :^)
How is my favourite animus poster uwu
Meh. I don't post anime though.
But you post lood 3DPD though!
Is there a problem OwO
That is what is considered normal on the outside.
I know the feeling. Waifus make it slightly more bearable
Why am I not your favourite?
You just randomly text your buddies like "yo check out this naked babe, she's bangin'"?
Who r u???
That's only slightly serious, I'm not exactly sure which leaf you are
Not usually. Usually we will just be walking down the street and see a girl and comment on her. Or every once in awhile, yeah, we have sat at work and looked on a computer and we all judged women.
Wish / Emma
Wow, but everyone on Holla Forums is gay though.
Sure, that is what they all want you to think..
See, I didn't know Wish = Emma. I was pretty sure you were Emma, but /shrug
And threads
That's why I'm always in waifu threads
When's the last time you sucked a dick?
Well I don't really go by Emma anymore or anything...
I have yet to suck a dick in my lifetime. So, an infinite amount of time?
I'll volunteer to be the first :^)
Sorry, I've already sampled Canadian cuisine, and I have fallen in love with your vaginas.
What do I call you then
I have ascended, beyond peepee, beyond humiliation
I am God
If you really enjoy one facet of Canadian cuisine, why would you be reluctant to explore more of it? :^)
Wish is fine really.
Its ya boi
You already know who it is
Same reason I don't want to eat poutine. Some of the ingredients are things I love, but then they add things that I am turned off of by the texture of them.
Who phone who dis?
Who the FRICK doesn't like the texture of french fries?
It's the cheese curds
Sorry, bud. I am just not on the market for a meat toboggan.
Want a hint?
chips and curry > poutine
Curry is disgusting and you should feel disgusting, you middle-eastern filth.
It's true.
Shut up Mandy you filthy agregious gape
stabbing pain in stomach
is that bad
Probably not.
Just means you're hungry.
I shall only shut up if you can speak words that make sense. And then only if I feel like it.
Is it though
i know what hunger feels like
this feels like someone jabbed a long needle into my left side of stomach
Sounds about right.
Where's Emma
Oh okay.
Hi Echo-chan
You're not Emma
I'm not, but I was just saying hi :(
Guess I'll go
No no, wait
You're Canadian too, you're good.
just felt a little cute in this image
might delete it soon
Found another cute @spectre girl meme
You're under arrest
It's Soto
Yeah, I guess.
Hi Echo-chan
It me
Turn that frown
upside down
Dont bully please!!!
Bard was made to be bullied...
Oh good choice I love this song....
You up to anything fun today mate?
My guitar ended up coming in the mail even though I missed it earlier so I'm super duper happy
I was afraid I'd have to be waiting all night for it again
I' ve been waiting so long its killing me
It's okay.
No, today was a boring day...
Play me a song, Bard.
What's up
Probably your wiener now that I'm here.
Don't flatter yourself.
uuu sorry spec I tried but my usb interface ismessing up oor something is wrong with covaroo I'm not sure it keeps coming out all fuzzzy : (
But all you do is try to pretend you have a good hockey team
You choked against Czechs, I don't think you get to shittalk.
All our good players are busy with the NHL though :^)
You have your full roster~
Oh well, rip.
All our players are in NHL too.
As are czechs and russians and basically every team.
We're all even here.
Slovakia has 13 players in the NHL, total.
Only 5 are noteworthy.
Canada has 421 players in the NHL.
At least 200 of them are just as noteworthy as the Slovak ones :^)
hi hi
who are you flan?
I'm Mana
Currently deployed in Slovakia
Who did I disregard? :thinking:
Also you're the one who said
He's Czech :^)
By that logic I'm Czech as well.
By that logic your entire roster is Chara
I'm czech btw
Czech out deez nuts xd
You could have at least said Tatar.
Not with those stats :^)
He's still young, give him time, Chara won't be playing for much longer.
Oh no, you're going to lose your only good player :^(
Just fucking kill me now.
Step outside, hypothermia will do it faster than I could.
i'd eat that.
This but post-ironically
Bard is MGD.
How you know you've found a keeper: you both share an unpopular video game opinion
*no mans sky isn't that bad after the updates and is a very relaxing game*
seems I've forgotten how to spoiler
Ludacris is okay
You ever feel like Bard is due for another meltdown?
I don't recall talking to a portugesa
what's your issue?
Bard seems like a grand dating material tbdesu
If you wanna put in the work of booting up a vpn just so you can fill the thread with posts about me
be my guest
Ignore Echo. He is worthless.
what did i do
I'm not Echo, I'm using a vpn.
Sorry Echo.
I'm Wish.
This is too confusing for the poor little Bard.
You must have bullied him at some point. Now he is going through this rigmarole to obtain a taste of sweet revenge.
whats causing your aggrivation tonight
My eyes hurt from hyperspace guise :(
I haven't talked to him in the past 5 years
Alternatively, youtu.be
I was thinking about our past and got sad and bitter :
if you''re gonna hate me hate me for something I've done recently thats stupid
like whining all the time or blowing up on furries
cut me a break because I acted like a hypocritical bitch when I was 15
Fuck off Darwin this doesn't concern you.
You had your chance.
I miss you though.
i have stage 4 autism
Oh, okay, sorry.
Jk ilu, pls notice me ;;
notice me sempais
But the only one older than you is Darwin
darwin how's the job
same one?
-pettu pet-
eh?? hands off! >.
Fine Nezi.
sleep well user
Sorry, I was e-fucking
ofc you were
uhh idc??
I used to do it way more often than I do now :3
Today and yesterday were the first two days I did in like a month I think
I was just explaining why I didn't give you attention until now
How u
no ty ill get better attention
Wish does this same thing if she asks for me and then I reply too slowly
Are you sure ur not soulmates
Lmao it's totally the prototype for bob teen ebin
what a slut!
but I want cuddles NOW
I'm a proud slut
I think it's not considered slutting when I'm the giver tho
It is!
how ya doin?
Feeling any better?
go to bed!
no not really :9
Still in bed.
o-oh, that sucks :<
Hope you will soon!
fall asleep
Nah, uni later so can't.
You should rest some though. It's getting late
dang i forgot about Taking Back Sunday
when I was
a young warthog
filler text
even more filler text goes here
Bard is gay.
holy shit #14
Number 10 will blow my mind
I don't get that one personally
It's pharell williams lol
morning cato
Hiii Hu chan
Hu a weirdo
barely morning
is 2 a.m here dess
so barely morning
uhh sure why not
no u
It is truth
I can't tell if he's teasing me or if he's actually planning to buy me a daki for my birthday
I can't tell either haha
Hello slutty fox girl.
I was talking to him about how I get lonely at night but I don't want to be in a sexual relationship and he starts jokingly suggesting people and characters I might want on a body pillow
Vr is pretty great
You're truth!
Hello slutty alien abomination thingy
This limited edition print has sold out
Looks like you're out of luck
I didn't take a screenshot of myself
someone else took it
She cute tho.
like slutwolf
This song is honestly so good.
Just finished watching Black Mirror.
What watch now?
which song
probs thinger strangs
he's playing VRchat so it's definateley probably this
Hemlock grove
I do actually know the kitten band gang
the oonly thing I know about VRChat is what I've seen Kevin play but I love those little fuckers
that's pretty cool
Will try
Whos Kevin ?
he's a shitty youtuber
He's like le Irish Poodypie
No thanks
uganda knuckles is rage comic level
it transcends vrchat
do you stil run into them?
kk undertale
Literally all of them are little kids
I'm mostly in private worlds with my group
What's up, fags?
it's YOU
Deal, nerd.
This dicc!
half asleep, you?
Why are you holding a dick
Wow, what a slut
Wow, what a slut
Wow, what a slut
Well anyways
here's wonderwall
Fully asleep
And by that I mean fucking BORED
A qt drew a dick sword
everybody tops you
Actually I'm a sensitive and untarnished flower
Defile it
Bard is not for bullying
Oh yeah, cause you never get anything
Give not get, yes.
Definitely not.
They are adorable though
Never give anything, only get, yes.
Communist whore
Please see
please rate
Please see:
Too late.
Wow, what are you gay?
pic related me on tv
Don't know how to reply to that
so I wont
fuck i I hit enter without typing
I was gonna say I'm just kinda fishing for straws here
b-but okay I see how it is 8ch
Hitting enter doesn't make you post
It means I get to call you a fag, I guess.
Because god knows I have fuck all else to be doing with my time right now.
Shut up I'm using my trackpad.....
I got classes in a few hours
bye bye
Looks like it's just you and me now big boi
what a shame
honestly I'm kind of jealous of you
fuck that wasnt supposed to be a gif
it's true
am Alone now ; ~:
just Chillin
here on the Holla Forums front page
-wanders in, carrying a large tuna steak-
-cuts it into bite sized pieces and garnishes with ca tnip before setting it down on saucers for hungry kitties-
my brain can't keep up with these osu tracks
yet I used to be top 1,000 on guitar hero
what went wrong
You called me user so now I'm mad at you.
aaaaaand can't even finish a single song because of arthritis
*boops the flan*
when i was in vr and had no game sound, i thought she was a cute girl xD
lol trAPped
its okay
me too
y tho
fuck I got distracted
hewwo friends
left poor bard alone in a cold thread ;~:
susup hutzper
Sounds like model of German tank
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