How will Holla Forums ever recover?

Even Holla Forums can make better communist propaganda than Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Holla Forums is finally making the transition towards socialism via being "ironically" socialist. Just as they were "ironically" for white nationalism only a few months ago.
The future is bright.

It might just be retardation actually

I dont see how thats commie prop. Meanwhile the guy is making admittedly good videos like this.

I see no indications of sympathies for socialism.

Please let it be true


Most of Joseph Retrostein's best videos aren't even on his channel or even off of the site completely. He's been banned from Jewtube like 3 times. He just got back from a ban recently.

Here's one of his good ones.

Wew there's a lot going on here


Really makes you think

tfw Holla Forums is going to become leftcom.

Pretty sure the term jewtube was being used on halfchan long before Holla Forums even existed

why is it called escape from Budapest? I seriosly get nothing from this video please help me


imageboards were reactionary long before halfchan existed, the essence of it can still be called Holla Forums

Unironically feeling this.

plz convince them that leftcom is new better form of fascism and we win :3

What do you mean?


I like how the Holla Forums shut-in starts lifting weights and ends up marrying the SJW girl with the tattoo that says "slut", now a born again christian. It is by far the most realistic part of this video.
It's also interesting that "taking our future back" means living in America with 1950's values and 1980's ascetics ..and nazis.
It's no wonder this type of escapist utopian fantasy resonates strongly with people that have watched so much anime that they are no longer in touch with, or concerned with reality.

This is like the coolest video ever.

Don't get me wrong, of course the lesson from Zizek's First as Tragedy is clear about the past attempts, that they are supposed to be a lesson.

But this video really captured the aesthetic of Soviet Union well, and somehow froze it in time to be examined.

Stop posting anytime.


But all of Holla Forums is in this constant state where it can't use offensive language or anything that causes it to re-examine its own memes, or else it's Holla Forums, but if it doesn't it's just /r/fullcommunism or progressives, both of which it claims to hate while sort of being.

Ah, the foils of holding an ideology that relies on worker ethos as its sole excuse for theft and murder while being a jobless NEET in one's mother's basement…

We don't have as many off-color jokes not out of prudishness, but simply because we find less comedy value in them.

That said, there are occasional, suspicious tone policing threads. Which usually get filled with racist slurs, thankfully.

Of course it's retardation, it's Holla Forums
Doesn't mean it can't be an interesting development.