

Other urls found in this thread:

my bad :3
sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/


it asked for my password and then nothing happened

is eOS good

aaa rin refer back to old thread cause I'm dumb.

open file manager and go to /mnt/
Nothing is present? If so, did you delete everything on your USB drive?
Could also install GParted. It should list your device for you

I baleeb in you!

I don't know it could be empty it could not be
and where is /mnt/ on file manager



Been okay. Should go and cook though. Takes a while to cook, and am hungry.
How's you?

guess I'm fucking blind


大野ふみ according to the wikia. :^)

Names are weird for me, so I usually have to look them up.

Does look a bit like the flash drive.
Is your flashdrive 4GB or so big?

you should make something tasty!!

I'm tired and like aaa waiting for george to get up.
but silence never hurt anyone, right?

names are like equally bad in korean.
3 character names? no problem
sino-korean family names?
pointless generational names???
a lot of really cool single character given names but then you only have 2 characters so you use a third but who wants to use a generational name??????

it's all very lame

it says on it that it's 4gb but who even knows

Japan just has that weird shit where, like.

"It's written like this, but read like this."

But it doesn't actually seem to be super common? Idk maybe I'm ret harded.

Always do~
Go wake him up :3

That's what the output of lsblk was anyway, although apparently it only uses 2.5GB of that.
You can still install GParted so you get all the space available again

Really gotta go prepare dinner though

go do that I can wait

his phone is dead!!!
I miss him qq

also what foods do you enjoy??

languages are LAME


Just like us, amirite?

we're maximum lame

Where did my Yan go?

Agreed, desu.

Nice 7777s

Lol I'm kidding, Rin

nice 7778s

blood chan is strange


Nah I'm quite normal.


It's largely eh.

god damn it there's a spider or a moth or something stuck in my wall the noise is driving me mental

Where's my Erio... I want to use Matsuri

sqee sqee sqee~

Shoot it

Ur welcome

Sex when?

please stop
I do not have any firearms and I don't know where it's coming from exactly so even if I did I wouldn't be able to get rid of it
maybe it's just an auditory hallucination I don't know how could it have gotten in there

When u want it?

also I just noticed there's a big yellow stain on my ceiling which looks like piss and I have no idea how it got there

But it loves you

I don't want it, I need it. I need it now

I've never met a person like you

I do not love it or the difficulty it is bringing me
and if it saw what was in the other wall it'd have similar feelings

This spider piss, shoot him

Order a whore

'aight, time for me to go.

well that's pissant

...I don't understand... how am I different?

Kill it already :/

No... I want you



I need to use the bathroom real quick

Then fly to Ukraine,lul


if I could kill it I would but I think it's gone now

It's hiding so it can attak u at nite

Dogs can't write

it's not gone it's louder than before :(

Can too.



Pidora otvet )0))0))


I spent an hour on VR chat talking about dumb stuff which ended up being all philosophical and interdasting/.


Am back for now. It's cooking

I tend to enjoy the greasy kind. Just did this, currently in the oven.
He should get a new one!
or charge it..

There's a guy 2 offices over at work who has a keyboard with Cherry MX Blues and I can hear him typing.


Hupo, do you live in project housing?

I don't know, I'm not familiar with the term

Say yes so it makes sense


He means government provided housing.

Uhm... Yes and no.
I got this apartment through the local kommune but the apartments are owned by a private company, and if I got any questions or need help with anything, I need to contact that company, not the government.
But the kommune did rent the apartments and assign these to students, so once I'm done studying, I have to move out

Yeah, so I found out too after looking it up :3

Ma boys

hu I downloaded that gpart file but it's an iso how do I open it


uhm.. It's part of the repository. You can get it through the ubuntu store, or by installing it through the terminal:
sudo apt install gparted

Sup, morning crew^^

Hello, how are u?

Potatoes are fucking gross Hu


Groggy. I ended up sleeping on the cold floor last night apparently.

I need to find salsa for breakfast.


Orgasm achieved

Potatoes are a fucking Godsend. Just ask the Irish!

I can attest to that

The potato thing

Why u sleep on the floor?

Pretty fucking long time fap

Thanks for the orgasm bby

cottage living is comfy

Cause it was better than the couch?

I don't own a bed.

But your like Norwegain or someshit

Sup elma

This is the morning crew?


I got to sleep in today, so I stayed up til like 430 with Fishy and still woke up the first time at 830 lol

How's Soto been?

I guess it's afternoon now

Probably the same people as this morning though

this is why i need a boyfriend already. my hands are good but nothing can compare to a penis


Good morning I guess

alright hu what do now

There's times at like 8-9 pm my time that it's completely dead and it baffles me compared to how fast threads used to move :(


qt use ur name dumbdumb

Technically yeah I guess

I'm normally on from Mon - Thur morning snce i get off work at 5am and just come home and shitpost

Sounds nice lol

Im surprised Im up this early on my day off too
I couldnt fall back asleep so i just made some coffee and got on the comp

Just been working hbu?


Its been out dude

sorry, forgot

how is wellams?

Idc it's ok, floor is better place to sleep

How u can fap not using hand?

I wish man

no u!

I've no idea. You wanted to see your flashdrive, don't know what you want with it :

What's wrong with being Danish?


I already watched the whole thing and now I'm capping it

ooh it's just my 5-cl lol

I gotta try to get as many hours as possible in the next few weeks but that won't happen :(

Any plans for your weekend?


I'm alright. It smells like dank breakfast food upstairs so I might have to check that out.

Whatcha up to? Tell me about this cottage.

It was nice to stretch out and actually sleep on my stomach again tbh.

Kept smashing my nipple tho so that seems to be a slight drawback.

ERIO, gibbe attenshuns pl0x

It's not morning though

Morning seems more lively for sure

Morning slump is over, let's make some money, folks^^

It's too early not to comma splice imo *shrugs*

well first of all delete anything it's holding

-huggu- ♥

How're you? Is not smonking going alright? ^^

yeah, might be a good idea tbh.

well, its round the back of an old bank, its got 2 bathrooms, a living room, a bedroom thats literally just up the stairs from the living room, and a big fuck off kitchen with a side area to it big enough to put our weights bikes and stuff in. its got a big fuck off communal garden, and its in the middle of the beautiful yorkshire moors. shit is fucking beautiful.

I'm so tempted to get Okami on PS4, but I should save money like a good boy.

Nigga I was fapping give me a break.

I use my hand you stupid

;~; words hurt...

Rin won't let me use Yuzu for an avatar :c

Ohh you must live on the west side of Canada then


You dont have set hrs?

Might go bowling and have some beers with the bois later today at around 4


Never played Okami, is it nice?

smh fam

Download is done!

I got priorities

I adored it on Wii.
I could stream it for you if I end up getting it. It was heavily inspired by Zelda games.


I totally misunderstood all shit, fuck

Yeah, it's ... okay.

I underestimated how much of a crutch I was using it as for after work decompression and stress relief so the last couple nights have been pretty shitty. Luckily I had some friends to talk to late into the night last night so nothing bad happened.

And my roommate was in fact trying to help by taking it out of here for me. He actually went on a mini vaca and took it all with him. I called him angrily but that was more cause of a shitty day at work and I just really wanted it.

*huggus* How's you, cutie?

Is that by yourself? Damn, I'm impressed.

5pm to closing? I mean they're consistent but not like set I guess if that makes sense. Restaurant industry problems. Plus my boss is a total douche and I'm the diversity hire so there's that.

On the other hand it's nice to know I can survive on 20 hours a week lol

Monday-Tuesdays is my weekend and probably no plans. I'm trying to save save save.

Are you retarded

No offense to Rin but you could just, like, use Yuzu as an avatar anyway

She doesn't get mad when I post Yuzu; I guess she hates me less :3

Lesbian anime girls are serious business

I feel like you'll prob like Matsuri a lot after this ep

Yeah, it can actually be pretty psychologically addicting

It's more addicting than cigarettes for me. Sure cigarettes have the chemical addiction element, but they're just not anywhere near as good

It'll probably get easier after like a week ^^ Maybe try other ways of stress relief

I'm pretty good; good chinese cartoons so far today

Yuri is pure and 100% serious business


Psychologically as in it makes everything feel better ie my fucking vertebrae and collarbones x_x I've been in such pain the last couple days because coincidentally we've been getting these shit weather days that hurt bones right as I decide to put it down lol

I don't really have any other coping mechanisms so idk about other ways of stress relief.


Wasn't that the whole Yuru Yuri thing tho?

And they were underageb& ^~^

pls help me hu you just had to confront me about this the exact day I decided it'd be a good idea to properly organise my WAD folder didn't you

you didn't do anything wrong I just would like to get this done so I can go back to being a manchild if you'll allow me

A little yeah

She won't get mad if I use Yuzu but she doesn't want to associate Yuzu to someone like me...
Are you capping the 1080p?

No she is LEWD

Understandable, I think we all are


with the bf. its only 350/m, our last flat at half the size of this place was 375, and those we were looking at til we found this one were 400/m and fucking godawful.

Funny how I wasn't interested in yuri romance until I got out of my last relationship and started actually 100% wanting to stay single

I guess you need a certain level of security in yourself to enjoy such patrician anime

Have you tried hot/cold packs or anything? ^^

I am ^^

Idk why you're with your mom :3

I'm not actually retarded but I have an acute form of schizophrenia I like to keep secret. It twists my scene of reality and I sometimes run into a small child named Au-USFN:50. He's been there since as long as I can remember... I think... He's holds all my morals and principals and tells me not to do bad things, he's so nice but he talks a lot

I'm with my mom and dad in the living room. I don't have a room anymore...
Let me live with you again for while ^^

That just sounds like you were emotionally scarred and are still a cupcake-tier lonely memeing fuck.

She keeps walking behind me!!!

I already told her she's not living with me.


I wish hu was here


This is a new meme


Sry, but i found it's fun

What happened to being on your own?

I was emotionally scarred because I wasn't interested in a thing that you're currently not interested in 🤔

I like Cupcake and I don't feel lonely; I'm sorry if you're not happy with Erin :3

I wanna kill myself

I'm not sure how you even jump to that but trying to put logic behind such a desperate cheap jab just makes you look retarded, honestly.
Do you want a do-over or something? I feel bad.

ooh lucky^^ I'm looking at a place here (pic)

I wanna live alone for a while tho. I'm so done with roommates and screaming children who are perpetually sick etc.

Nah, I think I just have been needing a chiropractor for like 6 years idk


that looks p comfy tbh

Use shotgun

It can be fun sometimes because it never get lonely

I came to see my brother cuz he's really sick :c

They just yelled at me all morning and shit... my dad said he can smell it in my hair...

Why is Goku Blanco actually happening ?


mmhm. They have a floor plan with an extra loft which is the one I want so I can have that area for my art stuff that I want to get back into. P effing excited tbh

idfk I don't watch Super

Sounds bad


Calm down :3

So get one? If you can't get one then maybe you should try hot/cold packs ^^

Sounds like it's best not to visit them unless you're brother's like, dying



Bring me wish

the watch and read the spoilers like me

I'm perfectly calm Erio.

Calmer than you.

I don't have insurance atm and I'm in power save mode for my big move.


Bible Black knew de way of the devil before Gazton made it a meme

He has depression and he's just not feeling well. Right now he's sleeping : (

Lol retard
nah im kidding

That's lewd ._.,

/a/ is going to die

Why the face? Everything that's born must come from lewd and it isn't I who made the world this way.

I doubt that many /a/ssholes care about super.
Probably a vocal minority

I doubt that, but anyway, idk why you want to start fights over what anime I watch

I always shamelessly like what I like; you should know this by now

Maybe try what I suggested, then ^^

Also exercise can give you a nice endorphin high

Well, you shouldn't have to put yourself through being around those people

I'm still taking resin hits :3

nice indeed

rip me

I have 5 Goku Blanco threads open right now

Oh, are we fighting? I didn't realize.
When did this happen?

You're allowed to like things without shame.
I only wish to call garbage what it is without people pretending otherwise.

Vocal minority

What, the compress stuff? Yeah, maybe.

Don't call me fat :(


womp womp

still on that ds kick?



kinda, ive mostly been fiddling about, making my own little thing lately. im in two minds about straight up ripping the lords of shadows sprite for draculas throne room for a little fan game im making.

I don't treat opinions like facts unless I'm being ironic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm thinking I might take a break from weed too

I usually exercise a lot when I do

hu I just did something by myself
tell me when you get online so I can confirm I didn't fuck up


Exercise is ugh tho

I tend to get a lot of energy when I'm not smoking weed, so I guess for me not exercising is more unpleasant than exercising

I hadn't realized some people actually consider cartoons about underage lesbian sexual assault incest as high-class entertainment.

They're wrong, of course, and so are you, but I suppose that's just subjective despite most of these things being objective wrongs and should only ever be portrayed as such.
Maybe next season we can have consensual pedophile relationship anime as along as it's yuri.


yeah hu I'm back on windows but my usb still isn't showing up what the hell's going on

it was really dusty and I almost ate it so maybe it just doesn't work

I don't really consider anything to be "good" or "bad"

I just see them as things I like or don't like

I don't necessarily feel more energetic, just less of a hazy veil surrounds me. I'm more alert.

I can see how you might have more energy without bud tho for sure.

idk I'm not against exercise, just like I get quite a bit at work as it is and for any recreational exercise I'd wanna do it outside and it's too cold here rn

The place I'm moving will have a dank gym tho. I want to at least start running on the treadmeeeeel.

Norwegians are wealthier and not part of the union

Gparted allows you to do that. Delete all the partitions on the drive, right-click the black field and select "create new partition table" I think it is and select FAT32.

And so do I


You should try it.
It helps if you need to keep up the appearance of such or staunch yourself as morally superior in facetious arguments about cartoons that you're only talking about for shits and giggles.

Its been a joke on /a/ for years and now its fucking real

Next up Super Saiyan Murrica

The fuck anime are you people watching to have these conversations so much?

Boku no Pico

Coco best pico

Orange Zest:The Anime

I have so few words to react to any of you with this.


I'll zest ur orange xd

Disappointment is about the only one I can think of.

A deep disappointment indeed.

I just don't like lewd... I'm scared.

R-resin..? Is that safe?
You're going to ruin your health

So like

where the fuck are all the parents in animes anyway?

That's good ^^ Why are you moving there, by the way? Just because a lot of posters are there or are there a lot of appealing things about it? :3

I prefer to meme in friendly ways

I'm an angel

A controversial patrician anime called Citrus

Whoah get a load of this guys
Kyle is being a wet blanket
You don't see that everyday get a good look everybody
This is a once in a lifetime event



Hence the jab at Erin because I don't like the same show as you.

It is anime.
If it is not Oran then it is garbage.

For I am the true patrician of anime.

this needs some kind of emblem or engraving in it, but i dunno what to add

I've wanted to live in the desert since I was little. And I have the rare opportunity what with my no strings attached here so why not?

I didn't realize there were more than 2 posters until I mentioned going there so that was definitely not a motive.

Do you want to hurt me?

I hate wet blankets... T_T

Not on purpose, but sometimes you pull the leash a bit too hard or whip a little too harshly

lmfao Erio you're always smoking Resin

Too fast thread

resin is kinda like awful

It's kinda like eating your shit cause you wanted corn.

It gets the job done

But it tastes like ass

Runes of course :^)

It's so short-lived and gives you headaches after. Not worth.

Like if I wanted to taste some ass I'd eat some ass.


Yeah pretty much safe; it's not like I have a ton of resin to just keep smoking

Didn't you like Matsuri? ^^

What? I thought we were just shitposting, my dude

That insult was a shitpost just like the insults I was replying to were : ^ )

Ah ^^

I kind of want to live near Las Vegas

Idk though; I want to move but not sure where

For a few days once every few months

Why waste it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes, hello.

Stop drinking so much before bed then

LV is like 5.5 hours away. I've only flown in there to get to Reno and was too young to gamble. WOMP

Whipping a disobedient animal is only natural

Yeah, but too hard is rarely deserved

Pick one. I could understand if maybe like, I was posting some of those old e-mails you were sending to Alice or Kuus or whoever you were stupidly infatuated with at the time.
But insulting a shitty anime? Unwarranted.

Yumeko and the blonde one are hawtu

I don't like her... I want to hold her and tell her to stop being lewd. She's too young to kiss other girls and hangout with highschoolers

I think her name was Marie.

Its the only way i can quiet the voices down...

How hard is too hard? I like to go full force until they understand.

idk I just saw this one ep where they were battling this arrogant guy and they were getting kinda lewdy

Which, honestly she reminded me of this

I've been there like, fives times with family

I was too young to gamble but I had people place bets for me


Why were you posting her, then? ^^

That's exactly why I liked her instantly lol

I looked up to see if it was the same creator or w/e even.

Oh yeah that happens every episode.
That guy was a rapist or something an they just duped him into a shitload of debt lmao.

Maria Holic is great.

She's cute, I want an anime figure of her now.

ooh i see, i see

yeah like he cut this chick's hair or something so he owned her? it was weird but I liked when they were grinding on eachother for that brief moment.




rip in pieces

I only assume that's what happened based on what little knowledge I was given.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings and you felt the need to retaliate. Nothing personal.

Uncanny resemblance.
I guess there are only so many blonde anime girl character designs for private schools.

If you get into a certain amount of debt at the school you just become 'livestock' so you're treated like a pet or an animal or a slave, or a subhuman basically.

No you.


Lol gamers

D-don't look at me like that...

Is the official Dragon Ball canon reaching into deviantart now?


Are you actually dropping it? :3

You'll miss a lot of Matsuri if you do

You can't hurt my feelings with baseless assumptions, silly

Fighting back is just a policy of mine; I've toned it down a lot though :3

my ears!

Like what?
Like my precious darling imouto I have to protecc?

Literally Goku Blanco

mexican memes

I want to ill myself


Again, I wouldn't consider us 'fighting'.
I think you're overreaching, if I didn't know you better I'd say you were being overly sensitive.

I'm not dropping it!

Why are you posting her? How many more chapters haven't been translated yet?

-looks away- y-you're just too close...


I think you're playing a game where you try to frame me as being "overly sensitive" because you think it's clever and will actually make me feel that way

Fucks sake.

DBZ needs to reach its conclusion.

Because she's best girl

There's just one out that hasn't been translated, but there will be more

the SSJ BLANCO meme didn't just come true, but it ended up being the final, ultimate power-up in DBS

But I just said you weren't.
Seems counterproductive to framing you for being such.

I got your nose.

Ooh that makes more sense now. He kept calling them pets so it piqued my interest for the remainder of the episode.


Prepare to wrestling

your mother should have swallowed you

I think its time you started learning moon.
What happened to Satania?

Wow, such clever :3

This show is a joke.

Give it back, I need it to sniff your neck when we hug

I still have her

I just don't really have an avatar I exclusively post right now


Pretty much.

17 died for this


I feel so bad for Satania, she is so pure....

Did you watch that whole anime? I think you had watched like half last I checked

They can just build a new one.

There's a scene where Yumeko acts like a cat after she loses and starts getting teased, people went fucking nuts.
There was a masturbation scene too.

You seem passive aggressive but maybe I'm just reading into too much. I don't know why you feel so attacked? Am I coming off as passive aggressive to you?

Only for a kissu.

T-this is why i told you to stop drinking.. .!!

I hope that Dragon ball is done forever now.

I will watch the rest tonight and tmrw, I promise

It's been dead for a long time already.

It was corner with the bed, but if u say to stop, i stop


I thought we were just shitposting??

You don't have to ^^

Also I don't get jealous over you; don't use me as an excuse to be a tease :3


Its getting another movie this year and then might come back as another new show after that

Is that the new "I was just pretending to be retarded"?

You said it first; I'm just going along with you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

:stop drinking:
Oh I'm thinking about buying some voka later and mixing it up with my meds

Its the weekend its okay!

You do get jealous, you took me away from Bard and Alice

Well fkn do me a solid and post some .gifs, m9

Did I? That was like four years ago if so

Poor old guy...

I don't particularly care for that style of shitposting.
Seems to just devolve into cyclic "trolls trolling trolls".


Nothing to be jealous of, it's not like we're holding hands

Don't do that, it's 2 strong combination for you

I just wanna be someone's pet kitty :(

You are right... I'm sorry.

I will move on starting now. So how's you? Anything new? ^^

-sweaty palm-

I've been straight up high since I was a baby. Nothing is too strong for me anymore

Ahhhh my dad is so lazy... the remote is right next to him but he still wanted me to bring it to him

Words escape me but I wish to make my disinterest known in an inoffensive manner.

Don't fart.

Vodka with med is evil, pure vodka before beer when u don't eat like 6 hours is "Nothing is too strong for me" tier, pills is shit


You had one job

I want you to take some of my meds. We can get fucked up together

Have a wiff of my fart~

Bye Thread

sorry for going afk on you hu
are you still here my friend

We could drink in skype, if u want

Just relax and breathe


or anyone who is good with computers
I wish onee-san was here



Yan, just hold your nose and take a big gasp of my fart into your mouth

Holla Forums

yeah so I got back into windows 10 and my usb isn't showing up
I did so by changing the boot order with the option that came up when I started up my pc as of yesterday was there anything wrong with it
also I didn't mean any offence with , my page just hadn't updated

Girls don't fart

Hutzpa is trying to cyber Blood-chan

They fart through their pussies

I wouldn't mind cybering him ^^

He's a crappy for voice communication


Should I go to the dispensary and buy some weed or should I just go buy beer like a normal person?

No, I'm not gonna go buy both
That's too much money to spend on being a degenerate

oh yeah and that thing stuck inside my wall is starting to sound like a fly I think

Na, i'm interested to hear his voice


at least I have muh games now


If you deleted the partition on the USB drive so it showed up as black without making a new partition and formated it as FAT32 or NTFS, then that's why Windows doesn't list it.
You can format it as FAT32 with Windows own Partition Manager. Don't know what it's called, perhaps Disk Management or something along those lines

Everyone believes you


Voice messaging?Voice messaging!


I haven't used the usb drive at all yet

Hey do you wanna know something cool?

Ichigo is the bad guy/girl

002 is actually the good girl all along

"I wouldn't mind cybering him ^^"

whats the problem ?

Odd.... In either case, it should still be listed there

Is this the "Ichigo is the spider" and "Delphinium is a poisonous plant" meme?


it's not
also ever since installing leenux my internet has been at 3 bars instead of 1 so thanks for that I guess

As u wish


Probably end up fucking like some ugly chick

or I end up in jail

That's not the partition manager
This is.

what the fuck is that picture Soto?


Okay.. LMAO this is new, but I saw the first 5




me too