Muke responded to Mexie's anti-idpol video:

Muke responded to Mexie's anti-idpol video:

Other urls found in this thread:

The biggest problem that Holla Forums has with idpol is Holla Forums's refusal to acknowledge that idpol is practically inescapable in the current society and that the people here are incapable of doing anything but merely taking the side of frustrated young males on this issue.

Class struggle: Core idea
Gender, sexual, racial equality: Will come with time as people get de-spooked.

anyone who says he's not /ourguy/ at this point is cointelpro.


But you did pick a side. It's pointless to argue with you because you're no less of an idpoler than your bogeymen, with the only difference being that you refuse to admit it.
You, like so many other frustrated people, are an idealist, and you are projecting yourself, and thus your identity, onto your ideology, perceiving everyone not sharing with you in that identity to be an outsider, hence the perception of people who aren't part of your identity group as enemies to be destroyed rather than potential allies to be recruited; do note that Holla Forums is generally very open to attempting to convert rightists of all kinds, but draws the line at idpolers — that's defies standard pattern and invites query, which leads to only one conclusion. Admitting the problem is the first step to solving it.
But I guess I'm just COINTELPRO who dared to commit the unspeakable crime of assuming that Holla Forums could be wrong; it's not like half of this board still eats up idpol shit that's fed to them by other boards.

You've only been here for a week, haven't you? The right wingers who come here are almost always, unequivocally knee deep in identity politics ("muh nayshuun, muh white race, we wuz romans"), and the vast majority are banned like any other idpol faggot because they don't come here to debate, but rather throw shit around and scream, unable to understand why people have a different viewpoint to them. The same goes for the other idpol types who come here, the vast majority of them do not come to argue in good nature, but rather fight and prove someone "wrong", hence why they are removed. I've seen maybe two who didn't come here looking for le epic internet battles, and I've been here since the beginning of the board.

The big reason for this is that there is a huge level of right wing identity politics followers on Holla Forums, whereas most of the /r/socialism types stay on, well, /r/socialism and assume we are pedophile Straßerists out to get them. Of course more right wing idpol fags are going to bleed in eventually – there are literally thousands that come to Holla Forums, whereas there are very few liberals. I find it's also generally a ton easier to speak to right wing identity politics faggots because they, for a start, will not devolve discussion down to tone policing 'bad words' that you said on the same level as their liberal counterparts, and also often generally see much more wrong with our current system than liberals, thus making it easier to show them more. That is assuming that they don't think everything is fine and the problem is "too many cultural marxists" or some shit, which tons of them come here saying, and quickly leave.

I think muke did great, took a very chilled and rational approach. Felt more like a discussion than 'refute' or whatever.

I love Muke, but he really, really needs to learn more theory than just Marx and Lenin.


What would you have him read outside of Marx and Lenin?

Cockshott :^)

Lukacs or Althusser.


There's no point reading Lukacs without having read Hegel.


Mexie has a point. Don't be socially retarded losers. like Holla Forums.

the biggest problem with the internet is that is full of socially inept people who will never get what you're talking about tbqh fam.


You can do both at the same time.

Althusser also has an essay on Lenin and Hegel which I would highly recommend.

imho this tbh familam

walks like a duck, quacks like a duck


lol. the anti-idpol "left" is a joke.

muke is our Milo

So, an insufferable faggot?

This is what Idpol looks like.

I refuse to support people like this. They shouldn't be in our movement.

Pretty much. He recently denounced us, too, which is funny.

What is it with girl youtubers wearing noserings and using lots of filters?

is this for real or is he doing a character

that guy is literally an autistic person. maybe you shouldnt a huge shithead about it.

No he's legit a massive liberal autist.

the majority of posters here would be better served dropping the "leftist" label and fucking off to Holla Forums

I wish he'd addressed my main gripe with idpol. Capitalism needs people to be divided like the pic in shows. If we get rid of racism/sexism that exists right now, capitalism will find new ways to divide people (it does this anyway of course with all the new -isms and -phobias). It's running up the down escalator. If you get rid of capitalism, solving these problems becomes easier and possible to do permanently. Why expend so much effort, that could be spent using the idpol circumstances to direct people to class/capitalism and build the left up again?

almond status: activated

you regularly use nigger and fag in public alot don't you

Why accuse other people of being "idealists" when you're evidently one yourself?

Back to Reddit, you fucking idiot.

One, I don't like autism being used as a slur (especially when it's used to describe something that has nothing to do with autism because it adds to the confusion over what it is). Two, comparing it to nigger is ridiculous. Three, my point is that using maleness as a pejorative is shitty behavior and especially ripe coming from someone who in the same sentence is asking people not to use slurs.

"bro triggers me, it's the same as being called a nigger or faggot"

Retards don't belong in the revolution.

Why did you feel the need to respond to my post in such a way as to make your side look even stupider than it already did?

Because he's probably a retarded redditor fresh from r/socialism.

I use "fag" around homosexual friends who have the minimum sense of humor to refer to themselves as "fags", yeah. Otherwise, around PC liberals I have to avoid rude words so I maintain an internal monologue ("what a bunch of stuck up faggot niggers") to be able to maintain sanity facing the word-police. It's not like I cry out "pig!" when I see a cop and don't think it.

Truly this is the ideal Anarchist.

It's just… why do you even bother?

Oh god, please kill me…..

a true professional

Mexie is hot garbage and so is intersectionality.

we should filter 'idpol' for 'empathy and basic human decency'. emotional acknowledgement of one's muh privileges may make you uncomfortable, but it is a neccesary step for any serious leftist.


we have to acknowledge white supremacy, we have to acknowledge patriarchy and heteronormativity. whys is this so hard for so many people?

It's not. Just don't call it by those words tainted by liberals.

The fuck you talking about, reddit fag?
We're right next door to Holla Forums, and you don't think we fucking know this shit?

A liberal spook.
I have yet to find one person manage to differentiate patriarchy from capitalism. Literal pareidolia of the father figure.

Either you're a troll or a retard.
Both are not worth my time.

imagine my shock

Because while white straight men could make up a large part of the ruling class, the problem will never be that they're white, male or straight.

white supremacy is systemic and we have all internalised it to a certain degree. white supremacy is present in subtle ways within all aspects of our culture and is up to us to challenge it.

this is the stupidest thing there is

"Subtle ways" and "aspects of our culture" my ass. If you're not going to bring a specific concrete struggle that requires solidarity, you're not gonna get any.

but within every class, white men are more muh privileged than their female/POC/Queer counterparts. It is important to acknowledge this because such issues cause lots of suffering to many people

The only reason it becomes systemic, is because capitalism thrives on dividing the working class.
Again, you think you're telling us shit we don't already know?

Speak for yourself

lol no it's not.
Quit being spooked by whitey.

The "white supremacy" you claim is present in subtle ways in culture is pretty much just a combination of plain old classism and tribalism.

I would argue that they have other priviIeges, not more or less

'virtue signalling' is a right wing snarl word meant to shut down any attempts at acknowledging systemic oppression

This is actually idpol
The most "decent" thing you could do is stop treating people like children and insist they must have the same autistic focus on race you have. There are people who don't actually care about race.

I am myself white

there are people who can't afford to not care about race. there are people who can't afford to not care about gender.

the culture is part of the system. muh privileges are material

I could care less about the black queer female bourgeoisie. muh privilege checking is a liberal spook. If a white homeless individual is suffering, I'm not going to tell him how he's better off than the black homeless.

I don't really care.
You're still spooked by whitey.

Oppression caused by class. If suddenly tomorrow people "acknowledged" systemic oppression on X minority it wouldn't actually stop the real systemic oppression on the class, it would just shift the focus and ultimatly the burden on a certain portion of society with capital latching on to the momentum and turning it into a "fix". Eventually you'll get a movement that focuses on removing the "nasty symbols" or "racial insensitive" parts of society to do damage to capital, in no way actually doing any damage to capital other then updating the market every so often. The movememt becomes focused on the certain qualities of the system, qualities capital is more then willing to throw back up again and subsitute new characteristics in after being torn down in an almost infinite defensive measure.

"snarl word" is an excuse not to have to engage in any discussion on concrete struggle.
Your bullshit is a waste of time even to people who face concrete oppression. You are worse than useless.

And saying you don't care about race doesn't mean you are ignoring that either. You simply think, that in a better world, it should be a non-issue in general.

Mexie pls leave.

those are also bad things so it still works

Holla Forums, where basic human decency doesn't work

Is it bad that I'm on le autism spectrum and have no problem calling something like Austrian "Economics" autistic? Literally, the Austrian School is autistic by the medical definition of the word. I should know from experience. It's not a pleasant state of mind, I hate it.

I have a lot more problems with institutional discrimination and how my status basically guarantees deprivation of certain legal rights and throws me into the lumpenproletariat by default. Also how our society reacts to mental illness in general is absolutely terrible, and it isn't all due to le capitalism (though a lot of it is - the whole field of psychiatry is filled with endless money-grubbing and since the buyer can be literally forced into paying for services abuse is inevitable).


What did you expect?

Tripfags don't deserve decency

leftypol would be in a more sympathetic position if it didn't so often conflate feminism or anti-racism with liberal idpol.

If you yourself have no problem with it then I don't see why should you be concerned about that.
When do we ever do that? :^)

He's already dropped bunkerchan.

Where is that image from?

IRCC it was still in the description when I first watched the video. Thanks for pointing that out.

Nope he's removed it. Been like that for a few months.
Coincidently he removed it around the time he started his Patreon

opposing sexism and racism is perfectly fine (unless you're an accelerationist) as holes in capitalism's veneer of meritocracy. what isn't fine, though, is to ignore the actual root of the problem (certain people, disproportionately from certain groups, have a disproportionate amount of power and thus their aesthetic preferences are given a vast amount of importance they shouldn't have, weakening the material conditions of other groups for no good reason) rather than to waste time complaining about people having aesthetic preferences in the first place

*no good reason), instead wasting time…


Ironic phrase which the retarded masses on the internet haven't even realised is ironic.


You can't even have a fucking discussion with Reddit leftist without getting tone-policed, even though you fully agree with what was said. They're fucking obnoxious.


I don't think mexie needed to be outright refuted because it seemed to me that she was either misrepresenting, or judging by her comments on muke's videos, completely missed the point of what people dislike about id pol. It honestly seemed like she saw the most extreme, retarded anti id-pol bullshit and made the video based on that, (if I remember her video correctly it was so painful to get through). Also look at her comment on Mukes vid she literally agrees with him on most of what he said, again that seems like she misunderstood idpol from the get go.

Women are more likely to be care about appearance and enjoy decorations/accessories than men. Youtube talking head as a hobby/profession amplifies this.

I think she was judging based on Holla Forums false flaggers and what not trying to capitalize on anti-idpol sentiment as a cover for racism and shit. Which is a thing people are doing. Same as you have racists being really supportive of "color blindness" because they expect people to be less critical or attentive.

i believe we should strive for the abolition of identity. even the proletariat can only free itself by abolishing itself. I came from a latin american middle class immigrant background, nonetheless i had a reactionary phase in my teens after being exposed to tumblr. the only thing that got me out was radical leftism, specially situationism. I still have relatives who are unironic Trump supporters, though. 'idpol' should not be seen as an ideology or a concrete program but as a pattern of emotional engagement. the carrousel of resentment and not being able to define oneself is exhausting.

Good point. I'd say there's plenty of ideology that goes along with it but it really is about emotions and managing alienation, isn't it? All about pointing people to the "right" problems to stop them from focusing on what's really hurting them.

the problem is both right wingers and liberal idpolers remain emotionally invested in the current system and can't think outside of it. The real Nazi masturbation fantasy is between the urban liberal middle classes and proto fascist suburbanites. both are mostly white people. We live in a world that has been completely emptied of meaning.The past is fading out of sight and the future nowhere to be seen, all we have is an eternal present of high intensity emotional resentment. Its up to us to rethink what it means to be human.

Why is Mexie's video so full of disgusting humanism.

At least Holla Forumsyps are honest about being greedy sociipaths.

Let's assume your arguable premise is true. The entire argument of those practising explicit identity politics is that they need to band together on the basis of shared identity for mutual protection. You're argument therefore implies that those "frustrated young males" have felt a similar need to band together for protection from the other identity politics factions. Therefore you are directly implying that those claiming the current crop of identity politics generated renaissance of the alt-right and similar fascist groupings (such as Sargon of Akkad) are entirely correct.

It's somewhat more complicated. all identity politics both left and right partakes in the same economy of resentment. We have to find a way to break away from the cycle and channel all alienation towards revolutionary ends.

the left should not reject frustration, it should use it to its own advantage. much of 'identity politics' assumes the current order would be fine if it wasn't due to some nebulous concept of 'bigotry'. Identity politics does not represent subjects, it creates them. thats why corporations are so interested on recuperating identity. It is a way of creating new normative subjects linked to capitalist and pro system interests.

tired: desiring socialists of all stripes to band together to build a socialist movement
wired: desiring socialists to band together with anti‐socialists to build ???

if you want socialism for its own sake you aren’t a socialist whitey

this is the stupidest shit I've read today

Buttblasted autist detected.

The vast majority of nu-Holla Forums are ex-GamerGators who are going through a phase and will go back to being right wing reactionaries at the drop of a hat

the 'idpolers' in here seem more characterised by a vague sense of superiority than by their actual beliefs. it's all about ancient internet grudges.

stop looking at things in terms of 'privilege'. isn't that your complaint about your opponents? Misery is universal under late capitalism, instead of playing oppression olympics and resenting the competition, face the real enemy, that is, capitalism.

thx for this

You have to go back.

0:30 - Mexie opens by talking about her PhD. In all likelihood she's not going to be spending her life scrubbing toilets or getting sworn a over the phone, is she?

2:30 - Starts claiming that dissenters do not understand her ideas and implying they are stupid and horrible people, rather than having made an assessment of her ideas and come to different conclusions. This is one of the commonest rhetorical strategies used by feminists to belittle critical opinion.

4:00 - Asserts all dissent from her position is either argument from ignorance or reactionary. Starts moaning about reading feminist theory, which is complete misdirection: you don't need to read Raymond's The Transexual Empire to conclude that the way it's been used to justify poor treatment of transpeople in feminist circles is rather shit. Feeling irritated.

4:20 - "If you hate bourgeois feminism, I'm with you!". Then claiming how it's not about more female CEOs and andf supporting Hillary. Problem: I've seen a popular trans intersectional feminist make exactly the opposite claims regarding Hillary, can post links if anyone would like to go to kiwi farms. This is coming over as an attempt to ingratiate.

5:10 - Wikipedia's editing polices call this an "I didn't hear that". The fact that Mexie claims to to have seen such things do not mean that they did not occur or that they were not the majority consensus at the time.

5:25 - "Idpol means a lot of things". Looking to maximize what you have available as idpol in order ro advance the most reasonable positions in a Motte and Bailey strategy, Mexie?

5:30 - "Blue haired freak on a street corner". Or on twitter. There are a LOT of these people, all advancing the same talking points in the same manner as the blue hair freak. Enough to persuade me that the reactionaries don't need to invent their numerous examples of people behaving like this and these "crazy people" are, in fact, the majority of "intersectional feminism". Actually feeling angry as Mexie's direct attempt to claim these people are a fringe and do not understand her ideas isn't looking very convincing and quite dishonest. Furthermore, we're over 20% into this video and she's still trying to set up a frame rather than advancing arguments.

5:35 - ShoeOnHead's video about about crazy feminists in flower crowns enters my mind…

6:10 - "How many crazed idiots do we have to denounce?". As expected, Mexie is trying to cast this as a fringe element. No, Mexie, as I've remarked, the evidence points that this is not few, it is many and probably most.

6:18 - Advances argument about antifa, as though many of us haven't been made far more discerning and critical in support of those actions given the brainless actions of black clad LARPers. In both cases, she's conflating a princple with some of its adherents. Still she's actually started making an argument now.

6:50 - Utterly disingenous argument about encountering these sorts of people in life. I don't meet any nazis in real life, either. Does that mean nazis do not exist, Mexie? Or is it that people don't generally announce their radical political ideas when you meet them in the street? Am rapidly forming the opinion Mexie is engaged in sophistry.

6:55 - Back to trying to disavow the existence of the horde we've all seen. Openly remarks on the self-evident point that the reactionaries are cherry-picking their examples for propaganda purposes, as though those examples are not simply representative of the horde everyone has seen.

7:10 - "That's not actual politics". That seems to be their praxis, Mexie. Perhaps you should tell them, not us.

7:40 - As expected, Mexie is depolying the Motte and Bailey. I doubt any regular poster on this board, bar perhaps the odd NazBol, is in favour of discrimination.

7:45 - "We should ally with these people!". The blue haired freaks are not interested, Mexie. Their immediate end goals are "diversity and inclusion" not socioeconomic change. Many are actively hostile to socioeconomic change. I've tried working with such people and their commitment to "diversity and inclusion" was, in my experience, strongly and detrimentally prioritized over all other considerations.

8:00 - Some of the worst of those """crazies""" I've seen are transpeople. Furthermore, you might want to note that the neoliberal political system is already quite happy to engage with your social issues, Mexie.

8:05 - "First Nations", because supporting ethnonationalists who want to implement their own variant of the Madacasar Plan and use rhetoric that European nazi parties use as copy and paste arguments is fine is they're brown.

8:35 - The Motte and Bailey appears again with abortion rights. Seeing an intersectional feminist talk about these tends to be like hen's teeth…

8:55 - As a man, I am absolutely not getting involved in any sort of discussion, action or anything else to do with womens bodies, as it is not my place to tell women what to do with their bodies in any way. For Mexie to demand male involvement on this matter shows just how disingenous her arguments are.